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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 1:30am-2:00am IRST

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look, i have nothing to do with the interest rate. you can say, sir, because one year has passed, mr. president, mr. first vice president, mr. president of the central bank , they promised that the interest rate of 28,500 should continue for 2 years. the informant said that for two years, if the government makes a promise to the people, it must act according to its promise. for the future, as long as there is an economic war and as long as there is an economic embargo in the country, we will have to provide a certain amount of preferential access to the people for goods. basically , it can be adjusted according to inflation according to the realities of the economy the rate can be changed, but the principle of preferential width, the principle of preferential width payment cannot be removed in our country because of the difference in the price elasticity of demand for different goods. the people and the issue of inflation are saying that if
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we cut this amount to 285 , how will this donation, which has a serious effect on people's livelihood and inflation, be compensated? first, let me state this very clearly that i am a citizen and my heart is a citizen in the world. he wants the dollar to be 1000 tomans, why should we clarify 28500 tomans first, if here we are arguing that the exchange rate should be a single rate, and friends infer that it will increase. the price of land, which i completely disagree with, i believe that if we have two rates now, 2,850 and a number of rates that will reach 58,000 tomans, if the dollar becomes a single rate, the equilibrium number of the single rate that will appear in the economy is something between these. two numbers, maybe that number is for example 48 thousand tomans or 52 thousand tomans for example, but definitely that number is not 59 thousand tomans, 60 thousand tomans and not 28500 tomans, clarify this .
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now, with 28 to 500 , it is delivering goods to the people at a cheaper price, which i confirm. to become famous , can't the government deliver this benefit to the people in another way? i want to emphasize this point that yes, there is a way. . if we divide the number of billions of dollars per year by 28 to 500 goods, mr the head of the central bank said that last year, 18 billion dollars or 18 billion dollars is almost perfect . take a calculator, multiply 18 billion dollars by the difference of 28 tomans to get, for example, 50 tomans. see how much the number can be divided by 12 months of the year. 84 million population , see how much each person gets. my suggestion is that if we explain the same money to the people in cash, pay attention, it doesn't make a difference to the government, why doesn't it make a difference? because it is finally paying 28 dollars and
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the government is spending, for example, 18 billion dollars , now instead of 28 and 500 dollars, it is 50 tomans sell it or sell it for 48 tomans in the market at the rate that is the single rate in the market, the profit will be poured directly into a separate fund of the same target fund, and it will be announced to the people, be sure to give cash. the prices will increase , after all, the goods that the government has will sell for 28 tomans if they are now in dollars. if 50 tomans are imported, the price will definitely increase. but be sure that the amount of this increase in the consumption basket of the household will be much less compared to the cash subsidy that the government can give. why? because at all the price in the market decreases because when we make the prices realistic, the consumption is controlled. for example, in the normal situation, you may consume 100 units of a product. this really helps. look, my government
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, let me tell you about the experience of the last one or two years . it has been asked many times to use non-scientific methods. now i don't want to say a word that, god forbid, will hurt my friends , because this is the national media and everyone can hear it. he wanted to help, but he couldn't do it. give, like this other than the reference, for example, discussion making bread is a very big task in the whole country's bakery network , we have more than 26,700 bakeries in the whole country with a new baking machine. actually doing this, actually installing it in different bakeries so that they can, for example , prevent smuggling, what kind of smuggling was it , since the bakers sell flour to pastry shops and other places, then we know that sweets are given to people at a free price. they all wanted to stop this story, what should they do , leave the money at namoya's disposal, which, sir, between here and the card they draw, they say two, three, four, four. we want bread, we are sure how many breads have been bought, so in a very short time. the market changed it
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, i don't know if you prepare bread for your house or not, i sometimes do this myself to notice the floor of the market. . but because in the machine, a bread model is defined , the seam of each loaf of bread is made three times, what does that mean , it is telling the government that i used three units of flour , but it used nine units of flour, and those two units at the end of the month it can be five sacks for the price azad sells it to a sweet shop. another example where the government wanted to prevent corruption or help but failed to do so is what became known as " rental gold". due to the availability of dollars, many exporters are not willing to sell their dollars at the rate that the government says. i said that i can sell dollars in the market for 50 tomans, why should i come and sell 40 tomans , because i pay all the expenses of my company, and the menggah factory also
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has a price of 50 tomans in dollars. from workers to raw materials and the rest, although the center came and passed a resolution and said, "okay, now that you don't do this." you don't see the dollar, do something, come and give me the gold . if someone brings gold into the country from the place of his dollar, i accept that instead of paying the foreign currency obligation , he should deliver the dollar to the merchants, traders, and exporters. it was because because they brought gold into the country, the amount of gold in the country increased, on the other hand, gold was still not subject to pricing, they could sell it in the market, and the gold they sold in the market actually cost them the same dollar, for example, 50 tomans. let me say that to conclude, yes , some time has passed since this story, everyone was happy. after some time , it was calculated that, sir, the amount of gold that is entering the country, the statistics are very strange, we do not see so much gold on the market floor. realizing that there are a number of people
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who rent gold in the tehran market , they go to a number of exporters and tell them, sir , to present this gold at the border as imported gold in exchange for your dollar. stay with yourself and keep the border. they expressed gold as an export width. it was applied here he would take his gold and lend it to the next person, and because the gold was anonymous, the same cycle would repeat itself. in fact, one unit of gold would cross the border 10 times and enter the country without the gold actually entering the country. the only benefit was that it would be exported . mr. hasan khani, those who are actually lucky to have solved their value complex, please tell me. mr. tavakli, i will pass over the discussions you opened because the topic of the bread plan is actually a detailed discussion that has been discussed many times in the past year for your reference.
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the good actions taken by the government have decreased a lot, the exchange rate of wheat imports has decreased a lot, and now there have been violations that are actually being carried out by the project manager. however, due to expediency, due to the reasons they have, naturally , they will slowly take action on these matters and reduce these joints, which is not the subject of our discussion, mr. doctor. excellent, i have this statistic that you say , where did the wheat import statistics come from, so that the statistics we are looking at show this. it doesn't work, that is, please give me your statistics , because the same fake and the same sweet sellers are doing their work with new, finally , almost the statistics that i have, between 500,000 and 700,000 tons of khabazi flour consumption has decreased,
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this is the minimum statistic that i have. okay, now a statistical authority should actually confirm this . we did not find anything that we followed up with these numbers. you can ask, let's go back to 28. you said , i want permission to go back to 2850. let's go back to 2850. see, on january 8, 1401, mr. farzin came to tv and said, "sir, i want to implement a stabilization policy of 28 and 500 to basic goods. first of all, this sentence is wrong. this sentence is incorrect. anyone who is familiar with the approval policy knows that this is not called stabilization policy. when you give a preferential rate to a group of goods to a selected group of goods, it is not called stabilization policy, stabilization policy is something else. now let's go back to this same policy that mr. farzin announced. if mr. farzin
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wants to stick to this policy that he has announced, and actually wants to act according to the promise he made , he should make arrangements for this path. his first arrangement is to come and say, sir, i want to install this group of goods in a certain period of time, just as mr. bozor, this point is correct, mr. bozor, we cannot act on one rate in the same way until the end, there must be a flexible policy. but because of the logic of the era, the government should come to work and stop the inflation jumps in different ways , stop the imbalance of the banks, stop the budget , so that we can reach a stability, a peace, so that it can actually be changed from the currency policy. well, we didn't know that until july 1402 hs that is going to get 28 500, which is the basis , so the start of this policy was not the right start, that is
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, it had flaws. the point that mr. tavakoli says is that mr. central bank came and said, well, i don't know now, don't you bring gold, i will take gold from you, this is the weak point of the bank. it is central, if an exporter is exporting based on the directive to remove the land obligation that was actually announced in mehr 97, the exporters must return their supply to the official economic cycle with a certain price. therefore , don't consider these as the weaknesses of the central bank, considering that this is actually the efficiency, not the ineffectiveness of the policy politics is another thing, another thing has been implemented , the next issue is, dear mr. tavakli, you say, sir , that this should come to our benefit, the government should sell it in the market , set up a fund, give subsidies to the people , that's right, give cash subsidies, your default is that the land price is 28,28,500 make it expensive, that's what i mean. in the experience of removing land, we did 420, well, we did the same thing , we did the same thing again, you came and made 280, 420, 28
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and 500, then you said, sir, the price of all the items, according to the order, should be the price of shahrivar, i don't know, is it 100, do you listen to the prices? did he listen to the prices, so my point is that you don't if you can improve people's welfare in this way , people will surely suffer, if not you many times. just one more point, i request you to see the discussion of takhayar . bring the experience of takhayar one day. ask this mr. pikampour if mr. darvar didn't have the same thinking. didn't you say that we want to go to the end of the circle from the beginning? what happened to the end of the circle? the head of medicine and medical equipment has come to us, mr. tavakli, please tell us that we will come back again, mr. hassan khani, to point out a point that cannot be easily overlooked, the issue of swelling and the issue of shrinking the table, people say that if you now, for example, like the experience he had on kalaberg. how
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will this gap be compensated for the people, because what we saw in the hezb currency of chahar and disti and later was that, well , people have some dissatisfactions, see, i have nothing to do with kalaberg's policy, although i don't agree with it in general, but i don't have any objection to it, if this a policy that can be implemented is the best policy. which can deliver the product directly to the consumer, although i think that a secondary black market will be formed for it and some people will sell it and this will happen to it . because it is very natural, we cannot have the same product with two prices in the market , the government gives one product at the price of 100 tomans, the shop next door gives 150 tomans. what i want to emphasize is that he has a birth certificate. why is the birth certificate unique? we have a population of 84 million . we give each person one unit of goods. on the issue of
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cash assistance, we also have the same problem . how many units does the party want to consume? this subsidy is really not the government's handiwork, this subsidy is the right of the people from the oil that the government is selling, that is, if the government were to collect taxes, we would say no, it should be proportionate to this issue . you mentioned it. look, you should be careful about the land issue. we are not saying a single price, we are not saying the stability of the land price. if it is the us dollar, then the inflation rate in the us should be be adjusted, and if you don't do this adjustment , somewhere this telmovar will become telmovar, it will become the same spring that, therefore, we should not play the sorena from its wide end
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. accepted, if we can control the inflation, mr. dr. hassan, i am submitting to you and all the experts who have this policy suggest a stabilization policy to the government. it protects that there is no pressure on the people, but until your inflation will be 40-50 or this fluctuation that various friends have pointed out that this economic fluctuation will hit the economy and it is impossible to move the economy forward. i agree with them 100 %. just take a look at the graph of the inflation statistics . you can see this fluctuation in the inflation. the inflation in 1996 was 12, 97 and 50% . 50 i want to say that it is the fluctuation of inflation that is
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causing fluctuations in the dollar. we should not change the cause of the effect. be sure that these fluctuations and this unpredictability, which i am a fan of, and the problem of the economy i can and a few of my friends can point it out , be sure it will be solved , they will stabilize at a lower level. please tell me, mr. tavakoli , where and with which document do you say that i can see the relationship between causality and the width from inflation to the supply side?
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where do you say it is very easy, mr. doctor? from 1957 until now , i calculated the dollar on a daily basis and with adjustments for internal and external inflation. this is that the free dollar has always moved in one channel . of course, we also accept that there were times when the government was rich and the dollar currency could have a lot of oil. control this and, for example, between us from 1978 to 1991, the dollar was only 800 tomans in a 12-year period. close to, for example, 1000 tomans, the reason why the dollar grew almost less than the tour was because there was repression, then as soon as this repression was lifted, it had a surge , but it was always in this channel, mr. tokale, well , i am sure that you are very educated in the field of education. i'm sorry, it's not economics, because in economics and in our economics education, what you say is a surprising thing to us, that
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you can't reach the situation you're saying from your causality. in our country, the anchor of expectations and the price elasticity of imported goods means that the causality is not defined as one-sided . in iran, the causality is never one-sided between the width and inflation. now if you want, god willing, i will give you a detailed opportunity . we can see the interaction of the models we have with each other. in economics , this is definitely the case, and this is my point. if you consider inflation to be the cause of land and you consider inflation itself to be money, then increase the price of land to one million tomans, the money collected from the market will actually make inflation negative, which means we will go into negative inflation. negative: when you change the dollar rate, for example, one million tomans, will inflation become negative ? such an argument is funny. dear mr. tavakoli
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, it is ridiculous. anyway, when you say that the causal relationship between inflation and the exchange rate is not based on this, this statement is another thing that you said has no scientific basis. you say that the land price should be adjusted with the inflation between the two countries. first of all, we have no trade with america. we don't want america to be our benchmark, for example, we can say the uae at least, why are we with the uae? our business relationship is very important. next , the theory you are talking about is not the theory of purchasing power, the theory of exchange rate determination , the theory of explaining exchange rate behavior , it is not the explanation of backward behavior. they say, sir , don't bring up this theoretical discussion, when we can't
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place the theoretical discussion well, we will have an error in the theory , we will have an error in the understanding of the theory. in which book is it mentioned that if the price of land increases between two countries, we should actually set the criterion, then the price of land should jump. do it in accordance with the difference in inflation, which you don't see in any book. i will bring you 43 financial books line by line. my supply is not a jump at all. look at the inflation of the land price. this is based on the statistics and the same books that you have read . i will tell you exactly now.
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until the end of 2009, during this period of about 11 years , the central bank rate and the free market rate were the same . we call it the equilibrium rate. why do we call it the equilibrium rate because all exporters were willing to sell their supply at this price to all importers, that is, it was a rate that no one there was no dispute about this rate there was a balance. the market is balanced. now is the number low or high? the conditions of the country's oil sales and other issues have caused these numbers to remain constant within these limits . most of the goods in the world are priced in dollars , consider the uae dirham , it doesn't matter at all, you consider the european euro , franc. if we consider switzerland, the exchange rate, if we consider the franc , we consider the euro, and i will not say the price ratio of the rial and the movement of their price.
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the difference between iran and the european union, for example, if this is a 10% difference between the base rate and the balance rate of the dollar and the euro, you should pay 10% annually . the basis is that the government and the sovereign rightly want to support the people. i completely agree with this. considering the economic conditions , we should give the government a solution to support the people. what we want to do is give it to the people at subsidized prices. i don't agree with this and i say that benefit to cash statement and directly and with birth certificate instead of cash, it is better to say with birth certificate because it can also be a coupon. present
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it directly to the people. let it continue, but let's make a change to this price of 28,500 and adjust it accordingly. you see, i don't have a dispute with the price of the preferred width now. but i say that the policy of preferential distribution cannot be removed because it has consequences for the people. you see, i wanted to buy a book by a female doctor for the same reason. actually, i would like to introduce this book to you. it is a very good book. people, especially students of economics , should read this book. it is very valuable . it is a book like "how china escaped from shock therapy ." ms. elizabeth elizabeth weber is a german woman of german descent who is in university in one of the universities. hi america, master. the economy is in this book, he says in the introduction of this book , china's abolition
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happened completely against the development model of the economic reform model of russia, communist russia, the communist soviet union, and china once again entered the stage of the big explosion of price liberalization. and he stopped doing this because of his classes and in the form of institutional reforms and targeted reforms, he was able to save himself from shock therapy . let's repeat single rate as a key word without considering whether we can make the land single rate or not . what is the number of 28 and 500? now, for example, you said to make a proportional adjustment. what should we do? how much? let's change it. yes, it is not a problem if the central bank has to look at some of its bottlenecks. the first bottleneck is the return of export width. the central bank cannot
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give an exception to the exporters, especially the petrochemical exporters whose board of directors is determined by the government, from that side, in fact, they impose the land price on the people . speculation itself and the gap price between the two. thank you, hassan khani, thank you, mr. tawakli, for all the good viewers of the higher program that we have until now, god.
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the students' demands regarding the disclosure and stop of investment in israeli companies but the organizers of the protest movement say that such a promise does not work. it may be progress and it may waste our time. the university said that they have nothing to do as long as the protest camp is peaceful, but the protesters stood by their words and set a new deadline for the university management
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. what we want from the university of toronto is to fulfill its commitments by june 3rd at the latest, that is, at the same time that the board of governors of the university enters the summer term, in a situation where it seems that the two sides are still on their positions. they insist that it is not clear when the barriers will be removed from king college circle. even graduate students supported the demonstrators in a bold statement. we contacted the university and asked them to explain what the students say they have questions about , but we did not receive an answer until the time of broadcasting this report , but on the university's website, it was said that they will not disclose any details about the one-day meeting with the protesting students on saturday. the organizers of the protest movement also say that it is not clear when the next round of talks will be held.
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