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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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at the beginning, the arabs succeed in advancing, but the united nations quickly intervenes and declares a cease-fire, the war stops, israel quickly imports weapons and ammunition and changes the scene of the battle , the war is defeated, and the territories they are occupied again. the arabs are defeated. according to historians and researchers, genocide occurred in 1948. there are no exact statistics. at least 13 thousand people were killed. the victims were buried in mass groups and many bodies were hidden by the zionists. from one million palestinian muslims, gradually others
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palestinians are also forced to leave their homes, the rich and the poor are all displaced. we have to understand what happened in 1948, imagine half of the population of a country was forcefully expelled, half of the villages of the country were destroyed.
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they do. men are separated from women. they kidnap a girl from the crowd. the girl's uncle complains. they kill him on the spot. nearby, that girl is desecrated. then they kill the men in the fence. and the group kills everyone. a genocide also occurs in this village. the situation is the same in other regions is the way killing and looting has started. the fate of people is not clear. the remaining people are at the peak of hardship and sadness. forced exodus begins throughout palestine. a trail of tears remains. a civilization is going to destruction and
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the land is usurped from its owners. for this reason, the 14th day of may 1948 is named as nakbat day. after the exodus of people, those who have nowhere to go remain in the occupied areas and experience life under the zionist rule. these arabs have 48 names. witnesses of the genocides of 1948. gradually, immigrants arrive. they seize the properties of muslims and steal and
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appropriate everything that is left as their own. in the 1950s, the egyptian government decided not to renew the british contract to control the suez canal. this is a prelude to dealing with israel. england does not understand this and attacks the egyptian forces. in 1956, the egyptian government nationalized the suez canal . this is a wise move. and egypt's decision is final. 3 months later england, france and israel are preparing for war. the war begins with israel's attack . with egyptian resistance and international measures, war it ends quickly.
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the war of 1956 did not bring anything to israel. a fire burns under the ashes in 1967. israel suddenly attacks egypt. the egyptian army was surprised. what the egyptian forces are doing, although it comes with a lot of courage, but
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it does nothing. egyptian soldiers are surrounded in the sinai desert. israel takes revenge. egyptian soldiers are massacred. after egypt, the rest of the arab countries also fail. as a result, israel occupies more land . the main factor in the defeat of the arabs was the american support for advanced telecommunication equipment and espionage activities was. more important than that was the fate of palestine. after the war, the area of ​​israel triples. many are displaced and the rest of the people are trapped in israel. a lot of sadness has dominated the arabs. in
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1967, the united nations passed a resolution to allow israel to withdraw from the occupied territories . but israel makes the rest of the occupied territories conditional. their condition is the recognition of israel. this is vital for them. on the other hand, the arabs emphasize three issues . no peace, no dialogue and no recognition of israel. after 3 years of the six day war, israel will not return any of the occupied territories . they make excuses. for example, the sinai desert is not returned to egypt under the pretext of israel's security. for this reason, in 1973, egypt and syria attacked the sinai desert and the golan heights, respectively , to take back their lands by force. in the beginning, war is accompanied by victories. but
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with the direct intervention of america, the fate of the war changes . the war ends with the defeat of the arabs. in the year 197. egyptian president anversadat visits israel at the peak of disbelief. conversations begin. a year later, the negotiations will be concluded. egypt surrenders. the camp david agreement is signed. in camp david, it is decided to withdraw israel from gaza and the west bank of the jordan river in exchange for peace in order to prepare the ground for a self-governing government in these areas.
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always disappear. in the 70s, everything was in favor of israel. consecutive victories, success, after success. there was no mention of the israeli community. what was seen were the victories of the army. while in the heart of society, strange things were happening. which was in conflict with human concepts. after the war, thousands of people immigrate to the occupied territories, including yemenis. those accommodation in temporary camps are given different people, male and female, old and young, attend the camps. women have come with children and minors. immediately, medical examinations begin. doctors under the pretext of more detailed examinations. some take children with them.
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they are said to return the next day. but the next day there is no news about the children. those children never. they do not return. families follow the issue. but something strange happens. your children are said to be missing. are not. for a while then another news is announced to them: your children are dead and the cause of death is never known not announced. yemeni children were sick and tired before being sent to the hospital. but on the way to the hospital , they say goodbye to the world of childhood forever. the number of missing persons peaks in 1953. it is said that almost 5 thousand people disappeared. after a while, a fact-finding committee will be formed. research does not bring any specific results.
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the fate of the children is not known. worse than that is the functioning of the committees themselves, who lose a series of documents in each period of document review and leave no trace. children's documents disappear like themselves. over time, secrets are revealed and what happened to the children is clear. children may have been subjected to unknown medical experiments. the place of experiments was haifa city hospital. doctors had tried different methods of treatment on children's bodies. including direct injection of dry protein. they were used as laboratory mice. in one case , dry protein was given to four yemeni children who were suffering from malnutrition. in the case of
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yemeni children, there were even worse cases , unethical and inhumane cases, theft of body parts, body parts of yemeni children were stolen and they had a bitter fate for them, but how many it is not known in any way whether the children were born in this way. the story of yemeni children grieves many families. but the crime against children was not only for yemeni immigrants. immigrant families even from the balkan region were involved with this issue. the depth of the disaster was much greater than what was disclosed by the media. in fact, in israeli society, those who
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had a weaker position were harassed more than others. traces of racism were clearly seen in the case of yemeni children. the authorities were trying to normalize the situation show off but the events that happened indicated many divisions and ruptures in the israeli society. to express their solidarity with the palestinian protesters , in a symbolic act, they severed their ties with the university
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, and the organizers clearly stated that if a commitment is not made to fulfill their demands, the occupation of the university will continue . and of course, very soon , the organizers of the protest camp told a news conference on monday morning about the talks with the university. if all they promise us are promises of bureaucracy, none of us can trust them because we know that such promises are denied immediately. the protest camp is now in its second week and the protestors did not stop short of their demands. they want to end the university's relations with israel and ask the university to stop any investment in israeli companies. the believers also asked the university to cut off all scientific and educational relations with israeli universities. when
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we raised our request with the university management, their definitive answer was no. why does the university of toronto think it is higher than the united nations? why do you think it is beyond international law. instead, the university proposed to form a special working group to meet the students' demands regarding the disclosure and stop of investment in israeli companies. but the organizers of the protest movement say that such a promise does not work. it may be progress and it may waste our time. the university said that they have nothing to do as long as the protest camp is peaceful, but the believers are on their word and have set a new time for the university administration to fulfill their demands. this is what we want from the university of toronto is to hand over his obligations until the end of the year, that is , at the same time that the board of governors of the university enters the
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summer term. in a situation where the two sides seem to be still. graduate students also supported the demonstrators in a bold statement . we contacted the university and asked them to explain what the students say they have questions about. but we did not receive a response until the time of broadcasting this report. but on the university's website, there are no details about the one-day meeting with protesting students on saturday. they will not disclose. organizers of the protest movement they say that it is not clear when the next round of talks will be held. the leap year of production with the participation of people shows a corner of the capabilities of
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iranian female artists in the field of production and entrepreneurship. we wanted to show this exhibition to the children. motivate them so that they can do better things and when farooq gets an education , they can have an income for themselves. offer and sell our game and make money it's called "ganj gashbeh " . we are hiding a treasure . this game is for four players . they are divided into two groups of two. the game is actually your own invention. yes , we played this game as a group. we had found the children of the twelfth grade, i designed a mockup of oil and
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you designed two group games. yes, stay alive. your name is zovari. 10th grade, we designed a mockup with the mockup game, what is the mockup produced for moblo thank you for the chair and this. hello , don't be bored. i'm rehane ramzi. i'm in the 10th grade of accounting . this is what you prepared for us from the beginning to the end of making paper and design materials. it shows us what we've done for these three years. meet us after the kids work. for embroidering, felting, etc., you need blindfolds, and you need sorrel, mint sweat, and dried fruits that you can make by yourself . for your work, you cannot start the business with about 200,000 tomans, as long as you have a strong will and a strong motivation. foods are all your business
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yes, 10th grade children are completely mastered in the field of cooking and they can do this easily , and the products, each of which is a narration of one of the arts and skills of the girls of iranzmin. we made a mock-up of a bank that is smaller and looks like a real bank. in this game, we designed the questions on one side and the answers on the other side. if you do the question plus the answer correctly, this light will turn on. we did the leather work with natural leather and artificial leather, and we also have the t-shirts, we can see that we printed it ourselves , the sewing is completely done by ourselves, zero to 10 efficiency. my art is resin, it's true that we didn't have it , but we did it with the help of our teacher , we didn't have the raw materials, it wasn't in our field , it wasn't part of our field, but our teacher taught us the flower workshop at the request of the students. we had a plant workshop in the flower workshop. we raised plants and we have a tailoring workshop where
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we made scarves, mini scarves, scarves, etc. from the 10th year, when they enter this field, our children learn to sew all kinds of skirts, pants and dresses for themselves, and they also learn the patterns. therefore, in the 11th year, children reach a degree to wear whatever they like for themselves. children learn how the lessons they study can bring them into the job market in a practical way. we will cooperate with the department of education, so that we can consider these works for sale. where did these things reach mango production? amp production is not that way, but high circulation , yes, for example, products like pixel, yes , for example, thousands of them can be printed for them, and it will sell 350 people. it is important for female students to display their artistic products in the exhibition of iran's lady of the earth until the first of june mehrabi of the sed and sima news agency
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was the first national festival of jihadi teachers as an excuse to celebrate their faithful help in less fortunate areas. in this ceremony, 24 selected jihadi teachers were honored with a statue and plaque of the islamic revolutionary guard corps. if a teacher of love is combined with jihad, our mission is complete. by the grace of god , our jihadi children have been able to renovate and renovate 8 schools and renovate and renovate about 500 classrooms, and provide supplies and equipment for underprivileged students in delfan region, which is part of lorestan province. let's do free consultation discussion for students who need counseling and planning , as well as quran memorization classes
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for free, leisure classes for free for students, we were able to hold free counseling and reinforcement classes for students, as well as health work that we could for families. equip it with sanitary ware using the capacity. we were able to attract a purchase of 2 billion tomans for the asphalt of the school, to build an iso school , to paint and paint the walls of the school. the problems of students , we did various projects, including the ehsan education and training project in bakhtiari estanmal, the ehsan danesh project, which explained the special worksheets for the elementary level , and the ehsan kancheh project, which is special for preschoolers, which cannot be used as it is now due to lack of financial ability. sign up in preschool. we
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have implemented these projects for needy students in bazo district as well as in farsan city of chaharmal bakhtiari province. we enter the field of jihad at any time in villages in places that need help , especially their students. it is the best feeling to we are shaking hands and we may not be able to express them at all, to describe, to describe , i can't give any explanation, i have no description for the feeling we have with deprived children in deprived places at that time. the jihad of imran skill and abadi, jihad of explanation and jihad of religious service had been active in the recent meeting where the supreme leader said something to the educators: you should introduce yourself as exemplary teachers and your will as heroes. this festival is in the same direction and the result of this motivation
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is more to discuss sacrifice and charity and to solve the system of problems it is education. my dear colleagues , our jihadist teachers in all the border areas, when they enter those areas and serve the dear students, they have the same sweet smile. the knowledge of our students is the greatest investment for our jihadi teachers and fortunately this is happening in the province with the efforts of the jihadi camp at the country level , teachers are being identified as a network and these services are available thanks to the islamic republic it is spreading in deprived areas, according to the minister of education , there are now more than 15 thousand jihadist groups in the country. they are busy serving a message also, showing this jihadist spirit and the peaks of the field of jihad in education and training in this field
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of education because of the pure culture that governs the country's education and training system, well, it is a leader in fields such as real events such as floods, earthquakes, etc. from the nature of jihad, explanation in events such as preventing school dropouts and really dealing with students' issues in issues such as dealing with disease issues and healthcare issues . the poster of jihadi teachers is waiting to be unveiled, waiting for attention the social role of teachers in leading jihadi and popular movements as well as promoting the culture of faithful service was one of the goals of this ceremony. mohammad ebrahim pakzad of sed and cima news agency.
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if there is no martyr, the eyes of tears will dry up, hearts will become stone and will not break again, if there is no martyr, the memory of the righteous sun will be forgotten in the sunset and the eternal devil will conquer the earth.
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we have built a house for you so that you can come and see it , this is called an installment purchase, come as you want , show the house, different accessories of every model and name , don't worry about buying. you have cool things, so what happened? installment purchase , whatever you want, big iranian salon in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only tehran branch in sarah afsariyeh. hello, i am here to introduce you to the door washing agent, but i said that i must try it myself first. do you want to start with the fact that laksh has been feeling bad for a few days? let's see if it removes this stain. it turned out that we have a
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washing machine around you. it needs a great cleaning and stain remover. oh, it's a shame. it was last year. i would have bought a refrigerator. if we were to go back, i would have changed the tv last year. i was renovating the house at all.
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welcome. parliament agreed to close offices on saturday. if approved by the guardian council , government and administrative services will not be provided on saturdays. official holiday has not been added. our official holiday is friday. but this work is only suitable for those who are obliged to work the rest of the country's economy.


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