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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm IRST

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for dear retirees, social security from the city of household appliances. the city of household appliances, a specialized reference for household appliances. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful viewers, hello , have a good time , welcome to the economy and market news. the governor of the central bank said that the forum for private sector exporters will be launched by the end of june at the latest. mr. farzin also said that the volume of exports of the private sector reached it reaches 8 to 9 billion dollars per year, and most of the transverse problems in the field of meeting obligations are also related to this group. we are going to get the offer
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. you tell us too, sir, come and present the offer in the nima system we see that the government or the central bank is setting an order price. this is an example of the complaints of the exporters. you can't come and say that, for example, the price will be your currency or it will be 60 tomans in the market . you come and sell it for 40 tomans. then, because i am the government and i have the power, you have to. from me. they say that the mandated exchange rates have caused a trade deficit. last year, without taking oil exports into account , we had a balance deficit of about 14 billion dollars, which is mainly due to the application of the policy of horizontal contracts and the forcing of exporters to sell export width at the exchange rate , and besides the problems of contracting attractiveness it has also reduced exports. we come to the sanctions and then especially the regulations of the commitment. which we
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warned since 2197, well, unfortunately, the friends in the central bank and the government were not receptive, the result was that within 3 years , we went from 426 million dollars 96 or 416 million dollars, the annual average, to below 100 million dollars, now the central bank has announced that an important part of it is true that some of the agricultural products of the small farms that want their export income can be returned with these rates. they say that we cannot. let's go back, in order to solve this problem , this year we will develop our exchange systems, that is , we will take them out of nima, we will bring them into the framework of an agreed exchange rate. p.
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to create a market where both sides of the transaction can easily find each other. according to the officials of the gold and gold exchange center, the service hall is another possibility that the central bank will launch to facilitate the receipt of 63 foreign currency needs of the people. did mohammad amin dejman, radio and television news agency. certificate of privilege. the government was approved. the economic spokesman of the government said that good decisions have been taken to facilitate the settlement of the horizontal obligation of small exporters, which the central bank will soon announce the details of. the most important obstacle in the way of our exporters is the issue of clearing the land obligation. our problems in this export are how to return the export money. transversal or open contracting. the return of foreign currency from exports
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has always been one of the frequent complaints and protests of exporters in recent years. the return of foreign currency has been made difficult for our exporters who are exporting leave it aside. we ran into a problem here. it is about money transfer. last year , to help solve this problem, the government placed gold imports in front of the exporters in exchange for the return of the income from exports. the country needs gold. if the exporters can supply the standard gold bullion emphasized by the central bank and put it at the disposal of the central bank, it will become a solution that not for everyone, but could solve the problem of some. not all exporters have this expertise and it is not possible for them to settle their foreign exchange obligations with gold. the title of an option, as an option that may be able to transfer a small part of the amount of exports, actually transfers its width. now, the economic spokesman of the government in
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his latest press conference says about the government's plan to further solve this issue, in the context of the export privilege certificate, which was proposed as a new additional clause in the foreign exchange obligation cancellation regulations by the central bank, which was welcomed by the ministry and various departments. the production of the country was also placed in the economic commission of the government and it was approved last week, god willing , it will be presented in the cabinet next week and it will gain legality and formality. zohra ticheng according to abdul maliki, the secretary of the supreme council of the free and special export zones of the country, one third of the country's non-oil currency is provided by the free and special economic zones . last year, iranian products worth 18
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billion dollars were exported through free zones in the country. the trade balance of free and special economic zones together is about 14 billion dollars is positive for exports, which means that the production that took place in the region itself was 12 out of 170 million dollars, and our imports were a profit of 12 million dollars , which, thank god, is a positive balance for the last several years. the export from the region was about 224 million dollars . it actually happened, which is a very good number . we have 164 active companies in the region, which have products. their products are exported abroad, and their exports are 22 and a half million dollars. we had 163 million dollars of exports from mako free zone. there were some regions whose trade balance was positive. last year, 620
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million dollars were exported from arvand free zone to other countries. these regions are trying to provide special facilities for exporters. nearly 100 hectares of covered and open docks are available to dear exporters by private sectors. and section we have organized our own government , we have allocated 10 hectares of land to knowledge-based companies that are commercialized , which means exporting. that they can easily export their products to the whole
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world in addition to the facilities that they get in the free zones and as an incentive from the free zones. 1403 also plans for growth and development export in free zones. first, to diversify the export products and secondly, to move towards high value added and scientific products in our country, 48 free and special economic zones are active. mohammad ali qayoumi, sed and broadcasting news agency. india supported the agreement with iran on the development of chabahar port. after signing this agreement, the united states had warned any country that does business. to think with iran, he must be aware of its dangers. ip india company , iranian ports and shipping organization signed a contract on equipping shahid beheshti chabahar port and operating it on monday. from the reactions to the port contract
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i saw chabahar. but i think it 's important to know that this contract is for everyone's benefit. in my opinion, others should not have a closed and limited view of this contract. the technologists of a knowledge-based company succeeded in localizing the nuclear multi-stage mobile flow meter system. this equipment has the ability to accurately measure the flow of oil, water and gas output from oil and gas wells. localization of strategic equipment in the oil and gas industry is 100 banned goods because it uses a radioactive source related to nuclear energy. using. of nuclear knowledge in the flow system the multi-phase mobile meter has made it possible to measure the flow rate of oil, water and gas coming out of oil and gas wells. the exact amount is important to us. previously, we thought that this well was producing, for example, a thousand barrels, while
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its oil production 700 barrels were out of that thousand barrels. now, sarad shah, we have the possibility to measure these three phases at the same time, the new version of the multi-phase system. mobile can measure production in wells with high pressure. it could measure a maximum of wells with a production of about 3,000 barrels. this version four. with it measures more production. if we install this at the well, we can monitor the entire movement and behavior of a well. the strategic equipment, which has shown superiority over similar foreign samples in the test stages , works at high pressure and high flow. the device is skid, mobile and portable, its error rate is lower than its american counterpart.
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i am saying this based on the field evaluations that we got from the mpfm system, because the system is online , that is, we have the data online from shah , which gives us a much better analysis. a product that was monopolized by two european and american companies with nuclear technology, which has now been localized with the help of experts in the nuclear industry , saving about 10 million dollars. we had and there is no need for western companies to maintain and upgrade. if the old version needed to be repaired , the kernel source would no longer work. the company that did not come to repair for us. therefore , by making this device, we were able to have its repair issues and all zero to 100 issues in our own country. according to the officials of this company, the knowledge base of this device is based on the local conditions of the iranian production industry and by obtaining the necessary standards based on 10,000 hours of work has received performance approval. vahid zakari arat of radio and television news agency.
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capital increase of 50 thousand billion tomans of bank melli and sepeh. a member of the board of directors of national bank said: this is the first time after the victory of the islamic revolution that the government increases the capital of state-owned banks to this extent and in cash. the increase in capital will reduce the imbalance and increase the lending capacity of banks. in 1402, state-owned banks were allowed to issue financial bonds equivalent to 500,000 billion rials with a maturity of up to 5 years, with the guarantee of principal and interest by the government. the license that was issued and implemented. the result was the release of 50 thousand billion tomans of bonds, which was used to resolve the conflict between sepah and melli banks, which is the first time since the islamic revolution. that the government
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is increasing the capital of state-owned banks in cash at this macro level. these bonds with all these features are also guaranteed by the government. we were obliged to increase the capital by issuing bonds for sepa bank by the end of 1402, alhamdulillah . the maturity of the bonds is 6 months, and naturally until september 1403, with financial resources provided by the management and planning organization as the representative of the government sits on the balance sheets of these two banks in a practical way, but from the accounting point of view, the balance sheets of both banks now have bonds that have increased the capital of these two banks and their capital adequacy. more than 22 data improvements after the injection of the amount of these bonds in shahrivar, a part of the liquidity and
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sedav sima news agency, the result of the revision of the hygiene distance guidelines will be announced by the end of may, mr. sayah, the head of the monitoring center and improvement of the business environment of the ministry of economy, said 11,238 km squares of prime agricultural land in the country because of distances the toilet is unused. i want here, i want to get a livestock license because my neighbor, who is a thousand meters away from me, says
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that we will not give you a license. they say it is a medical livestock system . the province's medical livestock was prevented from approving the plan due to the non-observance of sanitary distance with the industrial slaughterhouse. the one that slows down the jump in production with the participation of the people and the funds that have been left on the ground for a long time .
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we need new investment, we need to create new units, so we must definitely focus on these. it is a production whose executive order has been revised for a long time. our most important task in the statistics secretariat is the regulatory laws that harm our business today and have practically suspended the business of the agricultural sector. the regulations that have been seriously introduced by the medical examiner's organization since last year. to update this regulation, but despite the promise of the senior managers of the veterinary medicine organization, the revision of the sanitary distance instructions has not yet been completed. end in april 1403, the medical animal organization will close this discussion and notify the provinces. april has passed and may is coming to an end, but
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according to the ministry of jihad and agriculture, 4,800 applicants are still waiting for the issuance of permits. there are businesses , 30% of which are related to sanitary distances. alireza shoukti, sada vasima news agency, the plan to develop the added value chain of the provinces will lead to the competitiveness of the iranian product and its scope in the national, regional and even trans-regional arena. the deputy coordinator of economic affairs and regional development of the ministry of interior announced this and added this plan a change from last year in 31. the country's province began , and finally the deputy of the coordination of economic affairs and regional development of the ministry of interior in the program on the front page of khabar saderat network called the growth of national production in the country and referring to the implementation of the export value added chain development plan, he said: since a year ago, 62 chains it was identified in 31 provinces of the country, about 10
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of which are related to agriculture, that is, all resources. and the tools of the province should be used and that value chain should be able to happen , first of all, the productivity should increase , we should have the development of the chain and deepen it. the knowledge in that chain was an example of mohsen soreeh tabar in identifying the export value added chain of khuzestan province in the field of production of exportable dates. the species were very diverse. 6 species were identified that have maximum productivity. in this species, they are for export, they have the best resistance , and this was identified, and these became the market's need . the national council for the development of the export added value chain of
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the alignment of this plan with the national land use document ghosh tabar also announced the successful participation of producers and exporters in the country's provinces in the sixth exhibition of iran's export capabilities. in this sixth exhibition of the chancellery's capabilities, we had 228 trade agreements with about 14 foreign countries. 800 million euros was the total value of these agreements, and 25 reais were the same. descendant effort in another part of the first page program also referring to the government's effort to reduce.
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mohammad mohajeri, sadavar news agency, should have in recruiting forces with university education. dear viewers , we have reached the end of this news segment. thank you for your support. good day goodbye. i would like to greet you again, dear compatriots. i have to tell you that the barisa system that entered our country will continue to operate in the country for the next 3 days
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. we are also witnessing an orange alert, especially in the northern parts of the country during these 3 days. today, the rains in the northwestern parts of sawel, southern areas , southern slopes of elbert, northeastern, eastern parts, and also in khuzestan provinces, chaharmahal bakhtiari, which is bai rahmat of bushe fars province, southern parts of the eastern parts of the province. and we are witnessing in kerman, considering that the rains are in the form of snow, this is spring rain spring rains in a short period of time , we are witnessing a large amount of rain and these rains happen especially in the afternoon, the intensity of the rains causes that today in the northern parts of east azarbaijan province, ardabil province, as well as north khorasan, khorasan, razavi, kokili provinces. rahmat and the northern half of fars province, we will witness the intensity of these rains. due to the intensity of rain and waterlogging of public roads , we are witnessing flooding , which has led to the issuance of an orange level warning in these
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areas. please refrain from it. today in the central areas of the southern parts of the country, the wind will increase in some hours. the strong wind will cause destruction. thank you for your attention. especially the foreign investments in the big plans of this action. officials who can definitely help in creating employment and economic development and growth will
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have the necessary and worthy help, god willing. one of the most important points is that this province has the field of food production. the food that is produced in this province, whether it is rice or dairy food, this is a field. it is very good what is produced in this province in the government's policy, the use of domestic products is what is needed by the country, which cannot be met by domestic production, so that domestic production is not affected, imports should be made. the principle of using domestic production in ward province. that is, we have said many times in the meetings, here in the presence of the dear people
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of sari and mazandaran, we are announcing that the principle of paying attention to domestic production and paying attention to the domestic producer is the dear farmer who produces rice and citrus fruits , import should not be allowed. it is an expression that when we have domestic production, let's do an import along with this domestic production. i said about my wood and paper factory, i said there, today we are happy that our paper production has made the country free from importation, this is one of the valuable steps that have been taken. i looked, well, mazandaran was always introduced to its paper production or textile production, which is mazandaran's production, why
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should it be a factory, dear ones, they have a booth, in this booth, the manager said that alhamdulillah, our textile production has reached a limit, what you said that day, today's production our textile has reached the same stage as it should be take the next steps. i said that this amount should not be enough. we should set a goal for the next steps. this revival of textile was just yesterday . now we have to take a new step in the textile industry with new products and more employment and more facilities and capacities. we think that mazandaran has a lot of potential. first, the capacity and material and spiritual reserves of efficient, sincere and entrepreneurial human resources, we do not lack in our province, faces and forces that
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are ready to work. and as for your duty, managers , i would like to thank you all for your hard work, but my emphasis is on you, our dear ladies and gentlemen. monet's duty in the government in 143, which is decorated with the slogan of leapfrogging production with people's participation , prepare the ground for people's participation in all sectors, there should be no part of the country that does not take into account the field of people's participation , not as our visionary leader said, the path of steadfastness the independence of the country in the economy is a resistance in the production of all sectors, they must relate to the people and their relationship to the sector.
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define the private cooperative sector in such a way that today, if an economic activist, a cultural activist, an activist in different fields wants to try , there will be a field for him. i am one of mazandaran women. mazandani men, especially dear women in the village and city. the great work that women are doing in mazandaran, in addition to agricultural work, for which i must commend all of them , is the handicraft work, the women and girls of mazandaran are at the forefront in this matter, and i would like to thank the managers for their great efforts. today, among our women and girls, there are very talented forces to show that in the scientific field. they definitely shine in the
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sports arena, they shine in their value in social issues , they really play a role, today their role should be seen as the ground for their effective activities. in the direction of the development of the country, economic growth should be given full attention. last point , dear ladies and gentlemen, while appreciating all your kindness, i will definitely attend the meetings today and tomorrow. we will also be at your service and our loved ones. second , i have a
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problem solving meeting in all the provinces. it cannot be solved and it is in your capable hands to solve it. if yesterday those being that they take the solution of the problem outside these borders and say that our problem will be solved by a foreigner. we deeply believe in following what the wise leadership of the revolution said. and the martyrs taught us to solve the problems of the country by the capable men and women of this country. the foreigner has not tied the knots of any country or nation so far, the second one being us. the foreigner is looking for his own interests
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. servants, who consider my honor to be only a servant and a servant for the people and a soldier for the province and this country, in no place, in no place, in no place, in no place, in front, and openly. secretly , i don't think about anything other than what pleases god and national interests. what is on the agenda is half-finished projects . we have a case in the same city of sari that the leadership of farzaneh el-ghebanal said 28 years ago that this project should be resolved, but it took a long time. the city has resolved the issues of the honorable representative of the supreme leader.


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