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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] it creates the need to solve these problems by approving this plan. after approving this plan, the head of the expediency recognition council expressed his hope that its implementation will prevent various violations in the field of unreasonable property in the country. to review this plan tonight in the special news talk program hosted by mr. seftar keshavarz, deputy of the country's property and deed registration organization and mr. abdul maleki, deputy of laws. majlis is from isfahan. mr. seyed hassan mousavifar, an expert on legal issues , will be with us by phone. we say goodbye to the dear viewers of channel 1 on this occasion. if you are willing consider this conversation.
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follow us on the news network. have a good time. in order to learn more about the topic of tonight's program, i invite you to take a look at the report prepared by my colleagues. he normally buys it in 1969 and builds a house in it a few years later. now i have electricity. gas, phone, everything i have, i have been here for 10-15 years, everyone knows the location of this 70-year-old mother, one day when she was hosting her children, she unconsciously trashed my house , destroyed my child, beat my child, in 1995, a man came. he brought a piece of document and says that part of this land belongs to me, i won't pay a cent of my right, and this dispute is rooted in a paper
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. the most important thing is the creation of 50% of the court cases in this 6-year-old, i say a 70-year-old man should be calm. 6-year-old these steps of the court are blue , go up, go down, abstract the opinion, go back to the proceedings of esfand 1402. based on that, they seized half of his land, it was proven that he came to inquire that yes, this gentleman who says this, i bought it from him, is not a lawyer at all. his name is correct, not his signature it is true that these normal documents, when real estate was transferred, actually provide this capability for profit-seeking individuals who want to forge documents to create fake parallel ownership branches, but now with the approval of the plan, it is required to officially register the transactions in the recognition forum. the expediency of the system finally closed the way for these lawsuits regarding normal transactions and normal documents that people
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did before the approval of this law. this law did not come to destroy them , but to organize them and made a general invitation to the people to come and upload their documents in the existing system. and these documents become official documents in a process is a significant part of the implementation of this resolution in the judicial branch . according to the law requiring the official registration of transactions , the document registration organization must establish the systems required for the implementation of this law within the next year . sajjad wahhabi, sed and sima news agency. mr. keshavarz, hello again, you are very welcome. first of all, we have seen in the report what is
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the problem. which was created for the people with normal documents, tell me how much is the volume of these normal documents now and how much this plan and resolution can help to solve these problems, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. i offer greetings, courtesy, and respect to your excellency, respected colleagues, and also all dear viewers . i would like to mention two issues that have caused the most important challenges in the field of real estate. the first is the transfer of immovable property. in the past, the joint statement
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was issued and these two challenges were delivered to the people. quote the normal transfer and the lack of ownership documents and ownership documents in the hands of the people themselves has caused many problems in the country , including these problems that we can say in the country because of these two issues , it was mentioned in my report that the increase in court cases as the first challenge , there are more than 34 disputes as well as court cases directly related to the real estate field and cases that are indirectly related to the real estate field, which are caused by our real estate. ownership and transfer are normal, but the title of the lawsuit is another lawsuit filed in the courts with them, almost the same as mentioned. 50. another problem in this department
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is the lack of identification of the real owners. in the field of document registration, we know someone else's owner according to our own records, while this property was transferred to another person and we have nothing to do with it. we do not know. another drawback is the impossibility of completing the demarcation. hadnagar community law, which had assigned us to prepare the cadastral map of the entire country within a certain period of time and also issue its documents, due to this part of normal transfers and the lack of ownership documents, this possibility has been met with problems and objections. the discussion of fraud and other cases that have arisen due to these normal transfers and not having ownership documents in real estate. yes.
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in order to organize this matter, the registration organization and the judiciary have presented the same plan and proposal in the past years. which was initially proposed as the promotion of notarial credit. well , it was examined and dealt with in various commissions in the parliament for several years, and finally, in january 1401, after the views and expectations of the honorable guardian council were not actually met by the parliament, with the insistence of the parliament, this plan was sent to the honorable expediency council. . at the legal and judicial commission of the assembly held approximately more than 40 meetings to examine this issue in the secretariat
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of the assembly itself . more than 20 meetings were held in the secretariat of the judicial law commission of the assembly. more than 20 meetings were held with the presence of the main respected members of the judicial law commission. in the main hall of the expediency council in the presence of the main members, this plan was examined, and finally , last day, the last paragraph of the disputes between the parliament and the honorable guardian council was dealt with and determined by the council of expediency. mr. doctor , i want some more speed from this introduction let's move on. now the task has been determined and its requirements are clear to all of us. now please
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explain to the people what is going to happen from now on . what is the mechanism of this plan? if we state the goals of this plan , the same answer to the question of hazrat al-ala will be given . if we want to define the goals of this plan in four terms. we can divide the discussion of the first section, the first goal of the discussion is to organize the transfer of normal documents in such a way that, god willing, after the promulgation of this law and the creation of a system called the organization of normal documents that god willing, it will be launched, after that, any transfer of immovable property in the country should be done officially, using the electronic document registration system that is currently in official notary offices . the infrastructure is ready. yes, now. anyone who applies for the transfer of immovable property to
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the notary offices will do so in the electronic document registration system, and this system has been officially created since 1992 and is being used for the second purpose. the discussion of organizing the status of real estate consultants in this way is seen in the second note of the article 3 and the third article itself, that after any agreement made between the buyer and the seller, the real estate consultants enter the results of the contract in the electronic registration system, which the registration organization will give access to these real estate consultants, and the discussion of facilitation is over. it is not and will not be regulated in the eyes of real estate consultants, but
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after reaching an agreement, the terms of the agreement in the formats we have defined for them will be regulated in the electronic registration system, which god willing, they will enter the document in notary offices. the third goal is to remove obstacles and facilitate the issuance of ownership documents. well, we are part of the country's lands even now, they do not have ownership documents until that part. if we cannot issue the title deed, the ground for the necessary implementation of this plan will definitely not arise. in this plan, it has been seen in some of the country's agricultural lands that it was not possible to issue the title deed to the farmers who own the model . which does not have an ownership document . god willing, in a specific time process
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, they will determine the assignment and have ownership documents. the fourth goal is to facilitate the preparation of documents. they can also set the platform of virtual space, of course, it needs to be created. there is a series of structures, including creating the possibility of online and instant response of the devices that have to respond to the inquiry regarding the transfer of property. create an orderly online inquiry. the
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electronic registration of the documents should be sent and the documents can be transferred in the virtual space. excuse me, mr. keshavarz, please explain here how it will be verified that these statements of the person who he came with a normal document and he wants to register it and publish it officially and upload it . what kind of verification will be done there so that the major problems of the past do not happen again? see now if you visit your notary office to prepare a document. the ownership transfer section is checked electronically with the document registration organization. the issue of authentication is being investigated through the service we got from the civil registry. the discussion of restrictions , prohibited transactions and arrest and removal of arrest is being done electronically by the notary . the inquiry section is the same as other devices it should be given in part electronically
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, for example, the tax issue is now being answered online , other inquiries such as the municipality, i mentioned these in this plan, it has been seen that within one year at the latest , this platform will be prepared for identity verification and ownership verification. the electronic form will be done , similar to the issue that is being done now in financial transactions between individuals . he should transfer his bank to someone else through virtual space. regarding the preparation of my documents, these conditions have been prepared for him. thank you very much. we have another guest, mr. abdul maleki. i am the deputy of laws. majlis mr. abdul maliki, i say hello to you , one of the main problems of the people is that sometimes , despite the purchase of a property, someone else comes with an official document and claims ownership with a normal document . from now on, how should the courts
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deal with this issue? do mr. abdul-malki mr. abdul-malki , our video communication with him from isfahan should be established. well, mr. keshavez, you mentioned that with the existence of the necessary infrastructure, we now want to face a huge volume of registration of normal documents, and people express their opinions and make them official. do in smaller towns in distant villages what should people do in places where the possibilities and infrastructures are limited? yes, you see , the registration organization has defined working groups for creating these infrastructures for some time , including the real estate working group. working group of documents, working group of technology, working group of information, working group of consultants and real estate consultants who can provide your service in all these sections that i have mentioned
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to provide the basis for better implementation of this law. in the areas you mentioned, which do not have documents, what mechanism has been defined for them so that they can actually get their properties first? they should have documents and what is their duty in the current situation, i would like to tell these people that in order to document their properties, in this plan , especially in the agricultural lands, agricultural installations, which in the past were entrusted to the farmers, were mostly assigned to the farmers. these are in the form of walking without boundaries and distances without area. it is seen in this plan that , god willing, we will be able to issue ownership documents for this type of land and properties, regarding people who were transferred normally before the approval of this law, and the documents that are now in
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they have the option of using the former camafs in a normal way in this plan seen, article 10 of this plan , we will create a system as a system for organizing normal documents that can enter that system within two years and upload their documents in this system with the coordinates of their property and within two years after that set a task that i will explain if there is a chance. thank you very much . another guest is with us on the phone. dear mr. seyed hassan mousavi, an expert in legal issues. i would like to say hello. good night. mr. mousavifar, please tell me what obstacles and problems might be faced in the way of implementing this resolution? yes thank you in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, have a good night. first of all , i would like to thank you. well, a lot of effort has been put into this project . good education has been seen in the system. some obstacles
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to obtaining an official document have also been identified. . it is that there may still be other obstacles to get a document that our people cannot get a document. see the system for those who have an official document . they don't have a problem with the cadastre, because they don't have an obstacle for an official transaction and an official document we have to pay attention to the fact that the prerequisite for an official transaction is to have an official document, but there is a huge volume of documents in our country that
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cannot be obtained due to various reasons. it can't be solved and so on. the main ones are endowment documents and they have to do a lot of homework. in many places , they have problems with endowments and they cannot get a document. for example , there are many examples in one paragraph. only 16,000 could
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get an official document, the rest of them face serious problems and they can't get a document and tell you what the cases are. this will probably be added later, it will cause physical problems, so the best thing for us would be to betray the documents that have been compared, the official documents that exist now, and the cadastral documents. however, in the case of normal documents, we make other arrangements, and whenever they are notarized at that time for these transactions. let's restrict these and when you don't know what kind of dimensions we are facing, this kind of assignment regarding normal documents which basically
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the owners of these are known. the first issue is that the sale of non-property property is expanding very rapidly, which means that there is a system that allows you to trade only one claim without it being clear whether you are the owner of it or not, which means how many people can own a property make a claim and sell that claim to someone else, and if after 8 years from now , i will tell you that these words have been proven in different courts and that they are not the owners, the question is
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that the responsibility of those who bought these attacks what happens is that there are a lot of people who are losing their money doing this in a system that, although friends write that this system is not official, but it is under the authority of the government and the people
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assume it is official, people are now making a fool of themselves and what is in the way of endowments and their own discussion. the same registration that i asked hazrat ali, and now i request your answer to be a little more clear about these two issues and then we will move on to the next discussion about properties without documents, which is actually the concern of what the properties without documents are for. i told them how to transfer, in the same plan , note 10 of article 10 is an explanation please let me know the major symptoms that we could not
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cure until now. so far, we have been able to issue ownership documents for 58 of the 15 million hectares of agricultural land under the hadnagar law , and we have issued more than 8 million of them, and the rest will be resolved with the removal of this obstacle that i said will definitely be implemented and the documents will be issued soon. most of the properties that do not have documents will be issued. you are in this area , the real estate sector that you mentioned belongs to institutions
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such as mustafafan foundation or offices such as charitable endowments. see the principle of charitable endowments in relation to the properties of its occupants and its benefits. after all, we have documented more than 80 of their appraisals regarding the foundation. kenan and other institutions have also been seen in the same plan that within two years they have to follow up to issue ownership documents for their properties. see, there is a time when there is a concern that a property does not have a document. yes, but here, the property belongs to the endowment , the property belongs to the mustafafan foundation. it's a possession , but we gave a deed for endowments and for our foundation, in terms of the deed, it's done, now it remains. the relationship between the possessor and that institution or the tenant with the endowment is another matter
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. coming again for a piece of land, they propose several owners and claim that the ownership of this land belongs to us , what should be done there, see the system of article 10, which is known as the system of organizing claims or organizing normal documents. let's assume that anyone has a property in the past as a normal transfer. he bought it and owns it. they have to upload their claims in this system within 2 years, and within the next two years , they must determine the brand. this assignment has 3 modes. you should go to their dealer the seller should
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make this transfer official in the notary office. for the ratio of two , refer to their property and the document. the owner of a property from endowment can obtain a deed from the endowment by arranging a lease from the endowment, or if he owns a property with the foundation, he can come and get a deed by agreement with him. the third form is finally the judicial authority that should be disputed . okay, you can continue with your explanations. another point of concern is that in terms of time, there may be people who bought real estate in the past and so far, they don't have a document about it . what will happen to them with the implementation of this law? i said
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that according to article 10 of this law, you should upload your own documents in that system first. they should follow up within two years. within two years, they should take action to determine the assignment . here is the point that is important . they should complete the formation within 8 years of this plan , and they have a deadline to be able to, for any reason, if not being able to redefine their duties is not an attack on their documents, which means that their documents are not intended to be invalidated, their documents will remain, but they must be formalized for the transfer . from
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this minute, i want to summarize the article and make a request to the national media. one thing, please, one year after the entry into force of this law, we have to create a system, the same system for organizing normal documents , one year after the launch of that new system. the requirement of official transfer begins, people without documents can register in the system that was launched within two years, follow-up within 4 years , assignment will be assigned, if for any reason the assignment is not assigned , up to 8 years. after the launch of the open system, this possibility of transfer has been seen for them. on the other hand , the organization has exerted all its power to implement this plan as best as possible, and lastly , to help our national media to inform the people, we are definitely working. god willing, we will follow up on this issue in the coming days and nights. thank you, mr
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keshavarz, dear viewers, who were with us until the end of this conversation. thank you . have a good night and god bless you. in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world. today, in the first case of tonight's program , we are going to amsterdam to examine the 4 weeks of student protests in the west with tomas hofland. in the second case , we will analyze the dimensions of putin's trip to china with mr. ruhollah madbar. finally


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