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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm IRST

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today, wherever you are , we are at the service of two dignitaries, mr. dr. abolfazl nasiri, director general of the registration of companies , non-governmental institutions, and mr. mohammad pirzadeh, director general of the majlis of power. judiciary, but our time on the one tv channel has ended . here, i say goodbye to the dear viewers of khabar nimrozeh, and if you are interested, please follow us on the khabar channel.
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well, we are still proudly at your service with a higher program, mr. nasir, if you allow us to start with mr. pirzadeh, because our question corresponds to the field in which he operates. dear mr. pirzadeh , could you please tell me if this removal of the law contained in this law caused us to witness that after about 30 years, this law was not implemented as it should have been, or there is no problem with the law. allah, the merciful, the merciful. in the name of god, life and wisdom, who do not pass this superior thought, i offer my greetings, courtesy and respect to dear viewers all over the country and dear countrymen abroad who are watching this program . i congratulate hakim ferdowsi on his birthday today. today or yesterday 25 actually ardibehesht was the day of the persian language and
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the preservation of the persian language was considered on the occasion of the birthday of hakim abolqasem ferdowsi. well, this shows that in the system of the islamic republic of iran , among the culture-loving people, the preservation of the persian language is very important. in fact, the calendar is considered to be a year in the name of persian language. i hope that god willing, this occasion and these programs will strengthen the preservation of the persian language, which is indeed a memory of the good elders and ancestors of our society. it is said that farsi is not only about a language and its linguistic issues. rather, we
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are talking about the deep historical roots, rich civilization and valuable culture of a nation during various works with all its ups and downs. literary greats, especially abulqasem ferdowsi , are the main guardians of this sweet and authentic language, and we hope, god willing, that we will also respect this language in our own society through legislation. and art in fact and preservation in fact of our ancestors, we can move forward in this direction, what is the subject of the program and the question of his highness, with the importance that the persian language has in our ancient culture, we must let's see if it is commensurate with this importance, commensurate with this respect that we have to use authentic and sweet language . let's put our own farsi in the legislative system, in
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the legal system, whether it is the constitution or the ordinary law , could we actually recognize this dignity and status, or finally, if we recognized it, could we implement it , could we actually implement it? in fact , let's move in the direction that in the passage of time, in the head of development, in fact , science and technology in the direction of cultural invasion and cultural conflicts that have arisen as a result of development in human society , has this originality been preserved or not? well, if we look the constitution, in fact, as a fundamental law in the islamic republic of iran, an important and fundamental principle is provided in the constitution, which is article 15 of the law. it is fundamental, what does principle 15
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say that this is actually a kind of road light and a kind of rail for all the elements of the system, in fact the executive bodies and even the people as citizens who should be based on the constitution which is derived from the votes and opinions of the people. the recognition of principle 15 says that the official and common language and script of the people of iran is farsi. well, this is actually a fundamental document that should be respected based on the principles in the law. essentially, or in fact, a constitutional view of the persian language debate, we are faced with. the law prohibiting the use of foreign titles and terms in 1375. well, this is the only article in 1375. i would like to share with you several comments, about 10
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of which have actually been approved by the islamic council . what can be learned from this law and what is actually we want mughnen's opinion to be examined and until the article is actually approved, the standard of action for all people, executive bodies and institutions , whether in the private sector or the government, they have duties and responsibilities, they must follow it if we culture let's build in the field of respecting the law and providing information in the real sense. and in a way , we should have this concern for the original language, in fact , our own farsi, which is the memory of our ancestors and ancestors
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, and in fact, it is actually iranian. if it exists, but it does not have good executives , or culture is not created, or people are not really concerned about it, naturally, the law will not be implemented, but if the law is bad, or if the law does not actually exist, then the people should adhere to it culturally. to those beliefs, in fact, they are traditional, naturally , you can have positive effects, we don't have a legal loophole , the law is perfect. what is the constitution, what is the ordinary law, what is the executive decree, does this concern actually exist among the different elements of different departments or not? as an example, of course, this law, which is the constitution that was voted by the people , the ordinary law since 1975, the executive decree in in 1978
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, i would like to serve you for about two years in the last year and a half, for example, one of the pillars or executive bodies in which in the last two and a half years we are witnessing a program called the protection of the persian language or the standard language standard in television, in the real sense among the public opinion. among the different classes of society, among the officials, this as a mechanism and a criterion. there is a plumb line or a program that controls statements, statements, speeches, and writings. just two days ago, in the public hall of the parliament, the honorable speaker, on a matter of fact , once again
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declared that it was an idiom, and that this matter is in fact contrary to us. in fact, facing the standard program, i want to see that in fact, the issue of culture formation is a great concern and a priority.
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first of all, i would like to say hello to the dear viewers and you , and i congratulate you on the decade of dignity and i congratulate the dear ones of the academy of language and literature. farsi and all those who are trying for the second language of the islamic world, especially for dear iranians, in connection with this matter, i first have a request from you, respected moderator , please respect the time justice this time, almost the same time as you say to me with mr. doctor. i told you that we will come back soon let me tell you for a minute that this law has many loopholes and is not comprehensive. can you show me your programs ? we see this report , we will come back, we are at the service of mr. nasiri, as he continues his talk. inserting cultural names on the front of
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shops, stores and business units. an action based on the law prohibiting the use of illegal foreign names, titles and terms in the intellectual property sector is one of our dangerous and accident-prone bottlenecks in the field. an issue that the intellectual property center of the real estate registration organization did not fall under its burden. we also we are not the licensing authority in this regard. the authorities that are in this regard, such as asalaf chambers for example or the ministry of related houses, are the ones who issue the final permit. it is there we did not give him a registration number, not now.
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the ministry of guidance's advertisement and information statement also confirmed this issue. we see that some guilds issue business licenses without considering compliance with the laws and referring to the sardarab system. the matter is from the secretary of the board we followed up the excellent supervision of trade unions. we made it clear that when our unions want to obtain a license , they must guide the applicants for a license to the trade unions , for the signs and the title of their signs, they must go to the system of the head of the trade unions that the ministry of guidance has actually designed, and they must have the iranian title. use the names of the products available in the market , such as the front of the shops and stores , the products that, according to the law prohibiting the use of foreign names and terms, must be sent to the market with persian names and letters. which can be consumed in iran, it must have
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farsi, it should be written in farsi, why don't you buy it? why, definitely, which sect? why do i take it easier? the persian language and literature academy says that meetings and discussions with production companies and the officials of the food and drug organization are inconclusive. meeting 25 1401 , big companies that produce products that have cultural names, we also made promises with the food and drug organization in 2013 and 1400, but unfortunately, we have not seen any effect in these meetings and discussions. from the ministry of health, whose subsidiary organization, food and drug, approves licenses with foreign names and letters it seems that we have followed up on the issue. the food and drug organization has formed a committee, the names that are suggested for the special license will be checked first, and foreign names will be rejected. ministry of the side, which is one of the main institutions. i believe that the solution of this problem requires the cooperation of all the institutions in charge of how to deal with
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units like this and the act of protecting the persian language and honoring the persian language, in fact, it is a violation to say that only the union is not only the union. there is also the ministry of guidance and the police force. now, the advertising space of the streets, signs and packaging of goods indicate that the law prohibits the use of names, titles and foreign terms has not been implemented as it should be. well, thank you to my dear friend , dear mr. jalodarian, for preparing this report. you are the company's registration and you are the head of the shops with instructions, but anyway, because we will determine the names for you. it may create an environment for business owners
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to use this, for example, why we have seen a report now, why this law has not been implemented after almost 28 years and it seems to be a problem. this is that there is no guarantee of implementation of the law . first of all, thank you for the good report. first of all, we are the dear ones who tried to portray the single article in 1375. he should be thankful, but it is not a reason that a law was approved once, it will continue forever. at that time, there was no virtual space, mr. shaimmir. at that time, the issue of businessmen and production was not as advanced as it is now. at that time , our total number of companies was around 800,000. now , we have 2,110,000 companies. so how much do we have? we have persian words to use. yes , in my opinion, first of all, it was a good time that
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i was present in this meeting of the representative businessmen in the image of this law. for the past 28 years, we also have a problem in terms of legislation. article 6 has a problem. i would like to say that article 15 has a problem. can you please give me one? i will tell you. article 15 is included in the regulations of this law. it says that if a device determines the name with the applicant has a dispute, for example, he came to the company's office and says, "i want to get a name. for example, suppose harmony, which is a foreign word, says mr. iranian." my idea. we say no, it's foreign, it's french. at this time , we have to inquire with the academy . this law says that you have up to 3 months to respond. well, according to the requirements we have in international trade, we have brought the establishment to less than a day for the businessman has an hour and an hour, but he has time to answer our letter in 3 months, which means
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he has to run, even though zbanasi academy has tried hard. give me an answer. one of the problems of the law is that it could legally be kept for 3 months . well, they will remove this vacuum. we will no longer say that iran has a total law. this is our removal now in the program. the inspection that will be held this week by the judiciary will determine the name intelligently, which means that the businessman can determine his name in 40 seconds, which means you will tell him that you can get it, or that you need a license, or that we will help him with the same email. two weeks. the week will be delayed, he wants to sell his product to the market , bring people to do business, well, one of his problems is this, mr. nasri, if a name comes up, like the example you gave, harmony, and it is french, and you are sure that this is a cultural word, do you still need to inquire ? or not, you can answer for us we say it is not possible, if the party insists, he says no, in my opinion, it is possible out of respect for the client
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. we really thank and congratulate mr. haddad adel and his team who helped a lot, but they will answer us within two weeks, for example, or they will answer in 3 weeks, but for this businessman, i said one hour and one hour, if a businessman who insists for a the cultural name, well, now , i could have predicted it, sir, you should answer a web service, have a bank, well, this is the removal of this. it's one thing, if you want me to speak one more time , then tell me how much mr. pirzadeh has spoken. yes, i will. the second time my legislation has not yet reached the executive is that i said in this law because it was 28 years ago, 28 years ago there was virtual space. there is no such thing as now, you don't see at all that sir, now we are in different channels of messages of different iranian and foreign media and e-commerce . look now, many businesses
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are done through electronic means. let 's confirm, reject, warn. field and actually practical by implementing this they are actually struggling with the law, which naturally may have some concerns, but i would like to say that what mr. doctor is actually doing now seems to be a questioning of the law, or as it is known, this is all there are implementation problems or some kind of coordination between the institutions. if these are the true meaning of the will that i expressed in the first part , there are actually petitions in the institutions responsible for these
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matters. the law has a view that the constitution has , if they consider all these as their own concerns of course, many of these problems and issues can actually be solved by implementation. as an example, if it is assumed that friends have an inquiry from an authority that is foreseen as a legal authority and the main authority here in the persian literature academy, well, if we want to check the law itself, the law has actually stated its own ruling in this field and there is no legal loophole . what does note d say? the note of a persian language academy should be on based on the principles and criteria of its cause for the required words, with the priority of the words that
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are in general use, it should choose or create words in cooperation with scientific centers and report its activities to the culture commission of the parliament every 6 months. declare the relevant fact. well, if. i would like to tell you that we are committed to this rule of law, the rule of law should be implemented in the true sense of the word, naturally, we have so much time and this issue , mr. doctor, now in the interpretation of two of the same article , he says the words that are still in fact the persian equivalent of farhangistan. not busy with this law it can't be done. well, this is another gap. look , mr. doctor, we have to consider when the law was approved. the law of 1973 was approved from 7.
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he didn't pay attention to it, or he didn't deal with it, or he wasn't asked about it, or there seems to be an example . if we have implemented the second note in the true sense of the ruling, and we will implement it, for one more month, six months, one year from now, there will be a problem again. we don't have anything that we can deal with now. where was the executive guarantee of these two servants? for whatever reason, the language academy did not cause these equivalents, see my doctor. i want
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us to comply with our legal obligations on time, or in fact, we have included there, naturally, the cases of 15 days and three months, with a search, with an access term, with an online review, with an online review , finally, from the device that you can benefit from. it can be resolved, while what mr. nasiri says is more related to executive deficiencies, for example, dr. nasiri says, "i don't have the strength for this number of people, or, for example , the academy might somehow say that i don't have the strength to be able to do all this in in fact, implementation problems, or in fact, in some way, it was my concern or not, but in this case, from.
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again, there is a need to ask some words , so at least we have to ask this question, why didn't the honorable legislator come to correct this dispossession in this article in the past 28 years, considering the technological advances and the fact that everyone is online now. all the web services are making it mandatory for the farsi language academy to send all your answers to the web service. now this web service can be translated into the persian equivalent online. i apologize. you have to answer within a day. this merchant of ours enjoys it, so it's not working anymore. we had monet of course, mr. yes, dear nasir, because it is allowed here , article 12 of the executive order of the same law
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says that they must apply to you before they go to you , that is, when people go to get an establishment license , they get a business license, the guilds themselves get this , in fact, it is a gate. make sure they don't eat anymore . now you want to tell me about the performance. i will tell you something that is interesting for the dear viewers. finally, a variety. well, i have mentioned 2 regulations , i understand them. later, if you allow me, i will tell you. they move forward or with difficulty and they create a lot of problems for businessmen and businessmen. for example, the civil registry comes and gives the names. let's say atila gives tida, ayhan gives the same to farhangistan. yes , these are foreign names. foreigners or people belonging to ethnic groups are not accepted in the academy, as it is persian, we sent the name and we rejected it. now what is the problem? suppose i have a child named
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atila. his name has been approved by the civil registry office. if i do , i will come to the sabbath office of the companies be it a person or a partner, we say that we cannot reject attila , the academy has rejected article 117 of the commercial law, you can't see these conflicts or, for example, names come up . farengstan has approved lilliput, then robin hood has rejected, so this mr. there is a contradiction , lillipod robinhood cafe casablanca has been confirmed , cafe paris has been confirmed, that is, we make a term and they give us the answer, all the documents of the academy have agreed , seoul has not confirmed this conflict. in the executive , these are the problems that bother the people or tivan sometimes it is approved, sometimes it is not approved, these are executive conflicts, and now, if you want
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, i am asking you again for some cases. it is caused by actions , actions, opinions, and human needs. naturally , no law can be without defects and without problems . you can't look at the matter at all. let's delay or delay the actual implementation parts in my opinion, this is unfair because it is right to approve the law in our country .
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many years of experience in fact. judiciary, now i finally have a hand in educational affairs in the university . one of the harms of our legal system is the production and inflation of legislation and the law . in fact, it is even possible have conflicts and even the approach of the legislator and the year to the next year are different from each other, this is one of the harms of the repeated approval of the law or the repeated amendment of the law . look, my dear, if we are committed to the duties and what this law has left for the executive bodies in the real sense, not because of
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slogans or because of what you say. in the form of the shell and the appearance, something has become possible , but as a result of article 10 of this executive regulation, the law actually says that the main devices mentioned in the second article of this regulation, in order to lay the groundwork for the implementation of the law and this regulation , by forming a council for the preservation and promotion of the persian language headed by the representative of the highest authority of that body, while coordinating and communicating with culture. either the option is actually appropriate, or equivalent, or finally wording, all these problems of the executive body can be solved by the person in charge of the matter , assuming, for example, a body such as the ministry of samad may request wording of a term in advance.
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that it is in the database that mr. nasiri went to apply for citizenship tomorrow , so he can finally use that database. ok, so these are all enforcement mechanisms in this law, and in a way, if it is implemented, it is also the enforcement guarantee, which now, because we can say that in public opinion or people's expectations, there is more talk of forced entry than the enforcement guarantee. public opinion, guarantee the implementation of your service, supervision. each and every person is responsible for the implementation of the law. i am a citizen myself. if i fulfill my duty as a citizen, i can go somewhere. after all , a term that is foreign has become useless in general conversations. so if i don't use it, i will be myself. executive or someone family friendship in the neighborhood finally cooperation uses a foreign term.


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