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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 1:30am-2:00am IRST

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now, either he did not pay attention to it, or he did not deal with it, or there was no inquiry from him, or there seems to be an example. next year , we don't have to deal with the current problem again . where was the executive guarantee of these two servants? now, for whatever reason, the language academy did not cause these equations, see mr. doctor. if we see the note of the two
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laws in the real sense in that relevant section , in fact, it is in our respective database when we comply with our own legal obligations, or we have actually included it there, naturally, the materials for 15 days and three months, with a search, with an inquiry, with an access, with an online review, with an online review , finally, from the devices that can benefit from it. hear, it can be resolved, while what mr. nasiri says is more related to executive deficiencies, for example, dr. nasiri says , "i don't have the strength for this number of people." in fact, implementation problems or in fact it is my concern in some way but at the same time, regarding
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the executive guarantee that hazrat taleb mentioned, first of all, according to the law of mr. dr. pizadeh, if we respect my time , we should listen to him at the time of dear mr. nasiri, and then we will come back. look at these simple words, even if notes one and two are executed very well, they are correct. it is not done. again , there is a need to inquire about some words. well, at least we have to ask this question. why has the honorable legislator not come to amend this article in these 28 years? keep in mind the advancements in technology and the fact that everyone is online now, everyone has a web service , so your persian language academy must put all your answers on a web service . i apologize, you have to
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answer within a day, this businessman is enjoying himself, so he can't work anymore, we had, of course , dear mr. nasiri, because you allowed here , article 12 of the executive letter of the same law says that you must to refer means that when the people get the establishment license , they get the business license. they should be gatekeepers so that they don't get angry anymore. now you want to talk about the executive, which is interesting , dear servants, finally, there will be some diversity for them. well, i mentioned two laws, one donum later , you gave me permission, i will tell you, but about our executive , the devices that will work. from the point of view of implementation, sometimes they go wrong or with difficulty and create a lot of problems for businessmen and businessmen . for example, the civil registry gives the names, let's say atila, tida, ayhan , these are foreign names.
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the academy does not accept persian as our language we sent the name and rejected it. what is the problem now ? suppose i have a child named attila. his name has been confirmed by the honorable registry office. i want to open an exchange company for him. i come to the companies registration office and say , sir, i want the name attila and partners because it must be the name of one person and partners.
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we have a problem with france. we don't have a problem with france. i don't know if i want to say that in the executive, these are the problems that bother the people or tivan. sometimes it is approved , sometimes it is not approved . it is a resolution it is actually caused by action, action, opinion and human need. naturally, no law can be without defects and without defects . or should he attribute the inefficiency of the executive parts to the weakness of the law in absolute terms, this is unfair in my opinion, because
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the law is now approved in our country, unfortunately, as a servant of someone who has been in the field of communication with the authorities for a long time. and in the power of theory with experience. for many years, in fact, i have a hand in the judiciary, and now i finally have a hand in educational affairs at the university. one of the harms of our legal system is the production and inflation of legislation. law well, we have many titles and terms, or as it is popularly called, the titles of laws in the country, which the executors are confused, the contents are confused, after all, these laws may even have conflicts with each other , and it even happened that the legislators of this year and next year are different from each other. one of the harms of the repeated approval of the law or the repeated amendment of the law is that it seems that with the concern that mr. dr. nasri also said, see, my dear
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, if we look at the duties and what this law has left for the executive bodies. the real meaning is to be committed to it, not from the chapter. nothing from bob to finally say that something has become possible in the form of a shell and appearance, but as a result of article 10 of this executive regulation, in fact, the law says that the main institutions mentioned in article 2 of this regulation are obliged to lay the groundwork for the implementation of the law and this regulation. with the formation of the hess council and the promotion of the persian language under the chairmanship of the representative of the highest authority of that body. coordination and communication with the academy this is what i mentioned, that my academy can use the same mechanism that is mentioned in article 10, if there is a proposal , then finally demand from the academy, in fact wording. either the option is actually suitable, or equivalent, or
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finally wording, all these problems of the executive body can be solved by the person in charge of the matter . suppose, for example, a body such as the ministry of samad may request a wording in advance for a term that is in the database. dear mr. nasiri, tomorrow, a citizen applicant went and came to see if i can finally use that database, so these are all the enforcement mechanisms in this law, and in a way, if it is implemented, the enforcement guarantee, which now, because we can say that in public opinion or expectations more people than guarantee the implementation of forced entry is not always a guarantee of implementation. forced entry is not a guarantee of implementation. public opinion is a guarantee of implementation. i would like to offer you the supervision of each and every person on the implementation of the law. i am a citizen
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. i don't use it, i'll be the presenter, or someone close to my family, finally , cooperation uses a foreign term, in fact, when monitoring. they make it a guarantee of implementation, which means that public opinion is also a strong guarantee of implementation for the reason that i said, if we create a culture , we should make the people and the officials concerned about these issues. well, article 10, which i will continue to say now, says that while coordinating and communicating with the identification and announcement of foreign words in that system and the units related to it are used and the proposal to equate it to the academy and find solutions to promote persian equivalents have been approved. the executive, which is the executive body, is actually the stage in this law, should we say that this council
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is actually active in preserving persian language education? is there any degree of concern for them or not? we should consider that. it is possible that even sed and sima can demand these as an executive demand, in fact , this law , in fact, demand from the devices. naturally, the ministry of culture and islamic guidance provided the necessary supervision for this matter now
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in the field of business issues, commercial licenses and these issues, for example, the company administration, company registration, for example , in the case of the discussion, i will not mention the name of the platform, which is here in farsi, finally, the platforms that serve you i would like to say that the licenses in the ministry of communications are in places surely, they are also required to comply with this law in their own titles and give permission for it with silence. all the provisions of the implementation of this law are there. now i want to tell you how effective the article is in this regard . article 10 of the title of radio and television of the islamic republic of iran states that the radio and television of the islamic republic of iran is obliged to establish a proper unit in its current organization, while laying the groundwork for the implementation of this law and regulation, and strictly refrain from using unfamiliar foreign words.
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and observe the standard persian grammar rules in all its programs . the islamic republic of iran radio and television is required to use the words of the persian language academy after the announcement. well , you are now in your program . monitoring the implementation of a live program , you say that if somewhere, in fact , a party is contrary to this issue , he uses a term that reminds us of the year. finally , the university that my imam said and the audience there is a lot of talk about this program now, although it is short, but less, but it has left a strange impact on the society, and in many places, i , as a citizen, have given many official speeches. and informal, scientific, cultural, and finally political , social, and economic, i even see that somehow, when
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it comes to a foreign term, it is sensitive both for their own sake and for the fact that there is a strong executive guarantee supervision under which the radio and television act as supervisors. in fact, don't say that it makes them dumber, so to speak, after all , they are actually guided by their own law, that's why i want to share. i would like to say that with respect to mr. nasiri's opinion that there may be a gap, the removal is not so much that we can implement this law in terms of the capacity that this law has. i would like to say that sada vasima, as we are now guests of sada vasima, in order to comply with the condition of hosting, i will say a little bit now, so that the discussion is not forgotten, i want to see that now the major part is finally. in the general atmosphere of the country, there is a rule that the terms are really followed in terms of the law
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the outsider of the judiciary has also taken measures in its own monitoring mechanism, and now i would like to say that if there is an opportunity in the field of monitoring the restoration of public rights, in any case, the judiciary is actually monitoring this as a demand and a concern. he wants me to present his works, god willing , because according to mr. pirzadeh's opinion, there is no problem with the law. and the agencies did not comply with their duties in this law. now, is there a problem with the law that the agencies are freed from this burden or not? in any case, there is no monitoring method. the society as a matter of business here may be from other groups in connection with this law . let them have a say in terms of legislation and implementation . now we ourselves, who are sure that there are many problems
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, this and that we are saying may be of help to businessmen . one of them was that china comes to determine the name, it also has a series of rules to preserve its own language, but he came and said, sir, i will help my businessmen and businessmen with words that are not chinese, non-chinese. they are not, but they also have no meaning. giving them for business and production are beautiful words, but they have no meaning. for example, suppose you say, lizo , it has no meaning at all, it is not against good manners, it is not against anything, we check everything, it says that we give this, but in our law it says no, it must be persian, we say khale, why do we say khale, mr. shayan, sir, here are merchants and businessmen 10 12 the supreme leader says, "i saw that the businessman who comes
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is trying to establish a company or change the name of a company." he gives up because of a name. we were able to, thanks to god your excellency, since 2018, according to the statistics of our dashboard , in electronic discussions, until then we approved 19 names. let's say, sir , you can use my numbers, now, for example, put mehr 7 company, there is no problem. now that we have few words, use numbers. i want to say that this is the law . now, i have written down seven or eight cases. whenever you give me a chance, i emphasize that you should have time justice because we have cases, see now. we are in a position in the global community . the ministry, the ministry of economy, the judiciary , and the wave force are all very influential. in this case
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, you may think it is a small task, not if we open a green path for big businessmen and economic activists . sir, you can easily come and establish a company , establish your institution, do your business , we will help you. well, we are mostly hindered by this law, that is, we say that it is not possible to be negative, we are not coming to help. this council, what mr. doctor said, was completely right. my farsi language protection council with apologies to its founder and those who manage it are almost decorated , they should come to the middle of the pit and solve the problems in frequent meetings. let it be discussed within the departments with different topics such as commercial topics. first of all, we claim that we comply with this law more than all the departments. today , mr. haddadada is going to discuss in the meeting that he chose the wording of the name of our department, which we have the most correspondence with. 300 correspondences during the year means that we say, sir, can we give this or not , and not act against the law, he gives us a thousand letters
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, and the academy says, sir, that we are doing this elsewhere , it is a mistake in our software and systems. non we are allowed to see whatever the culture of islam says, we leave it , we say it is not possible anymore, so we have a law, we want to act, but we see defects in it, we see problems, we see problems that should be updated and the problems should be removed , dear mr. pirzad, a law in fact, create laws that later became the cause or we agreed to implement them, for example, the international laws of madrid and paris, which says that goods are allowed to use cultural names for export markets , and then some believe that these laws are like laws international is primarily based on the same law the foreign reform law is not enforced and sometimes it has become an escape for some who want to use a cultural test for their goods
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. yes, see , let me tell you that first of all, what mr. dr. nasir says seems to support our point of view, rather than the fact that this is a complaint from an institution that should be responsible for the law. they should act themselves and if they don't , i would like to serve you from this point of view that i think that if we the same song that started from radio and television, the rest of our monitoring bodies, for example, the islamic council. in fact, he should ask the persian literature academy what tasks you have done in implementing note 1 and 2, or why you haven't fulfilled your legal obligations so far, or in the ministry of music, or even the judicial branch of the inspection organization , in the implementation of in fact, article 10 of the regulations, finally
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, based on article 174 of the constitution of the general inspection organization of the country, finally supervises the good execution. there is a law , one of the issues that is the concern of the restoration of public rights, this is the issue of supervision in fact, the implementation of the law prohibits the use of foreign terms, or the same council that protects the persian language is in the system . or we can say that the soil is being destroyed in an organization , let's revive them, naturally, the driving force is actually the implementation of this law, its effectiveness, the guarantee of its implementation is actually strengthened. also, something that you said about foreign goods, this law oversees production and actually oversees domestic workshops.
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social activities overseeing domestic activities that are actually created from within the country. we want to import foreign goods that want to be sold in iran with a foreign trademark, which we do not have
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, in fact, i have a trademark for it, i have a workshop, i have a factory, i want a trademark let me name one. in fact , i want to use my domestic product for the interior, which i must be required to implement, but if you want, it is the same. well , we started with you for two minutes, which means we have a total of 4 minutes, two minutes with you and two minutes for mr. no, we have a total of 4 minutes because we start with you we will listen to your summation, then mr. nasr's summation. yes, my summation is to address the same question of your highness in 30 seconds . i would like to tell you that if the import of foreign goods is inside the country, which is allowed by the legislator , there is no prohibition.
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we do not have any prohibition to export domestic goods abroad with a foreign term . i would like to tell you that after this reason, we again , in my opinion, the legislator addressed the issue that we want to go to the direction of revitalizing the existing capacities of the current law and all close the pillars. let's talk about the role of the judiciary in this matter dear viewers, recently the honorable attorney general of the country in 18/1142 actually wrote a letter addressed to the honorable minister and several ministries, stating that in the execution of your service, the principle of the constitution and the law in fact prohibits the use of names and foreign terms, what should they do in order to restore public rights and monitor public rights, and to monitor
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the possible omission of the executive body to monitor this issue , so that they can actually implement the law, i would like to ask you to pay attention to it. and even if there is a law, it is actually a procedure lately. recently, he annulled a resolution where this law, in fact , was an executive regulation for the application of foreign reforms, which, thank god , was annulled by the opinion of the general board of the court. in the performance , we can actually witness the performance supervisor. the law of effectiveness and perhaps from my colleagues who mostly speak to us is persian and it requires us to have time. how many minutes
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do i have? i have little time for madrid and this was very important. now , god willing , we will have another program to serve you two nobles. again, this issue of the narrative of justice was not opened at the time because there were many issues. this law, my dear , has problems. the ban letter comes, it says that we can give them the names that are in the native areas, for example, hira, which means widespread, in the kurdish settlement of arya in khuzestan, ilda in four places. our opinion as a contributor it does not have economic activity, it has iranian law.
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we can't work from tehran, we can't allow it, we just say that in khuzestan, although we are an iranian , different provinces are all connected, we now have a company in tehran, but its work is generally in, for example , bandar abbas, this is a big legal gap , not to mention that many provinces have this problem. there is no problem, sir , iran is deposing in the implementation of the respected radio and television , article 11, which mr. doctor mentioned, i am saying that it is being implemented , it says, sir, those companies that make foreign equivalents, for example, the company. there is no need to name it because it is being advertised, now it is a company mr. figo is advertising alinos, well, this should be for abroad, the products of the homeland of fruitland should be advertised abroad, not on tv, we say, we know that it is important to talk about business , it is important to talk about financial sums, but it is an illegal thing , which from an executive point of view, tells you that your problem is that sadasima should not advertise, the advertisement itself is exactly against this law. it is exactly against this law. now, mr. jalo
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is trying hard to make sure that the authorities are responsible for the words, but we have the product, we are going to advertise it on tv. we said you go export these abroad, not in iran, and we also advertise on tv, and there are many such examples, my dears. i would like to say one thing, because you said you have a chance, see, if we want to help our production , help our employment, we should all sit together with this law. let's correct it in the discussion of the name and economic activists should sit next to him from the chamber of commerce . please don't take it now, he wants a lot from the economy he is afraid to come forward, they say, i want this name , i can't get it, so let's do something so that he can come forward
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, open a good path for him , so that he can talk to you more about the production and development of our country. i would also like to thank mr. dr. mohammad pirzadeh, director general of the judiciary council affairs, and mr. dr. abolfazl nasiri, director general of registration of non-governmental companies and institutions, who were with us in the higher program today, for accompanying us until the end. goodbye.
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