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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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get it completely free now , get 60% of gilna publishing resources as a gift by sending 5 to 30 48 55. good time, dear viewers , thank you for being with the news network. on the first thursday after being sent to the land of revelation, the iranian pilgrims of medina recited their first complete prayer next to the prophet's court. it is expected that the number of iranian pilgrims in the city of medina will reach 12,000 in the coming days. my god.
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zalib is to bushehr, which is 111 kilometers long . the scene of an accident a few days ago with a foot in samand and pars car, one of dozens of accidents. severe in the bandan axis with the increase in the traffic of trucks in this route, the operation of creating four lanes of bandan in the last two years with travel credits.
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in order to facilitate communication between anzali port and bushehr in isfahan and chaharmaha provinces. bakhtiari
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is designed and running. considering that in any case, now the third phase is located in the residential agricultural lands of shawan village, heydari village and azadegan. well, the respected residents of these villages have found the utmost cooperation with the urban development road complex of the city of hadan and the contractor azizad varud . it is the implementation of the third phase. this four-lane plan , with a total length of 111 kilometers, will facilitate traffic to the western borders of the country. anjadeh will be connected to the four-lane axis of ali guderz by crossing the zayandeh rood river. nasser akbarpour , the border of bin and chadehgan cities. the director general of the supervision of the basic hats of the ministry of jihad, who
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says that there is no shortage to meet the needs of the sugar market. according to mr. amrollahi, the new sugar rates have been announced considering the production costs , and sugar factories are obliged to supply this sugar at approved prices. it was a few days ago that the new price sugar was announced. considering that the price of sugar was moved from one commodity group to two. 38500 tomans should be delivered to the factory, so-called wholesalers in bulk, how much will it cost in bulk, the consumer should pay 425. most of the so-called to buy tomans is a reflection of these price changes, but this is how it is in the market, thank you, the price is expensive, we won't buy it now , i'll tell you how many tomans 47, 46, how much should you sell
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, a thousand tomans higher, 49 tomans, 49 tomans, you don't have to come, yes, the market is 42 tomans to us. they say you have to sell 42, we stayed the same, we won't come anymore . checkers are packed in 900 grams the method is that no price is listed. when the price is not yet known, what is the price to be charged? this servant of god, why is the price not announced because the stock is in the market , the packaging is for the sake of the welfare of the people, for the time being, they are saying because the old sugar with a width of 28,500 tomans has come and gone. it is placed on a store shelf . at the moment , they are selling at the same price of 34,000 tomans. in the future, god willing, the packaging price will also be announced. now, of course, the market seems to be waiting for the price to be announced. do you have any sugar left? yes
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, tell me how much. increase. we let them have a special supervision in the whole chain, from the production supply to the explanation, that if there is any problem, the jade factory will not supply them, so to speak. in the coming week , the sugar market will reach its price stability with respect to the current pricing. farzad azaribaga , sed and sima news agency, four khursheed power plants in kermal province
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have been put into operation in the presence of the deputy minister of energy, according to the deputy economic deputy of the governor of kerban. the solar power plants of this province produce 150 megawatts of electricity this number will reach 2000 megawatts with the use of other solar power plants. allah, operation of four solar power plants in kerman province. these power plants were set up in the cities of rafsanjan, narmashir, safaiye city, and an industrial power plant near the kerman cement factory. the opening of the power plants was started from narmashir. this 10 megawatt power plant injects 22 gigawatt hours of energy into the national electricity grid . this power plant is a solar power plant, which is actually producing at the level of 20 kilovolts. it is one of the largest solar power plants in the province. there is, and in total
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, we have 114 megawatts of large size solar power plants in the province and about 40 megawatts of rooftop solar power plants that were installed at home. soft zone and even kerman province , with favorable sunny conditions and strong winds at times , is considered a suitable region for the development of renewable energies. in any case, the government's plan is to develop renewable energies . thank god , we have about 12,000 megawatts of power plants under construction. there are more than 2 thousand megawatts of these power plants in kerman province, and with the exploitation of this power plant, the country's current capacity will reach
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on the other side of your table are the eyes of a martyr looking at you. in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, dear compatriots
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. welcome to the first page program. these days coincide with the biggest annual cultural event that is held in the country, that is, the international book fair, which started on the 19th of ardi behesh month, and god willing, the final ceremony will be held tomorrow. during this time, we witnessed thousands of people and book lovers going to the exhibition, which is of course both online and in person, and using the latest news to know about the exhibition. beshim and the level of people's acceptance of the exhibition. in fact, let's find out, mr. dr. yasir ahmadvand
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, the respected cultural deputy of the ministry of culture and islamic guidance , who is also the head of the book fair , appeared in front of the front page camera to talk about this issue. i am your excellency's service. dear viewers of the good program on the first page, thank you for your invitation . i am at your service. well, god willing, the exhibition will pass its final days and tomorrow is the last day. you were at the exhibition, and of course , you know more about the reception of the people and even its content areas than anyone else. how do you evaluate this year? we thank god for this special blessing that
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exists in our country in a situation where we live in an inflammatory region, but in our country there is a big tehran book exhibition and the words of people and their interest in attending the exhibition and how to attend and choose new books. book. conversations with their favorite authors and such events are a blessing that we have in our country and we thank god for this. the second thanksgiving is about iqbal and the special welcome of the people and their interest in the subject of the book. the country's biggest cultural meeting takes place annually on the topic of books. a few million people are eager audience. they see the exhibition and the news of the publication closely
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, they get acquainted with different cultural programs and cultural events , they participate in them, so this is a place of gratitude and appreciation. exhibitors participated in various topics of diversity. various topics and tastes were presented in the exhibition. likewise, people from the first day they eagerly attended the exhibition in the first hour . i entered the exhibition hall a few minutes before the exhibition doors even opened. as soon as the doors opened, the first person i saw in the exhibition hall was him. after they discussed, they said
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that i live in sweden and every year i come to tehran for the tehran book fair . i visited the exhibition and this kind of luck and receptions are really many in the exhibition enthusiasm is the right motivation. one of the differences that seems to exist this year compared to the previous years , of course, was the same last year with the booksellers . what was the effect of this issue on the exhibition during the two years that it was held, during the three periods that i was responsible for organizing the exhibition, we tried to make changes in the exhibition, these changes should be strategic and large-scale changes that would help the publishing industry, one of the these
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important changes are added to the book. sales to sellers at book fairs. although there are opposing opinions on this matter. but overall assessment we thought that all publishing circles should be present in the exhibition. co-creators who are present in the exhibition by holding many cultural programs. there are unveilings, tributes, celebrations and signings . co-publishers well, the main body of the exhibition has been formed in these years, as well as the booksellers , who were a circle that had been neglected in the exhibition. in the exhibition, we will see more than
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350 bookstores present in the virtual section of the exhibition this year and the books that they buy from sharran they are making it available to the public on the spot , and it has been well received because the publisher may not be present at the exhibition for any reason, but people can buy and purchase the book of that publisher from the bookstores that are there. this is one of the serious changes of the book fair. in this 3-year question, which i mentioned, there were other changes, including the addition of the virtual section, which follows . well
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, of course, it helps to the degree of reception, but it is out of sight you this is enough. kurdish or not , the subsidy we give to students, we give to professors, we give to students is far from the real need that a student has and a student has in order to provide the books he needs. buying is really the same as buying two or three books, the average is two or three books, and this is very far, very little. of course, we also demand from the ministry of science the honorable ministry of science and the honorable ministry of health should help to provide for students and professors. apart from
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this, we requested the honorable government to help, god willing. let this credit increase significantly for the next year. of course, the honorable minister of government has just approved that an additional credit for purchases will be available to government employees, but the resources did not reach the exhibition. but during the year, from the book market system, which is the system that books are connected to and the works are offered throughout the year, as soon as the resources are received and allocated, this possibility will be provided. it is a good credit, at least it will be an effort to help the publishing industry and buy books
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. how many publishers actually participated in this exhibition and of course made this great cultural event more than 1600 publishers in the sector this year. coming in person and presenting their works at the booths in several sections. well, masla space has several sections to host publishers. shabestan is the section for general publishers who are present there. two special halls were reserved for children and youth publishers. an independent was dedicated to educational aid publishers and one the hall is also for foreign publishers, except that there is a half floor in shabestan, the international section of the exhibition. there were about 1,600 publishers in the collection of these places that i mentioned, presenting their works in the virtual section, the number of publishers is more because the publishers who
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have a small number of works, even if the publisher has one work, the publisher can appear in the virtual section and present his work , there are about 2,700 publishers in the virtual section they presented their works in the international section, in addition to some publishers, some countries also participated independently, for example, i saw that yemen , turkey, and pakistan had come. how was the selection of these? we we have a section of foreign publishers, which is the section where publishers come and sell their books, the price is based on the government dollar rate , and people can buy books there with a discount . there are also arab publishers and publishers here.
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25 billion tomans were the total sales of the in-person and virtual sectors, of which approximately 14 billion tomans and approximately
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46.7 billion tomans were related to the virtual sector, and almost twice this, about 280 billion tomans, and approximately 290 billion tomans to the in-person part of the exhibition. this number is a number. which we had until last night, which has increased from last year's number. naturally today is a busy day of the exhibition and tomorrow we will have an increase in sales. it will definitely be more than last year. well, that's the expectation. finally , the price of the book has increased and it has become more expensive. but we predict that there will be a slight increase in the number of exhibitions and sales. until last night, about 900,000 copies of the book were bought in the virtual section , almost twice as many
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were bought in the face-to-face section, because the number of sales in the face-to-face section was about double, that is, about 1,800,000 copies were also sold in the face-to-face section . 2 million and 70,800,000 copies, for example, ours we had a sale almost last night, which will naturally increase today and tomorrow , it will surely exceed 3 million copies, we think we will have a little increase in number from last year. t people will have a week or day to buy books, that is, in person or not. now close to this figure and this shows that these statistics, which are sometimes
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said in some media about the per capita study rate in the country , are not at home with these statistics. what is your opinion, we people definitely have a book, this is clear. it means that books and reading books are a value in the eyes of people, that is, a positive characteristic. even if people don't read books , they look at someone who reads books as an educated person. therefore, attending the exhibition is a positive social event. they know that there is a plan in the cultural calendar of families , i like for. it is worth the book to plan and have the family attend. this is a special social behavior, therefore it is positive and
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we should have a positive approach to this. in our country compared to many it is better than the countries of the world , we are definitely not in the first few countries in the world, but the level of study is not so much that we feel that we are far from the best countries in the world , we are definitely more educated per capita than all the countries in the region, and in asia , we are definitely among the top countries in the world, of course. the calculations of these statistics are different, but with all kinds of methods, the measurement is done between the top 15 and 20 countries in the world. we are studying per capita. he sees people from the exhibition and he finally buys
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for someone who comes to buy a book, he naturally wants to read it, but there is no reason to buy a book , keep it at home, for example, if it becomes expensive and sell it later , that means hoarding, which he does not want to do . where is this , in fact, the discussion that is sometimes raised in the media , just as you said, sometimes discussions are raised in the media that there is a kind of self-deprecation in it, the reality of the matter is not like this, first of all, the rate that i mentioned is a different method of measuring the study per capita, that is, research institutes and various researchers in the world with methods different people consider that in a survey, watching
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some television programs may be considered as per capita reading, or referring to some websites may be considered as part of per capita reading, or in some places, reading religious books, praying in the holy quran, is part of per capita reading. whether it is considered or educational books and their calculation methods and textbooks , these are different in our country , we have statistics from 16 minutes a day to one year. due to this difference in the selection of survey parameters and also the society in which we conduct the survey, sometimes the whole country is calculated, sometimes the active population of the country is calculated. therefore, it is debatable, all kinds of statistics are the same even in other countries, we have a statistic that suppose that india is one of the most read
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countries and... although indians read books, it does not mean that they are among the top countries in the world, but some surveys this is because of what i'm saying, there are different metrics to evaluate the study of our country, we can definitely say that we have people who are interested in books, we have people who love books, and the new generation is reading books. what is the old reason? the reason is that the number of books for children and teenagers increases every year they are popular and welcome. the number of publishers of books for children and teenagers is increasing now, and the number of books that are published for the first time . although
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in the issue. in the country where their works are really at the world level , every year in different festivals from different aspects. for this reason, we announced the event of the national and international festival of children and teenagers in the same exhibition, the sign of which was unveiled , the first edition of this festival will be held this year. in our country, we are strong in this field.


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