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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm IRST

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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world. today, in tonight's program, we are going to host mr. sami al-arian, a former professor at the university of south florida and the current director of the center for islam and global relations , as well as mr. abdul ali hamiuddin, a member of the maghreb parliament and a professor of political science at muhammad v university. first, but we will see the last images of the food on the 20th day of the genocide.
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i and my children are under the belt of fire, banjari and najari, and people will die in front of us . kathir sey means nahn banjri. i am the children of our legs
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, we are tired of our bodies, we don't look at the mystics, where are our bodies, don't we go to see how we tire our nerves , how we worry, how we explain it , don't be a bad philosopher , even if our eyes are full of tears. because of this, the jabalia camp in the north of the gaza strip witnessed the most intense attacks today. it was the zionist regime in the attacks
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on this camp, when the zionists ordered its evacuation , a number of them, including eight children, were martyred. in gaza city, the bombardment of a house resulted in the martyrdom and wounding of a number of people, including 9 children. treatment staff and reporters were other targets of the attacks. in the south of the gaza strip, the attacks on rafah killed at least 16 palestinians and injured a number of others. the zionist army also destroyed the remaining buildings of the destroyed rafah airport.
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and al-maghazi camp in the center of the gaza strip was also targeted by shelling. according to the palestinian ministry of health, the number of martyrs in the gaza strip reached 35 thousand 34 people and the number of wounded reached 78 thousand 755. the deputy secretary general of the united nations also said that the war in gaza it has reached a dangerous stage and has become a disgrace to humanity. i apologize to the chief of staff the zionist army said: the army has no strategy in the war in gaza and all operations are fruitless and disappointing. referring to the attack on jabalia, hertz holloway added, "we had to
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repeat our own operations in different areas of gaza many times to destroy the power of the hamas infrastructure , but these efforts are fruitless." the chief of staff of the army of the zionist regime said that there is no political movement for a power other than hamas to rule the gaza strip. before this, the media of the zionist regime reported a deep disagreement between the commanders of the army and the security institutions with the prime minister of this regime over the continuation of the war in the strip. gaza had reported.
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in the continuation of anti-zionist demonstrations in american cities, including in universities. they were university professors. in new york, the police arrested 100 people by attacking the demonstrators. student protests have also affected university graduation ceremonies. some universities , including columbia and southern california , have canceled the ceremony at berkeley university. students supporting palestine
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chanted slogans in support of palestine at the graduation ceremony. at the university of texas, after the graduation ceremony , a number of students held a demonstration in support of palestine. also at the university of virginia hundreds of students and professors left the graduation ceremony to protest the association of this university with the zionist regime. reuters news agency reported that american police in florida used tear gas and pepper spray to disperse peaceful demonstrations of supporters of palestine. according to this report, most of these demonstrators
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were women and some children were also present. when the crowd asks what are you arresting for while the crowd starts chanting police to the crowd. pepper sprinkled then they crossed the fence line and put on gas masks. preparing for they were tear gas. this was while a crowd of women and children were standing peacefully in the park and chanting only. and now we will see a collection of images of what happened in the last 24 hours in different parts of the world to support palestine and the people of gaza. guys, you got to leave now, leave now or your college, leave now,
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let's go, okay? it's not just a campaign to kill human lives, it is also an attempt to destroy palestine, dina barn är össä mina, dina barn.
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mohammad khairuddin assam albarash majid kashkoev.
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a new world formed after al-aqsa storm and we are witnessing it. new examples and symbols of these changes are the demonstrations that are taking place in america and various parts of europe, especially in universities, for examination. most of this new world
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will be hosted by mr. sami al-arian, former professor of the university of south florida, as well as mr. abdul ali hamiuddin, professor of political science from the maghreb, and former member of the maghreb parliament. first , i will start the conversation with mr. al-arian, mr. al-arian, you have a long history of struggle. part of these struggles within america. and we incurred costs because of it, at first i am happy that briefly tell us about the history of struggles and events that the police and the government of this country brought on you in america, then enter into a conversation with the imitation of the history of american universities in historical terms.
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it has a history and a past related to issues related to america and affecting its policies. especially the issues related to american weapons and everything, please forgive me , i had added a question to the conversation at the beginning. the past for them. no, that is, after september 11, 2001, i was attacked by the zionist lobby when i was in university, and i was teaching in some universities
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and i was dismissed . and i complained that these things shouldn't happen and i was imprisoned for 5 years and my trial continued for about 6 months , but i was not actually convicted of any charges. they tried to try me again in another state. i was about 6 i faced the same charges in that state under house arrest until i left america, but the issue is related to now thank you very much for my activities related to the palestinian issue, especially in universities and the university environment. during this time, in the same university where you taught for years, the university of south florida
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, we also witnessed student protests and police actions. how did you feel about this? ? where you were active for many years, now the young generation of students have come to the stage to demonstrate for palestine and are ready to pay rome's heavy costs for it. unfortunately, the zionist forces can be found in the administrative councils of universities. councils related to the university and university community management councils what we saw was really hysterical and insane . it was an insane action and we see it in universities that
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are subjected to repression. south had been happening for about 15 years until the policies of the students wanted to cut off investment and impose embargoes and non-cooperation with the zionists, but the zionists who are now committing murders and they actually want this cooperation, and they demonstrations and improvements and gatherings and demands. what do you think about these student protests around the world, especially in america and europe?
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what is happening today in the united states of america and its universities and universities in europe is a great transformation and transformation because in addition to the amount of anger that is taking place in the palestinian lands from the aggression against the regime against the palestinians from children and women and in addition, civilian targets and hospitals take place. in this way , they are inverting for the american people, including for the students today, we can say that the efforts of the zionist regime and the narratives in the past 70 years, the zionists
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have collapsed to the end of the al-aqsa storm operation. it has not reached, and as a result of the insight and intelligence of the people, the intelligence that they recognize sarh from nazareth, and we are aware of the inner truths of human truths and moral truths of human beings, and from this reason and approach , they condemn the war crimes that have been committed during 740 years. there has been silence and this uprising happens after 40 years.
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there is something interesting and unique in these inclusive gatherings, there is a special slogan that is heard everywhere, the slogan of the freedom of palestine from the sea to the river, which means that the whole of palestine should be freed, and the youth of the people is the solution. israel and the formation of a single palestinian state . what do you think about this aspect of the story and this particular slogan? this shows a complete truth because the insight and awareness of the students is actually beyond these solutions and they
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are against the agreements that were against the palestinians throughout history . zionists take action and emphasize that even the two-state solution was supported in the following years and they justify the actions of the zionist regime and the western governments. they were jews, in fact the zionists were formed based on the balfour promise. and these zionist gangs dominated the palestinian lands , which had no history in them at all, but belonged to the palestinians, and
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they displaced about a million, perhaps more than the inhabitants, and in fact , they turned to the comparison and distortion of history, which is also against the palestinians. by changing the names of cities and villages with arabic names. and putting hebrew names on the list were trying to distort history, but now we are witnessing an approach based on reality in american universities and american society. recently, they came to the conclusion that the narrative of the zionist regime is based on myth and falsehood and is not true, and it is the cause of this uprising, which is actually the cause of insight for the rest of the world.
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we are facing a criminal occupier working in a place where it does not belong and for this reason. the arab and islamic nations were freed from the domination of the french and the british, and after that , they were freed from colonialism in afghanistan, maghreb, algeria, tunisia, libya, and other places, and now it is the turn of the palestinians, and they became aware of this fact. now it is necessary for palestine to rise up it is necessary to get rid of this cruel occupier. thank you, mr. erian, what do you think about this slogan of palestinian freedom from sea to river, which has become widespread? a few months ago, we had a survey at harvard university
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. 51 people said that the solution to the palestinian issue is not two countries, but the complete freedom of palestine . what do you think that a palestinian state will be completely formed in the same borders of 1948? it has a meaning for the american government itself, that now the main obstacle to the formation of the palestinian state is the two-state solution that it said it would veto in the security council, not even the same. let's find a solution. with these vetoes and what they are doing , aren't the americans destroying their own two-state solution and sending a message to the whole world that that solution will not work and now public opinion has come to the side of complete freedom .
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and this support given by the american government , with weapons and all kinds of financial and political support, and all kinds of support for it , all of this has aroused the awareness of the nations , that's why i can say what is happening today is a revolution and uprising in america and in
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european capitals. it has moved people on the path of righteousness right and good and justice. we must now say that against crime. a colonial and occupying settlement movement and occupation
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is a racist annihilator and superior, hostile and aggressor. today, everyone stood up against the zionist movement and the zionist regime and emphasized that people should be freed from river to river, and this means the decline of this regime with all its racism and all its aggression is that we will all in 7 months or maybe. we have seen most of it, no human being who has good inside himself and smelled of humanity can watch the killing of children, women and infants in this way. the brutal brutality of the regime that really seeks to destroy life and the life of this regime.
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because muslims and jews do not have enmity , muslims only have problems with zionist aggression and hostility. thank you very much mr. erian . we will talk about the direction that biden is going. as a result of the use of this bomb and other methods used to attack population centers , civilians were killed in gaza.


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