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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am IRST

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where can we go now? home appliance city? this year, buy household appliances at last year's price. buy this year at last year's price. hello ladies and gentlemen, welcome to football magazine. continuation of fifa's dual policy. the review of the suspension of the zionist regime was postponed to the future. giannino, president of the international federation, friday and on the last day of the event. the fifa congress in bangkok, thailand
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announced that this body will form an independent legal team to review the request of the palestinian football association to suspend the membership of the zionist regime. in his speech at today's meeting, the head of the palestine football association, jibraeel rajoub, spoke about the war crimes of the zionist regime gaza pointed and said to this fantino: now the ball is in your court. applying for. palestine had received more support from the asian football confederation to prevent the presence of the occupied jerusalem regime in international football fields. the results of the work of the independent legal team form this summer. nasser, the
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general secretary of the jordanian football federation, protested fantino's decision and said: "the world is watching what fifa is doing today." it is not a matter of he postponed it to the future and the voting in this regard should have been held today. also, when the representative of the zionist regime entered the congress, mehdi taj , the head of the iranian football federation, along with his colleagues , left the meeting hall as a sign of protest. and after them, the representatives of iraq, lebanon, mozambique and algeria left the hall. tractor shareholders gave a statement. tractor club's shareholders' assembly announced the readiness to transfer the shares of this club by issuing a statement. one day after the protest of the tractor fans and the request of a group of them to withdraw the tractor from property this request
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was accompanied by the approval of the club's shareholders, while last night zenozi had announced his decision to transfer and renounce the ownership of the tractor. the shareholders' meeting of this club announced today that the buyers can submit their request to the club within 15 days. it is mentioned in the handover number that the auction documents and the expert price will be provided to the applicants by the relevant authorities after receiving the written request of the eligible applicants and their eligibility conditions. in this statement , it is also mentioned that the status of the transfer of shares the club will inform the governor of east azerbaijan through a letter tomorrow, saturday, may 29. well
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, a debate has been heating up and heating up in our football for almost a week. many people are confused about mr. azizi khadim, the former president of the football federation, who was removed during a legal process and in the general assembly of the football federation, and mr. taj came and took his place. . this is an overview of this issue, so to speak, but many say that mr. azizi khadim was not fired and mr. azizi khadim was only banned for 2 years, and now i say that this ban has ended in the past week, three or four days. and those friends who have this opinion say that the president of our federation now means that our federation has two presidents who can operate and anyway a decision must be made, we want to discuss this issue tonight. let's have a discussion, for this purpose, mr.
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nader faryadshiran, a football expert , is behind our communication line, and of course, mr. safiullah farkhanpour , a football legal expert. bal is behind the phone line . i say hello and polite to both of you . good night, mr. faryad chiran. we will start with you. hello, i say hello to your esteemed audience , mr. aslian and his colleague, mr. faqapour. i hope the discussions we are discussing should not cause discouragement, because we have football for which we are talking and helping to conditionally improve football. greetings and devotion to his highness and
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honorable mr. faryad shiran and all dear listeners, viewers and colleagues, i am at your service. please mr. faryad chiran, i raised the issue and spoke about this the problem is that the situation of our football now, considering the end of mr. azizi khadim's suspension period, raises some questions. do you have any specific information about the assembly that took place and the suspension of mr. azizi khadim until please give us an explanation here, mr. faryad . before i get into your discussion, i would like to thank the prosecutor of kerman province , the prosecutor of tehran and the country's prosecutor. if it is clear for you, please clarify for us so that people will be aware of what is going on regarding your question. i think that the members of
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the football federation assembly made a big mistake at that point. yes, the ethics committee and then the recruitment committee. deprivation of mr. aziz khadim for 2 years for announcing his crime what was it? no, he did not steal, he didn't do anything wrong. the 10 billion budget given by the ma'tadini organization for their basic teams is given to the police press club under pressure or order. yes , when this person does this , it is another thing against them. i recently told them something and wrote it. if khoban alamo agrees , he should stay where he is. if khoban alamo doesn't accept it anymore, we
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were framed as the person who took our national team to the jani cup with the least insult to mr. skocevich, as opposed to mr. taj, who mr. vilmutso signed with the board of directors. to our yes team, i think mr. aziz khadim's performance was good, support. let's do it, just because they were deprived of the 10 billion aid that the organization had given them. the biggest mistake of the assembly was that one, they had no right to defend themselves. in that assembly, they announced their two disqualifications as the reason for the first assembly . yes, they were disqualified the next time the assembly voted. i was listening to his disqualification after his defense, he was going to the election phase and a man who was a candidate like mr. taj and wanted to continue, in fact, he continues to be president. the law of the elections was the authority for their investigation. from now on, the year is over. yes, according to the laws
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, mr. faqanpour is better. maybe he can say what i know from my experience in management . after all, we have worked for 30 years. this is that the assembly is the last decision that yes, it is legal and mr. taj is doing the right thing. so, why do we not let them go ? was this a big mistake, or was it due to pressure? will you allow me to speak, mr. faghanpour, it raises questions for me, yes, there is a question for us too, mr. faghampour, please provide the picture. yes, you also came to talk to mr. faryadshiran we also use that really now according to the law. has the football federation done this legally or is there any doubt, please allow me to say first of all that i would like to congratulate you on your service to the people of iran, as well as the events that
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happened these days in football , i apologize for my part to our dear people, but mr. faryat sheeran first. they must specify. whether they accept the statutes, laws, regulations or not. if they accept the statutes, regulations, and laws, then we should talk in this framework. we are women, and if they want to raise other issues, then that is it it is another matter that mr. aziz khadim 's non-participation in the general meeting is in accordance with the statute, yes, the same statute that mr. aziz khadim was
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elected based on. the president of the football federation should decide whether it is right or wrong, i have nothing to do with it now, but there is a statute and we all must adhere to it, because it was this statute that mr. aziz khadim was elected based on, well , the statute was changed later, there is another discussion, so according to the statute of mr. the members of the then president of the federation to announce mr. azizkhadem's coming to football on a temporary basis, yes, and after the evening, mr. aziz khadem should have gone to the delegation in the general assembly of the football federation to defend himself. again, based on the rules and regulations of the ethics committee, mr. aziz khadim was banned for 2 years. the decisions of the ethics committee
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can be implemented immediately. therefore, when mr. aziz khadim was banned for 2 years by the ethics committee , he was no longer allowed to work in the field of football . he could not attend the assembly well, the assembly, when the two-year period of their ban has ended, yes
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, now the branch that they are creating , friends, is whether they can return after the end of their ban. yes , according to the laws, regulations and legal facts that exist, when the assembly was formed and voted for the new president , legally, it is implicitly saying that it renounced its previous vote and left out the person it had already voted for. he has chosen a new boss, this is one case there is another thing that we don't understand here , implicitly, do we have a law, no, it is the assembly that makes this decision, the law, no, you said implicitly
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, i want to see, implicitly, it means that when the assembly comes for a new vote, it will hold a new election. yes , it means that according to what it happened in the past that the assembly could come and officially announce that the election should not be held, because the decision was made by the assembly. it is that the opposite meaning of the regulations is that it can the term for the opposite meaning of this issue is that mr. aziz khadim, when it was brought up, the assembly approved that justice with his new election . mr. faryad sheeran , please continue talking with you and we, mr. faryad
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sheeran , are our football leaders. one thing is that what you are saying is that when the assembly votes, it means that mr. aziz khadimo has spoken. what you say, whether i agree or not , he is homeless. friend, in the same statute that you say, i have many problems with this statute, but because the gentlemen interpret the vote or they themselves, these changes are there. there are many problems . i have a question for you. did the ethics committee of the football federation ban mr. kafashan for one year ? he should be in the federation as the vice president. why did you not follow the rules and regulations?
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it is obvious that he was unjustly deprived of the dear servant like himself . they make themselves believe that it happens like this now find out where those who banned you are , or do you remember who banned you, mr. kafashian , i'm sorry, i'm sorry, where do you go? or the middleman who did not receive the money contract, after i asked him, he said: the amount that we wanted to complain to go and get money from this gentleman was more than what we received. because of this case, with the pressure of people you know, we all know who did this, mr. kafashiano, i have a lot of problems with him. i got it, but in this regard, the right to eat this person and deprive them for a year, after a year he returned
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and sat in his position as the vice president of the people that we should bring in whether the decision he made is right or not, it is not in our competence to ask you do you agree that he was unjustly denied by the ethics committee, which, when i know that it rules based on improper relationships , i say whoever he wants to be. mr. kafashiano's crime, now you go to the judicial authority, complain about him officially, and see what sentence they give, be sure, be sure, it is against an administrative offense, maybe, but we all know there. what happened, my dear servant , you sacrificed me in the same way as mr. kafashiano
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, why is it that a man named tash who has a long money case came to be the head of the federation, is he really? the characteristic question of clarifying racism and maintaining the health of competitions is one of the duties of each member of the football federation, including the president of the federation. now this is the current corruption of kermanu. if they say it was 140 or 1398 , why hasn't it been dealt with? yes
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, yes, eye, let me answer first. that we should not make our discussion personal, it is not a personal discussion. let's leave this discussion tonight about now let the federation and those elections be held, let's see where it will go. god willing, they will investigate the other cases . please, mr. pemam, ask a few questions , sir. it's just much faster. we're running out of time. whether they accept the rules of the statute or not
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, that is where mr. kafashian and mr. aziz khadim are two separate categories. when the election was held for mr. kafashian, mr. kafashian had no replacement, no other election was held for mr. kafashan to be elected. it was left that mr. kefaishian did not want to continue after his suspension period. sir, you go out, i am telling you, not after i am not in my time.
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one moment, we are talking about mr. azizi khadem and the football federation elections. let's talk about this one person for a minute. please, i want to see if it was legal or not. what is your opinion and mr. kafa's , mr. faqan's opinion and mr. faryad's opinion after you? whether he has it or not , his place is somewhere else, another place is equal with article 3, if i'm not mistaken, that person can come and defend himself. you say that he is deprived because of that. the ethics committee is not allowed to enter at all. according to the ethics committee's decision, yes , the person who was banned by the ethics committee
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is still in football. they are touching this in the daily newspaper. the person whom the ethics committee will find out from the moment the verdict is issued is possible. it is being implemented, so from that moment on, he will be removed from all football arenas based on what was voted, mr. az on the day the assembly was formed and they were invited to defend themselves by the assembly. he was faced with the fact that they are banned. when they were banned, they could no longer enter the assembly , because the assembly is a football institution, when it is a football institution, and the person who is banned from all football institutions, including futsal, soccer and beach soccer he should appear there to defend himself, that's why this happened legally. the statute was fully implemented in this regard and completely according to the statute. you say that it was in accordance with the statute and legal. let us hear mr. faradchiran's speech. that
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is the end of the final discussion. yes, mr. faqanpour, i wish is there any other legal person like mr. raisi ? they come because he has a position in the football federation. he has the right to defend himself like this. i want to say that he was a member of the federation assembly. now, the group's thinking is in a hurry, and i don't know if these things are not paying attention to mr. aziz khadimo in that assembly, in fact, they will vacate him and say , sir, you are no longer going to participate in the election process. in this case, it was withdrawn, it was intentional. i don't know, so i won't comment. but i am sure that the assembly should have approved this justice from the legal point of view. not your legal committee, mr. aziz khadimo's crime i still have a problem with the good people and i strongly believe that no
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one should ever believe in the good people of the world . you are not talking about magic
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, i mean the sorcerer ramhal amir eskandari. you are mr. faqampour, 20 seconds of summing up, mr. asadian, what happened it happened based on the statute that elected mr. azizi khadim. the same assembly decided that the election of aziz khadim was legal for all the events of the law . mr.
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farad, but we can't completely put everything aside and question it, no, and it's not in mr. farya's affairs at all. now let him be behind our line. we will continue the discussion, thank you very much god bless you, good night, my god. i have come to greet you, o king, you have been invited to a party for several centuries. in this palace, both
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guests and pilgrims of the imam mehrabani have been hosted. this is a service that we have been doing at the tea houses of his holiness for almost four years. it feels very good. we have to experience it. it's really good. sir, he gave us everything . he gave us everything. he gave us to be servants. for us, the most important
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blessing is the story of these concessions. good news mr. raisi to the people of nowshahr determining the assignment of the industrial town of this city after two decades of inactivity. flooding of water supply levels in mashhad increased after the recent rains.


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