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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm IRST

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one macaron only at the top, bismillah rahman raheem khanum. hello gentlemen, please accompany us with economic news. the head of the new cities construction company said that the plan to identify empty houses in new cities is being implemented. according to mr. ghafouri, in two weeks, information about empty houses in new cities will be sent to the tax affairs organization to deal with housing hoarding. about 30,000 units in the
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new cities of the country are uninhabited. this is why we warned them. some of these owners completed, confirmed or corrected the information , and some did not. those who we sent them a warning for not taking action. we gave them two weeks. if you are in these two weeks actually after refining. the ones that have been done are to complete or correct the information of the owners or the residents of the owners who are renting the houses that are not being rented . samit says that the lack of fossil fuel consumption is one of the important reasons for the strategy of the ministry of samit for the electrification
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of transportation, based on the promise of minister samit to produce iranian electric cars by the end of the year. only one domestic manufacturer has started an electrification plan. the movement towards the electrification of cars has been started for several hundred years. the most important challenge is the imbalance of gasoline, that is, the fact that we have a degree of imbalance in the consumption of fossil fuels. for example, we produce something like 114 million liters of gasoline per day, while there are days when we actually consume 160 million liters of gasoline. the case has started, they say it has been 5 years, why is there a delay? i know about the big works in the country since that time. electrification has started, fuel consumption
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is drastically reduced, the type of fuel is out of bounds, we can move you with renewable energies, i promise you that this year , god willing, we will see high-quality iranian electrical products in the market, god willing. of course, with the help of all the production of domestic electric cars , it was also put on the agenda, we are doing the electrification phase , this project is also planned so that, god willing , the initial models will be built by this summer. in the continuation of the industrialization phase and finally until at the end of this year, we will be able to bring the electric riray product to the end of the development phase. the electrification of the transport fleet is emphasized in the upstream documents. the law on organizing the automobile industry, the clean air law, and the president's 8-article decree to automobile manufacturers. this year, god willing, we will see a change in the field of electrification of the urban transport fleet.
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safari, sed and sima news agency. the opening of the 11th rail transport exhibition in tehran. in this exhibition, some new achievements of the railway sector , including the digital locomotive control system and the built-in engine of gm locomotives, will be unveiled. minister of roads and urban development at the opening ceremony of the exhibition , more interaction of the private sector with. he asked the government to realize 10 billion dollars in foreign exchange revenue in the transit sector. the exhibition that brought together the rail transport family for the 11th time, china and russia are present. azerbaijan, turkey and korea are present . alhamdulillah, we have good intentions in the rail sector. we have good agreements with domestic manufacturers for both passenger wagons and the proposal to supply 500 passenger wagons.
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we do passenger wagons , we don't have a crisis in the field of freight wagons. the latest achievements in transportation railways in the production of wagons, locomotives, train wheels and other related services have been exhibited to 60 foreign delegations. visit it with local experts . the ministry of roads is trying to provide the ground for the conclusion of construction and production contracts between domestic and foreign rail transport companies. in this exhibition, we presented the mope c locomotive and the mp 610 engine with a power of 400, and we actually presented what we had promised since the previous year . for the cargo that was not connected to the rail, where it is needed we wanted to have a combination of road and rail transportation in taman, and we operated our transnets, which are siri and siri wagons, which were prepared with the efforts of raja's colleagues, and fortunately,
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they were used on the tehran-yazd route. transport industry activists naqal raili says that if the problems ahead are solved, the scope for expanding activities in this industry. the exhibition is an achievement for us, customer orientation is one of them, we can make new investments that can be made for us , they can provide us with the facilities that they can provide us with the loan amounts that they calculate and the notes that are already left, such as article 12, which is now 5 years old. we let's solve our problems. the 11th rail transport exhibition is being held in a situation where the private rail sector is going through a difficult time due to various restrictions imposed by the trustee. the government of this sector has dominated private investors. 80 domestic companies and 10 foreign companies are present in this exhibition until june 1st. the exhibition that is supposed to host the transport ministers of eco economic cooperation organization. leila saki, radio and television news agency. according to the announcement of the ministry of agricultural jihad,
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the guaranteed purchase price of barley will be announced at the first meeting of the agricultural product pricing council. basis the guaranteed purchase law for the price of agricultural products should be determined based on the inflation rate of farmers' conventional profits. everyone has a plan in their life. the concern of all farmers is that we do not know what the price of rapeseed and wheat will be next year . the role of any farmer is not clear. when the guaranteed price of products is not announced. it creates a confusion for the farmer. determination. the price of agricultural products is a common problem for farmers before the crop year, which in most cases continues for a few months after planting. in about 10 days, our harvest will start. no action has been taken yet. delivery and price of the seed, the price of our product, if it is our barley
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, it is time to pick it up, many places have already started harvesting , unfortunately, the price of barley has not been determined yet, the government has come after the 14th holiday, but the purchase price of barley has not yet been determined, according to the law of the pricing council, it should be at the latest until the end tir should announce the price of basic products, when the price of that product is not announced on time, the farmer cannot make a decision. 20% of those who do not plant cassava this year will look for other products. as alofa, this is how jodi wants to move forward from the cycle production is almost finished. farmers are also cultivating other basic crops without knowing the price . the price has been finalized. tomorrow, 32 agricultural and
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garden crops that are basic crops will be approved and announced . a one-month deadline will be given so that the government can do this more effectively. anyway, the meeting was held with a little delay, last week and god willing, it will be announced soon, god willing . there is a negotiated guaranteed price. after 6 months , a delay was announced even though we are in the harvest season june is getting closer, the secretary of the pricing council said that farmers should wait for the next meeting of the council to know the final price of barley. seyyed mohammad taghizadeh of sed and sima news agency qizqalasi border crossing on the ars river and in the lower reaches of the khoda afarin border and on the border between iran and the republic azerbaijan
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is ready to inaugurate this dam , which is a joint product of iran and the republic of azerbaijan. ilham aliyev, the president of azerbaijan, is also present at the opening ceremony of this dam . 270 kilometers north. tabriz city siddizi is the largest border water project in the northwest of the country , in terms of economic issues, this dam is very important for us, and also in terms of the interests of hydro-diplomacy , see this when we talk about water diplomacy , it is not just water that is our issue, water is definitely a catalyst for many other cooperations. a century that has been around 20 years since the beginning of its implementation.
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the benefit of the two countries of iran and azerbaijan from agricultural water and also produced electricity was built on the ares river. 100 includes 74 thousand hectares of sustainable network. our transmission channel is 144 km long. flood management, increasing the quality of agricultural products and creating employment for 40 thousand people the plan is to build siddizi. the projects of sad ghizghlesi and god afarin projects are trying to
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create opportunities for development and poverty alleviation and job creation for the people of the region by exploiting the common opportunities between the countries on both sides of the river.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings and good times , dear and respected viewers of the khabar network , welcome especially. book spring program. the 35th tehran international book fair has finally
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reached its final station, the 11th day. as reported in the news, this exhibition will continue until midnight tonight and according to the routine every day at this time we communicate with my colleagues who are stationed in this exhibition. they are here to tell you about the mood of the exhibition in the final days. my colleague mrs. bahri is the host of mr. ramezani, the spokesperson of the book fair , to present the latest reports on the statistics and figures of visits and purchases related to the book fair of this period. mrs. bahri, greetings and time hello and god bless you dear colleague , we see and hear your report, thank you. mr. seifi, in the name of god, dear viewers of khabar network, hello , good evening with the latest book spring program at your service
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we are in the 11th day of tehran international book fair this year. the 35th fair started on may 19th at imam khomeini mosque in tehran. now it is in its final hours. in this year's fair, more than 3,000 local and foreign publishers are participating in a virtual presence. it was open to those who are interested in books and reading. in order to get the latest information about the 35th exhibition , we are going to speak to mr. ali ramezani, the speaker and deputy director of the tehran international book fair. hello, mr. ramezani , welcome to the book spring program. tell me how satisfied people are with the 35th fair. was it pink? in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i am at your service and all the dear viewers , i offer my greetings, courtesy and respect, and thank you for your continuous efforts
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, both voice and television, in covering the event of the exhibition every day. he conducted the survey in two virtual face-to-face sections and asked various questions to our dear people. on the other day, if your colleagues show, the people were asked how satisfied they are with the time of the exhibition in ardibehesht, and 75% actually declared that they are satisfied from the time of may , of course, to inform us that if this is in the middle it should be the beginning of may when people actually receive their salaries and can make better purchases. it is better that now, god willing , it will be noticed in the following years. every day people rate the exhibition. the last day was the busiest day of the exhibition during 10 days. before him, people
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again gave a score of 70, which is finally considered a good score for exhibiting the range of services he has, and in the past days, up to 74-75 scores in the face-to-face section, in the virtual section, the score that people presented is close to 80, which is again that score is a significant score until the end of the tenth day of the total the sale of the exhibition is about 500 billion tomans, that is until last night today, which was the last day of the exhibition, and now it is almost the last hour of the exhibition. we have a presence and people are still present. we used to hear the sound of glue and the work of packing cartons and such in the exhibition, which is actually very limited and has not yet spread because people are present and are using the virtual part. people have a lot of references to the book website, so
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we had to actually add more sources to the exhibition today. and a part that is related to sending publishers for a few hours let's stop it so that people's searches get better answers and their purchases are made more smoothly. right, thank you very much for pointing out the sales statistics. please tell us how much with the rate of inflation. considering that the price of books has also increased compared to previous years , it is different now. see last year's exhibition. i was ready for 41 billion tomans until the end of the sale. i told you until last night, well, naturally, yesterday was the best-selling day in the online section, in the face-to-face section, and it happened as expected, and today will be the best-selling day in the virtual section , because people are actually more comfortable there. now they can make their choices and they can make their purchases. therefore, we think that with
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the distance from 400 billion last year to 500 billion this year, we will get a little more if the sale happens, which happened, i checked online in the virtual section. it can be said that the inflation is behind the exhibition and we hope that it will also include the increase in copies. for example , by the end of last night, 1 million 50 thousand copies were sold in the virtual section of the exhibition, and i hope it will reach 1 million 300 thousand copies of last year and beyond. grow up in the face-to-face department. well, see why the exhibition has books from the last 4 years in the in-person section and the last 10 years in the virtual section, and necessarily the publishers do not re-evaluate the price of all their old books and do not make them new, we actually have less inflation than last year. now, the exact statistics
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will be announced later, so if sales increase by 30% compared to last year. yes, the exhibition will be possible in terms of rials. i hope that it will increase the number of copies. is it true that you have statistics on the acceptance of domestic paper by publishers? tell us that the consumption of publishing in the country is about 40,000 tons per year. during the last year, 10% of the publication, that is, about 4,000 tons , were able to be provided by domestic production factories , most of whose works are in the exhibition. it also had iranian paper, where the works of various publishers that were printed with iranian paper were placed there and visited by the people and officials and the president's office. now, the people whose pictures you see are still present in the exhibition, even though it is the closing time, tell them that it will be extended today
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, which is the last day, due to the fact that we had to show it to the publishers and it has been announced that the exhibition usually does not have an extension on the last day, and the time the end of the face-to-face section is at 20:00, of course, those who are inside the exhibition will of course be served , and they will be gradually guided outside to the virtual section , of course, the exhibition will provide services until 24:00. by holding different cultural programs, how much do you think the exhibition aspect of this exhibition was added? the first step was to add the virtual part, so that this time is balanced and the possibility of conversation, the possibility of choosing, the possibility cultural meetings should be arranged in the exhibition
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and the second step was to bring cultural programs to the exhibition. for two years, you have seen that our meeting parts are located inside the publishers' hall and are no longer on the sidelines and deserted. and in the text of the conversation with the publishers , i would also like to say that you can see that the events of the publishers themselves, which they hold in their booths, such as signing parties, unveilings, discussions and reviews have expanded. let most of the viewers know better , those who could not express more than the virtual space exhibition of use. tell us what happened in the foreign sector? a total of 25 countries were present in the two sections of foreign publishers and the international section. in the section of foreign publishers
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, there were about 50,000 foreign book titles, most of which were related to recent years, and people actually welcomed and bought them. in the same way , about the meetings that were held in the house of nations, with the presence of international figures, about 50 foreign guests from different countries had an exhibition. these are official guests who are registered and come from abroad. apart from these, we have tourists every year which refer to our country as a literary and cultural excursion. especially from persian speaking countries in the region. apart from these, ambassadors of different countries attended the exhibition. reconnoiter. to talk with. their cultural departments were present at the exhibition and tried to strengthen the international effect of the exhibition
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. in the international section, we had a publishing event , how were we able to introduce domestic publishers and sign international contracts, so you can see that this was a preliminary move so that we could organize the event of exchanging the rights to publish the work. iran and other countries. let's establish, and in fact , from 17 countries, publishers, heads of unions, heads of exhibitions, and literary agencies were present and discussed there . what difference did you feel this year compared to previous years at the exhibition? people should tell the difference. we tried to present the exhibition in a more organized and prepared manner, which is more expressive in terms of information, more expressive in terms of
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media presence and platform. in fact, they are the maps. the exhibition should be explained more, environmental guides should be installed on the ground with more colored lines so that people who enter the exhibition can follow a line and go to find their own sections. the results of this competition can be seen in the
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point book system. they should refer to tv and see the answer there, if they win their prizes, mr. ramezani, don't be tired, thank you very much for participating in our conversation, please tell me that considering that the 11 days of the exhibition are now passing and the last it is time to see what the achievements of this exhibition were, so that we can organize a better exhibition for next year, god willing. well, see the presence of people and this demand for their cultural goods is the most important achievement. it shows the authors, publishers, illustrators, editors and people of pen and books in general that there is still the capacity and thirst to consume these cultural goods, and it is not that other formats have been able to take the place of this industry. after all, this industry is a big industry and when it can organize such an event. all
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foreign viewers and foreign guests of the exhibition. surprise force him and actually prove himself , you can see his position in another industry, which comes up, for example, one thousand billion tomans per year, an industry was actually able to have sales in the field of culture, but this industry can easily reach these numbers. he finds that 13,14,000 billion tomans is officially behind the cover of this industry and the size of its market, and in fact it still shows the favor of people, especially in the field of children and teenagers. it is a light for the future production of the industry, perhaps interesting. ok, let me tell you that in terms of riyals, our children and teenagers publishers are in the collection the exhibition is one of the first in terms of the number of copies , because the number of their copies is actually lower than the number of the first copies, even in the virtual section. likewise, in the
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face-to-face section, these are among the first publishers of the exhibition. this shows that our people are actually interested in books and it encourages us to be able to organize the book fair provincial events more seriously, to provide more access to the people , as well as the conversations that took place here after the fair. let's follow up . thank you very much for participating in our conversation i say goodbye to all the esteemed viewers of the khabar network, mr. seifi. i thank you , my dear colleague, mrs. behri, as well as the respected guest, and anyway , the khabar network raised its voice and tried from the 19th until today, the last day of the exhibition, in the various news sections of the programs. conversation-oriented and various reports, especially for the book spring program
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in order to strengthen culture. studying and reading books will help to hold the exhibition as well as possible. we hope it will be used by you. have a good day and a good day. goodbye.
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for everyone who loves iran. adar enemies we all take ahan follows the line of leadership. we also take the executor's car. laira, laila, laila.


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