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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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there were elites in the executive bodies. well, this regulation actually aims at the executive bodies , that is, the departments that somehow feed from the public budget, and this is actually the executive departments , in other words, according to that regulation, they are obliged to annually they should state the one percent that is now in the notice of 20 percent of their recruitment and employment capacity and use the capacity of the elites, so this has been implemented. yes, the call-up period has been implemented , the third call-up is now being implemented, in these two periods that have been implemented, nearly 1,500 people have been selected and entered the actual process of recruitment and employment. but there have been challenges that have prevented them from going to the position they should be in. is this challenge caused by the
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unwillingness of the executive bodies or the elites themselves to not accept or remove responsibility? nakhir , in the same first call that was announced, approximately 7800 people registered for 1500 job positions , and in a short process , their scientific evaluation was done by the foundation. being introduced to the empowering course. and after the strengthening course, those who can get the necessary points to get into the selection space for the selection to be done. well, we announced this in the supervision of the headquarters that mr. president had from the elite foundation last year, that one of the challenges of employing the elites, which slows down the work , is in employing them. in this system , the selection process is the same. the selection process is mainly a time-consuming process. many of these children have not finished their selection yet, even though from the first period when the recruitment discussion
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started, we proposed to mr. president that in order to speed up this, a central selection board to the elite foundation. given that we we are doing recruitment work for all the country's agencies, and unlike one agency that is recruiting for itself, we definitely need a central selection center. this is our request from the custodians who are now in the high selection board in the government. respected, expedite this so that the foundation can launch this central committee. the purpose of this work is that we can speed up the selection process. selection can be done in one month. sometimes because devices are a priority for they do not believe this. or not, some organizations doubt the fact that these loved ones are elite, and this process has been slowed down in various ways. and this is the damage that happened to you. it's been a long year. there is more. yes, the average
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time we had for the selection process was one year. well, you see, an elite group, most of these children have capacities, and finally there is a demand to recruit them from different places, even as you know, now the issue of immigration. now i don't want to mention foreign countries for some of this children can get admission from many reputable companies in the world through invitations or simple follow-ups. well, when we keep a person in an uncertain environment where the outcome of the work is still not known after a year , this person has the right to protest, and one of the proofs of honoring the elite is that we make these children do their homework quickly. the whole process of recruiting you, for example, takes 2 months, it takes 3 months, and that person can plan for his future. some in their use. in terms of the benefits that
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are paid to these people, some other considerations should be taken into account so that we can keep them. let's talk about the elite soldier that was brought up at some point. how is the situation in this field? yes, we discussed the introduction of elite soldiers to military service from the very beginning. their case should be investigated, one of the places where we are we have recognized the statement that this is the issue of the elite military, where people apply for resumes, and after the review, if approved , they are introduced to the general staff of the armed forces , and there is an elite center there, which actually sends these loved ones to he is now employed in various departments of our armed forces since last year.
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so far , we introduced almost 3,000 elites in the military field, and these are employed, which means that now we have 3,000 in our armed forces. we have already introduced 3,000 people . but yes, the 3,000 people we introduced are almost overwhelmingly employed in this way in the context of the so-called discussion related to the use of elite capabilities in the field of management , do you also work or not? there is a department of the government and it is better to say executive agencies, because when we say that the government only looks at the executive branch, we actually have the judiciary and other institutions of the country for it , we recruit people and give requests to loved ones and local jobs. we included in
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the recruitment system of a public sector and an executive sector the government is a part of the private sector . let's use it in the private sector, because it is much easier to use these in the private sector . we are now following a plan in both departments that those people who are in the evaluation centers and the selections that we have are identified as elites who have the capacity to manage and can manage a collection even if it is a collection. to manage a small one, or not to enter the board of directors, or to enter key and suitable positions in the middle or even at the top of the devices see we will identify and conduct courses and strengthening with these loved ones in another space in the governance layer and then we will introduce them so that they can be placed in those positions in the public sector. alhamdulillah, this is going very well. in the same way that hazrat agha said that a significant part of the youth who
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came in the previous governments spoke in the leadership meetings , he said that now they are present in the middle and even the upper levels of the government, well this has happened and it is being strengthened and one of the points. we should know the strength of this government that the use of young people and giving them a chance to manage the country and gain experience for the future is one of the advantages of this government. the next point is to use these in the private sector. there are managers of large holdings, now they have been in the areas of the mining industry and trade in the areas of oil and gas and so on. it has been in various industries that we have started negotiations for elites who have enough capacity to enter the middle management level of this group and even the manager level of the board of directors according to their qualifications. i would like to share this with you, one of the national measures that
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we must take is the national strategy 3 and the grand strategy 3 in the strategic document of the elites to organize the election system. the weapons of the workers of the country are not from among the elites and elite groups. what we know as meritocracy in our country is being prepared, and i really promise that it will help me. i am going, i am seeing that this culture is taking place that we should use the capacity of the elites and the foundation of the elites so that the elites let's bring it and use it in management positions , then a government will be formed. this government 's appointments should not necessarily be political, its appointments should be based on meritocracy , taking political considerations into account, this is one of the ideals and one of the demands and one of the strategies that must be implemented, therefore
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we have these specialized human resource agencies. i have a report in the collection of elite foundation and alhamdulillah that this week 25 experts were identified. they are introduced to the private sector for these management positions and board positions the board that, god willing, we hope that with the participation and support of these collections , we can use these in that department. various ideas are presented by the elite society. did you use these ideas in the macro-politics of the country's management field or the chain of elites now? how is it, where are we located in this chain and where are we placed in this work ? yes, it is a very important and correct and good question . in the meeting with the elite last year in hamma, he said that sometimes it happens,
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which means the nation. are placed in front of steep slopes sometimes it happens that there is not enough will, sometimes it happens that there is no ability. in the current situation, he has both the will and the ability , so he said that i don't want any misunderstanding about the future , but i want the opportunity to be able to do this at the current stage. appreciate and take advantage of this, and then they demand a new scientific rise. they say that this new scientific rise will happen with the participation of the officials in the government, the young managers who are in the government body, and the elites themselves , which means that a chain must be formed. that this is actually the flow of employing elites governance has happened, well, we came on this basis , we made a plan and one. one of the most important issues that has been formed in the elite foundation in recent years is the formation of think tanks
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, which is one of the least helpful tasks for making the elites effective in the country . we see that there are very important think tanks in advanced countries that when the presidents are in the middle of a general policy line, they turn to them and they are a solution for these presidents and governments. they suggest and there are experts and elites these collections exist. we are forming these houses of the elites now that it is a gathering place for the elites and this year we formed a program under the title of the national elite debate, which is a series of debates that are held competitively . hazbiyyah league or jam, which is the elites who are in the five areas that we have introduced, which are actually monetary and banking areas , the governance system area, the health area
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, the natural resources area, and there are five major areas in those five areas. national challenges are placed to for example, an example is, for example, the imbalances we have in the banking field or not, the imbalances we have in the energy field, the types of imbalances we have, or in the field of governance, for example, how scientists are governed, or in the field of the system. health , various issues such as health insurance and other sectors are major issues of the country. the purpose of this conversation is to invite the elites in each of these fields, they will debate with each other in the form of teams, and there are analyst teams that are made up of 9 experts, and they will actually evaluate this. debates the top teams find a middle way to the higher levels and with my help we can identify the elites who are in the policy making and governance layers so that we
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use the capacity of the elites in governance . after the approval of the plan that we have in the foundation, we provide financial support, and these plans are of two types: a series of priority -based plans, that is, the elites, with the help of different governing bodies, identify a series of priorities and propose them. and we give financial support to this elite idea, the second type is a model demand-oriented means that the elites in their interaction with the governorates, in their interaction with the government departments of the institutions that exist in each province , take their demands and needs and provide solutions based on that. we have supported 200 think tanks in the elite foundation, each think tank has been supported by at least 200 million tomans, which we have increased this year, and we intend
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to increase their number as much as possible, and the good thing about this process is that these are connected to executive devices and executive devices with these form a continuous stable relationship, and then the houses of the elites become a gathering place for them to follow these and the foundation also supports them to achieve their results, one of the issues that is important for places like the national foundation in particular. the elites, whose progress can be the driving force of the development and progress of the country, the discussion of transformation is in the national elite foundation itself , we have a report on this matter, we will see it and then we will talk about it , june 2004, the supreme council of the cultural revolution , based on the emphasis of the supreme leader of the founding constitution approved the purpose of correct use it
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was suitable for the scientific capacity of the elites in line with the development of the country and the creation of the software movement. i will not fall short in defending the elite society and the scientific movement of the country as long as i have breath. in the past 19 years, the national elite foundation has provided material and spiritual support to the country's elite society. the approach that in the new era of this organization towards. increasing the sphere of influence of elites is expanding and evolving. instead of looking for direct government support, which is decreasing day by day , we should be in front. let's go to create a field of influence for our elites in this direction the number of members of this foundation has also been changed with the new approaches of the national elite foundation . we have about 70 thousand people in our information domain who somehow use one of the foundation 's plans.
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we are trying to increase the scope of discovering our own talents. now, with the new fact that we have activated under the name of the elite path plan , we will no longer call for registration in that sense, but we will identify people and invite the people who are identified to cooperation according to qaim the authority of the national elite foundation will be provided in the new plans of this foundation, along with preparing the continuation of the path of cultivating elites. mohammad hossein haji , radio and television news agency. well, now, from your point of view , what are the main issues that exist in the field of transformation in the national elite foundation? the first step is to change the approach from god-manifested identification to active identification
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. we gave it to them and it was very interesting for the elite kids and they were asking a lot about what this is , they were following and having questions about the discussion. the path of elites and these, well, this is one of the examples of honoring the elites, which active recognition should happen, before, recognition was a self-declaration, and hashem's harm was discussed . and it was mentioned in the strategic document of the elites, but it was not implemented , we activated this and we are implementing it. it is defined, but it is managed by yourself
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it is the elites. this was actually formed and it was one of the transformational measures. the goal of this was that we have a society that supports the ideas of the elites. whenever you want to put forward an idea in a society and achieve results. it should have some defenders . if the defenders of this idea are from the elite, the society will pay attention to this idea and follow it. this formation of these elite houses was one of the very important and transformative actions of the elite foundation. in chapter 4 of the strategic document of the elites, it is announced that the elite foundation is in charge of the implementation the division of national work in the sense of reaching an understanding with the executive bodies , getting their programs in the elite area and seeing them in the industrial budgets sometimes, this itself was another transformative action that was
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made clear by the recent notification of the president. the engine is running and it is running right here . i would like to express my appreciation to mr. dr. vahidi, the honorable minister of the country, who has actually held two very detailed meetings with the elites, one was last year in the area of ​​the national dialogue of elites, and one was held in rome just last week. we served them for more than two hours and as one of them ministers active in the field of the elites are following me. my request to other gentlemen, ministers and officials is that they really follow the work of the elites and form these follow-up and elite committees . you see, last year, with the personal follow-up of mr. president, the regulation of independent researchers of the country was approved in the supreme council of ataf, this is a milestone development that has not been reported much, unfortunately, it is one of the things that maybe the supreme council of ataf can inform about this, researchers. independent means people who can do research work and for them
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their work history should be considered as an independent force without organizational affiliation to anything. these institutions and organizations should be known. well, this is a system where our elites can use the benefits of this as long as they are not employed in the organization and cannot find stable employment. another one of the subjects that we entered is the international field , which was not very active in the elite foundation before. our loved ones have done and are doing a lot of valuable activities in the vice president's office of science and technology. recently, the national science and technology interaction organization it was announced that the terraces are now in the area of ​​the return of the elites and the cooperation that should exist with the supreme council of iranians. did you think of a special plan? yes, we had many different and numerous meetings with friends of the supreme council of iran abroad. the government's concern in this field is that
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we can use the capacity of elites abroad. the debate that exists is that we do not intend that the elites from abroad will necessarily return to the country. because we can use the capacity of elites abroad in the same place where they are. that is, even the elites who iranians are outside your country, support you. yes, we have held meetings with them both virtually and in person , when they came to iran last year and during the january holidays , we held a meeting with them, we raised their requests and this dear friends, sometimes they announced that we are ready to help iran in the field of giving advice, actually giving ideas and finally transferring the successful experiences we had in these communities. some of these are new job affiliations. in there, the possibility of returning may not be in the short term, but one the intelligent intelligent system can mean that it uses the capacity of its own elites wherever they are in the world, now countries like china
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, india and countries that are actually among the top powers in the world in the economic field and we see that these are the society now the diaspora that they have in other countries is really a large society and we should use the capacity of these dear ones and we don't have a part of them . briefly, within one minute, tell us about the realization of the slogan of the year what did you do? did you think? did you do something? we think that the most important thing that the elites should solve is to solve this problem, which means that the production of the country in the field of economy and in the field of thinking is actually in. in the field of culture, we can increase production in all fields. in the field of economy, we have followed the jump in production with the participation of the elites this year, and this national discourse that we formed
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is one of the examples of the use of the elites in solving the country's problems, especially in the economic fields. the focus of this discussion this year is mainly the economic fields, which is mostly the layer of thinking and giving advice to the officials thank you very much, mr. dr. seyed salman seyed oghahi, vice-chancellor. nakhmegan national foundation and thanks to you , dear viewers, may god bless you. the contribution of afghan publishers to the biggest cultural event in the country of the same heart and language. his god we are grateful that we were present at the 35th international book exhibition of chance. the topics of the books that we sell in this booth
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are about the culture of afghan literature. about the poets. and we published abdul qahar asi , the publishers believe that the book fair. the empathy of the nation is a good opportunity to know the culture of the two nations. we have a common history with iran, and at one time, as you know, afghanistan and iran formed a country together, but now , due to some reasons, they are separated from each other, and they share almost the same culture, customs, and traditions , and now it is very important to know our common history. good for the reader. the result is that this knowledge and mutual understanding of the parties will increase, that is, until
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you see, for example, in the last few decades or the last two years, at least you look at how few, for example, the volume of productions on the knowledge of afghanistan has been. it was typical, yes, the situation in afghanistan was also influential. afghanistan's peace or instability has also been affected in this matter, but we have the same conditions, in my opinion, we should use the minimum facilities as much as possible to increase the mutual recognition of the two nations and the two peoples towards each other . afghanistan is the cradle of civilization. afghanistan is very important for us to know old iran. for example , a man named mr. unknown sings a poem . the first time i heard it, i really thought of the afghan martyrs and i cried a lot because that song
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was made of clay from my bones and my throat was made of stone for the construction of kabul. take it tomorrow amiri kalkin zaryab ahrari publications with more than 2 thousand books. afghanistan's representatives are at the tehran book fair. in the pages of these books , you can see the pain and suffering, history and culture of the country written by afghan writers . i listen to hazaragi's poems a lot. because the original and old persian words are there. it is in afghanistan. that's why i am very interested in this dialect. more than 2,700 domestic and
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foreign publishers in 35.
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you bought a truck, you found a treasure, the treasure of nature. greetings, you have to do it again . i didn't find a truck, so what are these things? hello, my daughter. you bought everything in one place, you are serious, dad, i was joking , you were joking, no, when it comes to serving, it has a good price , it has a wide variety of items, it has all the accessories you want. any way you want, the big iranian store in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only tehran branch in sarah afsarieh. bashlansat prizes lottery festival. congratulations on your new home. the first prize is a two- bedroom apartment, a car, one billion rials in cash and 10
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years of monthly salary. bashland is a bounty-filled land . blow some more air to cool off. pat shame on you. we will perish in this house. why the cooler? don't you buy the account balance is insufficient. is this the reason? no reason. no reason. let's go to the city of household appliances and buy a whole lot. it is a reasonable offer. the above sale.
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hello, welcome to the half-day news of the president.


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