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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 7:30am-8:01am IRST

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wherever i saw the dome , i greeted you, sir, i dedicated my whole life to you. dad , you made me your slave like himself. you see, my child. i went to visit you, and my words are not hidden from anyone. kefai imam reza i love you koko
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imam reza everything big is bent at the back. god in the sky has bent the moon for you. how many years have the whole city been watching the karim khani citadel ? i yelled, sir, you did it
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faday imam reza, i love you, uncle imam reza, by yourself, safa imam reza, i love you, uncle imam reza ali, dear father, it's late. he has to deliver the invitations to the people, get up , you're late, i fell asleep, what are you doing with these papers, if you weren't in the closet, where was the closet, dad , you must have dreamed, we should all be at the shrine in an hour to finish the inscription, get up, get up be my arm
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, bring it to the people's hands, what pains that god healed with your heart . it was not finished like this, but the sound of your footsteps made shiraz khorasan, my young man, imran bitab to meet you, i will fall at your feet , o son of musa ibn. who is better than you, the person of imam reza,
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the sacrificer of the beautiful name, o aina zahra athar. good morning. today , a memorandum of understanding will be signed between the awqaf organization and the lawyers' association for consultation. family law hojat al-islam and
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muslim amrullah hosni are the legal assistants of the awqaf organization for charitable affairs. we are our guest to discuss the details of this memorandum . the country is a place that has many visitors and people according to their beliefs these places of pilgrimage come from the capacities of these, well, one of these places
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that we have in the mission field of the organization that we have is social services that should be given to the people. we had a lot of effort from the center and before this plan was almost held in the mosques with their cooperation , that is, the discussion of lawyers in the mosques, which was scheduled and held almost every month in one of the mosques . because we had zayed zayed, this program is different from the letter that god willing imamzadeh masoom tehran will be signed in the presence of the head of the organization and the head of the lawyers' center. we will implement this program in the country, and every month in one of imamzadegan, a number of lawyers are family advisors, and sometimes those who have disputes
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have family disputes. the service can be a valuable service to solve some of the social problems and harms that lawyers are supposed to attend once a month in an imamzadeh. now we have started in this way, for example, on the last friday of every month, a number of lawyers come. from the endowment organization is doing the creation of the ground for their presence, the place where they are present, and the facilities that are necessary for my specialized work are provided by the waqaf that are there for free. and in jihadist terms , they appear and answer people's questions in various legal departments, civil, criminal, family, any type of year they have, they can be informed, they will only give advice
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. it should be found for the client whether it is seen in the memorandum how this will happen or, for example, the endowment organization. it is supposed to be a facility for service recipients present yourself to the lawyer center. the lawyer center has and supports people who do not have the ability to hire a lawyer, and this is for people who are not familiar with legal issues and need them, but because of, for example, lack of financial tolerance or for example, they cannot follow up on their financial weakness , because we monitor them and do their legal work, that is
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, it should be announced in the order that the lawyers of the center of lawyers and experts of the judiciary, for example, will be present at this imamzadeh , they will go and be present at that specific time. . there is a required number of responsible people, if for example the number if there are many clients, they can respond , and the site, which is the main part of our java system, will be completed. let's be able to attend a meeting with at least one person. it should be answered in a general way and to familiarize the people and refer to the laws , regulations and their rights.
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yes, it is true that the planning, coordination, cooperation, and understanding that we did with the center of attorneys and judicial advisers, for now, we have only one day left. it will be welcomed and we will increase the number of days, god willing, and its capacity in imamzadegan in other provinces and cities. for now, the province is the center of the province, but in the understanding and in your mid-term and long -term plan, the expansion of this to imamzadeh in other cities and places where there are clients in imamzadeh and they welcome them will be the first program tomorrow. the first program today, god willing, is at 11:00 a.m. in imamzadeh masoumeh, where the memorandum will be signed at the same time after noon prayer, 30 lawyers, consultants
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, and clients will sit down. it is now accessible with these address softwares that they find. the memorandum will be signed today before noon and people will die in the afternoon. they can have referrals and the lawyers who are in the first program , god willing, will have consultations . yes, at the same time. in this program, we also provide all kinds of legal advice , for example, now some people have legal questions , whether they have a criminal bird or a family bird , any kind of legal issues that exist , a lawyer should come for them, even the matters of endowment, experts and lawyers who are proficient in this field. they are present , family counseling can be done as part of dispute resolution, or for example, the same thing that is done in the
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dispute council is done practically and according to the law, because now the dispute is resolved or, for example, reconciliation, and this is also in the discussion of the family, for example. there are counselors who now have both a psychologist and a lawyer he is present. this is one of the services provided by the judiciary lawyers center . very well , thank you very much. there is another point, mr. hosni . i would like to thank and tell my dear viewers that this is his presence in imamzadegan, and now that pilgrimage and instead of himself, but the social services provided by imamzadegan, we are at your service. if you criticize they should face the organization and here we can accept their orders , imamzadehs. governing bodies. at the service of the people of the area where imamzadeh is, the services that are provided from the point of view of the
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government and we thank you very much, mr. hosni, the legal assistant of the awqaf organization for charitable affairs, regarding the memorandum that is going to be signed today between the awqaf organization for charitable affairs and judiciary lawyers center for us and you , let's see a short part of the explanation, we will come back, i am with you.
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stay with us, let's talk about international news with the presence of mrs. moazzami. hello , good morning. hello , good morning. dear viewers. well, at the very beginning we have the visit of russian president putin to china . this is putin's second visit to china in the last six months, while we know that at the end of last week , the united states actually imposed new sanctions against china because of its relations in the energy sector as well as in the defense sector with russia. in this regard, mr. khaliq vardi, my colleague from beijing, is with us. mr. khaliq vardi, hello, good morning. tell us what is the purpose of putin's trip and the latest news about this trip.
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hello and good morning to you and all viewers yes, mr. vladimir putin, the president of russia at a high political and economic level , arrived at the beijing international airport an hour ago and was welcomed by some chinese officials. but after they arrived , they informed me that almost a few moments ago , an official welcome ceremony was held with the presence of mr. xi jinping and members of the chinese cabinet in tiemen tekken square, and now that i am talking to you, the presidents of china and russia are talking. in the continuation of the program , the negotiations of the delegations of the two sides are scheduled to be held regarding cooperation, bilateral relations
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should be discussed and discussed, but please be advised that this journey is at the beginning, as you mentioned. the new term of the russian presidency is the first trip . experts and experts have different views on this trip, as well as the media of east asia . the country has become a model for the world . it is also important to say that this choice is the first trip at the beginning of a new era for the two countries and the world. the good neighborly and friendly relations between china and russia will create a model of a new type of relations between major countries. i would like to say that this trip marks the 7th and 5th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between china and russia. another point i should mention is
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about economic issues. the turnover and volume of the financial equations of the two countries has doubled since the last 5 years and has now reached the figure of about 227 billion dollars. similarly, mr. putin announced in a conversation that he emphasized the strong economic participation and the prospect of excellent cooperation between china and russia. and russia and china said cooperation through the expansion of cooperation equal and mutually beneficial in different fields, especially. trade, cooperation, energy , agricultural initiatives will ensure the welfare of the people of the two countries . mr. putin is going to visit one of the cities of this country tomorrow on the second day of his trip to china . thank you very much, mr. khaliq vardi, for talking to us. i will say goodbye to you. but in
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gaza, the news indicates that the crimes of the zionists are continuing. there are more attacks this morning. palestinians were martyred and wounded. at the same time, we have the continuation of resistance attacks in response to the crimes of the zionists. we have news of casualties zionist soldiers in jabalia in the north of gaza , we know that there have been clashes there and in fact these clashes have been reported with great intensity. ismail haniyeh, the head of the hamas political office, announced that the zionists were defeated in gaza. the minister of resistance strikes, in fact.
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and it will be accompanied by conflict and high costs . we know that he is the minister of war of the zionist regime , but due to the news of international reactions today , south africa is going to ask the international court to take emergency measures to counter the zionist attack on rafah. in fact, a rally will be held in laha, holland people in the same relationship with mr. rudbari, an international law expert. we are discussing that they are with us , mr. rudbari. hello, good morning. please tell us about the inaction of international institutions, because it seems that they are limited to issuing a statement . how do we evaluate this in addition to their legal responsibility? greetings , i have the courtesy and respect to serve you and your esteemed viewers
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that, basically, international organizations have a series of rights and duties due to their personality, well, in contrast to these duties, they have an international responsibility for any act or omission that they do. if it is illegal, responsibility will be created. well, today we are talking about the red cross, for example, the red cross is not an international governmental organization. it is an international non-governmental organization, but can this non-governmental organization not have tasks for it? the red cross has my voice . yes, i am at your service. at the same time , the discussion on the red cross is a technical discussion in
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international law. well, we see that in the four documents of geneva, a series of responsibilities and duties are considered for the red cross. but why doesn't he perform his duties properly today, did he cause the cross to fall? rubella or causing international responsibility for it. overall, if we look at history, for example, in the libyan crisis, we see that the security council issues a resolution that four countries launch a military attack on libya in 2011, or attack afghanistan, or attack iraq, why today the security council has issued a resolution for military operations are not carried out against the zionist regime. well, we see that this is the cause of the downfall of the united nations itself. the people of gaza
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also have a rally in front of the red cross office , tell us how much of this inaction is actually the fault of these institutions and how much is actually the regime's fault. zionism or its supporters are the cause of this issue . if it is an international governmental organization, like the united nations, we say, well, after all, governments have influence, but the red cross, which is an international non-governmental organization, was established on the initiative of henri donan. the two seven principles that according to article 4 of the red cross statute, it has a series of duties and responsibilities. well, if we say that it is a non-governmental organization , its duties and responsibilities are based on mercy. well, we say here that it does not have duties, but when it has responsibilities. we see that in 1949, the court of justice gave an advisory opinion on legal personality when according to the international custom and
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the geneva quadrilateral convention, salim sarkh is given a task . here he is not responsible. after the iran-iraq war, iraq launched an attack on kuwait. in less than a few days, the united states attacked iraq and withdrew iraqi forces from kuwait . why is this not happening there now ? i have it and i am researching everything about history. the look i think it will only affect my lack of motivation towards international law. today, a resolution should be issued that if it doesn't matter, like the case of libya, a
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military attack should be carried out in that area. in fact, yes , thank you very much, mr. rudbari, for talking to us. goodbye. i would just like to say that the american police attacked protesting students at the university of california, which we will now have news about and other protests. it was also held in the state of minnesota. thank you very much, mr. hosseini. thank you, mrs. azmi, and your distinguished guests. thank you for your support, dear viewers. greetings reporter today, we have reached the end of the program. have a nice day, god bless you. we stand together with one flag. we closed the settlement , it's not about us in the world when we are us too.
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occupiers have no safe place in novara. they did not leave gaza. they target all areas, mosques, schools and houses of citizens. now i am in the school of unrwa, the relief and employment agency for palestinian refugees. this school was targeted and this attack left a large number of martyrs or wounded. as you can see, they were targeted here, where there are many displaced people. here is a room where a palestinian family took refuge. was attacked. the effect of fire and smoke can be seen until this moment. after the direct attack of the occupiers on this school in al-nusirat camp, the smell of death has spread here.
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many martyrs here. we left our houses because we had no food and our houses were in the fire belt due to the attacks of the invaders. we came to arova schools, but arova schools cannot protect us. where
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dozens of palestinian refugees were there. we are talking about the martyrdom of more than 30 people in this area and specifically in this place where i am now present. medical and rescue teams are trying. take out the bodies of the martyrs from under the rubble of this house. wherever they are, be it in the hospital, school, or
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in the building and place of displacement. washlet prize draw festival. congratulations on your new home. the first prize is a two- bedroom apartment, a car, one billion rials in cash and 10 years of monthly salary. bashland is a land full of prizes. this is a sports equipment store in a large iranian store.
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where much you can easily choose your favorite sports equipment from among all the impressive variety , then at an unbelievable price. long term and free shipping to your home , just like that. sports equipment store in sarai big iranian big iranian store in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only tehran branch in sarah afsar.
8:00 am
hello, welcome to the 8 am news, the opening of more than 11 thousand billion tomans of health and sports construction projects. and job creation during the president's trip to mazandaran, 1000 hospital beds , sari incinerator plant, 100 herds, and 500 hectares of sari orchards are among these projects. warning of rainfall and possibility of flooding in provinces located in the north, northeast, parts of the center and south of the country. the number of mashhad flood victims is 7.


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