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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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choose a word so that it is in the database that mr. nasiri went to apply for citizenship the day after, so that they can finally use that database, so these are all enforcement mechanisms in this law, and in a way, if it is implemented, the enforcement guarantee, which now as perhaps we can say that in public opinion or people's expectations, there is more debate about forced entry than the guarantee of implementation . it is not always the guarantee of implementation of forced entry. the guarantee of implementation is the guarantee of public opinion . if i fulfill my duty as a citizen somewhere, finally, a term that is foreign is useless in conversations. public has become a term, so don't use it , i'll be the presenter myself, or a family friend somewhere around, after all, cooperation uses a foreign term, actually when he supervises you.
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the guarantee of implementation means that public opinion is also a strong guarantee of implementation. because of what i said , if we create a culture, we should concern the people and the officials about these issues. well, article 10, which i will now continue, they say that while coordinating and communicating with regarding the identification and declaration of foreign words in which the device and related units are used and the proposal to equate it to academy and finding solutions for the promotion of persian equivalents approved by farhan, we should see if all the executive bodies, which are the executive bodies in this law, is this council actually active in preserving persian language education, is there any concern for them at all? we don't have to do this, as it seems that even
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a license for a newspaper, a license for a weekly newspaper, for example , i would say that previously, in terms of those conditions, in fact, now the ruler of the publication of the volume through papers and these topics was given permission by the ministry of culture and islamic guidance , of course, the necessary supervision for this the issue now is in the field of business issues, business licenses and these issues for example, the company's office for the registration of companies , let's not say the name of the platform, as it is persian here. surely, in
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their own titles, they are also required to comply with this law and give permission for it to remain silent and comply with all provisions of the implementation of this law. now, i want to tell the effect of article 11. the same regulation that you have now become a regular and you have actually made a plan , which as the radio and television, article 1 says that the islamic republic of iran radio is obliged to create a suitable unit in its current organization while laying the groundwork for the implementation of this law and regulation must strictly refrain from using unfamiliar foreign words and observe standard persian grammar rules in all its programs .
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yes, now in the discussion of this program, which is now finally , although it is short, but less, but it has left strange effects in the society, and in many places, i myself, as a citizen , have seen it in many official and unofficial, scientific, cultural, and finally political, social, and economic speeches. in a way, when it goes to a foreign correction, it is both sensitive about themselves and also because there is a strong executive supervision under the radio and television as an observer, which in fact does not mean that it silences them. now
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, in fact, they are guided by their own legal path, for this reason, i would like to say that with respect to mr. nasiri's opinion, there may be a dispossession , but the dispossession is not so much that in terms of the capacity of this law in its implementation, we can talk more with you. he observes that there is no problem with the law, but the devices do not follow the device , and now i am telling you that seda and vasima , that we are now guests of sada and vasima, because the condition of compliance, in fact, i would like to offer a small suggestion. now we have to make sure that the discussion is not forgotten. i want to see that the major part that finally prevails in the general atmosphere of the country is to really comply with the law for the foreign terms of the judiciary in the mechanism. his own supervision has taken measures, and now i would like to say that if there is an opportunity in the field of monitoring the restoration of public rights
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, monitoring public rights in every judicial branch , he is actually monitoring this as a demand and a concern. mr. nasr and mr. pirzadeh say that there is no problem with the law. and the agencies did not comply with their duties in this law. now, is there a problem with the law that the agencies are freed from this burden or not? in any case, there is no monitoring method. the topic of the discussion here is trade, maybe they are from other groups, they also have a say in terms of legislation and implementation. we did a series of comparative studies for 10 countries with the help of the university we got some good information, one of them was
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that china comes in to determine the name, it also has a series of rules to preserve its own language, but he came and said, sir, i will help my merchants and businessmen words that are not chinese are not non-chinese, but they don't have any meaning, i give them beautiful words for business and production, but they have no meaning. for example, suppose you say that lizo has no meaning at all. it is not against good morals. it is not against anything. he says that we check everything, but in our law it says no, it must be farsi. ok, we say khel, why do we say khel, sir, nice, we say sir here in 10-12-year-old hajar and merchant, the supreme leader says, "i saw that the businessman who comes is trying to establish a company or to change the name of a company . he gives up because of a name. we were able to, thanks to god." since 2018, according to the statistics of
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our dashboard , we were verifying 19% of the names in electronic matters . we don't have enough words. use numbers. i want to say this law. now i have written down seven or eight cases. whenever you have a chance , i emphasize again that you should have time justice because you see , we are in a position in the international community. they are very influential . we will open a green path for the ministry. we say, sir, you can easily come
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and establish a company. we have an obstacle in this law, that is, we say that it is not possible to negate, we will not help, and this council, which the doctor said, was completely right. in order to preserve the persian language, i apologize to its founder and those who run it, it is almost done, a decorator should come to the middle of the pit , solve the problems, and have frequent meetings inside. departments with various topics such as commercial topics . first of all, we claim that we comply with this law more than all the departments. today, mr. haddad adel is asked in the meeting to choose the wording of the name of our department, which we have the most correspondence with, more than 300 correspondences in throughout the year
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or we agreed to implement it, for example , the international laws of madrid and paris, which says that in fact, goods are allowed to use cultural names for export markets, and then some people believe that these laws are like international laws, first of all , the law of this law is foreign and below they are not able to perform it and sometimes it has become an escape for some people they want to use a cultural symbol for their goods , do you consider this to be disrespectful or because our law is silent on this matter, or do you think no, in any case, this can be done in one way or another. mr. dr. naseer says, finally , it seems that it is in the direction of supporting our opinion, more than
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the fact that i am complaining about an organization that should fulfill its legal duty and not doing so. if we start with the same song from sed and vasima , the rest of our monitoring devices, for example, majlis the islamic council should come. in fact, he should ask the persian literature academy what tasks you have done in the implementation of note 2, or why you have not fulfilled that obligation of your law so far, or come to the mughnen branch or even the judicial branch of the organization to inspect the actual implementation of the article. finally , based on article 174 of the constitution, the general inspection organization of the country finally supervises the good implementation of the law. one of the concerns of the restoration of public rights is the monitoring of
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the implementation of the law, in fact, the prohibition of the use of foreign terms, or the same council that the protection of farsi language is in the system , if we mobilize all of them, mr. doctor, naturally , we will extract those executive capacities, the capacities that are locked, suspended, closed, or we can say that they are dying in an organization , naturally, we will revive them. the driving force is actually the implementation of this law, its effectiveness, the guarantee of its implementation, in fact , it reinforces what you said about foreign goods. inside the country
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we have a total of 4 minutes, a minute with you and two mr. no, we have a total of 4 minutes . because we started with you, let's hear your summation. then mr. nasr's summation. there is no prohibition for foreign goods to be inside the country if the legislator has allowed it. there is no prohibition to export domestic goods abroad with a foreign term. we want to go towards reviving the
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existing capacities of the current law and mobilize all the elements let me tell you about the role of the judiciary in this matter, for the sake of the esteemed viewers, that recently , the respected attorney general of the country in 1811, 1402 , actually rejected a letter. addressing to the honorable minister of the position and several ministries in fact , that in the implementation of your service, the principle of the constitution and the law, in fact, is the prohibition of the use of foreign names and terms, what should they do in order to restore public rights and monitor public rights and monitor the possible failure of the executive body to monitor this matter, so that they can actually help you to implement the law correctly. i want them to pay attention to the fact that the problem law
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of the court of administrative justice is actually a recent procedural decision. in fact, issued in 1 , we want you to allow the supervision of the good implementation of the law to the extent of sisani. the court of administrative justice has also recently annulled a resolution where this law is actually an executive regulation of the implementation of foreign reforms. it had developed , which, thank god , has been annulled by the opinion of the general board of the court. these are all the capacities that if we want to revive , we can do both in supervision and in implementation.
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dear friends, this law is problematic, we have to admit that it is debilitating, especially for activists. there is a ban , he says , we can give them the names that are in native areas, for example, hira, which means widespread , in the kurdish settlement of arya in khuzestan, ilda in chaharmahal . as a helper for an economic activist, there is no problem with the law, that is, if you make a product from tehran here right now , we cannot allow it, we just say in khuzestan , although we are an iranian, all the provinces are different. they are related to each other. we now have a company in tehran, but its work is generally in, for example
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, bandar abbasi, this is a big legal gap. many provinces have this problem. there is no problem, sir . iran has it. it is being removed from the executive of the honorable radio and television of article 11, which mr. doctor mentioned , they say that i have the executive, he says, sir, those companies that make foreign equivalents, for example, the water company, do not have a name , because it is being advertised, now it is a company mr. figo advertises, alinos, so this should be for abroad. the products of the country of fruitland should be advertised as the city of fruitland and not on tv. discuss cases. financially and this is important, but it is an illegal thing, which tells you the problem from an executive point of view , that sadasima should not advertise, the fever itself is exactly against this law, it is exactly against this law. now, mr. jalodarian is trying very hard to make the officials responsible for the words, but we have the product, we are going to tv can be advertised, the word softlan , the word ila, we gave them this
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, we gave them a license, we said, go abroad, export this , not in iran, and we also advertise on tv , help our employment , sit down from the chamber of commerce , we must sit down together, this law in the discussion let's correct the name and let the economic activists sit next to him, from the subsidiaries, from the ownership, from the technical people of the persian language and literature academy, for the legal children, mr. doctor, sit down, then we will say, sir, what should we do, pass for the discussion. farsi language is not a favor to production. now many economic agents want to come forward. they say i want this name but i can't get it. so let's do something so that we can open a good path for it so that we can activate it in the production and employment of our country. i would like to talk to you more to give you time to be fair. thank you very much, mr dr. mohammad pirzadeh, director general of judiciary affairs
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, and mr. dr. abalfaz nasiri , director general of company and non-government registration, who were with us in today's program, thank you for accompanying us until the end. wherever we are in the world , tomorrow
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is the wing of this traditional ritual, the ritual of the distant years, which is held in the second half of may every year in the second half of may in sarha village of chandar sabuj palaq. they activate a god , they work for the night , they save the life of the village, in short, with this water pump. that there is no water there is nothing we speak our own language, we come to joe from the first ten, we help until the station is closed, and thankfully, it was no longer the work of one or two people here . now, whether the gentleman who had a garden or the gentleman who didn't, in short, he lived here and this letter is a summary of the declaration of affiliation. it has been doing cleaning for years in this village , more than 400 years, 500 years , i don't know, they say
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that this has been done for a long time. karaj, they will clean between here and this place and it will be healthy to close this tradition until the end, until the coming years , for the future generations, here is a mother stream, 240 thousand meters of land , i am crazy, the buyer is crazy to read a sign
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. at the end of this ritual, people are reconciled by eating tea and sweets and dividing the water. they present. because the tradition of searching for ruby ​​is the most important factor for the survival of the village, i.e. it is tied to water. this 500-year-old traditional ritual should be registered in the country's cultural heritage list. ali mansourzadeh of sed and broadcasting news agency, the beautiful village of sarha sabuk plaq.
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an objective, concrete commitment, and of course very soon, the organizers of the protest camp on monday morning in a press conference about the discussions with the university, they said that not much progress has been achieved. if all they promise us are bureaucratic promises, none of us can trust them because we know that such promises will be denied immediately. the protest is now in its second week, and the protesters did not stop short of their demands. they want they are concerned about the relationship between the university and israel and they want the university to stop any investment in israeli companies. the protesters also asked the university
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to cut off all its scientific and educational relations with israeli universities slow when we raised our demand with the university administration, their definite answer was no. why does the university of toronto think it is above the united nations? why does he think that he is beyond international law? instead, the university proposed to form a special working group to investigate the demands of the students regarding disclosure and stop investing in israeli companies , but the organizers of the protest movement say that such a promise does not work. it may be progress and it may waste our time. the university said that as long as the protest camp is peaceful it has nothing to do with them. but the protesters stood by their words. and set a new deadline for the university management to fulfill their demands. what we want from the university of toronto is to fulfill its obligations at most
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. we contacted the university and asked them to explain what the students say they have questions about. we did not receive a response until the time of broadcasting this report, but the university's website said that they will not reveal any details about the one-day meeting on saturday with the protesting students . the organizers of the protest movement also say it is not clear when the next round of talks will be held.
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3:59 pm
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4:00 pm
in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful , we offer greetings and good evening to you, the esteemed viewer of khabar news channel at 16:00. a medical center belonging to the united nations relief and works agency for palestinian refugees in the south of the gaza strip was targeted by the israeli airstrike, and at least 10 palestinians were killed. they were martyred. another number of martyrs were injured in the bombing of another center belonging to anorwa in nusirat camp in the center of the gaza strip.


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