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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers. hello , good evening. we are with you at 18:00 with the news section . the minister of cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts said that except for a few products that have valuable raw materials such as silver and copper, other products are exempt from cross-contracting and the requirement to return foreign currency to the nima system with the approval of the ministry. becomes handicraft activists have a very wide field to export.
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it is provided for them as much as they want with the code that the ministry of handicrafts considers for them . a calligraphy workshop was held with the participation of more than 80 artists in different regions of the country. according to the managing director of the calligraphers' association, the first day of the exam was in the form of a crucifix, and on the second day, the artists performed in the form of calligraphy or line writing exercises. it was held in seven regions across the country, where materials were given at the same time and papers were collected at a specific time, and for 4 hours our calligraphers participated in an executive discussion.
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the deadline for submission of works to the 3rd voice of speech festival starts from june 1st. interested parties can send their works to the festival secretariat until the end of july. send the best of the people, which is also in two fields, one field is related to this year, which
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is related to persian literature teachers and professors who have been working for years, they are struggling to be seen, and there is also a field of people who always there are festivals commemorating hakim abolghasem ferdowsi with the theme of ferdowsi and national identity in the national museum of iran . in this conference, books after ferdowsi shahneh and national identity and shahnameh by nasr ravan were also presented. one by one shakpur and karghna, there are tears in the hearts , we know ferdowsi in the shahnameh, today in tuz , his tomb is also next to the gathering place of lovers. in order to protect his services to the iranian language and identity , the identities that do not exist in the open have horizons, they have intersections within the shared historical lived experiences of the heritage. common,
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common legends, common heroes, common heroes. ferdowsi understood this well. ferdowsi's shahnameh was written and illustrated hundreds of times in the past millennium. in each period, the best painters , calligraphers and artists gave it new life. however, according to ferdowsi's credit in terms of urbanization and bio-social signs in the historical city of tabran or tos, archaeologists survive. it belongs to ferdowsi period. the national museum of iran
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unveiled the latest research and books on the role of ferdowsi in the formation of iranian identity. elham goran of sed and sima news agency. the end of this news section, god bless you , it's a shame, it was a year ago, i bought a refrigerator. if we were to go back last year, i would have changed the tv , the washing machine, the dishes, i would have completely renovated the house , it is not too late, we can go now
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. at midnight on october 23, 2012, a building in yarmouk, khartoum, the capital of sudan, suddenly collapsed explodes evidence shows that an airstrike took place. five planes are involved in this attack. as a result of the air attack, a building explodes and the equipment located in the place is seriously
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damaged. the next day, it becomes clear that the planes belonged to israel. have blown up a certain place. it is also claimed that the mentioned building was an ammunition factory. the israelis say that the factory's products were sent to gaza in palestine. israeli defense minister ehud barak is questioned and answers. there is nothing special to say. this means accepting responsibility it is an attack. it will never be clear who was the source of the information and how the location of the factory was leaked, but whatever it is, it shows that israel
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has good connections in sudan. relations with sudan were part of israel's doctrine. peripheral doctrine. geopolitically, it was necessary for israel to communicate with other countries. infiltrate them , open an escape route and gain access to resources and infrastructure. forces. they had helped egypt in previous wars. if something happened in sudan, these aids would be cut off. egypt was losing a big supporter and israel it infiltrated islamic countries to
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reduce support for palestine. the history of israel's presence in sudan goes back many years. the initial connections are formed in the 50s and through the jewish community. then through political parties that wanted independence. they claimed the freedom and liberation of africa from arab colonialism. but after the six-day war in 1967, israel's presence in sudan becomes a necessity. in 1969, a group of mossad agents entered south sudan secretly. their goal was to organize the rebels of the south. before the greatness, the last arrangements
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is done you have come to this great desert to save the jews. must. live here try to be natural. be aware that even saying a wrong sentence is dangerous. it ruins the work. if the southern rebels were organized, they would go to war with the sudanese army. in this way, the sending of sudanese forces to the suez canal to support the egyptian forces in a possible war with israel was prevented. some time later , war weapons are sent through mossad. the fire of war flares up. so that sudan leaves the circle of cooperation with egypt to confront israel. when
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as south sudan declares independence, sudan's threat to israel will decrease. but in these events, south sudan does not achieve special results and becomes only israel's plaything. south sudan are also used in war. years later
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, sudan asks for a loan in return for the normalization of relations with israel. one tenth of a billion dollars in food shipments, 2 billion dollars in 25-year loans and economic aid. but not from israel, but from his allies. this landlocked country has a unique feature in addition to the jewish population. had ethiopia from it had a suitable height and heights.
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it was the headwaters of the region. and it was considered the water way to other countries. another characteristic of ethiopia was its neighbor to sudan and from there to egypt. from israel's point of view, egypt was israel's number one enemy. but this was not enough for israel. egypt would be in the grip of israel with one door. the sinai desert and the islands were protected by the egyptians themselves. there was no danger to israel. israeli shipping did not face any problems. but the most important issue was water. water and the nile river. the nile river is the main source of life for many people. the population of egypt will be 160 by 205
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there were millions of people. in case of water cut, more than two million farmers would be directly affected. israel has long sought to plunder egypt's water resources since the time of herzl. it became clear that the transfer of the nile water will be accompanied by problems, israel seeks to steal water from the source. since 1946, america has been studying the causes of the dam in ethiopia. the implementation of such plans would satisfy israel's demands and increase israel's influence in africa. israel first
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implements agricultural, medical and general programs and then turns to military issues, and in ethiopia, trains special forces. then he deals in arms trade and at the same time he spies on muslims and arabs. and some time later, the jews transfer ethiopia to israel. in the 90s, israel expands its relations.
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but this plan is opposed by the egyptian people. in the negotiations of 1992, abneel once again tied to the most important policy of israel with water. israel does not have water. if someone is looking for peace, he should not have a debate about the transfer of water to israeli settlements. for this reason, israel's efforts
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to steal the water resources of neighboring countries are doubled becomes in july 2016, benjamin netanyahu expressed his most important feature in the ethiopian parliament . we support ethiopian technologies to exploit its water resources. netanyahu's words expressed israel's policies in ethiopia and africa . some time later, the newspapers announced the construction of a large tunnel to transfer nile water to the occupied lands. in 2019, israel talks about its desire to take over ethiopia's water management. israel
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has a positive and benevolent face when it is in african countries. was showing while the main face of israel, there were military operations, murders, conflicts and even air strikes that were carried out in different areas. in 1985, the headquarters of the palestine liberation organization in tunisia is attacked by air. at least 56 palestinians and 15 tunisians are killed. and about 100 people are injured. a tunisian boy is dismembered nearby. the air attack was carried out by israel to end the activities of the militants. because the palestinians
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had moved their headquarters to tunisia after being expelled from lebanon. the united nations security council condemns the attack on the territory of tunisia. it will be determined some time later an american named jonathan pollard has provided israel with information about the palestinians. jonathan pollard documents to the israeli embassy in washington. had conveyed that they were considered sensitive and confidential. documents containing documentation of military activities of different countries. although some time later , jonathan pollard is arrested and imprisoned. but israel
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has been using pollard's information to assassinate palestinian commanders for a long time. including the assassination of khalil al-wazir known as abu jihad. abu jihad was one of the leaders of the fatah movement, a politician and theorist. he was assassinated in 1988. over the years after the incident in tunis and the assassination of abu jihad, johntan pollard was released from prison and went to israel . he receives his passport from benjamin netanyahu at the foot of the plane and says he is happy to return home after 35 years. on the day of pollard's show , another show from israel was being performed at the airport in another corner of the world. an israeli company
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had won an important tender in east asia. this company was supposed to provide surveillance and espionage services to the myanmar government. israel's communication and interaction with east asia and a country like myanmar where muslims spiritual massacres and displacements were very strange and unimaginable. but this was considered part of israel's international policy. israel was infiltrating tense areas and fueling the fire of disputes. he communicated with certain organizations and people. he supported them and brought them to power. then he used them to implement his policies. sudan, ethiopia,
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kurdistan, azerbaijan and even myanmar were part of israel's regular plans. genocide of muslims in myanmar since 2016. begins. thousands of muslims are killed. many disappear. finally, more than a million people in forced migration, they migrate in difficult conditions. a little later, myanmar's complicated relations with israel are exposed. myanmar army soldiers were in contact with israel. and he came and went to israel. the result of these trips were commercial and military contracts. the myanmar military
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becomes the main buyer of israeli weapons in the region, and they use israeli spy equipment to monitor and arrest the opposition. in addition to myanmar, the footprints of israel were seen in many adventures in other countries. indonesia was the founder of the non-aligned movement. this movement supports the cause of palestine. but some time later, indonesia has a coup and a counter-coup . political tensions in indonesia were the result of the activities of foreign forces. indonesia leans to the west . communists are persecuted and many people are killed. with the end of the coup government in indonesia, the issue of palestine is once again in the spotlight. palestine
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is supported. years later, it is decided to hold a meeting of this movement in ramallah. but israel does not allow the movement in palestine. israel had become the protector of the jews of europe and was driving the jews away from europe. europeans also from this matter they welcomed since the formation of israel and with the approval of the united states, israel's technical capabilities have been improving. israel turns to espionage and succeeds in
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using american technologies to take revenge on the operatives of the munich operation in the 70s and to assassinate lebanese palestinian fighters and even other people. israel, which arose from fire and blood, sought to expand with fire and blood. for this reason, he participated in various prayers. later, netanyahu tweeted that he had spoken with blincon by phone. i thanked him for american support for israel's right to self-defense, a right that the secretary of
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state repeated in our conversation. in the 1980s, although the arabs were considered enemies of israel, israel turned to enmity with a country . islamic republic of iran. israel uses every opportunity to blacken iran's face in the media and international forums. he slanders iran, makes accusations and tries to isolate iran and prevent them from accessing their rights through international organizations. but it is israel that is helping iran . and then to individuals and organizations various iranians attack. but the assassination and killing of scientists and elites by israeli extremists had a long history. every person and
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movement that was considered dangerous in their opinion would face a similar appeal. israel's actions in the region were rooted in the support of america and england. their support strengthened israel. and by abusing their relationships, the zionists were getting new, complex and dangerous weapons and threatening everyone.
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on october 5, 1986, the british newspaper the sandy times published an article about nuclear activities israel publishes. article containing photos and documentation of israel's nuclear efforts at the center.
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israel does not become, neither the united nations nor even the international atomic energy agency, no complaints are raised. israel's nuclear activities continue in silence. years later it becomes clear that atomic tabs. israelis are buried in different areas of palestine. it is as if the zionists have turned to a hostile war with the concept of life. jewish extremism that has been going on for centuries. in the 20th century, it appears in a new form and image.
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in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, ladies and gentlemen, our greetings follow with economic news. convert paper licenses to unique recognition of one and a half.


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