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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST

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my colleague, mr. akhwan, greetings to you, mr. akhwan , thank you very much, mrs. hosseini, for your service and dear viewers , i say hello and good night. welcome to the special news interview. the constitution of the country, the law on the organization of the residential land market for rent, which was approved by the guardian council on may 12. for implementation , it was notified to the judiciary of the ministry of interior, the ministry of roads and urban development, the ministry of economy, and the ministry of central bank. it is hoped that with the promulgation of this law, part of the problems that are currently occurring in the land rental market will be solved housing needs to be fixed. this law can
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help to strengthen the rental market by providing incentives to landlords, as well as identifying and identifying empty houses, revitalizing worn-out urban structures and building low-cost houses for poor people . and the owner of the roof over your head, or whether you are a tenant, in both cases, the news network will try to address the questions you have in mind in this program and in the coming nights, god willing. answer me, i invite you at the very beginning be a viewer of an interlude of the speeches of the honorable minister of roads and urban development, of course, after we say goodbye to the dear viewers of the first tv channel , then we will be at your service with the speeches of the minister.
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well, before i introduce the guests of the program and invite you to attend, i invite you to watch parts of mr. basrabash's speech, the honorable minister of roads and urban development, then i will be at your service for the rest of the program. in the government, there is no law to monitor the price market. we don't have rental housing . anyone can sell their property in any way , this law has the most basic tools the government is giving more supervision to the market , it is a very good thing, especially in the rental sector , various platforms are becoming more systematic, those who play a big role in pricing are becoming more limited , they are under more supervision, this is the big thing this year for renters, considering that the rental season they will not encounter very unreasonable numbers.
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the law of this law gives us the idea that a percentage of the inflation announced by the central bank can be set by the housing council of the provinces as the rent ceiling, and the real estate consultants and even the self-written system that records this in some way. don't register the rental contracts, rent contracts higher than those rates , some of them really don't comply. it was based on this law, that is, the law on the organization of the housing and land market for rent. here in the studio , i am at the service of mr. nowrozi, the honorable director general of the housing economics office of the ministry of roads and urban development . iqbal shakri is a member.
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respected construction commission of the islamic council , i would like to greet and welcome you, mr. nowrozi , i will start with you. well, we know who the target community of this law is and what audience it has, but before we get to the target community, i would like to ask the secretary. your excellency, do you have the latest statistics on the number of renters in the country? yes, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. let us be able to explain the law that has been approved to our dear viewers. it is different. now, i also said a slide . if your colleagues can show it , it will be shown. in our country, about 31% of the people are renters, and the rest are either owners, or about 78% own institutional houses or houses that have no light.
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they are living free of charge in many countries . for example, in switzerland, which is a european country, about 57 of their households are renters, or in germany, 48 of their people are renters. for example , in south korea, about 45 are renters. the neighboring country of turkey is about 36% of japan, 39% of these countries countries that have more renters than us, such as singapore, slovenia, or russia , have less than 13% of their renters' share. of course, in our country, where the national average is 30, 31 of the number of renters , but in the city of tehran, more than 51% of the dear citizens of tehran are renters, of course, some renters are also landlords at the same time, which means that it is possible
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that they have rented their own house in another residential unit that now, if he has better conditions or is in another area, he is sitting as a tenant, but in the statistics of our tenant community. what is the purpose of this law and the society of the law on organizing the housing and land rental market, about 5 categories of society the audience of this law is one group, now they are renters, who are well protected in this law . i will explain to you, one part are landlords, and some tax protections and tax exemptions are given to those renters who are good owners. it will take place in the area of ​​tax exemptions on rental income
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, the second part of the addressees of this law, i would like to inform you that the land and housing buyers are those who have empty houses or people who buy empty land and do not sell it. this law is a serious crime to the housing market or traders who fix prices seen for him the next part of the real estate consultants are the addressees of this law, who do some aspects of regulating the behavior of some real estate consultants who behave abnormally. one last part that has been seen in this law is the information publishing platforms, which are also the audience of this law, which i will be able to explain once we have time. regarding all these five target communities , i would like to ask you a question, mr. shakri. well, before we get to the details of this law, anyway , the law has one goal: to support squatters , to make the rental market and the land market more systematic.
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housing market, legislators and honorable members of the islamic council, what criteria should they prioritize and consider for the approval of this law ? in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, with greetings and good night, and congratulations to you and the dear viewers, you have asked a good question, mr. akhwan , since we started our activities in the majlis , we have taken a very smart process in the majlis as one of the priorities of the majlis. from the beginning of the parliament to the end of the parliament, when we reached this law, if the memory of the viewers is good and you remember, we started with the tax law on empty houses. then we entered the housing production surge law, which is a very huge law and the infrastructure for the construction of new houses. then
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we entered the tax law for capital, which my housing was one of the topics. . the parliament has gone through a very, very smart process to regulate the market and prevent this sharp increase in prices. given that we will not witness it again, so although now we may not have a good situation in the housing sector, but all the activities of the majlis government, which i told you about , have completed a kind of a puzzle that has a very bright future in the management and control of land and housing, as mr.
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engineer nowrozi said. in dealing with businessmen and mafias, he took the housing market, that is, the openings that they seek by hoarding land and housing . hitting the people will stop this . on one hand, on the other hand, what are we inheriting now, the inheritor of 8 years of inaction of the past government, not only b. being practical, but also the resources that come from people and instead of building housing, taking the government to spend 8 years elsewhere means that we are entering a ruin that the previous government left behind. part of the efforts of the parliament and the government have been put into this to fix them. we are handing over to the people . we were the heirs of the previous government's 10 years of inaction. we will leave it alone . i think it is a good move by the parliament so that in the future, god willing, we can establish a balanced market for fair activists or builders
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. i told you to create a profession for them. in my opinion, these are some of the rules that i presented the goal that we had pursued in the parliament from the beginning, god willing, this law must have such wide dimensions that i need to discuss and review various aspects of the law in your service programs. at the same time as the verse. in the future , you can see that the ministry
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of roads and urban development is trying to increase the supply of residential units with the help of the laws approved by the parliament, which is currently about two and a half million units in different stages of construction. it is possible that this is unique in a short time on the other hand, we are demanding that we manage the volume of increase in supply. perhaps the missing link in policy and implementation in our country during the last 70-8 years is that nothing has happened in the field of demand market management, which for the first time in this government with the cooperation of the parliament the support of this law, which has been approved in the field of demand, is going to make the government enter seriously , but since the beginning of the government, where there was a need for a regulation, there was no need for a law, we took action , and there was an opportunity, i will explain, but short-term tools were seen in this law. it has happened that next to the construction he is doing, in the long run, god willing, he can it should be effective and have positive effects on people's lives
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. one of the first points is that one of the gaps we had in the rental market was the lack of information elites of the government that could identify the buyers and the speculators. very good executive guarantees were seen to complete the information of the real estate and accommodation system, one of zinfan d. i forgot to say that in this law there are completely wrong devices that do not cooperate with the real estate and accommodation system and to complete the information of the real estate and accommodation system. the floor was supposed to be dealt with the next point, just a discussion, was that the information infrastructure for the management of housing markets will be strengthened in this law. not the economy. we have seen some brokers and traders with
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their actions leading to an increase in housing prices . well, in this law , a great deal has been done to prevent false pricing and price makers to express the real price. let me summarize. a system was supposed to be created in this article 8 of this law , price estimation in cooperation with raha sharzai ministry and knowledge-based companies , will no longer be done by some real estate consultants, some brokers, some advertising platforms, and this system the second point is that some platforms are aware that they do pricing. sometimes they publish unreal ads. sometimes, your service is to attract audience. these are created by brokers who read ads from the platforms
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unreal ad was prevented from being done, it was prevented. before publishing the ad , the advertiser should be contacted by the national real estate and housing system and the owner should be inquired. well, excuse me, because we are short of time , mr. nowrozi, i have to interrupt your orders. i think the amendment of this law became article 8, article 7. now, i want to ask mr. sadat about this. my colleagues and i have announced that a housing consultant has been established with mr. sadat, the minister of roads and urban development . mr. sadat , i am at your service. you and dear viewers, i congratulate you. i am at your service, mr. sadat. in article 8, or in other words , article 7 of the said law, there is a note that by referring to them, even if there has been a violation regarding the determination of kindergarten rent in the past years. the tenant can file a complaint . can you explain the procedure for filing a complaint and
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what is the provision of the law in this regard? what is specified in article 7 is that if the inflation rate. in general, in some provinces, if it is more than 30%, the ministry of roads and urban development can decide on this matter and through the supreme council of housing, the rent increase rate. as you said, in one of the notes of this issue, it is stated that if the landlord does not comply with the spring rent increase ceiling, the tenant has the right to 5 years after that, that is, 5 years later. after he got out of that property, the lessee should dispute the difference both in the rent and in the good debt that he had and the difference through the courts of the dispute resolution council, so he can receive the difference even if it has been 5 years. okay , since he was raised from that property, this law of atb will remind us, mr. sadat, or not, since when
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which is necessary from the starting date of this law , the contracts that are after the starting date of this law include this law, that is, from yesterday when mr. president announced this issue , the next issue is that the lessors who do not comply, apart from that and they should return the difference to the amount of one month's rent, both the good loan and the rent, they will be fined 3 times and then pay this amount to the government treasury as a fine for creating this violation. article 7 is one of the most important notes to be observed let's take into account that various tax exemptions are also included in article 1 of this law for the executors , that's what i want to ask, mr. sadat, based on this law , the legislator must have considered punitive and incentive tools. what encouragement
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for owners or buyers and sellers i just mr. i would like to add this point that my real estate consultants should help us in complying with this attribute. real estate consultants who do not check this discussion of increasing the rent in contracts with tracking codes in the coming years after this law as a violation. these are taken into account and the notes are complete notes, god willing, the concern that loved ones had that during the corona era, the price ceiling issue was not respected by some people , we tried to ensure that all loopholes of the corona issue were followed and all loopholes were closed. let's conclude that, god willing, this note of this article 7 will be observed in relation to incentive issues. well, note 11 of article 53 of the direct taxes law previously included exemptions for lessors in the city of tehran up to 150 meters in the cities, 20 meters if the lessor of the property it was wrong
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in this article one we added this for for example, if the landlord is a tenant himself. up to the amount of rent he pays per year is exempt from rental income tax. if the lessor places his property at the disposal of respectable families covered by the imam khomeini relief committee or welfare, 100 exemptions will be considered for him, or if the lessor of the property rent to people who are currently employees or social security workers up to the income tax exemption limit on that person's salary , the lessor is exempt from the rental income tax . for two-year contracts up to 70% for 3-year contracts, 100% of tax and rental income for that wave, that is
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, we are the tip of the scale that is in favor of lessors. thank you, mr. seyyed javad sadad , housing advisor to the minister of roads and urban affairs. i bid you farewell , mr. shakri. well, one of the issues that arise in relation to this law is the back and forth between the islamic council and the guardian council and vice versa. the topics that were discussed in these back and forths are the same there are platforms for providing real estate ads, which have to comply with a series of requirements . what requirements does the law have now for these platforms and what are its predictions ? you said a good point, mr. akhwan, that this back and forth has made this law have more capacities and a calculation has been prepared . let's enter, mr. engineer nowrozi. we only entered for the rent ceiling
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. after we entered, we saw how many lower layers there are . there are also information platforms that i can tell you, people can automatically go and register their contracts there, and there is no need to go to it at all, and with tib's contract payment and recording of all the interactions that take place there , the future work of rome is very easy. will do because everything is recorded, so it takes a lot of money from both parties . there are information platforms that advertise, they are the ones that mr. engineer explained fairly in this one last year, with the cooperation of the government and the ministry of roads and
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urban development, there has been a maturation of the market management, that is , people are constantly protesting to us, how do you monitor this market? let's allow them for the benefit of the people , that is, mr. akhwan, this is all for the benefit of the people . some of these businessmen, some of these real estate broker mafia , sometimes they create spaces against some of the laws that i mentioned. be sure to face the hoarders of our land and housing in any way. we will get it , god willing, in the new version of housing construction that mr mr. engineer nowrozi explanation. we give the land directly to the people, that is, they can build it themselves, get their own education , sign a contract with the builders, enjoy this transfer of land and
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education to themselves. it is a very good thing that , following this market regulation, we have new transformative methods for building housing. we hope that these events that are happening, the government will prepare its executive orders soon, and the people that this law deals with, the discussion of dealing with traders, land and housing, and hoarding of empty houses and vacant lands, which in this regard is one of the the new developments are that in this law, for
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the first time, the identification of empty lands has been entrusted to the municipality and to your service, the income from this vacant land, which sometimes in many cities, 30% of the city , 20% of the city, has been hoarded and these lands entered the market of the housing cycle. cant. that these are subject to heavy taxes, both government institutions and private private institutions will all be subject to these taxes , there is no tax exemption for them, and anyone who hoards land within the city limits will be subject to taxes on vacant land and the resources that are created from here 100 spent on building cheap houses in bafat it will be the worn-out urban houses. the next point is about empty houses. we have implemented the issue of empty houses in accordance with article 169 of the direct taxes law , which was approved in the recent parliament. well, this government
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has implemented it for the first time after having various laws since 1992, but we had some removals that needed to be done again. the current law should be revised. one of the points was that the municipalities can help to identify empty houses and the income will go to the municipalities and it will be spent on the construction of dilapidated structures. they have more details about the neighborhoods, they can help a lot in identifying empty houses and this should be included in the information that comes in the real estate and housing system , it will be verified and after the verification is done , it will be introduced to the real estate organization. my dear, let me tell you that for the first time after the identification by the ministry of roads and urban development , more than 182,000 empty houses were offered to the housing market, and those interested in empty houses, both legal and private, and private ones who did not offer more than 120,000 empty houses.
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introduction to the tax administration. priority was given to those who have more than 100 having empty houses, having more than 50 empty houses, organizations and organizations, or all, i want to ask mr. iqbal shaker, you see , there is a very important point. they should think to themselves that this law is not only aimed at the people, the people may have ten houses, three houses, four houses, but as a journalist, i know that there are empty banks in tehran and the country, what is the law for these? it has predicted some requirements and what about these at all there is going to be an encounter according to the law, mr. modares nowrozi , to explain, in fairness, in this context, i must honestly say that good things have happened, that is, a
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basic work team has come to identify this. let's clarify with him, how can they make a mistake in providing education and interfering in construction business, which is illegal? hazrat agha also said that the banks are doing business wrong , so the honorable government uses the tools we have in the law for them we predicted two ways, one productive creating assets means turning them into assets and handing them over and entering into your service cycle. second, if you know that these banks don't build houses for the people , they build houses for the rich. yes, they should make them productive and bring the money to lend to the people. these banks that don't provide facilities for housing construction, we predicted that their balance sheet
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will decrease by the amount of the loan that they don't give, and it will be in the hands of banks that are not balanced, including the ina housing bank. so far, the fines that we had predicted for the implementation of the laws that we had made, we were running away from under them for various reasons , but in my opinion, when it comes, the way will be closed for the banks. let's warn the banks once again to return to the path of helping people in building houses.
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increase the rent rate in the provinces, give a brief explanation on how it is going to be done, god willing. god willing, next week at the meeting of the supreme housing council, which mandated according to article 7 of the supreme housing council law, that in the provinces that if their inflation is above 30% , we will decide on the rate of rent increase, which will be between 50 and 100 inflation , and we will announce it to the people, and god willing, the landlords will cooperate so that god willing, we will be able to do so. dear mr. shakri and mr. sadat, who participated in this conversation, and you, dear viewers, we will certainly discuss other aspects of this law in the coming nights with other guests from different levels of documents, organizations, and institutions, thank you very much for joining us. you were with me, good night, god bless you.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world today, the first file tonight is dedicated to examining the resistance operations in the last 3 days, which caused the death of dozens of zionist soldiers and the wounding of more than 100 of them, in the second case , we will also examine the tensions in georgia after the approval of the law on the transparency of foreign influence.


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