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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 12:30am-1:00am IRST

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after working for a while, it gets contaminated and needs to be replaced, but the embargo on the one hand, and if the embargo goes away, the high supply, on the other hand , has limited its supply and made it expensive, a problem that was solved with the technological product of a knowledge-based company. the company's product is a portable catalytic chemical and physical purification system. this company did the first and with these systems transformer oils. it cleans and removes its pollution and eliminates the need to replace these transformers. an advanced technology that only four countries had. this technology in the world is available to four countries, america, canada, belgium and germany, and this company has been able to present iran as the fifth owner of this technology with four years of research and development. the portability of this system
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is only part of the advantages of this catalytic oil refining system compared to foreign models. it has the capacity to absorb more pollutants, which is not available in foreign samples, and we can even remove certain pollutants such as corrosive sulfur from transformer oil. transformers are designed for all types of transformers even the smaller ones with a capacity of less than 1,000 liters can be chemically cleaned while working. a product that reduces the cost of replacing each liter of high-tech industrial oil in transformers and turbines by 85%. the cost of changing the transformer oil for employers is 7 dollars, and we provide this service at a price of around 1 dollar to 1 and a half dollars in the country, and in this respect, employers save 85 dollars on the cost of their work, according to the officials of this the company
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using this refining system so far more than 4 million liters of industrial oil have been refined in the country's power plants and factories, which has saved the country about 24 million dollars. mohammad hossein haji, radio and television news agency. the head of the assessment and evaluation center of the ministry of education said that the students who have not managed to receive the admission card for the final exam session should not worry. it is possible to use id documents with a photo, including the national card. get admission card up to one hour before the exam for everyone
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dear students, this time is not a limited time that causes concern for dear students. it means that if a student's internet in their area is cut off for any reason, their system will have problems and they will not be able to receive the work of the meeting . arrangements have been made for them to apply through their own school. according to their areas, they will be able to receive the card . with the care that has been thought out, no student will be denied from attending the campus, even if it is not possible to receive the card. 28 ardi behesht is the international day of endangered species of wild fauna and flora. preservation and revival of the yuvuz population asiatic, persian gourd, yellow grouse, deer and jubeer among the actions of the environmental protection organization in the implementation of the law of accession of the islamic republic of iran to the convention on diversity. an important animal in the country
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was the result of the last census of the environmental protection organization last year. this shows that our species diversity is very high. but factors such as habitat destruction, hunting and smuggling, road accidents and climate change threaten the survival of some of these species . we have about 86 species exposed to the line. among these species, the iranian yaws and the chicken are in a critical situation, so that the number of each of them is low less than 30 reported in the country since last year , the security of yuvuz crossing has been started with the aim of reducing road accidents, which is considered the most important threat of this type, and a part of it has been done. in addition to lighting, cameras were installed on this route, which average speed of 120 km.
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it was reduced to 90 km. warning signs and boards were installed there. jabir, deer, iranian donkey and yellow deer are other endangered species. that in recent years , their conservation and reproduction measures have made them have better conditions to return to nature, deer in the plains region mughan returned to the mughan plain, in fact, in the nayiband region, fortunately, it returned to that area, and the iranian zebra, which returned to the turan region, fortunately, returned with the aim of reducing illegal hunting, and in the last meeting of the supreme council for environmental protection, the increase in hunting fines was approved. we determined four times the amount of loss in 2018 compared to the year 2018, it was 10 times. yuvez was 200 million tomans, now it is 2 billion tomans. along with other measures taken to further protect animal
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and plant species, experts believe that people's participation with education and culture can be the future of the environment. to guarantee the country. a generation let's raise those who love nature, love wildlife and play their own roles. saeed haji from sed and sima news agency. according to the ceo of sistan baluchistan telecommunication company, more than 300 kilometers of fiber optic network has been implemented in this province. acceleration of the implementation of the fiber optic development project in sistan baluchistan we are working on routing for the optical fiber excavation
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in moalem blvd. homes and businesses access to high-speed and stable internet. there is a day when we connected to the fiber network at home and it is much better than before . we don't have internet poles. the quality of fiber optic internet is much higher than idsl and we can provide better services to people in terms of speed and quality. the bandwidth we used to have on copper wires was usually up to 8 terabytes, but now the lowest bandwidth that we can assign to the systems is from 20 megabytes, we even have 16 megabytes and 8 megabytes, and up to 300 mag, we can do this, it has the ability to do this let's make bano broadband available to subscribers with very high stability. the executive operation of the optical fiber development movement in sistan baluchistan province
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has started since june of last year. in the first phase, 185 thousand ports in zahedan city, zabul city and iransher city have been planned and designed for now. out of its six centers, two contractor centers have been identified in the city of zahedan, which is equivalent to approximately 56,000 ports in this area, which is one of the most important centers in the city. iran is a city that is 13,000 far away there is a need for a series of kernel licenses , which, god willing, will be obtained. so far, more than 3,000 families in this border province have been covered by the fiber optic network, and they can benefit from this service in less than a month upon request. according to the announcement of the telecommunications company, by the end of this year , more than 30,000 households in the border province of sistan
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baluchistan will benefit from fixed internet on the fiber optic platform. pourali, zahedan broadcasting news agency. scientists have created a new plastic that is made of bacteria and disappears when we no longer need it science alert news base this self-degrading plastic is made from a combination of a special type of polymer and bacteria. contrary to the challenge of the previous samples to quickly break down the plastic of this new material only with bacteria. inside itself, some nutrients and moisture begin to decompose without the presence of additional microbes .
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hello, dear viewers, have a good evening . iran's taekwondo athletes won five more medals on the second day of the asian championship. our country's efficient taekwondo won five more medals in the second day of the asian championship in the negative weight of 58 kg, the iranian national team had two representatives, mehdi haji mousai in this situation. he became the champion and abolfazl zandi won bronze . i present my medal to all my dear tekfandekaras and my dear people. in the all-iranian finals of negative weight 87 kg, mohammad hossein yazdani won gold by defeating mehran. in negative weight of 87 kg
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, i won the gold medal in the 7th event. the taekwondo olympic national team also won the silver medal. bakhtiari, another representative of iran , withdrew from the competition in the minus 74 kg weight category women melika mirhosseini lost in the final match of south korea's mogha at minus 73 kg and won silver. i tried hard to give my best performance, but unfortunately i gave up my game in the final. i hope that i will get better results in the next series. however, mobina nematzadeh and elham haghigi in negative weight 49 kg and elham haghighi in negative weight 62 kg left the result to their opponents and were eliminated by the iranian national taekwondo team by the end of the second day , winning two gold and two silver medals.
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tehran on thursday evening in the first match of the final stage of the premier basketball league at imam khomeini hall gorgan went on a journey to win against the host team with the result of 86-79 at the end of the season. of course, this race was meant to be held on friday evening . the caspian tour international cycling competition ended with the introduction of the top women's team and riders. the women's race of the caspian tour reached the finish line, the height of sensitivity in the caspian style with the competition of 45 cyclists from the city of serkhrood
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to mahmudabad. they will move in the city and city of noor for a distance of about 90 kilometers until the team results of mazandaran became the best, iraq and folad mubarakeh sepahan were placed in the second and third places, the results were the results we wanted. we didn't win, we weren't satisfied, and this race showed that we need to work more on our two wheels in terms of results. individually, hosseini reached the finish line two hours and 17 minutes earlier. sediqi from mazandaran team and haghighi from foulad mobarake sepahan were second and third. i would like to thank the cooperation of the team that was established among the team members and being able to get a good position today. it's true that we were behind the iraqi team, but the facilities they have were much better than the renovations of our facilities. but on the last day, we also saw a special guest.
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i am ayub rezani of sekhroud radio and television news agency may god protect you. today is saturday, the 29th of may, the morning prayer in tehran is at 3:18 , the sunrise is at 4:57, the noon prayer is at 12:00, and the maghrib prayer is at 19:50. thank you for being with this news section
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. i wish you good moments. it seems to me that one of the three aspects of the life of ayme, peace be upon him , should be worked on, one of which is the spiritual dimension. and divine means that my holiness is the aspect of the holiness of the imams, peace be upon them, this cannot be taken away from it. it should be talked about , but it should be talked about carefully it is possible that the words are weak, we should express the royal aspect of the imams, peace be upon them, the spiritual aspect and throne of the imams
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, this is not one of the things that we want to make taqiyyah about, or for example, no, we should say this, this is the spiritual and every shia aspect of the imams, which in the case of the prophet himself is a question of their innocence. the problem of their communication with the almighty god, their communication with the angels, is that in these they are their guardianship, the spiritual meaning of this is a scholarly work. in the context of life issues various human needs, ethics, society, religion
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, rules, these things speak, our imams have a school , some of these aspects that we do n't pay much attention to, have relevance in the world. in our narrations , how much has been discussed about this matter from imams regarding the issue of animal welfare and protection of animals?
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these are the words of the imams that should be expressed and transmitted. well, we all have books, that is al-anwar, for example, has 100 books, and there are many such books, but these are within a certain range . i read a poem of mine that day, you will see, but not from the solitude of khem cho in sagar.
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it should be properly reflected in the world. today, communication with the world has become easy. that is, you sit here, press a button and spend 10 minutes in the farthest part of the world , in australia, canada, america, somewhere, whoever you want will hear you. this is very important, so it should be used in this way. however, the important language is what language you want . this is the second part of what the imams have to introduce the imams should follow the third part of the issue of politics , this is what i followed during those years of the imams' life, mainly what the imams
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were doing, what they wanted to do . the fact that the imam, with all those authorities, with all the divine rank he has and the divine trust in his hands, is content to say, for example, a certain amount of commandments, say a certain amount of morals. had their main goal is to create an islamic society, which is impossible without creating an islamic government it is not acceptable, so follow the rule of islam. imamate is an important dimension, imamate means the head of the religion and the world, the head of matter and meaning, well, its matter is the same policy and
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the administration of the country and the administration of the government, and all imams follow this , that is, without exception, all imams follow this , but with different methods in different seasons with methods with eda. different short-term long-term goals, an alley in mashhad, an alley behind an alley in mashhad, the smell of imam reza
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, the fashion of seeing flowers in his hand, it makes a person's heart shine. i come i will try this friend's competition this time . i was the first in the previous series. i was the control in the previous series . this is the first time that i have come to compete, and i have been first in every race. it is the second time that i have come to this car
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. i had already participated in the hafrechin rally, and i finished fourth in this competition of more than 800 people in the form of 500 teams. they are competing. i like it very much. i am very interested in robotics, so i came to this competition. it is a very good competition, there are many of us , we learn many things, i learned new things, programming i learned to be smart, i 'm doing a little screwy, so why didn't you do this before ? it happened again. you ate all this yourself . we were told that such a competition is going to be held, that's why we have been trying to make a robot that can win this competition. students
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participated in 6 different leagues, including mini warrior robot leagues, pathfinder robot leagues, and letter sorting robot leagues. you narrowly won, thank you. tell me about your robot? nothing we try. it took a lot of effort to fix it, our robot how many times have you done it? what is equal to two wheels to one wheel? both wheels are here. two wheels outside are equal . at least it was a good experience. it was a beautiful experience . why is your robot not working? yes , yes, maybe it doesn't work because of the glasses, no, for me , it's a bad thing and in the league.
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my robot with a series of letters must be placed in its place. whoever does it as soon as possible , it will take less time and we may get a better rank. it will be placed here using this cube and we will easily leave it out of control. right there, my robot is a router, this is my robot, and this is the program that i am writing, this program will somehow make this router car, which is supposed to follow a line, so that i can make it myself and win. yes, why because i failed last time? but in this series, i want them to try to win. we have set a steep clock so that whenever they attack , they will be able to express their strength
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so that we can attack each other from the back and the front, so that it will be convenient for us. let's leave our phone and be able to scare him with our anger at the end of this competition, four people will be selected from each league. god willing, the best people will be selected and participate in more advanced courses . it is scheduled to participate in the world competition on monday , may 31st. the results of this competition will be announced. mohammad ebrahim pakzad of sed and cima news agency.
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if you want a carpet from get it with identity at the best price, and when you buy , let a good expert guide you. come directly to mahd farsh. this is an advertisement aimed at informing you so that you can choose the best one. indeed, mahd farsh festival is being held all over iran. is. it means that you can start a shopping bag production line. washing machine manufacturers, you can have a shopping bag production line. we do not have the experience. consultants and washing machine manufacturers are with you from the moment of launch to the sale of products . what should you do with the costs? let's sell washing machines, the buyer of your products
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, where to start, washing machines, smile at your dreams. hello again, dear viewers. working capital for knowledge base and helping to develop the export of the products of these companies, the vice president of science, technology and economy of knowledge base, the president said, follow up on the fulfillment of the territorial obligation of the products knowledge-based with the help of the central bank and the ministry of economy is on the agenda of this deputy. the tools we provide to companies, including.


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