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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 5:00am-5:30am IRST

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send a gift to gilna publications by sending 5 to 30085 salam at 5 am commemoration of hakim tim abolghasem ferdowsi with the theme of ferdowsi and national identity was held at the national museum of iran. in this conference , the books after ferdowsi, shahneh and national identity and shahnameh by nasr rawan were also unveiled. one after the other , shakpur and karghna got into their hearts. we know ferdowsi by shahnameh. today , there is also a meeting place for his lovers in front of his tomb. protecting his services in iranian language and identity
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, the identities that do not exist in the nakedness have horizons, they have horizons in the experience. common historical lives, common heritage, common myths, common athletes, common heroes, ferdowsi understood this well. ferdowsi's shahnameh was written and illustrated hundreds of times in the past millennium. the best in every period , however, according to ferdowsi's reputation in the fields of urbanization, bio-social signs, in the historical city of tabran or tus, archaeologists found significant remains. we had a mosque there , which was actually known as the tus mosque. although its foundation dates back to the samani period, it is still broken. plastering and evidence that
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i was going to tell asr there that it goes back to ghaznavid and seljuqi, which actually belongs to the period of ferdowsi. in the national museum of iran , the latest research and books on the role of ferdowsi in the formation of iranian identity were unveiled. elham goran of sed and sima news agency. minister of roads and urban development from the start of the company.
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he witnessed the growth and again in the new year, which is less than two months from our new year, this path and this growth continues, an issue that the previous ministers also paid attention to. our plan is to speed up this road and rail discussion. the second point is the amount of cargo that can be used in a specific scenario here, according to india's capacities and actually their relations with the country. facilitating transportation in the north-south corridor and developing shipping lines between the ports of the two countries united . it is a valuable port from the point of view.
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it is a transit and transfer and can help a lot in india's connection with afghanistan and central asia, that is, landlocked countries. the managing director of the ports and dariandi organization also says: the signing of this contract is a turning point in bilateral and regional commercial and economic cooperation between the two countries. this investment contract will be realized in addition to this investment contract for one season. original it will be a very valuable collaboration for funding from the government of india for the ministry of roads and urban development , which will create a lot of added value along with the contract. according to the announcement of the minister of roads and urban development, india has invested 370 million dollars in the chabahar port development contract. faezeh agha babaei of sed and cima news agency. two climbers
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broke the record for the most number of ascents to mount everest. a local tibetan guide 29 and english mountaineer kenson crowe.
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before i introduce the guests of the program, i invite you to watch parts of the speech of mr. besarpash, the honorable minister. be on the road and build cities, then i will be at your service in the rest of the program. in the government, we do not have any law to monitor the prices of the market, the prices of rental housing , that is, anyone. he can sell his property in any way . this law gives the most basic tools to the government for more monitoring of the market. it is a very good thing, especially in the rental sector of various platforms, those who play a big role in pricing will be more limited.
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there will be more monitoring, this is a big event this year . considering that the rental season is approaching, the tenants will not be faced with very unreasonable numbers. according to the law, we cannot set a figure. the law of this law gives us an option according to the inflation, that a percentage of the inflation declared by the central bank can be set by the provincial housing councils as the rent ceiling, and the real estate consultants and even the self-writing system, which somehow he registers these lease agreements , he does not register the lease agreements above those rates, which some really don't comply with, some really don't comply, some don't comply, whatever he can. because it was hard to get a tenant, god willing , this year will be a different year by the grace of god. the law means the law on the organization of the rental housing market. here in the studio
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, i am at the service of mr. nowrozi, the honorable director general of the housing economics office of the ministry of roads and urban development. i would like to start with you, mr. nowrozi . well, we know who the target community of this law is and what kind of audience it has, but before we get to the target community, i want to ask your excellency. the latest statistics of the number of tenants do you have the country? yes, in the name of allah , the most merciful. let us explain the law that has been approved to our dear viewers . as for the question that you asked, the discussion of the amount of rent is different in different countries. now i also told a slide. and the rest
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are either owners or about 7-8% live in institutional houses or houses that have been given to them for free. in many countries, your number is more than the month, for example, in switzerland, which is a european country, there are about 57 households. are they renters, or germany, 48% of its people are renters, countries like south korea have about 45 renters, turkey, the neighboring country, about 36 , japan, 39%, these are the countries that have more renters than us, countries like singapore, slovenia, or russia, these are about below 13 shares of renters, of course, in our country, where the country's average is 30, 31 of the number of renters, but in the city of tehran
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, more than 51% of the dear citizens of tehran are renters, although some renters at the same time they are also landlords, which means they may have rented their own house in another residential unit that now has better conditions in another area, but they are considered tenants in the statistics of our society. in terms of the total, according to the population and housing census that was conducted , there are about 6 million of us who are renters in our country , so 30% more than 30% of the target population of this law are renters, except for the target population of this law and the target population of the law on organizing the housing rental market. and where is the land? about 5 groups of society are the audience of this law there are good protections for them in this law , which i will explain, a part of them are landlords, and some tax protections and
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tax exemptions are given to tenants who are good landlords . regarding the rental income of the second part of the addressees of this law, i would like to inform you that land and housing expropriators are people who have empty houses, or people who buy empty land and do not sell it to the housing market, or traders who fix prices, these are serious crimes against this law. seen for him the next section is real estate consultants the addressees of this law, which regulate some aspects of the behavior of some real estate consultants who behave abnormally. one last part that is now seen in this law is the publishing platforms. these platforms are also another audience of this law, which i hope we will have the opportunity to explain all of this. five target communities, i would like to ask you a question, mr. shakri. well
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, before we get to the details of this law , anyway, the law has one goal: to support tenants, to make the rental market , the land market, and the housing market more systematic. dear representatives of the islamic council , what criteria should they prioritize and consider in order to approve this law? in the name of allah , the most merciful . we started our activity in the parliament . we took a very smart process in the parliament as one of the priorities of the parliament, from the beginning of the parliament to the end of the parliament . you should also remember that we started with the tax law on empty houses, then entered the housing production jump law
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we realized that there is a huge law and the infrastructure for the construction of new houses. then we entered the tax law for capital, of which my housing was one of the topics. then we entered this final plan to organize the land market, housing and rent, that is, it seems like the parliament. it has gone through a very, very smart process to regulate the market and prevent this sharp price increase. what does each of these do to a part of the market, they manage and regulate it so that we do not witness the difficult event that happened in the past years. therefore, although the situation may be good now in the field of housing it doesn't matter the price. but all the activities of the majlis government that i told you about
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have completed a kind of a puzzle that the future is very bright and in the management and control of land and housing , just as mr. engineer nowrozi said in dealing with the traders and mafias of the housing market. the openings that they call by hoarding land and housing cause impact. let the people stop this. on the one hand, on the other hand , what are we inheriting now, the inheritors of 8 years of inaction of the past government, not only the inaction, but also the resources that were taken from the people and the government instead of building housing. spending years elsewhere means that we are entering a ruin that the previous government left behind. part of the efforts of the parliament and the government have been left to this one to fix them. now we are handing over the mehr housing that we have to the people, the heirs of 10 years. we were the practice of the previous government. please note that let's
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leave this one aside. i think the parliament has taken a good step so that we can create a balanced market for fair activists or builders in the future , god willing. which i said is the goal that we have pursued in the parliament from the beginning god willing, this law has such wide dimensions that it requires discussion and examination of various aspects of the law in many programs, which we on khabar network will definitely deal with this issue in the near future. let's not think , mr. nowrozi, how effective can the law be in regulating the issue of rent and
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making the tenants feel safe and comfortable for their rental units, both now and in the future? present and present tense in the future. tip you can see what is there, we are currently trying to increase the supply of residential units with the help of the laws passed by the parliament in the ministry of roads and urban development, which is now more than two and a half million residential units under various construction methods. this may be unique in a short period of time, this amount of increase in supply, on the other hand, we are requesting that we manage, perhaps the missing link of housing policy and implementation in the country. during the past 70-8 years , nothing has happened in the field of demand market management, which is the first time in this government with the cooperation of the parliament with the support of this law. which has been approved in the field of demand , the government of kaman is going to make a serious entry. since the beginning of the government , there was no need for a law . we took action when there was an opportunity
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. the construction that is going on in the long term , god willing, can be effective and have positive effects on people's lives. first of all, one of the gaps that we had in the rental market was the lack of information elites of the government that can identify the buyers and the traders. manage this with open eyes the guarantee law was seen as a very good place to complete the information of the real estate and housing system. one of the other benefits that i forgot is that they are also in this law . there are faulty devices that do not cooperate with the real estate and housing system and to complete the information of the real estate and housing system. that these were decided to be dealt with according to these. the next point was that the information infrastructure for the management of the housing market will be strengthened in this law.
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it used to happen, nothing happened in society, no something special was happening in the macroeconomics. but we saw some brokers and traders with actions that lead to an increase in housing prices . well, in this law , a great deal was done to prevent false pricing and price makers to express the real price. let me summarize it because a system was decided to be established in this law, article 8 of this law, which was established with the cooperation of the ministry of roads and scientific companies. the price should be done regionally, the pricing will not be done by some real estate consultants, some brokers, and some advertising platforms. this system that is being formed will show the price of your service in the region. the second point is that some ad publishing platforms do pricing. sometimes they publish unreal ads
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. sometimes your service creates ads to attract the audience. before publishing the ad , the owner must be inquired from the national real estate and accommodation system. well, excuse me, because we do n't have much time, mr. nowrozi. now i want to ask mr. sadat about our relationship my colleagues announced. which was established with mr. sadat, the housing consultant of the minister of roads and urban development. mr. sadat, i am at your service. i offer my greetings. peace be upon you and may god's mercy be upon you . i am at your service, mr. sadat, in article 8. in other words , article 7 of the law contains some notes that by referring to them, even if
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there has been a violation regarding the determination of the rent of the property in the past years, the tenant can file a complaint . what is the thing specified in article 7? what has happened is that if the general inflation rate of some areas is more than 30%, the ministry of roads and urban development can determine this issue through the supreme housing council . in addition to this issue, there are several notes to comply with this issue. as you said, in one of the notes of this issue, it is stated that if the landlord does not comply with the rent increase ceiling, the tenant has the right to 5 years after that, that is, 5 years after the from that property, the lessee has to claim the difference in both the rent and the good debt that was the property and the difference through the courts of the dispute resolution council can
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accept the difference, even if it has been 5 years since it was lifted, this law will be passed before us, mr. sadat or not, from the time it came into force from the time this law started. contracts after the start date of this law. they are included in this law, which means that this matter starts from yesterday when mr. president announced it. the next issue is that the lessors who do not comply will be fined 3 times the amount of one month's rent, apart from the fact that they must return the money and the difference. that they have to pay this amount to the government treasury as a fine for this violation . article 1 of this law is considered for lessors
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, that's what i want to ask, mr. sadat, based on this law , the legislator must have considered punishment and encouragement tools. my sellers are only consultants my real estate must help us in this strict compliance . the real estate consultants who do not check this issue, the increase in rental prices in the contracts with tracking code in the coming years after this law , will be considered as a violation for them as well, and the comments are complete comments. god willing, the concern that loved ones had that during the corona era, the price ceiling issue could not be raised by some people , we tried to ensure that all loopholes of the corona issue are observed and close all loopholes, so that, god willing, this note of article 7 will be observed in regarding incentive issues, well, note 11 of article 53 of the law
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direct taxes previously included exemptions for lessors in tehran city up to 150 meters in cities 200 meters if the landlord had a property, in this article we have added this , for example if the lessor is a renter himself . the rent that he pays is exempt from rental income tax in the year. if the lessor places his property in the hands of respectable families covered by the imam khomeini relief committee, may god's mercy be upon him, or welfare, 100 exemptions will be considered for him, or if the lessor of his property to people who are now employees or social security workers rent up to the income tax exemption limit on the salary of the person who caused it. it is exempt from tax on rental income, if a landlord signs a two- to three-year contract with his tenant, 70 per year for two-year contracts, up to 70 for three-
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year contracts, 100 from tax and rental income for that lessor, that is, we are the bottom of the scale that benefits alhamdulillah, mojrin has taken this law very seriously in article 1, god willing, please comply with this matter. thank you very much, mr. seyyed javad sadat, housing consultant, minister of roads and urban affairs, i bid you farewell, mr. shakri. well, one of the issues what is raised in relation to this law is the back and forth between the islamic council and the guardian council and vice versa . well , there are a series of requirements for these companies to comply with the law. what is the requirement
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? after we entered, we saw how many layers there are, which we checked all of them with the presence of the executive branch of experts. one of these issues is information platforms, which i will tell you. people can enter their contract automatically register there and there is no need to go to the offices. they don't have real estate consultants or documents to record, which means it's optional, and it will make rome's future work very easy by recording all the interactions that take place there, because everything is recorded, so it takes a lot of money from the shoulders of the parties. a data law, the data law of the national data law is also a prediction for these information platforms, we have seen them to control an
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information platform that advertises, they are the ones that mr. engineer explained fairly in the past one year with the cooperation of the government and the ministry of roads and urbanization has become a maturity of market management , which means that people are constantly protesting to us, how do you monitor this market? this law that came out recently has almost opened the hands of the executives to allow them different ways of monitoring. for the benefit of the people, that is, mr. akhwan, this is all for the benefit of the people. some of these traders, some of these real estate broker mafia, sometimes they create space against some of the laws that i have mentioned . rest assured, we will stop the hoarders of housing land in any way. and god willing, in the new version of housing construction, which mr. engineer nowrozi will explain to us
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we respectfully give the land to the people, that is , they should build it themselves, get their own education , sign a contract with the builders, enjoy this transfer of land and facilities to themselves. it is a very good thing that following this market regulation , we have new transformative methods for building housing. we hope that the events that are happening will allow the government to prepare its executive orders soon and the people will have the pleasure of intelligently monitoring the market . i have to ask but before that, i would like to ask mr. nowrozi that the law must have provided a series of requirements for empty houses to be presented to the market . to which this law
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dealing with traders and housing land and hoarding of empty houses and vacant lands is discussed. in this regard, one of the new developments is that in this law, for the first time, the identification of vacant lands has been entrusted to the municipality and to your service, the income from this it's an empty feeling that sometimes you have a lot of 30% of the cities are hoarded and 20% of the cities are hoarded and this amount does not enter the housing market . taxes will be heavy, both government institutions and private private institutions will all be subject to these taxes . there are no tax exemptions for them, and anyone who hoards land within the boundaries of the cities will be subject to taxes on vacant land, and the resources generated from this will be spent on building houses. inexpensive houses will be in worn-out urban contexts. the next point is the
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empty houses. according to article 169 of the direct taxes law, which was approved in the recent parliament well, this government was operational for the first time after having various laws since 1352, but we had some dispossessions that needed to be revised. the current law was revised. one of the points was that municipalities can also help to the identification of empty houses and its income will go to the municipalities, which will go to the construction of worn-out structures. well, since the municipalities have more detailed information about the neighborhoods , they can help a lot in identifying empty houses , and this should be included in the information they receive. in the real estate and housing system, it is verified and after the fact that saad senji was done will be introduced to the ummalti organization. i just want to tell my dear compatriots that for the first time after the identification that the ministry of roads and cities


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