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tv   [untitled]    May 20, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] we will follow the assigned duties without any interruption, and let imam khamenei, the noble nation of iran , be sure that our path is the path of the people's president, and the service will not stop. yes, the announcement of the martyrdom of the president and his companions caused a wave of sadness among iranians. the ascension that took place during his sincere service and forever immortalized the services of this servant of the nation in the minds of the people who knew that this was the last conversation with the people
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. he was martyred in the way of serving the people. we were awake until 3 o'clock and found out. it's sad to be hurt as a human being. i'm very sad. i feel so bad right now. i can't speak. i heard that. i'm very sad. i'm really sorry. it's really hard to talk about rajesh . he was really a man you can't
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say anything about. he did everything he could. each work. it is indescribable to the people why this should happen to them. that is, the same situation that happened to qassem soleimani is the same for him, the same for him , certainly the same news for the honorable people of iran. it is a painful news . it was really a strange shock to the people of iran. i hope they can bear it. i'm sorry, i'm really sorry. i was deeply saddened by this issue
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. his whole purpose, everything he did , he didn't consider anything but god, honestly, i wish he was working, i am really really sad from the bottom of my heart , he was serving the country, it was a shame, it was a shame , i was really sad, i was sorry, god, he was the president for this country. he really touched jon's heart and worked as a real symbol for the people the revolutionary president and really the people. in the hearts of the people of iran, his place was really pure, that is , what he said was the same as what he did . he did a great job in this short time, and if he had more time, he could have done a much more fruitful job. it is really a great loss for the people. and being a servant of imam reza
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, their martyrdom was truly blessed on this blessed day, and it was a great blessing for them to pass away on such a so-called day. every body it is not possible on this day, on this day, god willing. farzadeh azaribaga of tehran news agency expressed the feelings of the people of tehran following the martyrdom of ayatollah raisi, but the news of the martyrdom of khadim al-reza, the martyred president, caused great sadness and grief among the people of all provinces of the country when they heard the news of his martyrdom.
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they expressed their condolences to mr. raisi, he was very upset. what qualities did mr. raisi have that are in the hearts of my people i was ready to give my whole life, but let him live , working hard for the people since taking the responsibility, never having a break, just a
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it was not a slogan that i serve the people , it was really showing this in practice . it is really very sad . being a follower of martyr rajaee's line and also a disciple of ayatollah beheshti, in order to serve the people, being the same people who have visited the provinces , being concerned about the problems that happened to the holy system of the islamic republic of iran, never getting discouraged and really sturdy. being behind these people and this system is going to these provinces he was very defiant. whenever i thought that moving was good for the nation, i was upset . i doubted. i didn't know at all. i didn't believe
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that he was the president who felt the pain of the people. he was trying for the people. he was sympathetic to the people until the last minute. his life was in the service of the people, and the people knew him. they are the rightful students of shahid beheshti and following shahid rajaei, they are jihadists day and night, and they really deserve martyrdom. his martyrdom has also shown that he was martyred for the well-being and comfort of the people. it is hard to give this jihadist president. his martyrdom was deserved. always follow people's problems in provincial and city trips. they wanted the right for the people, they wanted justice for the people. what they want to achieve.
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it reminded of the martyrdom of shahid rezaei. after announcing the news of the martyrdom of the president to his companions, the hashtag seyyed al-shohdai khemet became hot in the cyber space. space users. virtually , with this hashtag, they wrote about the actions of the president and expressed their sympathy. since the hard landing of the helicopter carrying the president and his companions , it has been in the headlines. the first news indicates a hard landing accident it is for the helicopter carrying the president. many prayed late into the night. from the capital to beyond the borders of the neighborhood. with the announcement of shahad. they wrote that it ended in the sky. whoever kissed his forehead or he kissed her forehead
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did not die in bed, he became a martyr and the end is good. many people wrote that in his and his companions' mission, it was mentioned to work the tops of john. let's see what they say below. we also came for the people. boss until the last moment. his withdrawal served his country. provincial trips were over. the trip to heaven was left. you did not rest for 3 years to help people. always they say that a chair does not obey a person, but he proved that there are those who do not obey a chair. some remembered his actions when he was a servant of the people. the picture i remember of the president in the helicopter is this picture. after visiting the areas of sirzdeh sistan. balochistan recorded this image. one of the actions of martyr ayatollah raisi was to compile and finalize the judicial transformation document and to make the judiciary more intelligent during his tenure as head of the judicial system. the 60% increase in the purchase of wheat from
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wheat farmers was one of mr. raisi's valuable measures. this was the president who organized the emergency bill he presented to the parliament the supervision of border trade and the creation of sustainable employment for border dwellers, which was also approved. also, the creation of a border market to facilitate the work of the kolbers was one of the actions of the chief, and they wrote that khadim al-reza received his good salary on the birthday of imam reza. king, give me shelter, i came tired . i got the best idea from the sultan. he was the servant of islam and khadim al-reza , who was martyred. virtual citizens write about a man who was with the people of iran in the hardships . i want you to pray for everyone
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, especially for his companions, to the supreme leader of the iranian revolution he offered his condolences. vladimir putin emphasized the continuation of shahid raisi's path in the development of relations. addressing mr. mokhbar, dubane said: "your excellency, you are aware that since yesterday we have used all our efforts to help the search and rescue operation of mr. raisi and his companions , but unfortunately, the disaster happened earlier . " pointing out that russia has now lost a reliable friend and ally, the russian president said: i knew mr. raisi personally and closely, so i have personally lost him. putin emphasized: iran will go through these difficult times as well. mr. mokhbar is also in this
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in a telephone conversation, thanking the russian president for his sympathy, he said: "your and our late president's strategy was able to change a large part of the power equations in the world and put an end to unilateralism." the director of the executive branch added that mr. raisi was not an ordinary president for us, but a people-friendly and hard-working personality with the ability to interact with people. it was international , but fortunately, the islamic system will overcome these difficult times with its eternal strength. announcement of public members in syria, lebanon, iraq and pakistan. following the martyrdom of president ayatollah seyed ebrahim raisi and mr. hossein amir abdullahian, the minister of foreign affairs of our country, the government of syria, 3 days members of the public. announced in this country. the lebanese government
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also announced that in order to sympathize with the people of iran , the lebanese flag was raised at half-mast for three days . shahbaz sharif, the prime minister of pakistan , announced a public member's day in this country following the martyrdom of our country's president. the iraqi government has officially announced farda to the general public. condolence messages from high-ranking world officials continue. president of the day. in a message to the supreme leader of the revolution , he expressed his condolences on the martyrdom of the president of the islamic republic of iran in the helicopter accident mohammed bin salman, the crown prince of saudi arabia , expressed his condolences to ayatollah raisi and his companions in their messages of martyrdom. ayatollah sistani, marja taqlid of shiites, in a message of the martyrdom of ayatollah seyed ebrahim raisi, the president of our country, and his companions
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, expressed their condolences to the nation and the authorities of the islamic republic of iran in the helicopter crash. the president of china, mohammad shia al-sudani, the prime minister of iraq, hassan al-mandlawi, the head of the country's parliament, qasim al-aarji, the secretary of the national security council, hashd and shaabi seyyed ammar hakim, the leader of the national wisdom movement , and barzani, the head of the kurdistan region of iraq, in a message. separate testimony of the president and his companions they offered their condolences to the people and officials of the system. the governments of lebanon and syria expressed their condolences for the martyrdom of the president, as we mentioned to you, and announced 3 days for public members in these countries. asif ali zardari, the president of pakistan, expressed deep regret over the martyrdom of the president and his companions and announced that pakistan is mourning the loss of a great friend. prime minister shahbaz sharif. pakistan also honored the memory of the president who was martyred one day in
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this country, public members announced that the president and foreign minister of turkey, hezbollah, lebanon's hamas movement , palestinian resistance committees, tamim bin hamad, emir of qatar mohammed bin zayed, the president of the uae, the government of yemen and the authorities of this country, the afghan authorities, the king of jordan, the president and foreign minister of egypt, michel raees. the council of the european union, ilham aliyu, the president of the republic of azerbaijan, the senior officials of armenia, the foreign minister of uzbekistan, the president of south africa, and in their messages of condolence for this painful incident , honored the memory of the martyrs of ayatollah raisi and his companions. while
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expressing his condolences, venezuelan president maduro wrote in the virtual space: i was shocked by the hard news about the loss of the islamic president of iran. the prime minister of india also expressed his condolences to the government the nation of iran wrote in a message: mr. raisi's role in strengthening bilateral relations will always be remembered. the foreign minister and various personalities of india, the prime minister and foreign minister of malaysia, the head of the national security council and the minister of foreign affairs of nepal also expressed their condolences to the government of iran over the martyrdom of ayatollah raisi and the accompanying delegation. the organization of petroleum exporting countries (opec) also condoled the martyrdom of the president. may you
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prosper your cartoon, god willing, more than before, god willing. the best location of the mosque was seen, especially this mosque , which is now because of motivation for the people of iran, which is in a mosque, may god protect them here. being attacked by the enemy. i am proud to be in this arena to
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be a small servant for the dear people, god, you know well about the obvious and the hidden. you know our intention and motivation in this field, help us. more than 2,000 paramedics participated in the search operation for the helicopter carrying the president. see a report from the crash site to the crash site of the helicopter carrying the president. and its companions , we are going to sangun region in east azarbaijan, where it
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is about 130 km from tabriz and the place of the accident. here is the entrance. that is, if you look here, all the forces are working from hilal ahmad. get it from faraj friends you are in the border guard, friends , take mercy from the friends of halal, and the border guard friends are also here . how long have you been here yesterday? we were here. the remarkable thing was that in this search operation, the popular demand forces. especially the residents of
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the surrounding villages had an active presence. he says, "you are our president. yes, we should have found out what your job is. excuse me, our job is free." it is our human duty. the foreign affairs of our country in the carrier helicopter
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the martyred president was one of the important key figures effective in the victories of the axis of resistance against the zionist enemy. the arab and african deputy of the ministry of foreign affairs in the 10th and 11th administrations, as well as the general secretary of the permanent secretariat of the international conference for the support of the palestinian intifase , were among the previous positions of martyr amir abdullahiyan. on the third of shahrivar 1400, as a member of the cabinet of the 13th government , he received a vote of confidence from the parliament and became the 6th minister of foreign affairs of iran. the first file he opened on the table of his ministry was the needs of the people. god willing, i will start my work with two programs . the first program is the main priority of our people they are caught by it. we have a special staff in the ministry of foreign affairs from today. we formed it to accelerate the supply of vaccines from different countries and its approach
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is described as balanced diplomacy. focusing more on neighborhood policy and asian-oriented work, but this does not mean that we will ignore other parts of the world. at the same time, we believe that europe is not only the troikas of europe. yes, there is damghan. a tall man of diplomacy and foreign policy from khata. faculty of the ministry of foreign affairs, master of international relations from the faculty of law and political sciences of tehran university and a ph.d international relations from tehran university. the volume of exchanges of the islamic republic of iran and bahrain. the oldest image of him left in the archives dates back to who was the ambassador of iran in bahrain. around the year 86 to 89. at the beginning of his work, his specialty
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was arabic and african. for this reason , he became the deputy minister of arab and african affairs in the 10th government. the uniqueness of his specialty in this specialized field made him continue to assume the role of deputy minister of foreign affairs in the arab and african fields after the change of government. first, from the people you know so far. more than the past and its connection and position among the countries of resistance and the region increased so much that some journalists in the field of foreign policy called him qassem soleimani in the field of diplomacy and they knew that amina haj qassem was the one i had contact with at different times and in different positions when i was in the ministry of foreign affairs, and their concern was really that first of all, to ensure maximum national security of the country and for stability and
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stability and a stable security. put the zionist regime in the region in a fence that hinders expansionism and the development of insecurities in the region. for some time , he became the general director of international affairs of the islamic council. the americans are zionists, and unfortunately, at the regional level, saudi arabia was in the company of them, but it was the axis of resistance. it seems that the designers of zionist america have made a great achievement in the fight against terrorism, and by creating a new wave, they first downplay the importance of showing victory against terrorism to those who want to open another case. during
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his two and a half year tenure at the ministry of foreign affairs, the case for sanctions relief negotiations and interaction with western countries was open, and he was not satisfied with changing the new world order. diplomacy he followed the economy with the aim of facilitating the economic conditions of the people. the plaque and the statue of the selected device are presented to the head of international relations of the islamic republic of iran, the ministry of foreign affairs, mr. dr. amir abdullahian, the honorable minister of foreign affairs. please accompany us with blessings on muhammad and his family. god bless ali muhammad and the family of muhammad and ajal farajhan, but in the description of this tall man of foreign policy, if we want to go through his professional record, we will get here: 40 years, 40 years
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, 40 years, 40 years. they knew him closely, he was outstanding. he saw the people and knew how to care for people. he was concerned about the oppressed, and he kept the stone of the homeland in the form of the islamic republic of iran, not one word less, not one word more. hosni sadat shabiri, radio and television news agency. toulit astan quds razavi said: martyrdom of ayatollah seyyed ebrahim raisi on the night of imam rauf's birthday . his lasting service is to the light threshold of hazrat reza, peace be upon him, and a lifetime of continuous struggle in the way of serving islam and the people. hojjat al-islam maravi, who is one of the long-time companions of ayatollah raees, stated in his message that he is an example. an outstanding student of the ahl al-bayt school of infallibility and purity, peace be upon him, and a proud disciple of the
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great imam and a compassionate and sincere helper for the supreme leader. experienced in big administrations , he is attributed to the guardianship of that sacred light threshold . i owe my life to imam reza (peace be upon him). when he got closer to the court, he tried for new works and
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better condition of the pilgrims in the shrine of the 8th shiite imam. i saw the need of mashhad. today , there is no shortage of deacons for pilgrims and those near the hospital bed in mashhad, but what about today who gave the pilgrims in miareh, the adjacent one in miareh is a well-equipped hospital, mr. mustatab hojat-ul-islam wal-muslimin, mr. haj seyed ebrahim raisi , blessed damet seyed ebrahim raisi , whose name was heard among the judicial people of the country earlier, that is, in the late 60s, justice was an issue for him, just like after the era the guardianship of astana quds. he became the head of the judiciary and came to tehran in march 97, ali bin musa al-reza al-mortaza, the number of mafi-e-lam, which is permanent for the duration of the king, whose devotion remained in mashhad , in the shrine and between the courts, my connection with the holy presence


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