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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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it is may in tehran, the sunset will be at 195 minutes , maghrib call to prayer will be at 1925 minutes, and sharia midnight will be at 23:11 hours. for your attention and companionship, dear and respected compatriots. thank you very much for this news segment, but at the end of today's news, i invite you to be a viewer of the program above the news network. with the issue of transparency in the handing over of mines, i say goodbye to you. good day.
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the iranian coach, sharaf iran, is playing with a telegram across the country, why are you setting prices this month ? your question is an interesting question . we do not want to be a football manager. we are not above the bottom or above. whether the transfer of mines is transparent or not, you know that we are at your service with another debate, with the issue that in the past years, the debate on the transfer of mines has the disadvantages of the transfer. i don't
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know about the mines, the various permits that are issued and the events that happen, there have been a lot of discussions, challenges and criticisms. some critics of this process do not know the transparent process and consider the strictures too much. on the other hand, the ministry of poison stated that due to technical reasons , it is cutting the middleman's hand, he is doing the right thing , we want to debate this part of the program in the debate. let's discuss this issue above. let's take a look at the process together and see if there is basically how much transparency there is that is announced to the ministry of hearing. and how true the reasons of the critics are. stay with us until the bottom before we start the conversation and i invite the debate. let's go and see a report together. let's do an overview. let's see what the other experts think about the issue that i have presented to you. let's go back and start the program. kanim reza mohtashmipour, deputy minister of mines and material processing , ministry of mining industry and trade, entrusted mines from our main programs in the sector. mining is a big part
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the mines and mining exploitation licenses in the country were in the hands of people who were not capable of mining operations, and now with the implementation of legal approvals and the holding of auctions, mining standards are increasing. mehdi hamidi, the general manager of the mine exploitation office of the ministry of mining industry and trade, mines without an operator, which is within the authority of the ministry. it was auctioned twice last year and this process will continue this year. unfortunately, part of the range and inactive mines is due to the entry of people without technical and financial qualifications into the field of mining, which is the problem of buying and the illegal sale and deactivation of mines. seyyed reza fatemi amin, former minister of industry, mines and trade, the principle policy of the ministry of reputation in trade.
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mines are through auctions. in the auction method, in addition to removing suspicion, rent and golden signature, government rights are also received as much as possible. mahmoud noorian, managing director of chadorremool mine. the policy of assigning mines through auction is not correct and leads to the abuse of brokers, and this process will be detrimental to qualified people in the mining sector. sajjad ghoroghi, vice chairman of the commission. mining and mineral industries of iran chamber of commerce in the transfer process there are challenges in mining auctions. the first challenge is the lack of sufficient information about the areas to be auctioned, that is, the identification documents of the mines that go to the auction, in terms of the type of reserve and exploration reports , are not provided to the participants in the auction. hossamuddin farhadi nesab, deputy head of government. mines and mineral industries section
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of isfahan chamber of commerce, my opposition in the discussion of holding auctions of mines is more about the way of handing over, and the scope of auctioning of mines has not been addressed as it should be, and they have not yet been able to provide infrastructure related to auctions. also , there are flaws in the headquarters system in the discussion of technical and financial qualification of applicants. yes, we saw the report together. here in our studio, mr. hamidi, the general manager of the ministry of mines, is also present, as well as mr. meshkani , an expert and activist in the field of mining. greetings and god bless both guests of the program, i would like to start with mr. meshkani. and this question, why basically according to some experts, the process of handing over mines is not transparent. greetings to you, mr. mendes hamidi and his colleagues and dear viewers
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, i would like to give a background in relation to the people, that maybe this can help please help us to continue the conversation. you can see that the mining sector is a sector that is organized as a whole. iran means that we do not have a centralized place, so the whole of iran is involved in the mining sector, because except for impala, they allow anyone to enter the mining sector, that is, an ordinary person who is not specialized in mining at all can enter the mining sector if he has technical and financial privileges. it means that we have a definition for these privileges , which mr. engineer hamidi will definitely state now these privileges. i registered an area that should be exploratory . i got an exploration permit for 3 months, but not
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he wanted a financial technical score, he didn't want anything, you went, there was a work that had 50,000 sheets, there was a work where the method of boundaries was clear , you marked a square on it and recorded the boundaries . you used to go and get the permit, but the permit was not that much, that is, it was not that much, and this strictness was not clear. it took 3 months. i remember that i got the exploration permit. now, it may take 2 or 3 years , if we have the one-cloth system, which is what it says in that system. that all inquiries should come out in 3 months, only the sources of distribution sometimes take years, we will not leave this again. over time, some changes were made, they came to say that we should take this into account from a calculus point of view and organize it , a new system was created called the cadastre. in that cadastre , it was almost removed from the attention of the provinces, then the ministry came, and now there are various programs that must be mr. engineer hamidi explains that in order for
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our friends to be able to register the boundary again , they will bring a series of technical and financial concessions , which i now have a little bit of technical and financial concessions. i have a problem, for example, i will give an example later, now that the debate has started, we can do more let's explain, see what i'm saying, for example , you go to a doctor, you get a license to practice medicine, you get a lawyer, that means he only got a bachelor's degree in medicine, now he has a doctorate, we have the highest rank in the mining sector. money that put a senior foundation at all can not register a range.
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our main proposition is that fry. is it clear or not? if it is clear, see if it is clear in general, but it has defects. for example, you tell me that your body is healthy, but for example, i have a thyroid now , so if it is treated, if it is not treated, what is the problem? from your point of view , ask for clarity under the following questions, one by one, they will be opened , you say headline questions, for example, one of them is to record speed limits. the speed of the internet is the speed of a series of things that have nothing to do with technology and knowledge and so on. whoever is faster , i have a solution for this .
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at 10:45 p.m., this area, which is under liberation , is now under, for example, a block, whatever it is, liberation. it is possible that when it is released, it is not that you can win it because you are superior in science or superior in work. believe me, whoever pressed that key first, it is a hundredth of a second. it shouldn't be like this, of course, i will give my solution , but now if it's time, there are other points, i'll say
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too much, very well, mr. hamidi, please let 's do an overview with you to see what the process of handing over mines is like, how many mines have been handed over, how many are ready to hand over and how much is this process like? you know these problems that they say, in the name of allah, the most merciful . transfer of mines, let's correct it in such a way that in fact, the government hands over all the areas and mines it has under its control . exploration and licensing permits issued to mines. it will be done through the headquarters system, it is in this way that
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the dates and timings have been determined in advance and the boundaries that are supposed to be done in the next month's auction have been determined in the mine cadet system or the boundary marker with a specific color. for applicants with notification it specifies the previous one. all the applicants and interested parties who have the conditions to participate in the auction, now i will explain these conditions, how they are , they can know in advance what the range in which province is going to be auctioned, they can do their basic work, including identification and search. in fact, if they know that this capacity is compatible with their request, they can receive the documents in the headquarters system. and in a pre-determined legal period in
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the government's electronic procurement system, they actually make that request. in fact , all these steps are done through this system. and it takes place in the form of glass and no one can see the offered prices or, for example , based on the example, he talked about hundredths of seconds . it is about the registration of the scope, which takes place outside of the auction process. in fact, at that time, applicants can register their requests based on the instructions for holding the auction in the system and at the time of opening the envelopes, which is also in electronic form, in three it can be done, they can even appear in the trade commission of that province. have a physical and monitor and see all the steps and win the auction without
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to find out what other people's numbers are , it is fixed and recorded electronically only for him, and electronically, all applicants can see the percentage of the winner . the recent one was done through the headquarters system and this process is a very transparent process and we will give you a figure of how much we have handed over . yes, you see, in the last two years, according to the technical and financial qualification that was discussed, in the past , technical and financial qualification it wasn't, but the technical and financial qualification which is a donation combination is one of the requirements of the law that is, the applicant who enters the field of mining must
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also bid for the area and mine. in another stage, the competition was held for 6,000, but this 6,000 does not mean that there are 12,000 separate areas and mines, but 12,000. that is, some of these ranges and mines were repeated twice in two times. well, if we put it all together, a round of 8,000 was done in two stages, in which about a thousand ranges and mines were identified
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the next stage of this auction was held in 2014 for the first time in article 83 of the ayin. you implemented and complied with the executive letter of the mining law, and at that stage, 299 items of scope and mine were handed over to the applicants. this was one of the good things that happened last year. it is a tender form that we are at your service in detail, mr. meshkani. all the explanations given by mr. engineer are correct, but i have a few objections. first of all, the system that was created had almost iran in the first and second years , which means you could not upload it well. i don't want to, or three years ago, well, that means you couldn't upload documents in different provinces
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, you have technical and infrastructure. you say that's right. the second thing is how secure this system is. yes, i don't want to say anything that is unreasonable or has a document. sam , let's say in parentheses that the government's electronic procurement system is the government's fault in doing everything. well, you have to see this system. in the world, this is the behavior, now it is another behavior. it is possible, for example , when i went to uzbekistan, please excuse me because i want to ask if you have seen anything about the insecurity of the system.
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where is this method that he said is correct , it is being held, but can this method be replaced, can it cause problems, and thirdly, for example, in auctions, whoever wins more, well, my name is zaideh , this should be a definition for it, because we have many auctions. they came, you mean in the amount that they say for each time, the area that has that limit , sometimes they say government salary every time. well, this matter has changed, but i am saying that why should it be much more? you see, someone is stupid or has heard something or does not have enough scientific knowledge. he comes to the disadvantages and puts a number on it and wins. we have a dispute now that you are in a province . later, if you want, it is completely mine. we have been canceled. seven years ago, 6 years old
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, the guy still hasn't worked. in the auction, he bid the highest price , that is, the second person was me again , which is too much for me. there is more than this, it means that we are holding the fair, the method is correct, everything is correct, but there is a bug in it that what is our goal, what is our goal, that mr. economic prosperity in the mining sector will develop, the position of the mine will become more prosperous, it will rise higher, it will become stronger. getting my work done is the goal of mr. hamidi and his friends this is for us to give to his family. when it comes to the auction, the highest number of things becomes the criterion for action . well, this is no longer clear. now maybe he will say that no, we will cancel this . what is another bug? look at the environment and natural resources and the organizations that are related to us. the ministry of home affairs
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has taken it out of its control and says you should go and do something . for example, i won a contest. my professional year with natural resources and environment is 3 years i would like to remind you one thing, because we have transparency in the title , we will talk if under that series, for example, the ministry of position, for example. he said that if there is no issue with natural resources or transparency, let 's talk about transparency now, then we will get to other challenges that my investors should see. transparency has a definition, i should invest in it. the path should be right , this transparency. well, i am getting my money in the mining sector. i will do my steps. when a dispute
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is raised and the environment and natural resources are not acceptable , you should not allow this at all, because i brought my money, i paid money, but this is not clear to you . do you not know that, for example, you want to enter here? mr. hamidi can't make this claim that the environment and natural resources are their own behavior at the expense of people, that is , they are doing their work to the best of their ability , but in the shower phase, a series of obstacles will be created and they are not transparent . let's ask mr. hamidi, mr. hamidi, how many? one thing to say is that whoever enters the system earlier, this is what happened in the old days, for example, the limited registration to register the limits was one thing, the other was that now the headquarters system and having criticism is also a matter of the environment, so let's let us. . let's talk more clearly about the bidding process, let's talk more easily, maybe this ambiguity will be cleared from them. well, in your orders
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, their orders confirmed two or three issues. now their confirmation was that the process in the ministry of poisons is being done efficiently, that is, it is doing its job correctly. well, what is the position of the ministry in this government what he did was that he collected the data first. he collected the information that was needed for all the mines to see if they are active or inactive , without any compliments , he denied all the inactive mines because in fact the stoppage of this reserve and potential was god's will, and he has these through auctions. he leaves it to the investor to be properly identified and come to enter this field, well, investing in the mining field. there was this problem in the past that without technical and financial qualifications, in fact , the mines and areas were handed over to the miners, now or
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through auctions and the high coefficients that they well, i told them that they have not participated for 3 years now. the big flaw was that this technical and financial weapon was not part of the conditions for entering the bidding. by creating this technical and financial qualification, in fact, those who mostly accept and know this risk in the field of mining and the need to provide feeling the raw materials of their downstream industries in this bidding process , most of the thousands who won this bidding last year were mostly factory owners who needed these raw materials. this was one of the shortcomings that caused the intermediaries create may it be a weapon of technical and financial incompetence the endangerment of the property of people who knew their hopes and dreams in owning a mine and the culture
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of mining and this risk was not acceptable for them. this happened in the process of the headquarters system. until now, i have not had any complaints that i can investigate. now i am from here. i invite you to tell me if there is a case that we will investigate this issue, but during this time, when it was through the headquarters system, everyone accepted this system and there were no objections regarding this issue. there are problems or they feel that their rights have been lost it should be done, because the infrastructure of the headquarters system is designed in such a way that the conditions are very favorable and the dignitaries can enter in any license that i have offered to you, and the conditions of each of them
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are completely transparent in this system. all the mines of the range and the mines that we put in the auction is not that we come and put them all together like before, it is definitely that according to article 24 of the mining law, it is inquired once . if the license is positive, the license will be issued, and the license and license that has been disqualified and in the memory of the ministry of that position will be re-issued. and there is no need to inquire again. now this has happened before, that is, some provinces have done this with such sensitivity before, but now we do not allow them to participate in the auction, and we do not allow those who do not have an inquiry to put this in the mining auction. i told you about natural resources and the environment and its inquiries. look, no, the point is that they say why before these things happen,
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the whole range. and the mines that are now being auctioned, article 24 of the mining law means that the inquiry at the time of registration has been complied with and done, now there is nothing. there is no problem, no, we don't have a problem. if you see areas of the environment that have been improved , if we see a problem , we will put it in the inquiry before the addition, and later, mr. musk, no , the environment is not like this at all. he has his own behavior, i naturally have his own behavior , he doesn't even listen to you, mr. engineer, we have a problem now. it is based on the law that if you have the scope of the exploitation license and you want to develop the breast, you can give that development , you just have to. apply and pay the money , i won't do this, see mr. engineer in one a staff is sitting
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and sees everything from his own point of view. we have to make another film. for example , he will make an auction to get that film. for example , my children sit behind the machine and want to enter the auction. let him take my place and work in one of my areas and see how the natural resources and environment and local opponents are dealing with it. it's not like this. i hope that we will reach the goal that he says, but i can't do it. even though it is not like this, now i have a case, maybe it is like this, sir, someone did something to it of course, you have said that you have not participated in three years, my friends, i hope that they will participate in the new auction and take a video of the system. if you see any problem , let me know. straight. it has become easier and easier
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for people to participate in these auctions . you see, the discussion is about the auction and the auction is about the auction . let's not confuse the area registration and the exploitation part in these areas. i am at your service, but the policy of the ministry is in addition. on assignment the scope and mines of the investment packages actually came to see the technical and financial qualification, but the people said no. they must be deprived of these mines. at the end of 1401, there were 46 packages. in 1402, 27 investment packages were implemented in 22 provinces, of which there were approximately 23 winners. what is the investment package in one of our provinces? well, these are small-scale mines, maybe.
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to reduce the desire of the investor to participate in this auction, or to create a low-test industry with the fear that the raw materials of the processing unit will not be provided, we have come, that is the policy of the ministry in this government, it has been the case that the range and mines that have the same type of mineral are defined as a package and the investor. enters this package and carries out the risk of his exploration work . after he has taken the risk and the mineral reserve is established, he is required to establish a processing unit and the people of the region are called partners in the shares of that mine and factory up to 30%. in your opinion, mr. meshkani it is interesting, this is the package. i have nothing to say about this package now. now, this
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has not yet come to fruition to see the results and see if these results are right or wrong in relation to the explanation let's go back and play again. look , i am a private person because i am engaged in mining . i also have the highest academic rank. i have 250 points. now , it is not that i cannot participate in the auction. i do not want to participate in the auction in terms of attractiveness, after , for example, you want to. participate, you know, for example , i would like to invite you to the civil reserve. there are points that are valuable to mention, or i am asking this effort to see that not all auctions are good ranges, not because they have not been clarified at all by experts. one is a discovery, the other is a certificate of discovery even our exploits are not clear what their condition is because they need to be rediscovered
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, this is the world too.


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