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tv   [untitled]    May 20, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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in fact, it will eliminate the tensions that may have been faced in the selection of ambassadors in the first period. mr. amir abdallahham on the night of qadr in the holy month of ramadan when he called all the trips of the residents of the islamic republic of iran to participate in the dinner in the majlis in yemen street in belanjag. when everyone is ready to attend, i will send special greetings to the nation of yemen and to the leader of yemen , seyyed abdul malkin al-housi, and say, o ambassador of yemen , greet all yemenis and say that god will make your face white, and this is really not a heavy loss, but an injury. it created a deep loss in us he and i cannot say anything.
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in the government of the islamic republic of iran, especially the ministry of foreign affairs and the great nation of iran.
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in the continuation of the program, we would like to see a report on the performance of mr. raees' diplomacy. the political earthquake of cnn's interpretation of the martyrdom of ayatollah raisi and his team. the testimony of someone who introduced himself to the world . revolutionary rationality against diplasia. this discourse is the discourse that answers. he believed that the world is not limited to a few european and american countries. since 2006, this is the first time that the algerian president has hosted an iranian president. for this reason, mr. raisi to he sought to change the balance of power.
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then after a decade he adjusted iran's economy to the horizon of africa and now after an 11-year hiatus mr. raisi, the islamic president of iran, entered kenya, the gateway to east africa. to take advantage of the opportunities to break the sanctions. memorandum of cooperation between the ministry of mines, water economy and maritime affairs. the republic of kenya and the ministry
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of agricultural jihad of the islamic republic of iran in untying the relations with the arab countries, he was able to break the ice in the relations with saudi arabia and this new season will start the cooperation with the actors of the region. he was able to bring many benefits to the entire region bring. the first case was the normalization of iran's relations with saudi arabia and the uae at a time when the situation was extremely tense. in the theory of looking to the east, ayatollah raisi believed that the development of economic ties in asia is as important as the cooperation with european countries, without a doubt , brics is one of the emerging powers of today's world , iran's membership in the brics and shanghai economic pacts, the cooperation of members in the field of energy, technology and industry the 25-year comprehensive agreement
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will significantly reduce efforts to sign a similar agreement with the united states in the long term. mr. dr. amir abdullahian. but all these steps towards the future was tied to the steps of amir abdullahian and his efforts in the ministry of foreign affairs. the person who was the field and diplomacy coordinator for mr. raisi. the issue of activating economic diplomacy is on the agenda of the ministry of foreign affairs. mr. raisi introduced economic diplomacy into the common literature of the decision-making apparatus . we said that the 13th government will not tie people's lives to the jcpoa, and we said that it will not stop our sanctions in any way and this diplomacy will remain in the memories. ebrahim raisi's major contribution to iran's politics and his influence on the direction of this country
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will definitely be remembered for many years. amina sadat zabihpour, radio and television news agency. well , continue. we are going to new york to talk with mr. david weiss, the spokesman of the union of anti-zionist jews , who had a meeting with him during the last visit of the president to new york. hi, hello , last night , we saw your message that you announced that you are praying for the president of iran. thank you for talking with us tonight . yes, it is a great honor for me to be with you and to be in your program. yes, this is a meeting that i was proud
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to meet with mr. president raisi and we also met with the minister of foreign affairs. i also met you and we are really sad and our hearts are broken. i am telling you this on behalf of the jewish community all over the world. we saw them in iran and tehran . i am announcing this on behalf of the jews, and in fact
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, we express our devotion to the iranians, to the islamic republic and to humanity, as jews. we are friends of muslims. this situation exists all over the world. we are in new york and when we came to iran and met with iranian officials, they really showed their friendship. we expressed their interest to us , they themselves have a jewish community in iran, which is very respected in iran, and in fact, they showed us that we are not alone against the zionist occupation, and they introduced us to the nature of judaism. what
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happened in iran and we saw that they are different from zionism just like us. and the zionists introduce themselves as jews by deception, but after we came to iran and met with ayatollah khamenei, he told us openly that we differentiate between judaism and zionism. we are and... we were told that the jewish community of iran lives together in a friendly way with the rest of the iranian people, and all of them both these communities worship god and
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are actually related to each other in terms of monotheism. and we believe in god's mercy, so in this context, god willing, ayatollah khamenei will help and with god's help, they will fix the situation better, that is , they will not allow problems for the people of iran. it happens and we hope to
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hear good news about the future of iran in the future, as well as news of peace and tranquility, including the freedom of palestine. let's hear in the future. rabbi, you mentioned that you had a direct meeting with mr. raisi, we saw his pictures as well as with mr. amir abdullah in tehran. did you meet in direct contact with these two people, do you have a point or memory in your mind that you want to share? yes, as i told you, the most important thing i remember is the smile they had on their faces and... we actually felt warm and close to them and when i was talking to them
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, they actually allow us or time to meet them privately and face to face with them at this time they turned to us and we expressed at that time that although we actually thanked them for coming to meet with us considering the limited time and opportunity they had and the busy schedule they had. the two of them treated us in a very friendly and respectful way and told us frankly that iran has no problem with jews and the only problem
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iran has with israel is because of the occupation and their way of thinking or their zionism. they explained to us that the jewish community in iran is very peaceful and friendly he lives and is friendly with the muslim population of iran. there are muslims among the jews in iran, and in fact we were sure about this and we also believe in the same, but we have a problem with the narrative that the israelis have and try to introduce zionism and judaism as one. we do not accept the fact that they committed atrocities in the land of palestine on the same pretext and with this pretext, and in fact
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zionism is responsible for those crimes and has nothing to do with the jews. this is what we have always stated and this is the reason why we are against we are active in zionism because there are actually demonstrations that the jews did against the zionists in the occupied territories and the security forces of the zionist regime confronted them and got involved with them, but fortunately. jews as well as muslims
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are intelligent and rational people and they understand these differences and live in harmony with each other according to god's will and god's instructions. foreign affairs of iran and the rest of the officials are very sad. i express my condolences to you and i hope that may the actions of the islamic republic of iran, its good actions and its defense of the truth and truth around the world continue as we have seen before. thank you . it was a conversation with rabbi david white, the spokesman of the anti-zionist jewish union from new york, and now
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in the rest of the world today we see a report on the performance and... on the third of shahrivar 1400 , he received a vote of confidence from the parliament as a member of the cabinet of the 13th government. he became the 6th foreign minister of iran. the first file he opened on the table of his ministry was the needs of the people. god willing, i will start my work with two programs did the first program is the main priority that our people are concerned about. in the ministry of foreign affairs , we have established a special headquarters from today to accelerate the supply of vaccines from different countries, and its approach is described as balanced diplomacy. focusing more on neighborhood and asian policy is the focus of work. but this does not mean that we
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will ignore other parts of the world. at the same time, we believe that europe is not only the terrorists of europe. we are damghan. the tall man of diplomacy and foreign policy had grown up from damghan region. he passed his 60th birthday on may 3rd this year. hossein amir abdollahian graduated with a bachelor's degree in diplomatic relations from the faculty of the ministry of foreign affairs, a master's degree in international relations from the faculty of law and political sciences of the university of tehran, and a doctorate in international relations from the university of tehran. the volume of exchanges of the islamic republic of iran, old bahrain. the earliest image of him left in the archives dates back to the time when he was iran's ambassador to bahrain around 86 to 89. at the beginning of his work, his specialty was arabic and african. for this reason , he became the arab and african deputy minister of foreign affairs in the 10th government. the uniqueness of his specialty in this
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specialized field made him continue to be in charge with the change of government the role of the deputy minister of foreign affairs in the arab region. and be african. first of all, the people who have not been identified until now, only with the start of the growth of isis in the region , the work of amir abdullahian became heavier than in the past and his connection and position among the countries of the resistance zone and the region increased. so much so that some reporters in the field of foreign policy called him qassem soleimani in the field of diplomacy and knew that he was amin haj qassem. i had contact with them on different occasions and in different positions when i was in the ministry of foreign affairs, and their concern was always that, first of all, to ensure the maximum national security of the country and for stability and put stability and a stable security in the region of the zionist regime in a fence that prevents
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expansionism and the development of insecurities in the region . the islamic council became the zionist americans, and unfortunately , saudi arabia accompanied them at the regional level , but the axis of resistance was able to achieve a great achievement in the fight against terrorism. it seems that the american zionist designers tried to create a new wave first. don't care about victory show that they want to open another case against terrorism and shania. during his two-and-a-half-year tenure at the ministry of foreign affairs , the case for sanctions relief negotiations and interaction with western countries was open, and he was not satisfied with changing the new world order.
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he pursued economic diplomacy with the aim of facilitating the economic conditions of the people. he was the cornerstone of the resistance for the security of the people of the region to the international relations of the islamic republic of iran. peace be upon ali muhammad and the family of muhammad and ajl finally, in the description of this tall man of foreign policy. if we want to go through his professional record , we get here: 40 years, 4 years, 3 years, 40 years, 40 years, yes. a characteristic that stood out for those who knew him closely was that he saw the people and knew how to care for the oppressed
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. oh you. give me the king's shelter, hosni sadat shabiri, radio and television news agency , we are still with you in the world today, we are going to london with mr. abdulbari al-atwan, the famous writer and analyst of shahir jahan. arab, let's talk about this loss, mr. atwan, hello. and how
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do you see the loss as an outside observer? look, it was really shocking to lose someone like the president, a leader who was a very powerful and high-quality person . there are not many people like him. we know that he was able to achieve the complete independence of iran. in different areas and iran became an absolute regional power during his time , so losing him is really a loss. it is great and finding a replacement that is similar to them is a difficult task being very experienced and able to
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strengthen the national unity of iran, they never failed against israel and palestine, and their loss is for iran the islamic world and even the international arena . it is a big loss . what do you think this loss means for iran's friends and enemies in the world? well, the enemies will definitely be happy that iran has lost a person who was very capable, that is, someone like ayatollah raisi , whose name remains in history. he will remain and maybe he is the only person in iran or even in
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the world of islam who has goals in iran during his time he targeted israel and did not say in other places that they were also able to create a very balanced coalition in the international context for china and iran. and create with other countries like turkey and egypt, and in my opinion, he is a unique character whose loss will be felt.
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lead the nuclear talks in vienna with america and the superpowers in a very smart way and with who you are and them without giving any concessions. they pursued and strengthened iran's nuclear program and maintained it at a high level if we want to speak honestly , they have done many things and services for iran, the islamic world and the region. and iran became one of the first-level powers in the region, in fact , they stabilized its status, mr. atwan, do you think, look at mr.
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mr. raisi and amir abdullahian left a legacy in foreign policy and understanding of global issues and the approaches that they chose which path they chose.
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he has a military background and the second point is that he was able to guide iran's diplomacy very effectively. his english was very good and he spoke very well. being a student of sardar soleimani, a very intelligent and capable person, and participating in the united nations general assembly. in
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their annual meetings, they always traveled from this capital to that capital and established fruitful relations with other countries, including most of the arab countries, turkey, the islamic world. in my opinion, mr. hossein amir abdullahian, their absence is really for the diplomacy of the region and the islamic world, as well as iran will be a great loss. thank you, and as a final question to you, do you think that the path that was taken, the legacy that was left , what capacities does iran have that should be preserved? and be strengthened. look, i want
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to tell you something. iran one. it is a country that does not really rely on individuals, the country is a country of institutions and in fact institutions and groups play a role in it . it is not like saying that it is relying on mr. amir abdullahian or mr. raisi. iran has much more difficult times than this. he passed away after the death of imam khomeini of iran. ayatollah khamenei immediately came after the problems and took over the leadership of iran. therefore, it is not like we can say that iran will lose its own business with the loss of these officials loses he may face problems temporarily, for example, to find a replacement for
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mr. raisi. now, it is true that we are in a serious and difficult regional situation, we are in a sensitive situation, but either they choose a temporary foreign minister and they will have the elections in iran , which should be done in 50 days, but in my opinion, iran is a country that is an orderly country. and i don't think that with the loss of these loved ones, there will be a void in iran's activities, iran's activities will continue because there are many effective people in iran and definitely under the guidance of hazrat ayat iran's allah khamenei will once again carry out his activities as before. gave and in:


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