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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 10:30am-11:01am IRST

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in the city of housewares , count in any way, you are the winner of this in the name of the lord of beauty. we start the media with news of the documentaries on the narrative of sar and andishe max, ardibehesht program, the book of the television series , the documentary on the narration of sar and andishe, today at 19:00 on channel 4
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. art is closely related to the health of the society, and we, who are radio salamat and have books in urdohesht , are talking to you. introduction of books in the field of health and discussion with authors, translators, publishers are among the topics of this program. who told you our satisfaction? the questions are coming back. i was not from iran. i was studying spacecraft mechanics. channel 3 will start broadcasting badal tv series from tomorrow every night at 20:30.
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is played some joanas use small and cheap european cars instead of giant american cars. this program is a collection of short documentaries about current cultural and political issues. marjan sadeghzadeh, radio and television news agency. esra al-bahisi, a palestinian reporter for al-alam news network in gaza, has been working with al-alam tv for 19 years and has always been the voice of the people of palestine.
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a carpet with an image of one of the prisoners' interviews was printed on it, and honored this reporter. sahar zwanati, seda and sima news agency. talk radio produces content in five fields: economic, social, political, cultural and scientific. today is the anniversary of the establishment of this radio network. the radio said. talk radio has been active in the past years. the next question i had for you is about transparency as a general social demand. radi said there was a change in the national media and there was a change in the current of the country's media , which talks about all the events and all the efforts of the country. it can be solved through dialogue and discourse
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20 titles of the program are broadcast day and night on radio talk. it can be even a different way. do you have anything in mind in this area now? the major issues of the country are content production and there are five rows of dialogue-oriented programs: economic dialogue , scientific dialogue, cultural dialogue, social dialogue and political dialogue. talk radio started its work on may 27, 2015 with the slogan of the voice of thoughts . there is a very good interaction between the faculty and the vice-chancellor and technology on the radio, and we are trying to discuss the issues of science and technology, especially with the characteristics of hazrat agha in the field of humanities and the developments that are going to happen in this field and the science production movement, good things will happen and a good plan has been made for a good day
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. let's talk about ehsani's place in iranian culture and its functions.
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it broadcasts sarabia films at 17:00. the film is about the indonesian people's war against the colonialists in 1945. at the beginning of the iran-iraq war, a doctor saves an orphaned baby. this is the beginning of the story of the movie kimia, which at 17:00. it is broadcast on the horizon network. the network broadcasts the full-metal sheath movie at 19:00 he does. the movie is about new recruits who volunteer to fight in vietnam. and the movie
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beibak 3 at 21 hours. we went to the tehran book fair with a question : how much is the media? there is a role in reading books and correct reading . there are also programs that are unique and i put them to introduce books, and finally, they have their own role . we also asked about the effect of television programs on promoting library culture. currently
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, sada vasima, as a national media, which is now the most popular media in the country, can play a positive role in this field. perform and attract people because of this, radio and television have a role to play in promoting the library culture. book lovers also have suggestions for program makers. go to the hearts of authors, publishers, and listen to the books that were published this year. it is good to introduce these books . read books and tell them what effect reading books has on our family relationships, social relationships and individual and social success .
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badim tehran book fair will be held in masla, tehran until may 29. sahar konvanti news agency seda wasim. i am talking about the media coverage of the book field in the press and news agencies with ms. atefeh jafari, the reporter of farhikhtegan newspaper, ms. jafari . i also say hello to all my dear viewers. let me start by saying that the book is almost oppressive. journalism in the field of books is not far from this oppression, and it is naturally a very difficult job to be a book journalist. when you read introduce the book and promote it in a way that people will know. to express it, you must be creative, you must have variety so that you can
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introduce that book very well and attract people to read this book. we talk to him, yes, like what, for example , let me tell you about other fields, one of them is the book fair, and the other is the book fair, of course, everyone says 10 days , but the book fair is a day, and finally , the book reporter starts at 10 o'clock in the morning. it is possible, but until he comes to the exhibition , what should he do? there is a series of book launches that are in the exhibition and other issues , the officials are visiting, and he has to cover that program and be careful not to miss anything, people on the side. this is the demand of my people. we are face-to-face with the people at the book fair, that is
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, people see us and demand from us , especially in this year's book fair, where due to the high price of books, people are emphasizing that you should talk about giving discounts that the people they can buy and use those books mrs. jafari, now some of our viewers say that we have a book exhibition that lasts for 11 days and then this exhibition will end. what do you do during the year until the next period of the exhibition, which will be next year, apart from introducing the book? look, now i say in my newspaper that books are one of our main fields in farikhetgan newspaper and we tried to reach the publisher from the management of the book field, which is now at the level of the ministry of guidance, vice-cultural, and then to the publisher, the author said. talking with authors who now finally publish books throughout the year and these books are going to be published is also a part
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it is possible to introduce them that some books are completely successful, that is, when the author writes the book , people welcome it because of the name of the author or the publisher who published that book, and we go to these books, now what? a book that is very popular, what kind of book we know is a very good book and can help people and be attracted to that book. well , other things are areas like the printing industry or even the problems of the publishers themselves, and we know that such discussions, for example , the issue of paper is a very important issue. there is and we during the last year according to the talks about self-sufficiency of paper, we also discussed this topic a lot because it is very important if we use paper. we can get it to the publisher at an affordable price and at a reasonable price. naturally, this cycle
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goes like this and expensive books reach the audience. so , what are the strengths of working in this field? i think it is one of the most important points in book journalism. being familiar with the book will help you a lot. now, regardless of whether you like the book, you go to the book and read that book, even if it is because you want to introduce that book, this will help you a lot. in the way you chose, in book journalism for me, of course, since i was a child, i was very interested in books . the book has always helped me, even in writing, even in
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report writing, because if you cannot put words together in journalism, you cannot be successful, and the book helps a lot. well, today is the world communication and public relations day, and there is room here for many colleagues. congratulations on your relationship. how is this field with you book reporters? i think that he has been in public relations for almost 3-4 years in the book field. it works a little better. for us to recognize that a publisher definitely needs public relations to be able to do that is a very new phenomenon, especially for publishers, yes yes, to be able to introduce the book , now a part of that introduction goes back to the reporter of the book, press, newspaper, even radio and television, who introduce they are going to promote this book
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, i think most of it will go back to the people in this year's book fair. they introduce to the people , it has nothing to do with the media , the relationship they get with the people is public relations, and i think we are going in the direction where your profession is. well, now , how is his relationship with you, reporters of the book? well, naturally , when i say relations , we mean the relations of the public sphere , and the relations of the private sector. i think that even those who didn't get there will eventually come to the conclusion that the media , if it criticizes, wants to help the issue that the road that
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is now very difficult in the field of books is made smoother . they want to know the media better and make this way clearer i remember ms. jafari from the mid -early 70s , the discussion of specialized journalism in the media became very serious. you look at the past according to your own experience. in the early 90's , books were very important to the media for book journalism. at that time, they tried to strengthen the book journalism, but
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for now, i think. i do, even though we have a book field specialized in all media, but that's not enough it should not be a priority for them compared to other fields, for example, if something happens in the field of cinema and they all cover it, but in the field of books, this has become much less in these years. considering now, i say open my own newspaper, which is very important to us, and naturally, the field of books you know that the cover of a newspaper is dedicated to a specialized book , this is a very important issue and we had this, but i can say that in the media, i think this was much more and bolder in the early 90s, and now we have less than a minute. now, what is your most important request in this area
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, i would like to ask the managers very quickly, that the book area. and book reporters and even though they are criticizing, they should accept that criticism and know that they are very passionate about this area . very well, thank you very much for the conversation you had and the answers that we have reached at the end of this news section . the next news section will be at 11:00. the 3rd of may, national population day in iran's official calendar, was the reason for holding this press conference early , including the achievements that sweetened the palate of the people, alhamdulillah, the donation
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of more than 80 thousand pieces. the land is for families with three children and above , who are obliged to submit a one-year performance report of various institutions in the youth population law, families are very serious, in fact , they are thinking about investing in these areas. in this report, the ministry of roads has given 80,000 plots of land to families with multiple children, the ministry of cooperation, with free insurance for rural and nomadic women, the ministry of science has speedily granting the construction and renovation of numerous dormitories. and the ministry of health with the insurance of infertile couples were recognized as leading institutions last year. in government centers, services are provided with 90% insurance coverage and in murad. non-governmental organization with 70% insurance coverage provides services to navarre couples charities whose job is to provide dowry and provide
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easy marriage for young people to matching centers and embryo preservation organizations were also introduced as the most active people's groups supporting family and childbearing last year. one of the tasks we had in the secretariat that was actually open for a few months. we had a meeting with grassroots activists and grassroots grassroots activists, and the narratives that were formed are very magnificent narratives , that is, from the presence of the people, grassroots activities, maybe a government agency with a certain ability will make something happen , but that grassroots activist is without that many it should have these supports only based on love , based on faith and belief that we should have a young iran. let's have it. in fact, this event is organized by the secretariat of the national headquarters of the jamiat.
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the second event of awarding the jamiat national youth award. the second national jamiat youth award, which is scheduled to be held on may 29, with the presence of the president, is a place to appreciate the best government institutions, institutions, elites, media and active popular groups . the community of sahm man from the youth of iran, this event will have more than 20 selected individuals and groups who, according to the organizers of the national award by receiving this award, a new path will be opened for them to complete the work and the good completion of the work will actually be the beginning of a new effort for the year 143 to be able to bring this flag, which is dear to the pride of iran, on the same day in the year 143. let's continue like this. zeinab chichmaghi of the radio and television news agency. in the media war, we can no longer
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work with a model that means hours , minutes mean now, the fight is about seconds. following the jihad of service and the jihad of hope in the national conference of hope. in this tv program as a program the weekly routine is being broadcasted on fars center television . we are trying to show some parts of the actions and activities of the holy body of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, as well as the family tree of the basij, in various topics and axes, from the deprivation of the separation of the people, people-centered assistance and the programs of the activities of the islamic revolutionary guard corps itself. in any case , let's reach out to our dear viewers, we are facing a new era in the field of communication and public relations. of course
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, public relations should not be summarized only in news and information. today, communication with the general public, understanding their demands and transferring them to the authorities is important. it is the most important mission that public relations can undertake the basij news agency's public relations groups are basij's hannons and honorary reporters, among the active media sections of the irgc and the basij resistance force. basij's youngest honorary reporter in these 6 months, i was very active in basij news agency and i was the youngest member of basij news agency. in the field of media information, we were able to identify 5 basiji forces who are experts and committed in the field of media. due to
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the various productions of basij activities, holding 502 press conferences, broadcasting about 1500 fixed weekly programs in the national media, and preparing and publishing more than 84 thousand interviews and production conversations are part of the year's activities. 1402 public relations is the basij resistance force . in the basij, our effort has been and continues to be that , in accordance with the culture of the irgc and the relationship we have with the masses of the people, while being aware of the needs of the people and the demands of the people, we should circulate it in the irgc complex , and our commanders in the provincial corps should be established and the corps news work together. la
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has found better conditions in recent years. we have nearly 2,000 honorary basij journalists in different sections of basij, all of which are a good capacity to convey people's demands and to reflect the activities of different irgc units. strengthening relationships in provinces and even cities are part of our plans . god willing, we will try to equip the provinces this year, god willing , we will fix our equipment deficiencies, and god willing, from 140 and 4 , we will divide the cities in order and do this work for the cities. television program producers of the
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islamic revolutionary guard corps and the basij resistance force are active in 27 provinces of the country, reza zarei of sed and sima news agency.
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in the almond farmers, the cocoa cream of the farmers, the cream of the farmers sticks with the honey of the farmers of the cheese cocoa milk farmers, khashmzeh yogurt farmers , sarshi farmers.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, salaam, the president's 11 o'clock news section at the celebration of the 39th revival. 95 stagnant production and industrial units considered production as the center of the country's economy and demanded increased support for the private sector. it is ready in mazandaran and in the northern provinces, considering the very good fields and the good capacities that we have in our province , the private sector will be more active, help, support , as we visited these booths, they all
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said that we


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