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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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the left from the day with the handwriting of the army officers has a strange result. alfred dreyfus, a jew, is accused of espionage. tovodor herdzel, a jewish journalist who rarely sets foot in a synagogue, appears at dreyfus's court. he considers the french people's view of jews to be the main culprit. herdzel believed that the jews should emigrate in order to change the situation. it would not have been possible without immigration. he visits different people and always talks about financial issues, from the ottoman innovations of german interests and business plans to bring billions and take billions. herdzel is recommended to his opinions to write write a book like your cousin's cabin herzl begins to write. i have a solution to the jewish problem. the jewish state there is the land of desire. the jewish state book
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is printed and distributed in thousands of copies. from now on, herzl is regarded as a leader. due to the opposition of german jews to the concept of zionism, the first zionist congress is held in switzerland. herzl participates in the congress with a special ceremony. a great claim is made. the foundation of the zionist state is in palestine, where various jewish organizations are formed to occupy palestine. the current occupation is approved it should be done gradually by workers and craftsmen. the city of jaffa, palestine, an old city by the sea. this is the entry point for foreign travelers. jews entered palestine from this port. become
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economic conditions are not suitable. administrative corruption is rampant. jaffa becomes a place of influence. few jewish immigrants hide their identity. and they buy land secretly through intermediaries. the required financial resources are provided from abroad. from lodges in new york, toronto, montreal, berlin and even cairo, and finally in 1905 , among all the options, palestine as the final destination. is selected after the suppression of the russian revolution , a number of disillusioned jews from different parts of europe entered palestine. they were poor and dependent workers and, of course, armed. some of them had a bad history. some time later, two of them at the world zionist congress in laha.
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they are present. the output of the congress is the strengthening of the jewish colonies. a militia group is formed in the city of jaffa. they breathe violence. the jew fell from fire and blood and will rise from fire and blood. this violent group is later renamed hashomer and then hagana . in 1907, weissmann, a chemist. and the zionist leader enters palestine. he must make and start something to seize the lands around jaffa. after 3 years, some hectares of land in the north of palestine will be taken over. the local people are forced to leave the area, and the jewish exodus immediately begins. as the jewish population expands, the next plan is implemented. the acquisition of vacant land
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somewhere near jaffa, and of course close to the sea, this area became known as tel aviv, and its coast became the place of illegal entry of jewish immigrants to palestine. at the beginning of the 20th century, ottoman was called the sick man of europe. world war i begins. russia and the ottomans are greatly weakened. england but he is satisfied with the events. in the middle of the war, the main goal of england is announced. palestine. a specific program is in progress. the defeat of the arabs. the flames of war rise. osmani is defeated. jerusalem. is occupied the representatives of england and
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france secretly reach an agreement on the partition of the ottoman empire. in 1917, with balfour's letter to zionist leader rochelle in england, the creation of a jewish state in the palestinian lands becomes official . newspapers write: palestine went to the jews. arabs find out too late , too late, agree some arabs are with jews. palestine. after the war , the league of nations is created. the situation of the arabs is not clear. in paragraph 22 of the covenant of the league of nations, arabs
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are recognized as lacking the necessary ability to manage their land. it is declared, the arabs need the rule of a european country until they become strong and on their own feet. will be herbert samuel, his zionist deputies become rulers. waves of jews are coming. the efforts of mufti quds do not go anywhere. muslims are oppressed and jews are supported. in
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1929, everything is in favor of the jews. jewish factories have prospered. jewish workers to muslims have grown exponentially. the jewish population becomes a threat to muslims . 6 thousand jews in tel aviv shout: the wall belongs to us. they say about the wall of mourning. shiny wall the prophet's ascension place in jerusalem, jews draw a curtain in front of the nadba wall and chant on august 15th that the wall is our wall. muslims realize the danger and
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go to the nadba wall in a revolutionary movement. the british police prevent and suppress the muslims. the conflict escalates and hundreds of people are killed. persons. in this way, the brilliant revolution with the killing of muslims it is suppressed by the british. england publishes a white paper to avoid conflicts. a group of arabs are delighted, but this thinking is wrong. the white paper does not bring any special achievements. churchill is against the islamic government in palestine. according to him, the establishment of the islamic government postpones the implementation of the jewish program in palestine
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. england's controversial behavior continues. england speaks in support of the arabs and in practice encourages the jews to violence. england gets to work, on the one hand , it brings in military forces and on the other hand, it calls for
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negotiations. ordwingate, a military veteran an englishman becomes a zionist as soon as he enters palestine. while educating the jews, he implemented a dangerous plan . the slow formation of armed groups, brutal suppression and collective punishment of jewish palestinians takes an aggressive position. 2 years later , night squads are formed with a combination of british and jewish forces. cruel and scary people. they torture muslims . they whip and pour dirt into the villagers' mouths. violence against muslims becomes normal. at the same time, england starts demolishing palestinian houses. their excuse is reconstruction. of the 240 houses in the city of jaffa 6 thousand people will be destroyed. any movement
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is suffocated in the bud. in the 1930s, when the united states faced an economic crisis, the zionists reached an important agreement with nazi germany. in this agreement , it is stipulated that the jews and their capitals will leave germany. on the other hand, by introducing a tax on capital, the resources needed to buy german products and sell them in the middle east and north africa will be provided, and the parties to the transaction will receive the benefits. at the same time as world war ii, jewish immigration increases. in the meantime, the aliyabit organization intensifies immigration with the capital of american jews thousands of
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traveling nations anchor near the coast. boats fall into the water. travelers hit the water and through the raging waters, they reach the shore of palestine with difficulty. it would be an interesting sight. a legendary migration. something similar to the migration of the israelites. a scrap ship is procured from america and registered in honduras. he is going to france. the ship is being repaired in france and
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is ready to sail. 4500 jews arrive with fake passports. an american priest is also with them. he, who is a supporter of zionism, is supposed to take the role of witness. a non-jew was needed tell the whole story of the trip. the ship departs. the purpose of displaying human effort. it is to overcome the obstacles and reach the beach of freedom. the first act of the show. near the coast the ship is stopped by england. the second curtain. a conflict occurs. an american crew member is killed. radio haganah says: this is the exodus ship. we have been attacked off the coast of palestine in international waters . the story of the media exodus. un observers are impressed by the story. england
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orders the transfer of passengers to france . passengers go to france but from ships they don't get off. the show continues. passengers pay for food. a jewish journalist enters the ship and they convey the news to america. passengers are sent to germany. by force from ships. england announces that from now on, immigrants will not return to europe after a period of time, all exodus passengers. they gradually and secretly return to palestine. under the pressure of public opinion, in
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1947, the resolution of the partition of palestine was approved in the united nations. palestine is torn in two. after that, exodus monuments are erected in europe and america. the best-selling book of exodus in 1958 the writer.
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a land without people for a people without a land is the slogan they uttered on may 16, 1948
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, which coincides with 26 ardibehesht hazar. they attacked the defenseless people of palestine. an attack during which 700,000 palestinians were displaced from their homes and 600 villages were completely destroyed. more than 76 years have passed since that day, and the zionist regime has repeatedly killed the palestinian people. this regime
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killed at least 100,000 people before the al-aqsa storm operation, during this operation 35,000 people and in total during the years of its crimes. 135 thousand people were martyred has reached according to official statistics, one million palestinians are in prisons of the zionist regime, some of them are women and children. history still remembers that fateful day. the day when the smell of blood covered the entire calendar.
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more must be done to ensure the health and safety of innocent civilians in gaza. a
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clear example of the politics of devil and charm in american logic. supplying 69 weapons to kill the people of gaza on the one hand and throwing food packages to the survivors of the same people on the other hand. now why america has reached such a decision about gaza is worth attention.
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american students say they are pro-palestine and that's all 11 percent are in favor of israel. polls show that biden faces many problems in the november election. perhaps this issue is one of the reasons that the american authorities. they put a little more pressure on israel these days. i think biden realizes that he may lose in the november elections and the question of whether the american bombs left a healthy place in gaza? the amount of ammunition that has been dropped on gaza so far is several times the total number of nuclear bombs that america dropped on hiroshima nagasaki, and practically there is no longer any strong building or anything special that would require this. the large volume of using these heavy bombs to destroy it is a propaganda act. some experts
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consider biden's decision influenced by the pressure of the student movement. for respect and persuasion, at least verbally inside america, and to invite don jon to end the strike and go to the classroom, as well as prepare and be ready. creating the space inside america to hold the 2024 elections, this criminal american wants to make a not-so-true statement today, to make his own clock clear of all the crimes that the zionist regime has actually committed. late decision when there are reactions in the american political community followed among republicans. we are witnessing extreme anger. first of all , let me mention speaker of the house mike johnson, who tried to refute biden's opinion and said that maybe biden is distracted due to old age. he said that
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he was shocked by the continuation of this policy of the biden administration, because if you remember , congress approved tens of billions of dollars to send arms and humanitarian aid to israel. some republicans in the house of representatives responded to biden's statements and said that the authorities will start investigating biden's taunt. a republican senator. he also said that biden should be criticized be it however, it seems very unlikely that not sending aid to israel will be considered a high-level crime for biden. regardless of the outcome of the elephant and donkey conflict in the election contests. the publication of this news by reuters can be a measure of washington's honesty in reducing arms support to tel aviv. despite the delay in the transfer of a shipment of bombs to tel aviv due to concerns about their use in the attack on rafah, billions of dollars of american weapons are on the way to israel. hamid turkeshfand, sed and cima news agency.
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in honor of mr. dr. sim farush, dear teacher and valqam, please give your hand so that we can be at your service , mr. dr. sim farush, i will continue to support him. he was called the father of kidney transplantation in the country. whatever it is , it is not all thanks to god and i am happy that as a servant of the islamic republic. god gave me this honor to serve this martyred people since 1959. you are grateful for devoting your life to the treatment of kidney patients. the first transplant we did was when the kidney started to function and so called showed its function. all. takbeer, god has blessed us to be able to really see the works of their own creation and serve them.
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ashraf creations and god's trust, which
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is international and winner of the alborz and allameh tabatabai award of the national elite foundation. we did not deserve these awards, we all did. celebrating the best scientists and projects in the field of education of shahid beheshti university of medical sciences. the great pride of the department of anesthesia is that, at the same time,
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it has many services. he has been able to offer these services to patients both in the form of very reliable scientific articles and in the form of very reliable educational processes at the country level and at the world level, before the pathological changes are shown on their own pictures, a mass will come and grow. we can achieve early diagnosis through the imaging techniques and the indicators that we extract, both qualitatively and quantitatively . nursing diagnoses at the international level get the top rank, as well as the choice that our colleagues in the field of university education. it was chosen as people-centered medical education with people's participation according to the motto of the year. 13 visa strategies that we will have this year in the field of education with our previous program in the field of development and excellence of health education discussions in the country. the
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organizers of that review. program review training experiences education in the past year and the future program of the university in the coming year, what kind of achievements and achievements are expected in the field of education and they are being followed , the minister of health said about the operationalization of research and support for scientists: university and education are a progressive process and always it is growing. we care about education and invest in education. a long-term investment, this is a way to encourage people who work in education, but the elites and doctors, along with gathering knowledge and striving for success , had expectations from the authorities to support superior projects, we can do better. let's train and we can have more creative students in the field of medical imaging , if we are allowed , they will help us so that we can start the appetite, so to speak
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, and get students. anesthesiology, which is one of the most sensitive specialized fields in the whole world , should have a special look. among the 95 educational groups participating in the 18th festival of shahid beheshti university of medical sciences, the best 9 groups were honored. fatemeh fanamarzi, broadcasting news. this is gymna publications. we always tried to serve you with the latest methods. and today we are going to offer you 60% of your educational resources for free. only by sending the number 5 to the sms system 3085.


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