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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm IRST

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buy household appliances in the city at last year's price. buy this year's price at last year's price . i am at your service with some news from the field of science and technology. the development of communication infrastructure is on the agenda of the ministry of communication and information technology. the minister of communications said in the vijeh khabari talk show: 10 contracts for the purchase of communication equipment were signed with science-based companies. increasing the quality and speed of the internet, the development of optical fiber and paying serious attention to the digital economy are among the most important topics emphasized by the president during his visit to the ministry of communications and technology.
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what we got was to cover the fifth generation until the end 1403 to reach 10%, which means we should reach at least 5 to 6 thousand fifth generation sites. the momentum of this work
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is being followed, and it increases the speed of mobile communication very significantly, and we have determined measures to protect children in cyberspace in three age groups with the cooperation of our friends in the ministry of culture, islamic education and culture . the green , yellow, orange list is prepared, which is actually specified in the form of a white list, i said, a completely optional possibility in many countries. advanced has also been created. using the capacity of knowledge bases for construction communication equipment was also discussed. 10 contracts were signed by operators with danish companies. we made a list of the country's needs, mr. kiaei, in the field of equipment needed for network development, we put this in the middle and the scientific companies that actually work to produce this equipment, we support them, we provide them with connections and open later according to the minister of communications, more than 96
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% of villages with more than 20 households in the country are connected to high-speed internet. morteza yaqoubi azizi, sed and broadcasting news agency. the second conference the empowerment of industry was held with the focus on using the capacity of knowledge bases in various industries. university graduates and knowledge-based activists were present in this event. he said production. paper is his father's profession and now he is considered an entrepreneur in this field. in the cardboard industry of our country for nearly 80 years, i can say that we were engaged in this industry since my father's age. more than 30% of the employees of fanawar o company are students and university graduates. we were able to discuss a large amount of this import in the discussion of laminate.
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technology are in the second conference of field integration the industry and the role of technological and intelligent approaches in the leap of production were present with the presence of respected professors of the entrepreneur university, students and officials of this field , which is actually our goal to better communicate and strengthen communication between. industry and university. technologists and entrepreneurs
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present in this conference raised the slogan of the year as a goal to develop their progress. maybe in the past years. the slogans are that the scientific companies do not have a serious role, but this year, this role should be done separately, considering the capacities of the scientific companies, which are actually activated today, i believe it is possible, but it is a lot of work. it is difficult, according to the officials of this conference, accelerating the connection between universities and industry and developing the scientific and technological path is considered one of the main axes for artisans and technologists, so that the development path in the country becomes the production and export of technological products. a technology company agreed to design structures using artificial intelligence. artificial intelligence can
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help ensure the quality of construction and prevent structural defects. using a driving force called artificial intelligence in the construction industry. definitely you to get an idea we need to think and spend a lot of human energy. however, with the use of artificial intelligence , we can come up with basic ideas in the fields of design much more easily and quickly. design patterns that can optimize the structure of the building and increase the speed of construction by using artificial intelligence. it has helped a lot in speeding up the process. creating a proper system to reach and get quick results in the field of construction. this company uses bim or bim technology to analyze and process by artificial intelligence.
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it allows architects and engineers to predict and optimize models. another approach of artificial intelligence in the construction industry includes supervision in the construction stages, which can control the timing and reduce the cost. according to the managers of this company, artificial intelligence technology still shows correct performance in some stages of construction, such as diagnosis and decision-making, as well as human interactions. nadadeh vahid zaker of sed and sima news agency, the specialists of a knowledge-based company managed to
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produce a device for evaluating the health and fitness of people's bodies based on bielectric technology, or bioelectricity . muscles are protein and fat in different parts of the body . this device is used in sports medicine and health monitoring centers for nutritional training programs or diet in order to lose or gain weight. the national event of production and growth of iranian games with the participation of selected game-making groups from 20 provinces to develop and complete the games. the axes of this event, family, resistance,
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showing the hidden history of palestine is also the narrative of another game. it revolves around a family in one of the palestinian villages, and now during the events of 1947 and later, when the zionist attacks increased during that time, this family is forced to migrate to the city of gaza, and then witness the events that have happened until today in this game. are. here is another game being designed for smartphones, the theme of which is the biggest human community of the year. arbaeen procession is in the world , we thought of making a procession game for the edition the world religions and those in iraq , we decided to
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have a game in the global version for this ancient game that is actually welcomed. you are going to be in the person of an iranian cryptographer named ilya. solve a series of riddles to find out that you are a descendant of a scholarly family that traces back to musa kharzmi, muhammad bin musa kharzmi. and this character of the first game is the last survivor of this generation and must protect a big secret. these are some stories of games is being designed and produced in the ara game event. game production event centered on iranian islamic culture such as hope, family and resistance. in this 3-day event, the teams are doing their final work, and on the last day, they are supposed to make a very brief 3-minute presentation in a meeting with investors, out of 20 teams, 5
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teams after the final evaluations as the selected teams will be selected and invested in them . saudi researchers have made a type of battery that is compatible with the environment, which can generate energy in the form of cheap save these batteries without pieces on toxic elements and from the composition. which is an industrial waste product of paper and zinc metal and at the same time cheap and recyclable. the cost of making these batteries is much lower compared to lithium batteries, and the researchers say, they can make larger units the size of a car battery that can hold their charge for up to a week. thank you for your attention to this news section and may god protect you. they provide for us.
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we must be fair people and appreciate the services and efforts of these loved ones. it makes me happy that our country has a university. scientific communication he is organizing a scientific support. this number of dear professors and students are participating in this support . this is a source of pride and satisfaction . wherever we trust in science and knowledge and base progress on science and knowledge, success will surely come. it is with him that the supreme leader in the statement
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of the second step of the revolution put science and technology as the driving engine of the country, the driving engine of the country's progress. science and technology give humans extraterrestrial and extraterrestrial power. dear ones, you have seen that in this boldness that took place under the guidance of the wise and wise leader of the islamic revolution, the promise of sadiq har irani felt proud. do you think that this honest promise is based on knowledge
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? it is both quality and variety. the price floor in the city of household appliances. in the city of home appliances, any way you count, you are the winner.
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iran's runner-up in the asian pumice championship by winning 10 colorful badges. holding the meeting of tehran sports martyrs and unveiling the commemorative hammer of tehrani moghadam martyr. and tonight, atalanta will face juventus to win the italian cup. in the name of allah
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, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, have a good time. welcome to this news section of our country's team, which won three golds, four silvers and three bronzes, the runner-up of the ponce tournament. it became the championship of asia. on the second day of these rakats hosted by vietnam today , hossein beheshti, mehdi jamali and ali salmani won the gold medal in the team division of the three-person pomace team. the team of atusa farahmand and hossein beheshti won silver and the team of marjan taji and yasin zandin. he got a bronze medal yesterday in the individual section of the country's representatives , they got two gold medals, three silver medals and two bronze medals, and mahdieh aqabaei and yasman limuchi were the gold medalists of our country. tomorrow, these competitions will be followed by the competition of our country's single pandokans in the fighting section. a meeting of sports martyrs of tehran province
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was held with the presence of the families of the great martyrs. sportsman good. to have awe and happiness in general. their goal was to win the world title and the olympics. but when he came to the homeland, he put on boots instead of cotton and wore a rose dress instead of a dress. as imam hussain said, our school is martyrdom. an athlete who was the captain of the national football team. he passed away from this best position and became a martyr. the valuable stratum of the society are fatwat athletes, chivalry and chivalry in the fronts. against the falsehood of being present, talking about the martyrs of sportsmen and fighters, with the theme, with the real word that they say, you are full, but you are moral, you have passed. we can say that ali was an athlete who had good manners and behaved well
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after 5 years of hiatus, the broadcast of the national championship of tirokman jhanbazan and towani yaban was held at shahid chiroudi sports complex. finally , after many struggles , veterans and veterans returned home, and the first achievement of this return was the holding of the national championship after a 5-year hiatus. good competition competition. our main goal was to evaluate nationally and if there was talent in other provinces , it was to discover those talents and now to hold championship competitions. the country had become an opportunity. i entered this sport a year ago and this was the first competition in the country. the level of competition was great. these children are facing many problems. the first thing is that they don't have a place to practice and they can't be seen. well,
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participating in these competitions and being seen makes it possible. it was held in shahid shiroudi sports complex with the presence of 47 athletes in two days. in the end, the teams of east azarbaijan and tehran won the championship title for themselves in both men's and women's divisions. taher aali chondi of sed and sima news agency. in the first innovation and technology conference in sport. idea makers presented their works to the participants. for the first time, the national conference on innovation and technology in sports was held. we are in the whole workshop. 55 ideas were received, and among these ideas, 10 ideas will be created as the best idea, a grant of 100 million for each.
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by holding this conference, we tried to draw people's attention to investing in the sports sector and to bring their ideas to the field so that they become commercialized. now sports as an entrepreneurial industry has found a special place among activists and enthusiasts. in fact, new scientific fields they welcome the country in sports . our friends in the university are also welcome to register. our colleagues in the university are students and respected teachers. on the sidelines of this conference, some manufacturers of medical and sports products presented their works to introduce to the public. innerbag is a gas capsule. q2 has that when you come across a place. take it off , the mechanical kit works and it reduces about 70-80% of the impact that you get when you wear it, when the trigger
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is opened, it covers your neck so far , it causes even the helmet to be reduced. allow a move no, yes, there is a smart brace for those who have scoliosis . it is completely smart because it closes in the back, and when the person is now closed in the back, when he is hunched, the city of rome is equal. tonight, in the final match of the italian cup, the giant atalanta on the one hand, and juventus on the other hand, have been crushed.
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in the olympic stadium of rome, there is going to be one side of atalanta, which after 2016, with gianpiero gaspirini's injury, has been able to improve every season compared to the previous days. this team is now in the third place in serie a next to the greats of italy. at the europa league should keep them good for this important game so that we can win and top jamo, but on the other hand , you know that the most proud team in this competition is untos, who
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no longer have the life to compete with lively teams like inter and milan, and now all their thoughts are broken. it is atalanta who had nothing to say in front of this team until yesterday. allegri's versions have not worked for juventus for more than half a season and he knows that maybe. we have to successfully end our luck by winning this trophy. juventus has won this competition 14 times, and of course, the experience of this team in 2022 and its confrontation with atalanta gasbrini has led to the championship and i hope.
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in the continuation of the thirty-sixth week of the spanish la liga, tonight , in the most important games, atletico madrid will face getafe and bilbao will face celta vigo. last night, real madrid defeated alaves, the early season champion, with five goals. the capital's top teams , who are in the top of the table in a tight competition this season , did not skimp on marginalization outside of ged. the magpies of the capital have a tough competition in the premier league for the championship. the blues have 60 points and who is the real leader? with one less point, the red-faced men are chasing their rivals and waiting for the victory.
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nekonam's students are moving forward until they reach the top . this is dafa's goal, but apart from the competition , they also have pioneers in the field of competition. the same stadium should be held without spectators . of course, they are doing the same thing as our rome game . judiciary of the federation, the votes have been issued, finally, after the game i think that move was for every team, at least they were banned for two or three sessions until the final verdict was issued, but this did not happen and the verdict
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was given to their coach josh. if we are going to come and do lip-smacking and credit the lip-smacking with cameras , you yourself know that we should have at least 40-50 bans every week. just before the game, all the referees said that the second and third cards should be taken, but it did not go well. these talks and reactions are mostly used to win the hearts of the fans. when the elders of the two clubs this is how they face each other, the result is a controversy over the issue. at the same time as the decade of dignity, in a ceremony held last night to commemorate hazrat saleh bin musial kazem (peace be upon him) in tehran, the badge of servant of this threshold was awarded to javad nakouna mohammad ansari and amir ali akbari. the 8th national conference of
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sports science students started today with the participation of physical education and sports science students from all over the country, hosted by shahid beheshti university of tehran. the quarter-final stage of the hasti football cup will be held tomorrow , based on this, the match between iman kohesh tractor, egypt, and rafsanjan, will be played in a tent filled with aluminum. hassan akrami amir saman soltani will judge golgohar sirjan with hawadar and vahid kazemi, and sepahan's meeting with melwan. press police player saeed sadeghi missed the rest of the season due to an ankle injury three weeks before the end of the premier league. according to the announcement of hamid motahari, the head coach of tractor mehdi abdi,
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the striker of this team due to his masculinity. from being with the tabrizi team until the end of the open season. habibinejad , a 63 and a half kg boxer from our country , won the bronze medal today in the continuation of the international fights of kazakhstan by winning over the representative of the host while advancing to the semi-final stage. habibinejad yesterday with another advantage against the host representative , he made it to the top eight. the women's national indoor hockey team lost to qazaghestan in its fourth meeting in the asian championship in thailand today, 1/5, and tomorrow it will face cambodia to win the fifth place. we have reached the end of the section. thank you for your cooperation. have a good time. god bless you.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers, hello, good evening to the news section. we are with you at 18:00, minister of cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts he said that except for a few items of products that have valuable raw materials such as silver and copper, other products are exempted from the cross-shipment agreement and the requirement to return foreign currency to the nima system with the approval of the ministry. craftsmen have a very wide field for simple.


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