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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm IRST

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the city of household appliances, a specialized reference for household appliances. in the evening, dear compatriots, we arrived at 17:00. we present the news of this hour. severe flooding of some roads in mashhad. since an hour ago , heavy rain has caused water to flow in some streets and highways of mashhad city. the crisis headquarters of khorasan razavi governorate asked the citizens to refrain from any unnecessary traffic on the highways of mashhad city for the time being. the meteorological organization has predicted that torrential rains will continue at least until late tonight in the northeast of the country.
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have now to know the details of the incident silab, i am talking to the head of crisis management of khorasan razavi. mr. abbasi, i greet you . please give your explanation. in the name of god. greetings and courtesy to your excellency. i said
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the electricity grid was also discussed that it was cut off , and this is what i want to say to the dear people : we have no problem, the electricity grid is stable. i would like to tell you that at the level of barshah province , it was mainly due to the forecast that barshah will be more in the northern areas. it is a province . we had rains in the northern cities of the province. let me tell you in the city that quchan wants shandis especially has a significant pillow. yes
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, thank you very much, we were disconnected, of course mr. abbasi's explanation was complete. the spokesperson of tehran fire department said that four stations along with support equipment were sent to the place of members and it was found that a shed with an area of ​​100 square meters, which was the storage place for cartoons and original and expensive devices , caught fire. the firemen were able to control the fire after several hours of effort. according to mr. maleki, this incident did not cause any loss of life, but the tools of this workshop it was completely burnt. the experts of tehran fire department are following the cause of the accident. the number of victims of floods in brazil increased to 149 people. 124 people also disappeared. the rains in brazil that started last week have raised the level. the water of the river and the flooding of urban areas and
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vast agricultural lands in the state of rio grande and dussol have led to the displacement of more than 600,000 people, and the houses of 155,000 people have been destroyed . brazilian authorities in this southern state have called the flood unprecedented. the broadcast of the second season of mr. qazi series titled mr. qazi branch 121 will start tomorrow night to be this series is aired every thursday and friday at 215 minutes on tv channel do. in this season of mr. qazi's series, directed by sajjad mehrgan, the main character examines other aspects of legal education by entering a new judicial branch. in the name of god, tell me and explain, poor
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country whose judge you are in this security case , they have made a table. they want to laugh at our beards, what did you think of such a ruling, then you started the game, mr. barza, thank you for your attention.
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after israel's wars and the defeat of the arabs, israel was stabilized. its internal position pays. palestinians expels it hides documents, documents and takes over vacant land. then he transfers the jews of other countries to israel , so that they form the lower parts of society as cheap labor. on the other side of the square, palestinians after forced migration in the country.
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palestinian fighters based in jordan penetrate into the motherland and start operations. in march 1968, israel attacked the palestinian camp of karama in jordan in retaliation for the militants' activities and destroyed everything. after that , tensions increase. palestinian fighters to lebanon. are transferred the economic and social conditions of lebanon are not suitable. social activists like imam musa sadr strive for unity and cohesion and to remove deprivation. but political groups are not coherent. they do not have long-term plans. every group and
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front seeks to gain its fame and benefit. they compete with each other and do not tolerate each other's presence . and worst of all, they don't understand israel's policies. on april 3, 1975, the leader of a christian party was assassinated. but he survives the assassination. in retaliation for this attack, palestinian fighters are attacked on the same day. conflicts escalate and civil wars begin in lebanon.
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israel plans to deploy a mercenary group in lebanon and withdraw from lebanon. in 1981 , israeli prime minister menachem begin appoints one of his most violent people as the minister of defense. ariel sharon. sharon had a long history in crime and said: destroy everything that can be destroyed . sharon draws a plan. to not only end the palestinian resistance, but also change the geographical shape of the region. at first, israel's scattered attacks begin, and on june 6 , 1982, a nationwide attack begins. 120 thousand
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soldiers and 3,020 armored personnel carriers suddenly enter lebanon. they quickly reached the palestinian camps in sur and saida. the war begins. palestinian fighters resist. at the same time, israel attacks the syrian forces. with israel's pressure on the lebanese parliament, shiri is elected as president. israel's goals are determined by the attack on lebanon. occupying the territory of lebanon, expelling the palestinians , suppressing syria and creating a puppet government. at the request of lebanon, foreign forces enter to monitor the departure of the palestinians. after leaving palestinian fighters of foreign forces also
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leave lebanon. the next events happen quickly. bashir is killed in a bombing. the israelis immediately surround the palestinian camps . then they incite the phalangists to act against the palestinians. phalangists enter the camp. to kill at that time , there were at least 90,000 people in the camps, most of whom were refugees from 1948. the israelis monitor the operation and even keep the camp lit at night with searchlights to
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prevent new incidents. heavy rain in the city of sur it is pouring. israeli soldiers gather inside the command building. moments later, a car drives into the building and immediately explodes. as a result of the intensity of the explosion, 140 soldiers and...
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destroyed the houses and killed the defenseless people. these events are part of israel's revenge . in 1985, lebanon's hezbollah officially declares its existence and calls israel the occupier. for the first time, israel
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encounters an organized group that is cohesive and united. while in lebanon, the power of internal resistance has shown, in the palestinian lands despair and despair reign. no person or organization can and does not want to help palestine. the economic conditions of palestinians every day. palestinian workers are run over by a truck. four people are killed. many are injured. society is inflamed. during
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the preparation of the bodies, there is a conflict. palestinians attack israelis with stones. a 17-year-old student named mohammad hatem abusi is killed by israel. the conflict spreads and people rise up in a revolutionary movement. the first interphase from within the first interphase of the palestinian islamic resistance movement, hamas. it is formed under the leadership of sheikh ahmed yassin. israel wants the movement suppress, but cannot. the solution is in negotiation. israel needs peace to restore itself. israel's wishes will be fulfilled. the issue of quds, the return of the palestinians,
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is left aside. the palestine liberation organization's conflict with israel ends. government. autonomy is formed, which is far from the ideal of quds, the purpose of its formation is to calm the palestinians, and this is considered a form of silent repression. when israel is relieved of the palestinians , it goes to the new lebanese actor. hezbollah at the time of israel's attack, lebanon's economic and social conditions were not suitable. israel he did whatever he wanted hit he stole ordinary people and took them captive in the lands of lebanon. but hezbollah's resistance causes israel to retreat. the first
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prisoner exchange operation is carried out. hezbollah can free its forces from israel. while everyone is happy about hezbollah's success, a bitter incident occurs. the israeli army targets a car with its passengers. in this incident , seyyed abbas mousavi, secretary general of hezbollah, along with his family, were all martyred. seyyed abbas mousavi from khat. herat was aware but had decided to be with his family even during the attack with the martyrdom of israel's hezbollah leader, the brave israel thought that the work was over, but the events that happened later show a strategic mistake in
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israel's calculations, and hezbollah's resistance continued in the 90s. israel decides to fight hezbollah directly. israel's military attack on lebanon begins under the pretext of hezbollah . this attack is called fury clusters. lebanon is heavily bombed. in the midst of events, something more bitter than war happens. a group of defenseless people have settled in a place called qana. only women and children are present in that place. qana is attacked. lebanese women and children are martyred. the scale of the disaster is taking over israel. with the resistance of hezbollah, the war stops. in 1999, news is published in the media.
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infiltration of israeli army forces into lebanese territory. is accompanied this incident is unbelievable. hizbollah's success lies in mediating its victories. hezbollah publishes various images of its operations, which make the realities of the battlefield clear. media operations increase israel's costs. in 2000, israel from he goes out and pursues the policy of terror take shortly after, sheikh ahmed yassin, the leader of hamas, was assassinated. after that, rafiq hariri, the prime minister of lebanon, is assassinated. in 2006, while the finger of accusation is pointed towards hezbollah and
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media attacks against hezbollah continue. happening. it falls on the borders. an israeli military patrol is attacked on the lebanese border. two people are captured. the zionists react quickly. but israel's response is accompanied by casualties. israel declares war on lebanon and attacks lebanon by land, sea and air. especially to the southern district of beirut, zahia. war 33 fasting begins. the casualties of the 33-day war are many. but the important thing is that hezbollah does not give up and responds to israel's attacks in any way possible. although the war
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does not achieve anything for israel, israel attacks everywhere . in fact, israel's war plan was something similar to the american military operations in serbia and afghanistan. but this plan fails. experts believed that the attack by israel was wrong, but the extremists did not allow the right decisions to be made. there were extremists who said that israel should show off its strength rather than its face itself after the events of 2000 and the withdrawal from lebanon . they said israel's "goal" is a show of power. for this reason, the united states supported israel's policy and together with the united kingdom prevented the implementation of a ceasefire so that the war would continue
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and perhaps hezbollah would be defeated. they thought that everything would be over within a week or 8 days, but that was not the case , israel would lose in this war. seyyed hassan nasrallah, the secretary general of hezbollah, gave a speech and in every speech he hit israel. . seyyed hassan nasrallah's revelations end up harming israel. israel also failed in the field of politics.
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the reports made by the israelis depict the scene of the battle. hezbollah and hamas capture israeli soldiers. israel intervenes. tanks explode one by one. and not only south lebanon, but they will attack any target in lebanon. another israeli says: if the soldiers are not returned, we will return lebanon 20 years back. all events happen quickly and the israeli authorities make decisions quickly and implement every decision quickly . in the middle of the war, it becomes clear that the analysts
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were right. entering the war was a mistake. at against israel's hasty decisions , there was a certain order and discipline in hezbollah. but israel was not ready to accept defeat. he attacked relentlessly. the war continues. at the height of the israeli attacks, the israeli warship explodes. israel is surprised. observers notice that something had changed in hezbollah's battle with israel. but israel did not understand. one of the soldiers later says: we did not know what was happening and what. we only knew that we were killing. they thought that probably hezbollah forces in field tents and with a
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kalashnikov have been deployed. but at the time , the soldiers were faced with hydraulic steel doors and a network of complicated tunnels. an israeli soldier later confesses. i am ashamed to admit that we used to drink water from hezbollah's headquarters and go to local shops to get food. of course , the israeli soldiers looted the shops. the advice of people like benjamin ben elizar to attack was wrong from the start. america follows a quick ceasefire. because israel needs reconstruction. in the middle of the talks
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, israel attacks again, but this attack too it fails and israel is forced to submit to the un resolution. in the last 72 hours of the war , israel dropped about one million cluster bombs. the number of bombs is so high that even after establishing. but this does not prevent israel's defeat from being overlooked by experts. experts said: hezbollah's work is unbelievable. hezbollah is not afraid of israel. the 3-day war becomes israel's first defeat. some time later , simer herrash, an american journalist.
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exposes. the bush administration has been closely involved in the planning of the israeli army. war with hezbollah , it was a simulation of the american attack on iran's nuclear facilities and was considered a kind of exercise. according to experts, the 33-day war will become a turning point in the equations and will affect the future events of the region. bengurian believed that israel should not lose in any war, and if it does, it will not win in any war. perhaps this was the only true statement of his.
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sarai irani opened a well-equipped and specialized digital store in an area of ​​more than 5 thousand square meters in sarai irani in qom. all kinds of mobile phones , personal computers, tablets, gaming devices and other accessories. digital with incredible prices and long deals.
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digitally equipped sarai in irani grand sarai qom has a discount of 30%. my date is new. dad, i can pick it up. tea is also discounted. there is a discount of 30% . my perfume has a discount of 20%. yes , everything is discounted here in the store.
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last year, buy this year for last year's price . in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello fellow countrymen . 17 and 30 minutes with some news from the field of science and technology . you are the development of communication infrastructure on the agenda of the ministry of communications and information technology , the minister of communications said in the special talk show: 10 contracts for the purchase of communication equipment with companies the knowledge base was signed. increasing the quality and speed of the internet, the development of optical fiber and paying serious attention to the digital economy are among the most important issues emphasized by the president during his visit to the ministry of communication.


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