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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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we arrived at 4 o'clock in the morning, the head of the iranian chamber of commerce in the 28th session of the supreme council of provinces , stating that the scholarship for elite students is one of the programs of the chamber of commerce to prevent the departure of elites, and said that we intend to send 100,000 elite students who are in their final year of study. in manufacturing factories, we should attract mr. hassanzadeh as well.
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he considered the roads of the city and the countryside to be the closest civil layer to the citizens and said that the chamber of commerce is also known as the civil assembly of major to large and medium entrepreneurs of the country and we are happy to have established the foundation of cooperation between these two institutions. has been provincial tax with a focus on grain by grain, the head of the organization. the tax department said that out of about 850 thousand billion tomans of the country's tax revenue in 1402, about 50 thousand billion tomans were taxes from business guilds, and more than 50% of guild taxes were collected from only one percent of them, which had more financial turnover. the value of our open files in april 1403 amounted to 720 billion.
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estimated toman is a synergy to reduce tax evasion, the cooperation of the country's economic security police with the tax administration in a part of the case amounting to 2700 billion tomans, in fact, tax evasion up to in a meeting where the officials of the judicial center were present, the head of the tax affairs organization said that the will of the country's tax system is to realize the budget resources and identify tax evaders by focusing on big donors . we will not bring according to mr. sobhanian, only 6 tax collections last year were from the business guild tax office. more than 50% of the miners in our field of business had zero taxes and about 90% of these people
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had taxes up to 20 million tomans. while an employee or worker averages 30 they pay millions of tomans in taxes. the average tax that we received from snaf last year was about 7 million tomans. mr. sobahanian pointed out that some people are making mountains out of straw in the area of ​​provincial tax and said that they are creating a new problem from a law that has been in place for 15 years in the country. well this first of all , the guilds themselves should deal with the issues consciously, if there is a question, today the arms of the tax system are open to answer any ambiguous question. the smart provincial tax based on data, the establishment of store terminals and taxpayers' system is one of the most important steps in currently, the tax affairs organization collects taxes to realize justice. zahra shafiei, sed and sima news agency. according to the announcement of the ministry of agricultural jihad, the implementation
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of watershed projects can produce 50 billion cubic meters of new water for agricultural purposes. 70% prevention of flood damage is mentioned as another effect of watershed management projects. when the flood starts, there will be nothing to stop it. dear sir, please evacuate quickly. the river has changed. the implementation of watershed plans is a suitable solution to control the possible floods of tb . the four that we had just dredged filled all of them. in the area of ​​14,000 hectares of buei miandasht , more than 820 watershed management projects have been implemented , more than 85% of the city's area in the form of 9 watersheds . in addition to controlling floods and flowing water
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, it increases the flow of eyes and aqueducts. this can be done since the day when this dam was drained, the water of this bakery has doubled. the biggest watershed projects that we have in the city are four earth dams with a capacity of 2 million cubic meters, which were built in four places in the city. if if the rainfall conditions are suitable, 22 and a half million cubic meters of water are injected into the aquifer every year. now, the watershed project in dostai hindu kush in tallije with a credit amounting to 10 billion rials. it has been implemented , the height from the floor is approximately 470 meters, then the length is 25 meters, we worked for approximately 5 days, there are approximately 56 more days to work. the peak
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is designed for the return period of 25 and 50 years , so that it can prevent the amount of damage to the downstream land and damage to the buildings and projects. the downstream construction that we have and the second degree is the increase in the amount of water in the canals and the downstream eyes. in recent years, more than five and a half million cubic meters of water are stored in the boi mian dasht watershed. and the french government to deal with the unrest in the new kandonia region. some social networks, including tik tok, were cut off. 5 people have been killed in these riots so far. the riots that started a few days ago on the island of new caledonia
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have created a very sensitive situation for the french government. group the angry and disaffected caused a lot of damage to government and public places. entered and set many commercial centers and cars on fire. as a result of these riots, more than five people, including two policemen, have been killed and hundreds of people have been injured. the french government has declared martial law in new caledonia by forming the supreme defense council. for some time , new caledonia has been faced with unprecedented riots that have left many human and financial losses. i say in front of you representatives that these acts of violence cannot be justified or condoned in any way. dispatch of thousands of army and gendarmerie forces, prohibition of any demonstration and so on the protest gathering as well as the suspension of some social networks , including tik tok, are new measures
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taken by the french government to establish security and peace in caledonia. france will interfere in the internal affairs of azerbaijan and caledonia. or has accused, according to the french interior minister, hundreds of protesters have been arrested so far. the military government has allowed us to keep 10 leaders of mafia groups who committed murder, robbery and crime under house arrest. the island of new caledonia is one of the french colonies in the pacific ocean and east of australia and is more than 16 thousand kilos. with the main land of this country is far away in europe. independence supporters of this island beyond french territory have been fighting against the central government for many years to gain independence. according to the french government, the order to apply severe punishments against the rioters will be implemented soon.
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deportation from the island, long-term imprisonment, and deprivation of citizenship will be among these punishments. shaheswar hosseini. paris broadcasting news agency until the next part.
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the front page of the line of sacrifice is over there on the other side of the fence, see the joy of meeting is there, o seat, sit in the front row , stand up for justice, what is left on your shoulder, stand up for the burden of trust the first line, the first line, the line of service, the line of people , this is your stronghold. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello
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, dear compatriots. welcome to the first page program. in this program , we talk about one of the country's drivers, which almost all communities are trying to find the ground for guidance. and of course , the elite society provides material and spiritual support to him. in the first page of the program, mr. dr. seyed salman seyed oghahi , vice president of the national elite foundation , is in front of the camera to talk about policies, strategies, and of course, decisions that are very important in this field. it can be effective and it is in our society the third decade of the 21st century can
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have a decisive effect on the growth and prosperity and of course the progress of the country . you are very welcome, doctor, to the program on the first page. hello, i am at the service of the honorable nation of iran , the elite and history-making nation of iran. and the real blessings of the holy system of the islamic republic are at your service . please, perhaps the first question to be asked is what is the main task of the national elite foundation and what priorities do you have for this issue? yes, see it according to the document. the country's strategy on elite affairs, which is a high-level document and approved by the supreme council of the cultural revolution
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, the elite foundation is responsible for the executive policy making, coordination and implementation of the country's strategic document on elite affairs among all executive bodies of the country, in fact, the elite foundation is an institution. regulator, coordinator and policy maker. there is , and it is for this reason that the position of the national elite foundation is defined under the presidential institution, and the chairmanship of the board of trustees of the elite foundation is also the responsibility of the honorable president. that is what we should actually follow in the foundation's programs, according to the first step document. it is to provide the basis for identifying and developing individual and group talents in the society, and this is by creating harmony. and the notification of the program that the institutions themselves must prepare in interaction with the foundation
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happens. of course, this document of the elites, which has this demand and requires the foundation to do this task, is less promoted in executive bodies. sometimes we participate in meetings with our dear friends in the government or in other institutions. and they claim to be unaware of the existence of such a document, or sometimes they have heard of its name, but they know its content very well. they don't have in 2018, the supreme leader emphasized in a meeting with the elites and leaders and demanded that this policy document of the elites should be realized seriously and said that the reason for the major part of the problems we have in the field of science and technology and so on failure to comply with this document will result in this document standing. it has a very special place in the governance system of elite affairs. the first part of this document
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contains a series of strategies and macro actions that are related to different sectors, such as the fact that the foundation must provide a mechanism for identifying talents, that the role of the organization and the collection hi in fact, various executive institutions. the field of elites should be specified in another part of this document . well, doctor, before we go to other parts, the discussion part: identifying your elite society, the components and indicators that are used to know whether a person is an elite or not in different fields. that is , is it only a matter of science and technology and knowledge such as medical sciences, or
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are you going to find the elite in the field of politics, economy, culture, communication and other subjects. or should they refer themselves? yes , that is a very good question the default in the minds of our dear people and our officials , when the name of the elite comes up, it is mostly an image of a person who has a special prominence in the fields of science and technology, or has had an impact. naturally, this is one of the elite and one i am very important to mosadegh. but as stated in the strategic document of elites , the definition of elite, which is given at the beginning of this document , in order to actually address the issues and give answers, is that there is an outstanding and efficient person, elite, and this indicator of prominence and efficiency is a very important keyword. that in creation and
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the expansion of science, technology, culture, art, literature and the shadow of the fields that the country's administration can play an effective role by relying on two issues, one is acquired capabilities and the other is its own inherent talents, and it can create a system of knowledge. that document writing team and the method were discussed for hours in the cultural revolution council and it was determined that no matter how hard i tried to add something to this definition. i saw that this definition is so comprehensive and complete that adding more to this may not solve the problem, so the other areas that you mentioned are social, cultural and managerial areas, these are also very important areas that may sometimes not pass through the university to identify the elite, that is, we have an active social activist, a person who
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creates a social organization has a great impact, but this person in according to the effect this person has and in fact the change he creates in the society of his audience in order to advance the country, the elite foundation will consider him among the elite, he will be included in the support of the foundation, while he himself will be the foundation of this person. it helps in training people similar to him and in peer training the map itself. you see, doctor, they used to say, for example, that a person who wants to introduce himself to the national elite foundation should, for example , give his gpa during his master's degree or doctorate, or say how many articles he has prepared. this is our model among other models that
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have existed in our culture for 1400 years. for example, if 3 people approve the statement of one person , they are allowed to issue a fatwa, which means that no mechanism, for example , a university, has been defined for this . we have people in our art, for example, in the field of miniatures head. they are in the world, well, even an academic may not confirm this, but everyone admits it, and everyone who works in this field considers this to be the best. do you consider this to be elite or not ? the strategic document of the elites
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is not recognized as the originality of what was perhaps one of the transformational measures in this government. what happened was that the elites are identified by the elite foundation using a wide range of tools that it has . they get education at different levels, but this is one of our inputs. naturally, we have many events in the country, which are artistic events, literary events, and even skill events, where elites can be identified in these events. we participate in competitions where more than 5 thousand people participate and the competition is approved by the relevant executive body. of course , we have entered and we are identifying the elites as one of the identification channels from this path , the mechanism that was formed in the elite foundation
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, just recently, in the last few months, the method of identification and we have communicated the growth and excellence of the best talents in the field of literature, art, and skill. this code of practice is in fact the central indicator of the identification of elites with the approach of introducing authoritative sources, that is, ma roy. the teacher and apprentice system is a system in which approved and recognized people introduce the elites they know as their own students or other people and they evaluate them to the elite foundation, the elite foundation.
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examines and recognizes and the people who enter through this process can be among the elite, so we are one of the key tasks what we are doing at the elite foundation is to develop the concept of elite to the areas of literature, art, culture , skill and entrepreneurship. now we are also identifying entrepreneurial elites. no, it is also good that maybe if we refer to the qur'an again, hazrat yusuf will come and introduce himself, and hafiz ali will introduce himself, and i will introduce him. i don't have it. now that you want to have some tools and components to verify, that's another discussion, but it means that you
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have to go after it, and that someone should introduce it , and that he should come and introduce himself, that is, all three issues, but it seems to me that this is a national foundation elites, which i think has been around for two decades. we will prepare a report about the recruitment of elites, my colleagues will see this, then we will talk together about how to recruit them. in the month of 1401, after the order of the president
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, the executive bodies accelerated. those present in this souvenir photo were the first group that opened their doors to offices. a place for me to consider the ministry it is oil. i had many choices, but according to now that. people registered, of which 3,050 people were recruited by executive bodies. an employment that has a special privilege compared to normal recruitment according to the law.
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it will benefit from rights such as using the maximum limit of special points of that device. in the management appointments that will happen in the course of this person's growth, the required number of jobs is shorter. vahid zakir of the sada vasima news agency. dear doctor , before we discuss how to attract elites in the executive or governing bodies, this discussion is related to the society bill for the support of elites in the parliament and so on. how is the situation now? yes, you can see that the amount of support for the iranian elites started to be compiled almost from the end of autumn last year. i have a place here to thank the friends of the presidential legal assistant, as well as the friends of the administrative and employment organization and
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the program organization, who helped in drafting this bill. the writer of this bill is very helpful considering that this bill has a financial burden and required inter-departmental coordination. the friends of paikar came and various meetings were held. mr. president and that god willing, he will be ordered to examine the body in the relevant commissions and after his own progress, god willing, he will enter the parliament. it will be the islamic council, and in the meetings we had with the friends of the parliament, the dignitaries who voted in this new parliament, we asked them to consider this as one of the priorities of this parliament. as you know, one of the honors of the previous parliament was to it was the approval of a plan that became a law in the field of the jump in the production of scientists, and now the source of many effects in the country's knowledge-based system is debates such as credit.
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tax and such tax exemptions daneshmounian's companies, in every direction, the output and fruits of this project were auspicious in the field of the elites, well, this bill will go to the parliament soon, god willing, and unfortunately, during all these years, the law passed by the theater, which has less interaction with the council of cultural revolution and most economic and social fields are in charge of these and it is necessary to implement this document. we tried to pass the law and persuade them to express their support. of course , it seems that one of the discussions in governance is writing the law and creating a culture of implementing that law belief and belief that we should use the elites in different positions in the country and these are talents that if not used , the country's progress will be delayed and damaged, this
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is the most important work, so we request. now, friends of this parliament, which god willing will start working on the 7th of june, we ask the representatives of these people to deal with this bill as one of their priorities in this parliament, and maybe we can say their first priorities, and god willing, there are promises as well . giving that support to happen is about the bill itself, what is important is that previously, the approach that existed at the beginning of the establishment of the foundation was the approach of direct support to the elites. it means that we should pay some money to the elites and provide direct financial support. over time , with the experiences that happened in this field and the fact that the economic power of the government and institutions has become more limited, we have gone in this direction that most of the field of effect to provide a part of the elites , which is one of the key measures in the strategic document
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of the elites. we were obliged to do it, this is actually making the elites effective, which is actually included in the actions of the document in the three grand strategy. that laying the groundwork for the influence of elite individuals and groups in the society means that we must attract them to the government apparatus, how do we measure the effectiveness , you see, laying the groundwork for effectiveness does not necessarily mean that they will be employed by the government, we now have a large number of academic companies, sir that our economy should be knowledge-based , so that these companies can compete with large state-owned companies, which, in any way, good or bad , 75% of our economy is the state-owned economy, and the credits are in the hands of these large companies, they should be able to enter the market of these companies be in the supply list the suppliers of these companies should be placed and in some way state companies will become a practical market for our danish companies. well, thanks to the efforts of the vice president for science and technology, we now
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have nearly 10 thousand danish companies and several billion dollars in exports, but this is enough. no , we have to focus on added value in these industries, creating added value with the help of these companies , scientists and nuclear companies. elites are formed therefore, it should be legal to support elite groups to be able to enter the context of the performance of these companies and the field of action of these companies and allocate a share of this market to themselves in a sustainable manner, this is one of the issues that is emphasized in this law we are pursuing another issue is that we should establish a fund called the fund for the development of the effectiveness of elites and top professors
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