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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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on the subject of empty houses, we are dealing with the issue of empty houses, according to article 169 of the direct taxes law, which was approved in the recent parliament, so this government has implemented it for the first time after having various laws since 1352, but some of the evictions we had some that needed to be revised. the current law was revised. one of the points was that the municipalities can also help to identify empty houses, and the income will go to the municipalities and it will be used to build worn-out structures. municipalities can help a lot in the form of more detailed information about localities identification of empty houses and this should be included in the information that comes in the real estate and housing system , it will be verified and after the verification is done, it will be introduced to an organization. and the empty house
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was offered to the housing market. those who wanted empty houses , both legal and private, and those who did not offer more than 120,000 empty houses were introduced to the tax administration, with priority given to those who have more than 100 empty houses. from 50 to 50 empty houses, the organization of institutions and organizations i want to ask mr. iqbal shakir , you see, there is a very important point. now , when our viewers hear and see our program and his excellency nowrozi's statements , they may think to themselves that this law is not only aimed at the people. people may have two houses, three houses, four houses , but as a journalist, i know that there are banks, now read all the statistics , they have more than 8 thousand vacant units in tehran and the country, what are the requirements for these? anticipate and what will be done with them at all according to the law of mr. madras nowrozi, there is also an explanation.
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to be honest, in this context, i must honestly say that good things have happened, that is, a basic work team has come to identify these things. my works, mr. engineer nowrozi said, look at these banks once and for all. they are interfering in business and construction, which is illegal. his holiness said that the banks are doing wrong, they are running banks. therefore, the honorable government uses the tools that we have provided for them in the law in two ways, one is to generate assets, that is. turn this into a good thing and hand it over to your service cycle, i ask them to market it. second , if you know that these banks don't build houses for the people, they build houses for the rich . the body and us for the seventh program of mr. akhbar. we will determine the task with these
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banks that do not provide facilities for housing construction . we have predicted that their balance sheet will decrease to the extent of the loan and will be placed in the hands of banks that are not in line, including housing bank. until now, the fines that we had predicted and the legal actions that we had done , we were running away from under them for various reasons, but in my opinion , the way will be closed for the banks , i hope that from this national media that is being broadcast, we will once again be a bank. let's warn them to return to the path of helping people in building houses with the law that was intended for them and the central bank notified them. private banks had 0% performance. mr. nowrozi knows how much in this high housing council. they tried to make these
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banks but they are still resisting we hope that mr. farzin, by amending the law of the central bank, which we have given more power to , will be able to deal with this. we have less than a minute. in the meeting of the supreme housing council, which mandated according to article 7 of the supreme housing council law, that in the provinces where inflation. above 30% , we will decide on the rate of rent increase, which will be between 50 and 100 inflation, and we will announce it to the people , and god willing, the landlords will cooperate until god willing. we can have a good market. thank you very much to you and mr. nowrozi, also to mr. shakri and mr. sadat for participating in this conversation and to you, dear viewers, we will definitely discuss other aspects of this law with other guests from all walks of life.
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thank you very much for being with us. good night, god bless you. in 1947, the land of palestine with all its culture, history and civilization
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was officially partitioned by the un resolution. but the decomposition conditions are not properly defined. while the jews are a smaller population compared to muslims. but more lands are allocated to jews. on the other hand , it is decided that jerusalem will be governed internationally. this issue is also not defined correctly. in fact, the plan and program of the united nations was not applicable. for the same reason, england refuses to supervise the division of land. an ambiguous and strange situation prevails in palestine. arabs and jews are prohibited from settling in each other's lands. on the face of it , the right to visit holy places is supposed to be reserved for everyone. but the jews did not have a good record in this field, they were not reliable. they
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they were colonizers and only talked about land acquisition. the palestinians are dumbfounded. they are amazed. believe what happened. they say that the zionists shared their land with a resolution and have a larger share. as the ruler of palestine, england served the zionists and oppressed the muslims. the un resolution had no enforcement guarantee. the clauses of the resolution were also unclear. the future was unclear. in a short period of tension . some palestinians leave the tense areas , but the tensions do not end. gradually, the conflict spreads to all parts of palestine. security
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it disappears. killing and looting are becoming common and it seems as if zionist attacks are planned. the zionists seek to take possession of properties and assets. they were. that too by force. for this reason , they attacked muslims everywhere. they wanted to take over everything through threats and intimidation. even quds. following the escalation of conflicts, thousands of people are displaced. this is not something to be ignored. in 1948, attacks peak. palestinians as much as possible. they resist. abdul qadir al-husseini, the revolutionary commander, enters the field , but his hands are empty, weapons and ammunition he doesn't have enough, and even worse, he is not supported. abdul qadir al-husseini, who is a man of war and
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has a long history of fighting, knows that quds is the focal point. he rises to protect the sanctuary. to scare everyone at once and make them run away. among all regions, but one village has special characteristics. deir yasin village near jerusalem. on the mesh area. and even though it was in the heights, it was easily occupied. the begin map is being prepared. a group of the most violent people is selected. the attack on deir yassin begins. in a conflict , abdul qadir al-husseini, who has just returned from a trip to testimony arrives. palestinian fighters
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are under pressure. but they resist to the end. for zionists, war with palestinians is more difficult than bombing. it was an alley and a market. for this reason , they act with the house ball. the attackers are getting closer. deir yassin is besieged. few defenders are killed quickly. the zionists, who have a long history of using dynamite , blow up palestinian houses and their residents. then they announce through the loudspeaker that people can leave the village. run away as soon as possible and save your life. those who survived they leave the houses little by little. the zionists are becoming more ruthless. they massacre people. that too in the worst possible way.
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the remaining reports indicate bitter and heartbreaking events . i visited the palestinian village of silwan at 10 am. no one is willing to talk , they are ashamed. women, girls and even old women have been violated. the girls are good. they have licked the babies. old women were beaten with gun butts. this is stated in another report from the representative of the red cross. they threw the bodies into the well. a pregnant woman was shot at close range. the effect of gunshots on the woman's clothes not left
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as prisoners, they are loaded on the back of trucks , taken to the city of jerusalem and turned around , then returned to deir yassin and massacred, and the number of victims is never known. unlike the reporters, who
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arrived in deir yassin a few days later after cleaning up the traces of the crime, the news of the incident spread quickly throughout palestine, and people were terrified and fled. this was exactly what the zionists did. they wanted the british were monitoring the events all the time , they were destroying the remaining belongings of the people and erasing the traces of the war they did. finally, england announces that it will withdraw its forces from palestine. arabs are surprised. the zionists, who are aware of all the details and events, use the opportunity . in a meeting, they announce to everyone the formation of israel inside the palestinian land.
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america is the first country to recognize israel. wiseman writes that it was the resistance of the palestinians that delayed the implementation of the plans. after the departure of england, the haganah takes over the weapons instead of the remnants, and a group of them become members of the police, to monitor the lives and property of the people. do this at first, the arabs succeed in advancing, but the united nations quickly intervenes. and declares a ceasefire. the war stops. israel
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quickly imports weapons and ammunition and changes the battlefield. the war is defeated and the liberated lands are occupied again. the arabs are defeated . according to historians and researchers , genocide occurred in 1948. no stats. and the bodies of many people have been hidden by the zionists . out of a million people. more than 750,000 palestinian muslims are displaced, and other palestinians are gradually forced to leave their homes. they become rich and poor, all are displaced. 1948.
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they besiege tantore village. men are separated from women. they kidnap a girl from the crowd. the girl's uncle complains. they kill him on the spot. nearby, that girl is desecrated. then the men are tied to the barbed wire fence. and the group kills everyone.
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a genocide also occurs in this village. lashti ruth's manny esper. the situation is the same in other regions. killing and looting has started. the fate of people is not clear. the remaining people are at the peak of hardship and sadness. kuchi mandatory begins in all of palestine. a trail of tears remains. civilization towards destruction goes and the earth is washed away from its owners. for this reason, the 14th day of may 1948 is named as nakbat day.
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after the exodus of people, those who have nowhere to go remain in the occupied areas and experience life under the zionist rule. these arabs have 48 names. witnesses of the genocides of 1948. gradually, immigrants arrive. they grab the properties of the muslims and... whatever remains, they steal and take over. in the 1950s, the egyptian government decided to not renew england's contract to control the suez canal. this is a prelude to dealing with israel. england does not understand this and attacks the egyptian forces. in
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1956, the egyptian government nationalized the suez canal . this move is wise and egypt's decision is final. 3 months later england, france and israel are preparing for war. the war begins with israel's attack . with egyptian resistance and international action, the war ends quickly.
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the war of 1956 was not successful for israel. the fire under the ashes in 1967 is burning. israel suddenly attacks egypt. army egypt is surprised. what the egyptian forces are doing, although with great courage. it comes along , but it does nothing. egyptian soldiers are surrounded in the sinai desert. israel takes revenge. egyptian soldiers are massacred. after egypt, the rest of the arab countries also fail . as a result, israel
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occupies more land. the main factor in the defeat of the arabs was america's support, advanced telecommunication equipment and espionage activities, more important than that was the fate of palestine. after the war, the area of ​​israel triples. many are displaced and the rest of the people are trapped in israel. a lot of sadness has dominated the arabs. in 1967, the united nations passed a resolution to allow israel to withdraw from the occupied territories . but israel makes withdrawal from the occupied territories conditional. the condition is the recognition of israel. this is vital for them. in contrast, the arabs emphasize three issues
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. no peace, no dialogue, no recognition of israel. after 3 years of the six day war, israel does not return any of the occupied territories. they make excuses. for example, the sinai desert as an excuse for israel's security. it does not open to egypt turn for this reason, in 1973, egypt and syria attacked the sinai desert and the golan heights respectively to take back their lands by force. in the beginning, war is accompanied by victories. but with the direct intervention of america, the fate of the war changes. the war ends with the defeat of the arabs. in anwar sadad, the president of egypt visits israel at the peak of disbelief. conversations begin. a
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year later, the negotiations will be concluded. egypt surrenders . the camp david agreement is signed. in camp david, it is decided to withdraw israel from gaza and the west bank in exchange for peace for the self-governing government in these areas. prepared, in fact, cam david was a document to recognize israel so that it would not be isolated. egypt was israel's biggest threat from the beginning, and israel tried to be relieved by egypt in any way. for this reason, it was necessary for egypt to recognize israel as the first arab country. the biggest threat to israel is to disappear forever. in the 70s, everything was in israel's favor , successive victories, success after success
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, there was no news of the israeli society, what was seen were the victories of the army, while strange things happened in the heart of the society. it was in conflict with human concepts. after the war, thousands of people immigrate to the occupied territories , including yemenis, they are settled in temporary camps. different people, male and female, old and young, attend the camps . women have come with children and minors. immediately, medical examinations begin. doctors take some children with them under the pretext of more detailed examinations. they are said to return the next day. but the next day there is no news about the children. it. children never come back. families follow the issue. but a strange thing happens.
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your children are said to be missing. are not. some time later, another news will be announced to them. your children are dead and the cause of death is never revealed. yemeni children were sick and tired before being sent to the hospital. but on the way to the hospital with. they say goodbye to the world of childhood forever. the number of missing persons peaks in 1953. it is said that approximately 5,000 people have disappeared. after a while, a fact -finding committee will be formed. research does not bring any specific results. the fate of the children is not known. worse than that is the functioning of the committees themselves, which in every period document review of a series of documents. they disappear and leave no trace. children's documents disappear like themselves. as time goes by, secrets
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are revealed and what happens to the children. it has been revealed that children have been subjected to unknown medical experiments. the place of experiments was haifa city hospital. doctors had tried different methods of treatment on children's bodies. including direct injection of dry protein. they were used as laboratory mice. in one case , to four yemeni children who were suffering from malnutrition . dry protein is injected. the same factor children die. dr. george mandel, president of the children's hospital, was aware of the events. in the case of yemeni children, there were the worst cases. unethical and inhuman cases of body organ theft. the body parts of yemeni children were stolen. and
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they had a bitter fate for them. however , it is not known how many children were born in this way. the story of yemeni children grieves many families. but the crime against children was not only for yemeni immigrants. immigrant families even from the balkan region were involved with this issue. the depth of the disaster is very great more than that. it was revealed in the media . in fact, in the israeli society , those who had a weaker position were harassed more than others. traces of racism were clearly seen in the case of yemeni children. the authorities were trying to make the situation seem normal. but the events that happened indicate
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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate. greetings to you, dear viewers. good morning . we are at your service with the news section at 6 o'clock. the islamic resistance of lebanon announced in a statement that hezbollah fighters targeted a part of the reconnaissance and reconnaissance system of the zionist air force at ilania base in the west of tiberias with several drones. earlier, the radio from


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