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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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now you said that i feel regret . it was a discussion about foreign journalists who are in iran and we don't have a comprehensive law and many of our compatriots are protesting against this issue and they wanted us to go one way and the other. give a law to the presence of foreign press in iran , both in the political debate , in the economic debate, and in the security debate, which we did not succeed. they resist and reduce our opportunity, and we unfortunately lost this course we shook hands and we could not discuss the law on organizing foreign press in the commission, even though there were meetings.
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i would like to mention one more thing. yes, i have a law that came to a conclusion in the commission. it was a bill. the bill on the law of the community of iranians abroad is now on the agenda of the public court. saturday and wednesday are the last public sessions of the majlis. 11th, for example, maybe if the parliament continued for another month, this law of the community of iranians abroad, which was passed by the efforts of my colleagues in the commission of the ministry of foreign affairs of the ministry of justice judiciary and a law of society for iranians in the fields of technology, the same discussion of the duty system of investing in academic and scientific fields had become , unfortunately, in this turn of events, the public arena remained in the arena. now, according to the scope you
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have, if you mentioned the three points that i didn't give to ourselves, the new members of the new parliament may put these in front of them, but it should be included in the order anyway. now, since you mentioned the issue of foreign nationals, the issue of citizenship in iran has a law anyway. that this law is a bit it is old, it has some strictures, and some people who have been in iran for maybe two generations and were born here and grew up here, now their children are also involved in growing up here, and they still have the issue of citizenship and they cannot get this citizenship. there are countless cases that you yourself must have witnessed, some of which have been reported to you, what is the solution, can the parliament at all.
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it should be followed by the work of the parliament or at another level. yes , it is definitely the work of the parliament, although some reforms have been made during the past periods. mothers could not get birth certificates for their children, so the law was amended, and now iranian mothers can do this for their own children, or for example, we have the same law. iranian society, well, when a mother and a father, whose mother is iranian, we currently focus on whether the mother is iranian, whether the father is foreign or iranian, if the father did not go to our agencies and report , this child would not be able to get a birth certificate and acquire iranian citizenship. we , of course, approved the law of the country's special iranian community.
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i have not reached the commission and the government, both of them agree with the approval of our ambassadors in foreign countries, this mother can use her rights and if the father is willing to attend the representative office or represent the child, we have given permission for our trips, with the approval of the iranian mother's ambassador in absence of father. or he can get iranian citizenship for his son or daughter. during the past years , there have been some reforms like this, but what should be comprehensive and complete , unfortunately , this has not come to fruition. even the government can give in the form of a bill, just as hazrat agha said, mr. qudsi has priority with bills because of support.
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he has more expertise and faces fewer problems . for example, in the few examples that i have presented , we serve you with article 75 of the constitution of the parliament from entering into discussions. finance, well, it avoids, that means we can't impose financial obligations on the government. many of our plans are against article 75 of the constitution, while if the government issues a bill, this problem will occur less, so let's go to the parliamentary diplomacy because you are the national security and foreign policy commission. what did you do in this section? although a part of that countermeasure law was a kind of diplomacy, but okay. you see, according to the interpretation of our friends, this period of the parliament
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reached a period of drought in the relations of the islamic republic with some countries, which means that the europeans and we were not very active in the field of parliamentary diplomacy during this period . now i was thinking to myself. let me mention two or three examples for you. i saw that not unless international summits were to be held in some european countries, and my colleagues participated for parliamentary purposes, we almost did not have a two-way trip, and if so, el nadro. i'm cold, but the parliament the 11th tried to make up for this shortcoming by expanding its diplomacy in the area of ​​africa, in the area of ​​neighboring countries
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, in the area of ​​east, southeast asia and latin america. i am a foreigner of the parliament and i can say that my colleagues in various commissions in friendship groups make very targeted trips to target countries . generally, when a commission requested a trip , we tried to make it a smart target and in line with supporting foreign policy and neighborhood policy i think that the new government is balanced by mr. raisi. foreign policy and international relations. i
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was with him in the two trips he made to new york . i had already traveled to the united nations with the presidents, mr. raisi, very knowledgeable. consciously and intelligently doing these two trips and appearing very well in the discussion of neighborhood policy and a balanced view of the east, membership in summits, alliances and pacts, including shanghai and brics , which i rate very well. and i give a good score to the foreign policy department of the government, but in the discussion of parliamentary diplomacy, 11 of my colleagues have a 57 as far as making trips, which were sometimes delegations , that is, it was in the form of a delegation, and very well, this number of trips may not be considered a disadvantage, it is not just a number. yes
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, you see, parliamentary diplomacy is different from the trips that governments make, and it leads to agreements and counter letters. president, in general, this is the last trip that you made to pakistan, where a number of ministers signed agreements with each other . this does not happen in parliamentary diplomacy because the parliaments are not responsible for agreements with governments. countries the government wanted to expand its relations with them . a delegation travels to a country , meets the officials of that country , conveys the message of the parliament, the message of the government to them , informs them of the events that have happened in the country , sometimes in the form of friendship groups, sometimes in the form of
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inter-parliamentary trips. the field of islamic countries, both asian and global, where the presence of representatives in that country in that meeting. 30 italafah are not very smart trips. i will leave it here to connect to the issue of palestine. parallel to the honorable minister of foreign affairs, who traveled to some countries after the storm operation and failures . i and the vice chairman of the commission traveled to the countries of the region. i met with ismail haniyeh in doha, qatar as parliamentary diplomacy . i met with the speaker of qatar's parliament, with the foreign minister of that country, with my counterparts in the commissions for foreign policy, defense and national security, and we conveyed the speaker's message to them in russia as well. my friends in iraq, lebanon, syria
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meeting with their counterparts was the result of the meeting we held in the islamic council under the chairmanship of dr. we made a very good statement in the form of ambassadors of islamic countries participating in a very expensive meeting, even before the oec in jeddah, that is, before that meeting in tehran at the islamic council mosque , we managed to do this. in the trips that we make in the form of parliamentary diplomacy , well, in the meetings that we make with the ambassador and our own officials in that country and our own counterparts , some of the problems there show themselves in the form of supervision in the commission during the meetings that we have as far as mr. qudsi's case is in the commission, one of them is the russian case, for the economic field one of us is the case of syria and the other is the case of china after the trip.
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we went to pakistan in the form of a delegation, of course it was in the form of the 50th anniversary of the constitution of pakistan, but we had very good meetings . we had a meeting with our joint commission in tehran and invited pakistani friends to tehran. traveling and often these trips are evaluated positively by both sides and we can follow up on them internally, so it would be better now. of course , we were talking about it with more specific achievements. for example, let's go to palestine. in general, you had meetings. in these meetings, was it not possible to coordinate the establishment of laws and the follow-up and demand that the islamic countries or the countries of the region, in any case, to sanction the occupation regime of al-quds? doing
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the united body together or increasing the pressure on that body in any other way. another thing seems specific about palestine is that some of the movements that are seen in the issue of palestine even in some other countries seem to be seen or it cannot be reported enough, to say the least a demand is being formed on social networks in different spaces that it is said that the government of the majlis in iran is acting weaker, although it has been the flag bearer of the fight against the zionist regime of the islamic republic and the flag bearer of the support of palestine in the islamic republic , but in practice we will reach to the space of diplosia or to the space that establishes rules. it is expected from him, for example, we may witness it less often, or at least
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this is his perception, that is, what is demanded and protested and criticized. this point has been announced to us in some academic and non-academic circles with the same title, because the issue of palestine is now ours. our discussion is our discussion, i will tell you , exactly one day. after the al-aqsa storm operation , the commission was activated , we had joint meetings with the representatives of hezbollah, hamas, and islamic jihad, and we asked them about the latest developments in the region. be the bearer of messages of support and cohesion . some of the assemblies were close to the islamic republic and i said that when
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i met with mr. ismail haniyeh on the second day, i was in a coma . it had been 3 weeks since the operation. i told him that it was out of our hands. what's going on in the islamic republic? he said that we only want you to be on the stage and the international developments and the international law that the islamic republic has taken many measures in this direction . it should be done by the government . in my opinion, the ministry of foreign affairs and the government have taken very good measures in this regard, since the time has passed since the first two or three months to clarify the duty of the people
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, to clarify the duty of the so-called institutions. sir, these companies, these names, these are the supporters of the occupation regime. regarding our support for palestine and confronting the zionist regime , they should investigate the report that came to the commission. we saw that if we increase our follow-up , we should increase our monitoring. now , i will tell you very quickly, pezhsha center's report was that it is a new thing
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, because we have been dealing with the zionist regime for many years , the issue of basic goods or goods that may return to the zionist regime, we passed the law in the past and made the ministry of foreign affairs responsible. and the economic deputy of the ministry of foreign affairs every few months once at all, he has a fixed meeting and submits a report to the commission that possibly goods are used inside or in the imports made by the companies, part of their stocks are from the zionist regime, and they announce this to the apparatus . yes, and we have a member there, one of my colleagues is a permanent member of that permanent meeting of the ministry of foreign affairs for the delivery of zionist goods , but it was not published.
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please clarify the companies published year as far as i know in the past , i don't want to mention some names that seem too much , or at least accuse the government and the ministry of foreign affairs, which is dealing with this issue with a conservative approach , perhaps out of fear that workers in these companies are now engaged in karen and darren are complicit in their domestic companies inside the country and the task of this is not clear, but anyway, this issue should be my suggestion to your excellency that you should ask the officials once on the first page of the program . yes, we are the observers in that meeting. it comes to us, i saw it there, i don't want to name it here during the days that we were monitoring, some companies have stopped importing and those companies
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are required to be producers of intestines, but you have in your mind that i know which companies they are. there is, in our opinion, one should ask my supervisors carefully to read their origins and roots, mention them , thank you very much, the time for the other program is over , i had written down some things that were no longer successful. apparently, i thank you mr. jalalzadeh for the invitation. you accepted us, sorry that the time of the program was over, we could not hear the rest of your orders. thank you, dear people. iran, good night and good times and fate. turbines and electrical transformers need a large amount of oil with
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advanced technology for proper operation. oils that are generally imported , these special oils become contaminated after working for a while and must be replaced. on the other hand, it has limited its supply and made it expensive. the problem that was solved with the technological product of a knowledge-based company , the product of the company's product is portable chemical and physical purification systems using the catalytic method. this innovative company made transformer oils with these systems purifies and it removes pollution and eliminates the need to replace these transformers. an advanced technology that only four countries had. this technology in two. the world is under the control of four countries, the united states, canada, belgium and germany, and with four years of research and development, this company has been able to present iran as the fifth country that owns this technology
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. the innovative catalysts of this company are the main axis of the portable industrial oil refining system. the system is placed next to the trans and turbine and is connected to especially the main oil of the trans and turbine like a dialysis machine. oil with after a few. full pass from the catalytic bed, in fact, this system checks the physical and chemical conditions of the oil with a sampling kit. if the initial properties of the oil are reached, the refinement process is stopped by adding additives that are defined according to the standard indicators of that oil. the refining process is completed and it is returned to the main oil tank, a service that is used in various industries , such as the electricity industry, the steel industry, the oil, gas, petrochemical, and regional electricity companies , where transformer and turbine equipment is used a lot. . to be portable
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this system and oil change is only part of the advantages of this catalytic oil refining system compared to foreign models. it has the capacity to absorb more pollution, which is not available in foreign samples, and we can even remove special pollution such as corrosive sulfur from transformer oil. smaller ones with a capacity of less than 1000 liters , even we can perform chemical treatment while working , a product that has reduced the cost of replacing each liter of high-tech industrial oil in transformers and turbines by 85%. amulet the transformer oil for the employer is around 7 dollars for this line. we provide our services at a price of around one dollar to one and a half dollars in the country , and in this regard, the customers save 85%
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of the cost of their work. industrial oil has been refined in the country's power plants and factories, which has saved about 24 million dollars for the country. mohammad. hossein haji, radio and television news agency, i am comfortable , they are playing nicely with them, the fight is in the house of their eldest, amir hossein, 5 of them are 9 years old. and they are also siblings . i play with my brothers and sisters. they help each other and play together . this family has a quadruplet and a twin. you can't take care of it. how
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do you fit your children in the car? we will empirize. we play together. we study together . for example, we can go anywhere. for me, i am not alone because i have a twin sister. like me, i am very happy that you have a twin brother. yes, we play together, but at the end of the day, i think we fight. no matter what you say, you are all the same. you must always have each other's back. for example, the only bad thing is that everyone says that everything has a hook. it's both difficult and sweet for the children who have become a blessing in their lives. god has blessed us with three children
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, but they are very good for themselves. they grow up easier, but it 's hard for parents, we just thank god how much he loved us, he gave us a daughter, i am a daughter , they are growing up against their age, he shouldn't have this feeling , despite all this, the mother of the children say that they can't get enough of having children .
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i loved my stepdaughter. in the 14th national celebration of twins and multiples, this is our 14th national celebration . we currently have 40,000 members. in the youth law of the population, families with twins have been given special privileges , from housing to one-year maternity leave, and we have multiple bank facilities for four of them. last year. and from the first days of work we tried to provide housing for the quadruplets, who are actually families who were suddenly hit by an economic shock. thank god, with many consultations, and this year we brought it into the budget law . we saw this in the budget bill. the civil registration organization announced last year that there were 194 cases of rape
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in the country. those who have several siblings like amir hossein have been registered. hani jellinejad, sed and cima news agency. war gut unterwegs und irgendwann ist schon
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unten runter der arm aber eigentlich ordentliche größe für die zeit ja ja dick also yeah that's electricity again see everything is like shut down. another electricity, it's cold!
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the viewers. dear sir, good night at 230:00 , i am at your service with some news. the investment plan of foreign nationals and immigrants announced. ali mohseni rad said that one of the most important advantages of this project is the participation in joint construction and infrastructure projects between iran, iran and afghanistan .


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