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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 5:30am-6:00am IRST

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in any case, the centers of our sacred defense documents and research should have better cooperation with the writers. mr. mamini, i would like to ask the next question to his highness regarding these issues, but i want to ask my colleagues a report related to his highness's books . some people say that this story started when farrukh khan was killed, that is, the same year that qazi muhammad raised the flag of government in mehabad , and these are the first few lines of a novel, a novel about the kurdistan of mah and balut, the narration of the life of chand fictional character in the context of social and political events in kurdistan, i wanted to show the real face of the kurds in an islamic iranian system
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, a work whose narratives take place in the period of the 30s to the 60s. the information and data accumulated in the book has turned it into a historical novel and is very, very different from normal social and cultural novels. he is expressing a reality that is not necessarily the everyday reality of people's lives. we have an interpretation of it. we say that the iranian narrative is derived from the beliefs and beliefs of our people, and sometimes extraordinary events happen in it we know them to be real. the book has 33 chapters and kurdish characters are mentioned in it that we have not discussed much. martyr amanullah, martyr ustad abdul karim shahrikandi wrote jalal. you may be surprised , one of the characters in this novel. it is jalal that
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the cover designer has borrowed from. i said myself that jalal's place is in that river with the conditions that we see now in the future, how i will be with what feelings, that is, i will put myself in the place of that character . i will open my eyes and see the surroundings and everything. what i see and picture is a book that affects minds and becomes a problem, that is, we after maybe read a book. we have been thinking about the topic of the book for weeks. the novel mah and bluet is actually a healing history of the kurdistan region, which provides new narratives to the reader, and the book ends with this verse of poetry. welcome to see me, zeinab soleimani, sed and broadcasting news agency. well, mr. momeni. the book of mah and bluet is grateful for its reality on
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the report of what needs to be said, we want to return to our own discussion, the discussion of the gaps that exist, you can give your opinion, even though institutions like the artistic field have been doing this for decades. what are the reasons for these gaps in your opinion ? imam's job is not a problem and it is not anyone's job . he is a very great personality of the type of heavenly personalities.
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otherwise, it will be the same and often there is actually criticism, but indirectly, why in this novel that my friends kindly introduced by the way imam khomeini is one of those shining faces , although imam khomeini is not directly present as imam khomeini, but his reflection is in the hearts of the heroes of the story. one of them is that mr. behboodi is a great personality. after many years of hard work, the book was written by al-lam khomeini. sometimes you used to talk about the difficulty of the work, meaning the difficulty of the work , not that the institutions are not helping . it is really difficult to deal with this character. there is one point, i think at the same time, good work has been done in the field of children about us, teenagers, we have outstanding works in the field of great people, an example. but, well, compared
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to the greatness of imam khomeini, compared to the greatness of the islamic revolution , time must pass before good works come , that is, really now from my colleagues. i am defending that i understand that in this field, which of course i am saying in the field of literature and art, in the field of research, in the field of research, the work may be easier. i know now, of course, the situation has improved, but i was writing golest a lot when i was lurking i was annoyed, i remember when there was a point in the second phase of the fatah al mobin operation, that in a place where part of the forces of one of our comrades
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, whose commander was martyr wazawi, went missing with that army commander, who now has a story, this was not anywhere else, i searched a lot over and over again, no one really helped. this and this happened for some time until i happened to find it in the book of hampai sa'eqah among the so-called wireless units of hazrat rasool's army . this is not a quantity the reason is that if you cooperate with this organization, they will easily provide you with information, and you will be rewarded. it's not good, but where are you working with? i agree that this is important, but there is a lot of narrow-mindedness in this regard. this is very good for someone who wants to work independently , not another organization. they have problems with other places, friends
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whose work is now being produced in the field, that's why they are going to other places . now, with the same conditions, my understanding of do's words the honorable thing is that anyway the author must have that qualification and expertise and be familiar with the subject, on the other hand, he must have enough resources and documentation at his disposal. we should increase the quantity in terms of quality , what should be done, mr. babak, please. well, we have to write well, one of the conditions of the book is the quality, whether it is in terms of content, in terms of victory , in terms of the basic form and image of everything, unfortunately, one of
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the plagues of the literature of the holy defense and to some extent the revolution is the writing of orders, that is, see. one side an organization, an organization, somewhere wants to hold a commemoration, a congress, a ceremony, or a commemoration. right from the beginning , it sets a road map for itself. it says yes, we should publish 100 books in the next 6 months, for example , exactly 100. until exactly the next 100, no one thinks about what facilities these 100 have. your facilities will be provided for you, mashallah , you have more money, and where is the author , where is the researcher, who wants to write this? do you believe that in some of our centers, quality is sacrificed for quantity?
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mr. momeni, please explain that recently, a few months ago, a protest was aired on his behalf . if a book was printed this year, for example , it should be 100 times the next year, it will go up like this, erosion of something, well, this would be a big hit , we used to say this everywhere. to quantity we have to raise the quality so that you don't see books in the book fair of some of these publications that are not at all worthy of holy defense, for example a very small book of 30 45 30 40 there is a page with 3 logos, four logos on the back, this
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is affecting the work, and there was a conversation recently, but there was a text that mr. major general bagheri had reached the service of the supreme authority and he said that he used my words. if nothing happens , i mean that the work should be of quality, if it is going to be of poor quality, it is 100 times that nothing should be 10 times as much. the publisher should decide for himself and take care of that standard in terms of editing, editing is one of the most important things. in our books, why is it that most of the books that reach the hands of hazrat agha and he reaches taghreez
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are books that have less problems in terms of text and are very fluent? let's see more about the case. inshallah , you understood what i did from a part of mr. babaei's speech. some of the researchers we talk to criticize and complain, they say that some centers seem to be demanding a monopoly, or does that mean, of course, hazrat excellent, you also mentioned a part of your speech that now those centers are document centers or some historiography centers, now anyway it seems to create a monopoly for the resources they have, what is your assessment and finally the solution is access. our researchers and writers, as much as it requires anyway
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, i will give a short introduction to the documents and documents of the field of islamic revolution and holy defense. here, the emergence of the revolution was shown, and therefore our history is today's human being of the revolution iran at all, today's iranian man with defense. in fact, the hand is measured between there and seen there, and in other words, the new identity of the iranian nation was seen during the 8-year period of the holy defense. this is the basis, we are losing a part of our documents, which are human beings. in fact, it is people's memory. they reach old age and
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they forget. we, who were teenagers then, now we have forgotten many things. the second is actually life itself. there are many great people who should be they were saying something, well, unfortunately, it was not said and it went underground, so their expectation was understood from now on, but unfortunately, sometimes, and thank god, it was my power in our officials to persuade them to withdraw. no, the fact is that i was the addressee of their request on two occasions regarding the subject , once in a meeting where i think mr. babaei was also present, there were some writers who were kind and said that in the field of art, during the time of such and such management, good work was done in this field. it's done, but i don't go down from my 100 times rate. once in a public meeting, they said that i am 100 it is called equal as a number, for example , it is estimated like this. no, i'm right, but he didn't say that serin would start, it needed some
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time, and an infrastructure, according to the managers, should be provided. actually, the main thing is in the field of human resources. we currently have a lack of writers, writers who have the necessary standards. well, this is cultivation. to find, to be recognized, to work, these events were taking place in the field of art, that is, designs were really made, god willing, i hope, it means education and training, they will write this, one of them is the next. our publishing department is our promotion department, we are good books we have a lot of them. it's good that they are not often introduced . one of the events that happened at the kitabal exhibition was the holding of meetings on various topics, including, i think, more than 100 meetings, that is, definitely 60. the good ones that shined were held one. in fact, the meetings were on the topic of popular books, full of the so-called
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persian numbers, i forgot that it has another name. one we are well received , i see my work in literature, in other areas , there is not the same trust that exists in good books in this area. my reason is that, well, the people of iran, especially our youth, in the era of identity crisis, actually defend their own identity in the defense of saints and heroes. they are searching for the holy defense . we have published a good book in this field every time we have introduced it and it has been well received. therefore, one of the strengths of our literature today is the books related to the holy defense period. very well, mr. babaei, we don't have much time, 10 minutes until the end. we have a schedule, another problem
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which now exists in the field of historiography of holy defense, holy defense, exile. in dealing with issues , for example, in one province, we see that the issue of martyrs , the issue of holy defense has been discussed a lot, we go to another province, we see that this issue and martyrs have not been addressed as it should be, how should this inequality be resolved? you see, this kind of attention depends on the person. in every province, if there is a manager or a commander in the military organs who is worthy and believes in this culture, we will feel prosperity there. management yes, haj hossein hamedanani, the martyr of hamedanani
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, both when he was in hamedan and when he was the commander of our army in tehran. it was the command of the tehran army, now it is the 27 publications that you have seen in this year's exhibition, with more than 250 titles, one book, it did not publish at all , the army should not have publications at all, but he came and formed an institute, he said that to promote the culture of the year of martyrdom and in order to record the history of the war, we have to be self-sufficient, and he formed this , and alhamdulillah, he got a very good boom. now that mr. hassanzadeh is there, they pay a lot of attention to this. this is happening wherever there is stagnation, we have to go to that person first and see what his motivation is, unfortunately, in the islamic republic, many actions are exclusive to the individual, the other
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is exclusive to the decision-maker. sometimes, mr. mominin, the head of the art department, something happens. sometimes there is mr. banyanian, other things happen, sometimes there is mr. dodman, other things happen. most of these are the people themselves who are much more effective . let's go to the devices. now obviously, well , anyway, i think you have been around for more than 30 years. you are active in the field of holy defense books and literature now your assessment of the role played by the ministry of culture is clearly mentioned by the supreme leader of the revolution. the task of this apparatus is to play a role in this apparatus during this period, in these few years, in these 3 decades, how do you evaluate the role-playing in only the extent of monitoring and support, in a very small extent, the same straw and paper, there is no other support, for example in the section, even buying books for, for example, the library institution
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or translating books through the organization. culture and communication, which is part of the ministry of guidance , we don't see this, unfortunately, i may not want to talk about it more than this, but you mention the most important support that should be given as the title. the most important support that you can see is that the purchasing power of the people should be increased in relation to books. we saw a lot of people coming to the exhibition this year. they didn't buy a lot of books, the prices were too high for them, and it can't be included in their family's basket of goods. this should be taken into account by irshad for himself. now he allocates books to the family . in the same way that the ministry of employment and the ministry of commerce are among the
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livelihood assistance, the discussion of culture should also be in the assistance section. it should be arranged so that, on the one hand, publishing houses or publishing houses should be given facilities so that the price of the book will drop and come down. now , both in terms of the paper and in terms of the explanation of the book itself, it is very important, and now other organizations like the national media itself. it can explain and promote these books and distribute them more. okay, so according to your opinion, there is a lot of work to be done, yes, it is necessary to support the families, that is, the society, writers and publishers, so that we can witness this increase. let's be quantitative and qualitative. well, mr. mominin sharif , there is a discussion about the adaptation of books in the field of revolution, in the field of visual programs such as
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movies and serials, why do you think that cultural institutions such as the artistic field of the ministry of guidance should do a self-criticism? it has not gone from the books of islamic revolution and sacred defense. let me explain this previous question a bit, because in my opinion, the expectation of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution for a hundred times is completely correct and expert, provided that we understand it correctly, and in my opinion, as someone who has been in charge for at least 10 years, and in the so-called to i was at the head of an organization and i know this is completely possible, but only if you understand it correctly. it was not in the field of books, but the same is true of cinema , there are other parts that must be done simultaneously, and all of them are actually the so-called cycle that
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makes a good book and a good work include all of them . you can see a good and expert planning with them. the section in the field of cinema, especially the cost section, works related to holy defense are really expensive . everyone should cooperate. we have content . alhamdulillah, there is content. we rarely see good books, films, and serials that are adapted from books, for example , from the book da, to be fair, a very good series was written, the screenplay was written from the book nooruddin son of iran, and several very good books that people liked, i was welcomed. our problem, especially in the field of art, was the discussion of the cost. you see, in different places , my friends asked for money. this is not possible. there was no cooperation. of course, it is better now, thank god. after all this, the art field is happening alone . i don't know a single good movie.
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i know that the operation of khyber will be done in the sectors it would have been a problem. this cooperation did not exist. alhamdulillah, it is getting better now . i remember, for example, we had proposals for different places, as well as the support of the prophet's film by mr. modri, which, alhamdulillah , was produced as a proud work for the islamic republic of iran. in this field of ours, cooperation is taking place, but it is a cooperation that the discussion of cost will be resolved with that cooperation. if other places cooperate, the cost will actually be reduced. it will be resolved. i will also tell you some news about this good work, because the tehran book fair in the last days, in fact, tomorrow is the last day tehran book fair we have one minute and 30 seconds.
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the book tales of dolestan and golestan, we witnessed 170,000 copies of its celebration. some of the books of kanon are good news. thank you very much, mr. babaei. i would like to give you a minute and a half . in the summary, please mention the events such as the book of the year award or the jalalah ahmed award . how much can these help in the promotion of books? the field of islamic revolution or holy defense yes, well, like you, i have won several of these awards, such as the jalal award, which i was the secretary of last year, and the shahid hamdani award, the holy defense award of shahid ghanipour. well, festivals like this can definitely help a lot
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and be an encouragement for writers . anyway, all these works that you wrote in the book exhibition , which i don't know the number of now, how many thousands were there, how many were 100 thousand, now how many for each year 1,000 to 2,000 to 4,000. when there is a competition among you, and he falls in love with a handful of books and chooses , it is announced that this is very important and creates a lot for the author, encouraging this work and another discussion. now i wanted to make a brief mention regarding the holy defense, there are still many things left unsaid we have just as the gentleman pointed out that it should be paid more. i got involved in a work related to the oil role of the ministry of oil and war and revolution for a couple of years and i wrote a book about it, and i saw a sea of ​​knowledge.
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there is something in this matter, that is, the events that happened during the war in the company of the ministry of cash in the oil platforms, where to tell is really an epic in itself, like the epic that the shahid of tehrani moghadam is facing you now . thank you very much. thank you for every dear two , thank you for your comment . we have run out of time fact nepardeh says that the discussion of chemical rains is the main topic. i was working on a book on this topic today . i was reading it. well, we have to do a lot. there is a lot of work that has not been done . there is a lot that has not been said. yes, god willing, i hope that this issue will be addressed on the 7th of july in such a program. god willing, thank you both very much. honorable mr. golali babaei, researcher and author of holy defence, as well as mr. mohsen momeni sharif , researcher and author of islamic revolution and holy defence, but special thanks for your companionship.
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, faroz diheh, also babran and khana, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate, dear ladies and gentlemen. dear compatriots, greetings to you, good saturday morning , welcome to this news section on the occasion of the decade of dignity and the birth of imam reza, peace be upon him, the great celebration of imam rezais were held in 10 big cities and in tehran from haftasir square to vali asr square for a distance of 2 km until 10:00 pm. in this celebration, 12 thousand servants in the form of 400


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