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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm IRST

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stand up to justice, the burden of trust is left on your shoulders , stand up in the first line, the first line, the first line, the line of service, the line of humanity , your stronghold is your stronghold, this is the table, and there is hope for you on the other side of the table, your eyes are martyrs for you. in the name of allah
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, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you, dear compatriots . welcome to the program on the first page. in this program , we talk about one of the country's driving forces, which almost every society strives to provide the ground for the recognition of guidance and, of course, the material and spiritual support of the society. elite on the front page. mr. dr. seyed salman seyed oghahi, vice president of the national elite foundation, is standing in front of the camera talk about policies, strategies and of course decisions that can be very effective in this field and in our society in the third decade of the 21st century it can have a decisive effect on growth and prosperity and of course the future. he went to the country, you are very
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welcome, doctor, to the program on the first page, i offer my greetings and politeness, i am also at the service of his highness and all your dear colleagues in this program, and i offer my greetings at the service of the honorable nation of iran, the elite and history-making nation of iran, and the true guardians of the system. we are at your service, holy prophet of the islamic republic. please, perhaps the first question to be asked is whether it is a duty at all what is the main purpose of the national elite foundation and what are your priorities for this issue ?
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he is responsible for the implementation, coordination and implementation of the country's strategic document on elite affairs among all the country's executive bodies. in fact, the elite foundation is a regulatory, coordinating and policy-making body, and it is for this reason that the position of the national elite foundation is defined under the presidential institution and the head of the foundation's board of trustees. both according to the first step document, it is the responsibility of the honorable president, what we should follow in the programs of the foundation is to provide the basis for the identification and development of individual and group talents in the society. the institutions must prepare in interaction with the foundation. of course, this document of the elites, which has this demand and
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requires the foundation to do this task, is less promoted in the executive bodies. sometimes we participate in meetings with our dear friends in the government or in other institutions and they claim ignorance they have heard about the existence of such a document, or sometimes its name, but they don't know much about its content . the reason for most of the problems we have in the field of science and technology is not following this document, so this document has a very special place in the governance system of elite affairs . the first part of this document is a series of strategies and actions.
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it includes major issues that oversee different departments, such as that the foundation must provide a mechanism for identifying talents, that the role of different institutions and groups and executive institutions should be established. in fact, the field of elites should be specified in another part of this document. well, doctor, before we move on to other parts, the section discussing the identification of your elite society is the component and indicators that are used to know whether a person is an elite or not in the fields different means, is it only a matter of science and technology and knowledge, for example, medical sciences , or in the field of politics, economy, culture, communication and other issues, do you go to find
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elites or do they have to refer themselves? yes , this is a very good question. something that is routine and by default. in people's minds my dears and our officials, when the name of the elite is mentioned, it is mostly an image of a person who has a particular prominence or effectiveness in the fields of science and technology. but as stated in the strategic document of the elites, the definition of the elite is given at the beginning of this document, because this is actually the discussion. it should be addressed and answered is that he is an outstanding and efficient person, the elite, and this indicator of prominence and efficiency is a very important keyword in the creation and expansion of science, technology, art culture.
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literature and other fields that the country's administration can rely on two things, one is acquired capabilities and the other is one's own inherent talents. able to play an effective role and create awareness of the system , each of these words was defined by the friends who were in the document writing team and the method was discussed for hours in the cultural revolution council, no matter how hard i tried to define something like this i should add that i saw that this definition is so comprehensive and complete that adding more to this may not solve the problem, so the other fields that you mentioned are social fields, the fields of these are also the fields they are very important that sometimes the path to identify the elite may not go through the university, that is, we have an active social activist. a person who creates a social organization has a great impact, but this person
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does not have a very high level of academic or university education, naturally. considering the effect this person has and in fact the change he brings in the society of his audience in order to advance the country, the elite foundation will consider him among the elite , he will be included in the support of the foundation, while the same person himself will help the foundation. he does that in training people similar to him and let him play an effective role in peer review like himself . doctor, they used to say, for example, that someone who wants to be self-represented for the national elite foundation should, for example , give his gpa during his master's degree or doctorate, or say how many articles he has prepared. this is our model. in other models that have existed in our culture for 1400 years, for example, if 3 people
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approve the statement of one person , they are allowed to issue a fatwa, which means that no mechanism, for example , a university, has been defined for this. my question is whether we have a way to identify the elite apart from this , do we have a problem or not now, for example, in the field of our art we have some people, for example , they are the best in the world in the field of miniatures, well, even a university may not confirm this, but everyone admits it, and all those in this field. they are working , they consider this to be the best, do you know this or not? 100. basically, the mechanisms based on the manifestation of god in the strategic document of the elites are not recognized as genuine. perhaps one of the transformational measures
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that happened in this government was that elites are identified by the elite foundation using a wide range of tools , one of these tools is as you said. the national entrance exam is the grade point averages that students get at different levels of education, but this is one of our entrances. naturally, we have many events in the country, where these events are artistic events, literary events, and even skill events, where the elites can be identified in these events. ok, of course we have entered and we are identifying the elites as one of the identification channels from this path , the mechanism that is in the elite foundation. taken just recently, in the last few months
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, we announced the guidelines for the identification and growth and excellence of top talents in the literary and artistic fields. this guidelines is actually the central field for identifying elites with the approach of introducing valid references, that is, we have events in various fields where these events are references. they are valid, for example, in the fields of art, we have collections in the country , like the field of art, like other collections. that these competitions are specific people, this is one of the paths , they are holding competitions every year, and it is in the second path according to the order of his highness that you said that it was like this in the old days. yes, this system is completely correct, the system of master and apprentice, a system in which approved and known middle and elite people they know are introduced as their own students or other people and they evaluate them. to the elite foundation. the elite foundation will definitely check and recognize this and the people who
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enter through this process can be among the elite , so one of the key things we are doing at the elite foundation is the development of the concept of elite to the fields of literature, art, culture and skill. and entrepreneurs are now also the entrepreneurial elites we are identifying and these are the guidelines , some of them have been announced and some of them are being finalized and announced. god willing, yes, of course, dear doctor, my discussion is not that, for example, no, that is good, but maybe if we refer to the re-opening of the qur'an, hazrat yusuf he will introduce himself. hafiz ali will introduce himself. i don't have that either. now that you want to have some tools and components to verify, that's another discussion, but that is. you should also follow him, and others should introduce him, and he should come
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and introduce himself, that is, all three issues, but in my opinion. it comes to the national elite foundation, which i think has been for two decades. it says 4, almost yes , 84, so it's 19 years. in these 19 years, i think it was mostly the first part, that is, i don't know the university. regarding the recruitment of elites, my colleagues will prepare a report , we will see this, then we will talk together about how to recruit them. in 1401 , after the order of the president, he started working in executive bodies. government fields for the role the creation of cultured men and women should be fully
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provided. those present in this souvenir photo were the first group that opened their doors to the offices. a place for us to consider is the ministry of petroleum. i had many choices, but due to my current interest, i decided to work at benad and darinvardi organization. last year, the system of recruiting elites and top talents in executive bodies was launched. regarding. he thinks that he can meet the conditions of the national elite foundation based on his personal information, his resume and his records, he can come and apply and the system provides that the dana.bmn.r system is there to upload his resume and documents. nearly 9,000 people registered in this system, 350 of them were recruited by executive bodies. an employment that has a special privilege compared to normal recruitment according to the law. he will be able to benefit from the rights of the employee, such as using the maximum limit of his special points, in
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the management assignments that will happen in the course of this person's growth. elites in the executive or governing bodies will discuss this related issue regarding the society bill to support the elites in the parliament, how is the situation now? the support of iranian elites started almost from the end of autumn last year. i have a place here to thank the friends of the presidential legal office as well as the friends of the administrative and employment organization and the program organization for their great help in drafting this bill considering
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that this bill has a financial burden and requires coordination between it was a part of paikar's friends. various meetings were held. this draft bill was compiled in 55 articles and in fact it was recently sent to the president's office, and god willing, he ordered to examine the body in the relevant commissions, and after its own course, god willing , it will enter the islamic council, which we, in the meetings we had with the friends of the parliament, the dignitaries who voted in this new parliament, requested. we asked them to check this as one of the priorities of this parliament. as you know, one of the honors of this previous parliament was the approval of a plan that became a law in the field of the jump in the production of scientists . discussions such as credit tax and such tax exemptions
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for daneshmanian companies were the happy results of this project. in the field of the elites, this bill will go to the parliament soon, god willing, and unfortunately, during all these years, we have been in charge of the institutions that interact less with the cultural revolution council and most of the economic and social fields. and it is necessary for this document to be implemented, they should implement it. we tried to bring the approach of approving the law and persuade them to express their work and support it. there is the creation of a culture of implementing that law and the belief that we should use the elites in different positions in the country and these are the talents that if they are not used, the progress of the country will lag behind and suffer. this is the most important task, so we request this. now, friends of this parliament, which , god willing, will start working on the 7th of june
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, we request this from the representatives of these people, who are one of their priorities in this parliament. and maybe we can say that their first priorities are to deal with this bill, and god willing, they even made promises that this support will happen. for the bill itself, the important thing is that the approach that existed before at the beginning of the establishment of the foundations was the approach of direct support to the elites, that is , let us pay the elites some funds and provide direct financial support over time with the experiences that happened. . in this area , and the fact that the economic power of the government and institutions has finally become more limited, we have gone in the direction of providing more ground for the effectiveness of the elites, which is one of the key actions that we were obliged to do in the strategic document of our elites.
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effectiveness of the elite is actually in the actions it is mentioned in the document in the strategy of maklan 3 that laying the foundation for the influence of individuals and elite groups in the society means that they should be attracted to the government apparatus. we now have a large number of danish companies. hazrat agha said that our economy should become danish, so that these companies can compete with large state-owned companies, which are good or bad in our economy. the economy is state-owned and the credits are in the hands of these big companies, they should be able to enter the market of these companies these companies should be included in the list of suppliers and become state companies in a way, a practical market for our danish companies. well, thanks to the efforts of the vice president for science and technology , we now have nearly 10,000 danish companies and several billion dollars in exports, but this is not enough, we
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have to work in our domestic markets and in our main industries, which are infrastructure industries. in our country , we have various resources and mines, we have oil , we have gas, we must focus on added value in these industries, creating added value is formed with the help of these companies, scientists and elite cores. therefore, it should be legal to support elite groups to be able to enter the field of operation of these companies and allocate a share of this market to themselves in a sustainable way. we follow another issue is that we should establish a fund called the effectiveness development fund for elites and top professors. very elite products. to produce a technology, sometimes to solve a product or a technology bottleneck, but they don't have the ability to express this.
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make it a commercial product and launch it in the market . this fund can help these products that are at the level of one or two or technological readiness become products that can be sold in the market. would you give money or financial support for our better commercialization? that thing according to the strategic document of the elites, we are obliged to do one of the very important and key measures of this discussion, in fact , is to create platforms for the activities of academic companies and elite communities that we can secure credit for, and they can actually do this in risk management for the project. these are the researches in order to cross the valley of death that these companies are trying to overcome, naturally, this requires a fund , which was mentioned in the same strategic document in the past, and it was called the elite risky research development fund. it was never formed. we are
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trying now. in this law, it means that it should be investigated in the parliament. god willing, this fund will be established and it will be able to support the dangerous research of the elites. you see, hazrat agha said that we in an elite country want something. the elite should have a sense of usefulness. this sense of usefulness is their dimension. it opens the feeling of being useful for example, it is a matter of employment if the elite has a job, regardless of whether it is in the scientific team of the university or in a knowledge-based company or not in different executive and private sectors of the country , it has two possibilities of continuous research, creating the possibility of continuous research for the elites need that we can get the financial resources necessary for them to continue their research. has the necessary funds in this field been provided to the national foundation of the elites, or has an acceptable credit been considered for that fund? see this plan. well,
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we have just entered the performance, which means we are hopeful we want to be able to visit the executive bodies this year in haft esfand of the honorable president ablaghiei, and the role of that body in supporting the elites was determined separately for each executive body. one of the issues in this announcement , which is almost common to all organizations, is that they should help in providing resources for this fund, which is one of the most important resources we have for this issue , see corporate social responsibility. the law of our government is still enforceable it doesn't exist and it is being managed according to taste . part of this is going in the field of elite sports, which is very good . we need to support this sport in every way . it is the vitality of our young generation, but
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it is just as important as sports. perhaps more than that, our elite society needs to be paid attention to, so we predicted there that part of these credits that these important companies have in the field of social responsibility, we have the infrastructure and mother industries, industries such as the steel industry, various alloy industries, and the oil industry. petrochemical and big industry. automotive industry and so on are responsible for the elite society because they are using special privileges and so-called government subsidies , so with these privileges, we must provide services to the elite society in the field of elite breeding , in the field of elite selection, and in the field of the elite we want to employ these elites, so this is what mr. president communicated to the various ministries and agencies, and here we request the ministry of home affairs to seriously address this issue , and so to speak, these companies that are finally owned by the government. he has and can persuade them to to speak out in the field of elites and support them, in
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fact, do this. now, the next issue is the employment of elites in these groups. it is not acceptable, don't we have a law for recruiting elites ? how many have you recruited based on this law? for example, during the last year, last year, yes, look at the law, in fact , the council of ministers approved a regulation in 1400, which was followed by the regulation of attracting elites in the executive bodies. well, this regulation in the truth is that the purpose of the executive bodies is the departments that somehow feed from the public budget, and this is actually the executive departments, in other words , according to that regulation, they are obliged to pay one percent annually, which is now 20 percent of the minimum capacity in the notification. their recruitment and recruitment has come to the expression and
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capacity of the elites. use it. well, this has been implemented . yes, the call for the third call has been implemented. in these two rounds , nearly 1,500 people have been selected and entered the process of actually being recruited and employed in the devices, but there are some challenges. there are also barriers to this they have gone and now they are in the place where they should be, this challenge is caused by not accepting. saying or removing the responsibility from those executive bodies or the elites themselves is not our good will. in the same first call that was announced , approximately 7800 people registered for approximately 1500 job positions , and in a short process, their scientific evaluation was done by the foundation. in fact, these centers were evaluated and then. after
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that, they were introduced to the empowering course, and after the empowering course, those who were able to get the necessary points entered the selection process. let it be done. well , we announced this in the supervision of the headquarters that mr. president had last year from the elite foundation, that one of the challenges of employing elites, which slows down the work speed , is the selection process, which is the selection process. mainly when many of these children are still selected. it 's not over, even though since the first period when the discussion of recruitment started, we suggested to mr. president that in order to implement this, a central selection board should be given to the elite foundation, considering that we have for all the institutions of the country. we do the recruitment work, and unlike a device that recruits for itself, we definitely need a central selection center, mr. president, order right away and strictly order to follow up on this matter, we
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are asking the people in charge. that now in the high selection boards of the honorable government, they will enact this so that the foundation can start this central selection board , the purpose of this work is that we can specify the selection process, the selection can be done in a month , sometimes because the institutions prioritize do not believe or not some devices on they doubt the fact that these dear ones are elite, and this process has been slowed down in various ways, and this is the damage that happened in this case, it has been slowed down. it's been a year, well , you see, an elite, most of these children have capacities, and finally , there is a demand to recruit them from different places, even as you know , now i don't want to raise the issue of immigration from foreign countries for some of these children. it comes in invitations or this or that
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a simple follow-up can be obtained from many reputable companies in the world. well, when we keep a person in an uncertain environment , and the result of the work is still not known after a year, this person has the right to protest and one of masadiq respecting the elites is the reason why we assign these children early assignments. let's say, sir, the whole process of recruiting you takes, for example, two months, it takes 3 months, and that person can plan for his future. it is that for all these reasons, there should be some use of them in salaries and benefits these will be paid a certain amount, in fact, other considerations should be taken into account so that we can keep them, which we are now following up with the friends of the recruitment department, and god willing, we will be able to solve this as well regarding the elite soldier. it was brought up at some point, how are the conditions in this field? yes, we discussed the introduction of elites to military service from the very
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beginning. and for the gentlemen, every year, a number of requests are made for their cases to be investigated. one of the places where we have recognized the statement is the issue of the elite military, which is among the people. they ask for their resumes to be checked, and after it is checked, if they are approved, they are introduced to the general staff of the armed forces, and there is an elite center there that actually employs these loved ones . different branches of our armed forces have introduced almost 3 thousand elites in the military field since last year and these are employed, which means that now we have 3 thousand in our armed forces. we have already introduced 3 thousand people. naturally, there may be more than this number, but yes, the 3,000 people we introduced are almost all employed by these are certain ways


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