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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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now, this has not yet come to fruition. let's see the results . let's see if these results are right or wrong. in relation to the auctions, let's go back and make a backup . look, i'm above. i'm a person because i'm doing mining. i also have the highest scientific rank . i have 250 points. it's not that i can't. i want to participate in the auction. i don't want to participate in the auction. from the point of view of attractiveness , after, for example, you have good ranges, not because the expertise has not been clarified at all. some people told me that there are 6 modes, one of them is registration of the range, one is discovery, one is a certificate of discovery, even exploitation. it is not clear what our situation is it's like, because they need to be rediscovered, this world also exists. in order to use it again, they will
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do exploratory methods and save the mesh. now, if this comes up, let's say that they are all good. no , it is not clear. it is the taste of the person who participates in the museum. i want to have a discussion, mr. rosh engineer, that we thought about a series of things about 15 years ago, if i'm not mistaken , it would have been some limits. and there was a law that this law was not implemented. i want to see why this was , of course, it was not during his period i am saying that the future broadbands were supposed to be taken by everyone, just like the discussions that have come up now. now, i don't know what to say about the packages , but i know about the broadbands . i will correct the information.
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there were 5 layers of information. there were 5 exploratory layers . these should have been fixed and made available to the public . they did not follow these 5 layers . they copied and pasted or took a series of information from the geological organization, but no one dealt with it. he didn't and a round mode was created it was a period of two years, if i am wrong somewhere, you can confirm later, this period was 4 years, 5 years for some places, and from these limits, something that is a professional output that is in the interest of the country or in the interest of the organization itself or others. who are in this relationship because this information should be uploaded in a system that can be uploaded so that the whole public can see it, so it doesn't cost any more. i'll just give a short example. i was a government servant for a while when i was in the geological organization. well, i explored a place. we used to take geochemical samples from there 3 times, once our organization took them was. once, he had taken an image of a part of himself
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, he had taken that direction, that is, in one area of ​​the same route three times, this is an additional cost. let's create the information. let's not create this information. therefore, in my opinion , a rent has been created here in this and this. why should an area that has already been widened and half of it spread again in another way and then half of it spread again in another way, how many times should this area be worn? it's not true, thank you, mr. hamidi , do you accept this rent that you are referring to? no, now they themselves know that it is not called rent, see what happens to government areas, it is somehow a higher score.
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excuse me for the higher score of the mineral mines, do you accept it? no, see , the higher score is not what mr. meshken is actually protesting that some areas in the exploration discussion have been handed over to groups of the government, which are now the geological organization and imidro. and the output of these is not presented in the form of earth science data, well earth science databases. the policy of the ministry is that it is over actors in the field of mining, who are the deputy of the ministry of geological organization, development and modernization organization , mine engineering system organization, that is, in fact , the private sector and the public sector, all the people who have a hand in the mining sector to some extent, and the commissioner who is in the ministry every week they sit around a table and execute the strategic plan and base.
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earth science database is now implemented, the earth science database of all the private sectors that has the information that was available to the ministry of geology, geological organization as the guardian of the field of exploration in the area, in the first and second stages of the geological organization or pijoui and the third and fourth ones were in the possession of the development and renovation organization and other devices that do exploration work. well, a series of collections and ministries of other houses do this according to their needs. which is the trustee of the geological organization, has been collected and exposed to the public , and these data are increasing day by day. and this information is becoming more complete and people can make optimal use of it. in fact, the policy was to be able to give this information to everyone, and to save on costs and repetitive work. the third thing is that these areas that
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mr. meshkani mentioned last year and this year , most of them have been assigned tasks and are specified in the same system. let's see that many of these areas have been liberalized, in fact one of the stages of our handing over according to the budget program law and the budget law 1402 and 1403 and other legal provisions, the government does not do mining work, all the areas and mines that it owns. he has also done exploratory work. in part, the government sector has done exploratory work in the form of mining contracts the sale is now being handed over, that is, you can see the big mines of the country now. in fact , the exploitation license is in the name of the development and modernization organization , but it has left the extraction and sale work to private companies. are you satisfied, mr. meshkan
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? it's not like this, i don't copy and paste data at all, they say , look, when i give my own example, i took this area as a zone. i went to the map geological organization, i copied and pasted, i went to the previously used xochemical data, i copied and pasted it , i introduced a jis target area , i gave the target area to the service, i said, i want these places. well, one, one, two, this information was not available, i had to spend money , i did geochemistry, airborne geophysics or short -flight geophysics, or even ground, i had to work on magnetism, then i had to prepare the geological map myself, this is what mr. eng. saying that
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i used to work at the earth science base, which i myself was in, for a period in the field organization that is another matter, the information is supposed to be collected where it has not been collected, so this information should be paid by those who take the zones. mr. hamidi also knows that if he wants to, he can say no now, this is not the case, this area has been canceled , this will be canceled so that later they will say that we want this area . a region in the country as a tripartite agreement and understanding between the development organization and the geological organization and the ministry of cement in
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south khorasan and kurdistan discussed the preparation of the map and stage one, two to three and four, and the output of these cases in the form of boundaries. the possibility of transfer can be done by auction. well, he mentioned the areas 15 years ago. now the number of areas has happened . as i told you, the good things that happened in the year 140d, if not everyone can enter , will you accept this? no, it is not like that every no one can enter, the list shows that many private collections have been handed over, but the 13th government did not decide to give the area. the assignments of the areas that were given and this happened means that if you look at the map
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of 4 years ago with today's map, you will realize that all the areas have been assigned assignments. the areas mean the characteristic map, the colors are characteristic, see the limit map or mine cadastre, it is very transparent. all the colors you can see in the legend of this map actually show the transparency here. is it as an area, is this as a mine, is this as an exploration area, who owns it, who is it , how did you do it, how private was it? we can provide you with the number of acquisitions . we will provide the full amount because more than half of it is private and some places are based on presence. i don't have the presence of mind to tell you the number, but let me also say that some of the areas and issues were that the province itself wanted the government to do the research. . to give means to go in the direction of handing over to different provinces in
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different provinces according to note 6, article 14 , note 10, note 5, in fact, that budget should be used in the infrastructure of the development and modernization organization, the political officials of the province requested that the government come do this, range specific with the type of mineral. as i told you, the government can't do mining work now, that is, the law has specified all the mines , which were previously owned in the form of extraction and sale , extraction and sale to the private sector . one of the policies of the ministry was to determine the assignment of these areas, which has been done correctly and is being done weekly and monthly
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. and use this potential, thank you , mr. meshkani. let me define this private sector, the private sector that is managed by the government. this is, for example, egypt , the origin of the egyptian company. who are its managers now? when will they appoint their managers? look, we are privatizing a private sector. i am private. i will not use anything at all. i will not invest with my own money. iran is carried out by copper company, we don't have any private meaning here , iran's largest production of iron ore in the sector. the same golgahar, chadarmel and mines that are in the hands of the government now
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it's not about this, mr. engineer, it's not about imidro , they are everywhere else, we don't define the private sphere very much, we don't define a boundary for it, then we say to anyone who has any form, private, just don't have a government post, we say private, no, this is not right, we have to see. what are the conditions for that gentleman , or is there a group called the development and renovation organization? now, for example, the companies that he said are all listed on the stock exchange and their shares are bought and sold among the people. in fact, they are still people. they are the shareholders of this sector and most of their shares are available to the public
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in the private sector, management is important. well, i am a shareholder. first of all, i don't want to talk about the stock exchange . we should talk about the iran metals exchange. let's see what's going on. how is it that the price of the dollar has been going up for 2 months ? it doesn't go up. where in the world is this? they don't know where anyone will buy it.
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we have to do something to develop this prosperity . in my section, i will say the auctions. you see when we put the highest price in this . yes, and he does not know how to do this . when he came to the world, he said, "sir, we are coming for the auctions." the secret is that we give the minimum and maximum, the highest and the lowest. the next step in the lottery is completely safe , completely transparent, at all, here you know everything, you see everything you have
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. i saw that every province does this for itself in some countries. in uzbekistan, for example, i saw it. in connection with the release of panhenas , i registered, our friends know that it is good to put 200 square kilometers, i say return it to the same 40 square kilometers, because it is a natural source that gives two hectares of new land, cut it into pieces, then say, sir, any piece that anyone wants to participate in the auction, come and tick it, like the same here, speed i don't want the internet speed ticking , there are 10 people, that's 10 people, of course this thing needs personnel. he wants a work order, he wants a plan, he wants the ten people in this registration , the lottery will be held. the one who hits first will win. internet speed wins people , not their discovery status. thank you, sir. hamidi summarizes , let me tell you that these two points that i mentioned are feasible
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, see what solution you give, as i told you, you are the ministry in charge of the strategic plan, the private sector is one of the members of this team that determines the strategic plan. tick we even gave the society circular that we want to announce for the year 1403 to the private sector . vice president and minister and everything there are actors in the field of mining. well, we will definitely hold auctions in 1403. the problem was that they used to be held in one place and the companies could not concentrate and some of these things were lost. we made an election calendar that every provinces at least twice, they themselves testify
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that many of the provinces were completely empty until the year 1401 or 402. you have not held it and this is happening well. we will announce the calendar to the public so that investors can participate. the ministry of the private sector, according to the team and expert team that they have, are always in the ministry's headquarters claiming that some of the scope. and the mines are not auctioned. we also accept that you inform us of any area and mineral that was not included in the auction list in any province in the country , because this information will be published in the headquarters from now on to the provinces and this bug will be removed from we have destroyed the works of ghazhars, how many toasts can you count, there are more than 12 thousand items , because we
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have the discussion of organizing inactive mines and closing mines on our agenda. with nothing we don't have exploitation because this mediation happened at the time when there was no technical and financial contagion and this was locked up. well , tell me the details of these 12 thousand . we have 12 thousand exploitation licenses in the same exploration areas. we have a detailed list , we will make it known to the public from province to province , you will work from province to province . that we have the information right now , if i have access to the system now , i can tell you the exact number, which means that you don't need there is no need for expert work or summaries. now i want to present to you the results of the handing over of mines last year. i want to give two numbers. our reserves of minerals were 583 billion tons, which
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increased to 60.3 billion tons at the end of 1402, which is 3 and 4 tenths of we had an increase in mineral reserves and the amount of our extraction was 673 million tons of extraction last year, which was more than four and a half percent growth in mineral extraction. these are all the signs of handing over the entire range and mines that are in the hands of the ministry to different sectors that are interested. they are active in the field of mining, which increases production and the growth of mineral reserves is minute. we have a chance , i have a question, just very short. we also have a legal creation in the area of ​​transfer that needs it. now the new parliament will come to help you more . according to article 10 of the mining law, the transfer is through the auction process. if we bid after 6 months and there is no applicant, in the form of article 83 of the executive code , we can do it to the first person who makes a request. this
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happened last year for the first time. from now on, natural resources and the environment are handed over life doesn't have its own problems, this is the most important news in my opinion if this happens. i think that the mining sector has taken a step forward, not that we want the environment and jobs , we agree with the considerations of the doctor's resources, except for takali. thank you very much to both the guests of the program and all the good viewers of the higher program who accompanied us until this moment. may god bless you and ali.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, to all the dear viewers of khabar show salam, we have politeness and respect i'm from kalhor, i'm talking to you about rash, as you mentioned, in the past few days, gilan province , like some other provinces of the country
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, faced the phenomenon of rain, lightning and cloudy weather, so that the rains were very heavy in the western areas of gilan yesterday. and today, when i am talking to you now , we have almost a calm weather, although the wind is blowing, but the weather is without rain, but the forecasts of the general department of meteorology of the provinces indicate that we will continue to have intermittent rains and lightning phenomena until the end of this week. and we will have the electricity trace to know the so-called amount the preparation of the province as well as the latest weather conditions, we are having a conversation with mr. mohammad rezai haqbein , the director general of crisis management of gilan governorate, mr. aqoim. hello, hello , i offer my greetings and courtesy to all viewers and our dear countrymen. the orange weather forecast was issued by the general department of meteorology of the provinces. we held these crisis management meetings at the province level and in the cities, and all
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the executive and aid agencies in the city were present 24 hours a day, as well as the governors of talash and astara cities. in particular, most of this system focuses on these points it has been 24 hours to be present and have sufficient preparation for this system, but unfortunately, despite the warnings we gave about not being in the open space while driving, unfortunately , yesterday we witnessed the loss of one of the young people in the open environment with people are losing their lives due to lightning strikes and we still have this phenomenon in the province that rains continue intermittently in different parts of the province in the form of showers and lightning and strong winds that
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we are witnessing right now and also yesterday that saman's concentration was inside asar and his efforts were in astara we also had flooding in the farm and inside the talash, but it is now open. keeping the outlet and the presence of the device on time, alhamdulillah , we did not see much damage, only one or two mouths were slightly damaged, and in other parts of the province , most of the flowing water was directed well, and we did not see any special problems, alhamdulillah, yesterday and today. what conditions has he predicted in the coming days? yes , he has already announced the orange situation until tomorrow. we have a forecast for the end of next week, and anyway, we
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are ready for this. it is possible that with the change of conditions and the rise of these situations, we can also do this let's follow up . thank you very much for the explanations of mr. mohammad rezai haqvi, director general of crisis management of gilan governorate. it made a difference, it didn't make a difference, it made a difference, it didn't make a difference.
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it made a difference, no it didn't make a difference, yes it made a difference. let's give light to our countrymen with optimal energy consumption.
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you bought a truckload of equipment. you bought a truckload of equipment . you found treasure. i didn't find any treasure, so what are these equipment ? dad, i'm kidding, you're kidding, no, when he's good at spitting, he has a lot of variety of things, pictures that every it is as you wish. you didn't buy all the dowry in one place. why do you buy in installments, whatever you want? the big iranian store in the cities of qom, isfahan, and
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the only tehran branch in sarah afsarieh. farmers of cocoa milk farmers of khosh khashamze yogurt farmers of fresh sarshir farmers from bamdan to including farmers with farmers.
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a single macaron at the top. good evening, dear and respected compatriots , the head of the new cities construction company said that the plan to identify empty houses in new cities is being implemented. according to mr. ghafouri, in two weeks information about empty houses in new cities to deal with the hoarding of housing to the organization.


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