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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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we had a soldier from the very beginning, he is the martyr of siad shirazi, and every year we have a number of requests for men to check their cases . and after it is checked, if it is impeached, these will be introduced to the general staff of the armed forces, and there is an elite center where these dear ones. now in different parts of our armed forces, since last year until now , we have introduced something like 3 thousand elites in the military field and their employment means that we now have 3,000 people in our armed forces. we introduced 3,000 people already. well, naturally, it may be more than this number, but yes, the 3,000 people that we introduced are almost entirely employed in
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are you also working with these armed forces in the field of the so-called debate related to the use of elite capabilities in the management field ? we say that the government only looks towards our executive branch, in fact, it is the branch we are recruiting for the judiciary and other institutions of the country, and we are also giving requests for loved ones and jobs. we have included in the recruitment system a public sector, an executive and governance sector, and a private sector. it is very good that we should use the capacity of the elites in the private sector. in the private sector, by the way, it is much easier to use these things . we are now following a plan in both sectors that those people who are in the evaluation centers and those selections that we have. we do these
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elites are identified as elites who have capacity they have management and can manage a group even if it is a small one , whether they enter the board of directors or enter key and appropriate middle positions or even high positions in the organization , we will identify them and with these loved ones in the same space. on the other hand, in the governance layer , we conduct courses and strengthening, and then we introduce these in order for them to be placed in those positions in the public sector. alhamdulillah, this is going very well. they talked about the youth who came in the previous governments in the leadership meetings they said that now they are present in the middle and even upper levels of the government. well, this has happened and it is getting stronger . we should know that one of the strengths of this government is the use of young people and giving them the opportunity to manage the country and gain experience . the future is one of the advantages of this government, the next thing is to use these. in the private sector, we are one
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of the issues that we are following, and meetings have been held so far with the heads of the board of directors and the officials of large holdings, now it was in the areas of the mining industry, trade, in the areas of oil and gas, and these were in different industries. that we we started negotiations so that the elites who have enough capacity enter the middle management level of this complex and even the manager level. the board of directors, considering the competence they have , i would like to offer this to you, one of the national measures that we must take is not against the national strategy 3, against the grand strategy 3 in the strategic document of the elites, to organize the system of selecting weapons for the country's workers from among the elites and elite communities. what we know as meritocracy in our country is being prepared and i really promise that
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we will use it when a government is formed. his appointments should not necessarily be political, his appointments should be based on meritocracy , taking into account political considerations, this is one of the ideals and one of the things that should be done, therefore , we are forming these specialized human resource agencies in the elite foundation, alhamdulillah. the report that i have is that this week 25 of the experts who are being identified will be introduced to the private sector for these management positions and board positions, which, god willing, we hope to be able to employ them with the participation and support of these groups. that part ideas.
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did you use the field of country management or how is the chain of elites now? where are we in this chain and where are we placed in this work? yes , it is a very important and correct and good question. however, sometimes it happens that nations face sharp slopes. it happens that there is not enough will, sometimes it happens that he doesn't have the ability, in the current situation, he has both the will and the ability, so saying that i don't want to cause a misunderstanding about the future. but
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appreciate the opportunity to want and be able to this current stage and take advantage of this and then they say the demand for a new scientific rise , they call this new scientific rise with the participation of the officials in the government, the young managers who are the body of the government and the elites themselves. it means that a chain should be formed so that this actually happens in the process of employing elites in governance. well, we came on this basis and made a plan, and one of the very important issues that have been formed in the elite foundation in recent years is the formation of think tanks. it is one of the most helpful things for make effective the president and governments are proposing solutions and
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there are experts and elites in these complexes . under the title of the national debate of the elites , which is a series of debates that are held in a competitive manner, now let's be very simple . and banking is one of them, the field of governance system is different, the field of health is different, the field of natural resources is different, and five it is a macro area that includes five areas of national challenges. for example, an example is the imbalances that we have in the banking sector or not the imbalances that we have in the energy sector. knowledge-based governance or in the field of the health system, there are various topics such as
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health insurance and such sectors as these are the major issues of the country. and they debate with each other and there are teams of analysts who are again experts and they actually evaluate these debates and the top teams find a way to the higher stages and with my help we can identify the elites who have valuable words in the policy making and governance levels. this is one of the events that we want to identify a part of the elites in the field of governance in this way, so that we use the capacity of the elites in governance. let's say that these designs are two types of a series of designs they are priority-oriented, that is, the elites with the help of different governing bodies identify a series of priorities and propose these
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, and we give financial support to this idea of ​​the elites. the second type is demand-oriented model, which means that the elites interact with the governorates in dealing with government departments, the agencies that exist in each province take their demand and needs and provide solutions based on that. we have probably supported more than 200 think tanks in the elite foundation. every think tank is actually supported by at least 200 million tomans we have increased this this year and we plan to increase the number of these as much as possible, and the good thing about this process is that they are connected to executive bodies. and the executive bodies form a continuous stable relationship with them, and then the houses of the elites become a gathering place for them to follow them, and the foundation supports them in order to achieve their results, one of the issues that is important for especially places like the national foundation of elites, which can be the driving force behind
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the development and progress of the country , there is a discussion of transformation in the national foundation of elites, a report in this regard. we have. the council of the cultural revolution, based on the emphasis of the supreme leader , approved the constitution of the foundation, the purpose of which was to properly use the scientific capacity of the elites in line with the development of the country and to create a software movement. i will not be short. in the past 19 years, the national elite foundation has provided material and spiritual support to the country's elite society. the approach that in the new period of this organization
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is expanding and evolving towards increasing the sphere of influence of the elites, instead of seeking only direct government support that every the day is getting closer, let's find a way to create an impact field for our elites, in the same direction, increase the number of members of this foundation by changing the method of membership from other new approaches of the national elites foundation. we have something like 70,000 people in our information domain who somehow use one of the foundation's plans . of course, this is one of our shortcomings in the foundation . the new plan that we activated under the title of the elite path plan , practically, we no longer call for registration in that sense rather, we will identify people and we will invite those identified to cooperate, according to the deputy official of the national elite foundation, in
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the new projects of this foundation, along with preparing the path of cultivating elites. mohammad hossein haji, radio and television news agency. now, in your opinion , what are the major issues that exist in the field of transformation in the national elite foundation? you see, the first step is to change the approach from identification based on self-declaration and active identification. this year, for the first time, we sent text messages to 2,500 talented people who were identified by the foundation and invited them to saying that in the foundation group and we are working with them, we have to travel an elite path together and this was very attractive for the elite children and they asked a lot what this is. they were following and having questions about the debate on the path of the elite and these, well , this is one of the examples of honoring the elite that
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active recognition should happen. previously, the identification was based on the praise of god and the damage that was discussed. it was mentioned in the constitution and bylaws of the elite foundation and in the strategic document of the elite, but it was not implemented, so we activated it. we did and we are implementing it. the next discussion is the discussion. the establishment of the house of the elites is the establishment of the house of the elites as an institution that arose from the society of the elites, which is defined as an organizational scientific institution under the foundation of the elites, but its management is run by the elites themselves. it will be informed. well, this was one of the transformational measures. the goal of this was that we have a society that pays attention to and
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follows the ideas of society. this formation of these elite houses is one of the most important and transformative actions of the foundation it was elite. the discussion of shaping the national division of labor system , which is stated in the strategic document of the elites in chapter four , that the elite foundation is in charge of the implementation of the national division of labor. in this sense. to go to an understanding with the executive bodies , to get their plans in the field of the elites and to see them in the industrial budgets of mabaza, this itself was another transformative action that with the recent notification of the president , the engine has been started and it has started. it is appropriate for me to appreciate mr. dr. vahidi, the honorable minister of the country, who actually held two very detailed meetings with the elites, one meeting last year in the area of ​​the conference was the national dialogue of the elites, and a meeting was held just last week. it lasted for more than two hours, and as one of the active ministers in the field of the elites, they are following
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me. my request to other gentlemen, ministers, and officials is to really show the work of the elites and form these elites follow-up committees. well, this was one of the transformative measures, another discussion was a form of continuous research by the elites. look, last year, with the personal follow-up of mr. president, the code of independent researchers of the country was approved in the supreme council of ataf. this is a turning point. that's a lot now it was not notified, unfortunately, it is one of the things that maybe the supreme council of ataf can inform about this . independent researchers are people who can do research work and have a working history for them. should be considered and recognized as an independent force without organizational affiliation to any institution or organization. well, this is a system that our elites can take advantage of as long as they are not employed in the organization and cannot find stable employment. another one of the subjects that we entered is the international field
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well, he was not very active in the elite foundation until now. our dear ones in the president's office of science and technology . they are doing a lot of valuable activities. recently, the national science and technology cooperation organization was notified by alan about the issue of the return of elites and cooperation with the supreme council of iranians . yes, we had many different meetings with friends of iran's supreme council abroad and the government's concern in this area that we can do with capacity. it is really a serious debate to use elites from abroad this is because we do not intend that the elites from abroad should necessarily all return to the country, because we can use the capacity of the elites from abroad in the same place where they are, that is, even the elites who are iranians abroad, you support us . yes, we are now in our country. we held meetings with them, both virtually and in person
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, when they came to iran last year and during the january holidays, we held a meeting with them , we raised their requests, and these loved ones sometimes announced their readiness that we we are ready to give advice in the field of actually giving ideas finally, transfer the successful experiences that we had in these communities to help iran. some of them have serious job affiliations there, it is possible that they will return, maybe not in the short term, but an intelligent intelligent system can mean that it can use the capacity of its own elites anywhere in the world. who are using it now, countries like china, india and the country. which is actually one of the top powers of the world in the economic field and we see that this community, now the diaspora they have in other countries is really a large community and we should use the capacity of these dear ones and be a part of this we are not talking about them to come back now , if it happens in their field, i can serve you and the national elite foundation in a
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minute to tell what has been done in the matter of realizing the slogan of the year. we think that the most important thing that the elites should solve is to solve this problem, which means that the production of the country in the field of economy and in the field of thinking, in the field of culture, in all fields , we can increase the production. with the participation of the elites , we followed this year and this national discourse that we formed is one of the best. using elites to solve problems there is a country, especially in the economic fields, where the focus of this conversation this year is mainly the economic fields , which is mostly the layer of thinking and giving advice to the officials.
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be big he said that paper production is his father's profession and now he is considered an entrepreneur in this field, in the cardboard paper industry of our country for almost 80 years. graduates form a university. more in the discussion of laminates and cardboards that are now imported into iran through foreign countries, but in the discussion of laminates, we were able to find a significant amount of these imports in the discussion of laminates and the incident that took place in this work
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by machines that were made in iran. and these devices. alhamdulillah, a certain amount now , maybe 10-15% of the imports from foreign countries are now covered in the country, and alhamdulillah, it is a good product and the price is appropriate, that is, compared to the current demand in the market compared to the current dollar. we made a very appropriate and good generalization between the industry and the university and... all the university graduates who work in the oil and energy industry, they can implement our projects in our group in the same dynamic company, and as a result, they will have the same bond, and also from our point of view. the financial support and support of these are part of the technology entrepreneurs who
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were present at the second conference on the integration of the industrial sector, the role of technological approaches and intelligentization in the production leap, with the presence of respected university professors, entrepreneurs, students and officials of this field, which in fact, our goal is communication it is better to strengthen the relationship between industry and university this is for the children of the new generation who you see in the hall and are looking for growth with passion and enthusiasm . technological perspective and that a manager can make decisions more boldly
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. maybe in the past years, despite the slogans , scientists did not have that serious role in the companies . with the capacity and knowledge companies that are actually activated today, i believe that it is possible, but it is a very difficult task, according to the officials of this the conference to speed up the connection between the university and industry and to develop the scientific and technological path is considered one of the main axes for industrialists and technologists. mehbouba delangiz of sed and sima news agency. the conference of solidarity of active and eulogizing networks under the title of jihad intermediaries is being held in adina cultural complex. synergism of different currents in the field of the board
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is important to the success that the collections that work in the field of the board and alhamdulillah there are trade unions for them. to the issue of resistance and the recent developments in gaza is the approach of the delegations in muharram this year. in the upcoming month of muharram and other religious opportunities that are in front of us, the synergy and harmony of religious life and religious organizations throughout the country stood on the issue of resistance. gay in front of taqut and in front of global zionism should be given special attention, both our dear waad, our dear praisers and
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all those who participate and have an active presence in this ritual bowing, we are requesting and we are coordinating and we are planning to plan, god willing, around the issue of resistance and perseverance against satan and his minions in the world have the privilege the slogan of our example with the line of thinking we have for muharram, god willing, is about the uprising of resistance and companionship with the people of gaza. with these events that have happened, this working space in gaza and the cutting and growing of this beautiful palm of resistance. it is natural that we are also going to offer politeness in this space, god willing, one of the main characteristics of this year's muharram
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will definitely be this year's poetry and this year's wit and lamentation. well, it is absolutely impossible that he did not say anything and was indifferent. naturally, all poets, all praisers, all pulpits, life factors have their views on this matter. there are a total of 200 people who attended this conference the council of religious organizations of the country, the madagan center of the country, the assembly of the cultural centers of tablighi, the secretaries of the council of networks , the delegation of the representatives of the dobel khazai foundation in the province and the group of experts of the religious organizations of the general administration and promotion of islamic propaganda . hit this conference will be held on friday, may 28. seyed hossein mousavi, sed and sima news agency.
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a land without me, people for people without blame, this is the slogan they uttered on may 16, 1948 , corresponding to may 26, 1327, when the zionists claimed to have killed 6 millions of jews were killed in the holocaust and the occupation of palestine, no one thought that this would be the beginning of a great bloodshed. may 15, 1948 , just one day before the occupation of palestine, three zionist terrorist groups, hagana, sturm and palmach , which were killed by the british army for a long time they were trained and attacked the defenseless people of palestine , an attack during which 700,000 palestinians were displaced from their homes and 600 villages were completely destroyed. more than 76 years have passed since that day, and the zionist regime during these years has destroyed the palestinian people.
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has dragged it to soil and blood many times. this regime is up to before the al-aqsa storm operation, 100 thousand people were martyred during this operation, 35 thousand people and in total more than 135 thousand people during the years of their crimes. according to official statistics, one million palestinians are in prisons of the zionist regime, some of whom are women and children. history still remembers that fateful day. the day when the smell of blood is everywhere. learned the calendar. i love you so much that i won't even let a hair fall from your head. hello, what
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do you suggest for my daughter's hair loss?
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