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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the headquarters of the organization of martyrs of service ceremony announced the time and place of the ceremony of commemoration and legalization of the martyred president ayatollah raisi and his companions in the announcement number one. legislation ceremony in east azarbaijan province at 9:30 this tuesday morning in tabriz city. it will be held from shahada square to mosli.
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the legalization ceremony will be held in the city of qom from 16:00 today from the sacred shrine of hazrat masoumeh, peace be upon him, to the holy mosque of jamkaran. this evening, the farewell ceremony of the people with the bodies of the precious martyrs will be held around 21:00 at the mausoleum of imam khomeini in tehran. the ceremony of offering prayers on the bodies of martyrs and burial with the presence of the public. it will be held in tehran on wednesday, june 2 at 73:00 in the morning from tehran university towards azadi square. at 16:00 on wednesday, the commemoration ceremony of the martyrs will be held in tehran with the presence of high-ranking foreign delegations. the farewell ceremony of the honorable people of south khorasan province will be held with president mehboob on thursday at 8 o'clock in birjand. ceremony. number one of the headquarters of the organization of martyrs
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of service , decisions have been made to facilitate the attendance of people in the legalization ceremony. an official holiday is declared on the second wednesday of the month of june in the whole country. d. in the provinces where the funeral ceremony of the martyrs was held. regarding the closure of the province , a decision will be made with the discretion of the governor and 3 that all education exams will be canceled until the end of this week and the next time will be announced by the ministry of education. following the martyrdom of the president and the accompanying delegation of sunni imams in the messages of the martyrdom of the ayatollah raees. and his companions condoled him
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. all of these were servants and served for the spread of islam and the way of god, the holy prophet and his family. i respect mr. mr. raisi. i had a close relationship for more than 45 years , turkmen came to the sahara many times before the presidency they had a speech with the turkmen people of the sahara .
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they really wanted unity. they liked unity and cohesion. we always saw and heard in his talks that unity was the key to success. it was really popular. he also wanted religious progress and wanted the progress of the system. he was really working every day. he was really the master of the underprivileged and worked hard for the society. our people always show their vigilance in difficult situations . inshallah, it will be the same this time as well. the turkmen scholars of the sahara and other sunni scholars in iran have left the stone unturned to create a meeting for prayer, so
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people love ibrahim raisi or other officials of the islamic republic of iran and their testimony and the accompanying delegation, which really hurt all of us and the people of iran. affected by this, on behalf of myself and the supreme council of sunni schools of the south, especially on behalf of the dear sunni people of the south , i express my condolences on behalf of the people of os sane delkharash, mr. hojat al-islam and muslims. seyed ebrahim raisi, the late president of the islamic republic of iran and his accompanying delegation, which led to their martyrdom
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i offer my condolences to the supreme leader of the revolution and his family, and to all the officials of the country and to the people, and i ask the almighty god to forgive them. iran and also to the oppressed nation of the world and the free thinkers of the world, especially to the fighting nation of palestine, whose only main support was the crimean government of our beloved islamic republic of iran. he comes and walks his way. the sympathy of the people of pakistan with the nation iran. expressing regret over the martyrdom of ayatollah raisi and his companions, the government of pakistan
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announced a public members' day in pakistan. sadr ebrahim raisi jabegh. minutes after the official announcement of the martyrdom of ayatollah seyed ebrahim raisi. and his companions, in the incident of the helicopter crash, different sections of the people of pakistan, political, religious figures and the media of this country, expressed their regret for this great loss , and expressed their condolences to the nation and the government of iran. this is a great loss for the islamic world. today, the islamic world has lost one of the true supporters of palestine, someone who was active for the pride of the islamic world. also to the effort of our country's embassy in pakistan has opened a memorial office for the martyrs of the helicopter crash, and in addition to prominent figures from the government of pakistan, ambassadors and senior diplomats from different countries also
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showed their connection with the people and the government by attending the embassy of the islamic republic of iran in islamabad. iran expressed that we pray very earnestly that allah, by attending the embassy of the islamic republic of iran and signing the memorandum, declared that the government of pakistan stands by the nation and the government of iran in this difficult time . my late brother raisi was known as a very good person and a close friend for our country been. he was a hardworking and active person all his life. he spent for the pride of his nation and the islamic world. today we have lost a good friend of our country. at this time, we stand by the iranian nation. on the other hand, sending messages of condolence from various personalities, popular and
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religious institutions in pakistan continues. the government of pakistan expressed its sympathy with the government of iran by raising its flag at half-mast in this country. one day public members announced. majid hashemi, radio and television news agency, islamabad. stay with us.
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the air of mehalud in the highlands of east azarbaijan pages the end of a story has been turned, but the beginning of this story is somewhere in the back alleys of mashhad, noghan neighborhood , 63 years ago in the autumn weather of december 39, god gave mr. seyed haji and seyed esmat khanum a son , they named him ibrahim. seyed ibrahim was 5 years old. his father's shadow was no longer over his head. seyyed ebrahim went to the seminary and was 15 years old when
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he went to a seminary under the supervision of imam khomeini to continue his education as a student of qom seminary and ayatollah boroujerdi school. head of popular movements the joining of gatherings, which was said
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to have been imposed on the people of iran more than the school of war, resulted in raisi becoming the deputy prosecutor of the tehran revolution . his judicial activities led imam khomeini, the leader of the islamic revolution, to appoint raisi and neiri to deal with racketeering cases in the supreme judicial council. kond ali mohammad became the first of the judiciary, and he
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became the attorney general of the country from 2013 to march 2014. mr. hojjatul islam, mr. haj seyed ebrahim raisi, blessings be upon you. your excellency , who was born in that blessed country and has good trustworthiness and experience in large-scale management, may you be the guardian of that bright threshold. they attribute it to the holy. sayyed. ibrahim, who left mashhad one day and sat at the desk of the judiciary after 34 years, went to the shrine of the 8th imam and we took responsibility for the threshold of razavi's holy shrine . we checked what mashhad needs today. deacon is not lacking. raisi became the head of the judiciary in march 2017. the finalization of the judicial transformation document and the intelligentization of the judiciary took place during his term
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, without doubt, what has been done so far is not enough. raisi enters a new era of politics in the islamic republic put. election. the presidency of 1400 ended with the victory of seyed ebrahim raisi with more than 18 million votes. this time, he had to sit at the government table. as the president, i swear to the almighty god in front of the holy quran and in front of the iranian nation. people's government. the government will be managers who care about the interests of the people . some provinces say that so-and-so
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came twice, three times. if necessary, i will go to solve people's problems, not three times, not four times. 30 to 40 times i travel to a city and a province, i travel until the problem is solved. experience of two years of representation the council of leadership experts is the chairman. he was also selected as the expert of khorasan province for the sixth term. but one incident in his trip to east azerbaijan and in the heights of varzghan is the story of his political activities in a rainy may. finished with the help of almighty god, hand in hand, we will bring dear iran to the lofty heights of progress and justice. the people's government will realize a strong iran . ebrahim asadi bidmeshki, sed and sima news agency.
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being among the people, directly facing the people's problems is that you go to the people, you hear from the people , you answer them, they raise their problems. this is a very good thing. it is very useful in several ways, one of which is that you get first-hand information, it has other benefits, it is simple to live and reduce formalities in the personal and governmental behavior
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of the government, especially mr. president. what exists belongs to the people. if we are blessed with a job, we are also given a position, firstly, to give people, secondly, it is given to serve the people, in the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful, peace be upon you, or ali bin musa, peace be upon you , we are blessed to present this part of the program without compliments from the holy shrine of imam reza, peace be upon him. you do and we are going to talk with a very special party
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. hello, sir. thank you very much for giving me the opportunity. hello to you and to all your colleagues, to all the dear and dear viewers , we are in a very dear place and we are talking to his highness, what happened that you chose the holy mashhad as the first president of the iranian nation? i know about fertilizer. and when i was a teenager in holy mashhad, and when i went to qom during various responsibilities, i always saw my connection with the holy presence of hazrat reza, peace be upon him, as a very productive connection. all my life, and during this time, i believed
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that before any action, i should go to imam reza's service and thank him and ask him for help in the future to serve the people, god willing. i was in mashhad until the age of 14 . how did haj agha pass in mashhad? it was difficult because of the direction economically, because we didn't have a father, naturally we had a special life, but during my student
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days, there was a good spiritual and spiritual atmosphere, our teachers and friends who were with us , so i compensated for some of the economic deficiencies during my student days. i used to work during the holidays, some other days, and in addition to my studies, whether i was a student or even during my elementary school years, sometimes now, i work to the extent that, for example, a child of this age would come from it. i don't remember any time when i was a teenager without work along with studies dear mother of mashhad is living now.
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when you were at the threshold of imam reza (peace be upon him), did you get to know people's concerns? in astan quds, i raised a concept here during the transformation period in astan quds. this is again thanks to the blessing of hazrat himself. it was the development of the concept of the service of khadim makhdoom , looking at the fact that there are needy people around hazrat reza, peace be upon him, and they have problems in the house of hazrat reza, peace be upon him, whatever problems we can solve in the name of imam reza , it must be acceptable to hazrat reza, peace be upon him. i am satisfied , it seems to me that people's pain should be known and should be he was with the people, so i don't want to limit this relationship with the people, god willing. i think it can be combined between the opinions of the protection friends and the relationship with the people
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. this is what i wanted to say. honestly, as we have seen , you have a lot of interaction, and i want to know whether it is with the people or with the media. now that you are in the position of the president, this is the interaction , that is, you. you have to do something. we have a limited relationship with people no, because i really need this communication , that is, to understand issues that can be communicated from the floor of the market, from the floor of the street, from the floor of the human society , the human being can see your reports, but when they say who heard it, it is like seeing, that is what it means. not for myself as an official. rather, it can be necessary for many managers , i want to know, so people don't see your behavior and this character as a change in it, so if it doesn't change
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, it doesn't affect my spirit at all, even if i want to act otherwise. now they expect a miracle from you that many of the economic livelihood problems in the first few months you are taking over the government, let it be resolved. what are you talking about with the people? some measures will definitely take time . dear ones , they are paying attention, thank god, those who know that i and my colleagues will work hard to solve
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the problem of unemployment and create employment or solve the housing problem, but it will take time. we hope, god willing, that this time will be like the times the time of some things that disappoint people may not be at all, but it will come to an end much sooner than we think. this idea is not out of place because when a person has his motivation ok, he should have a plan , he should have an efficient young workforce by his side, doing this is not a difficult task. a factory that had 500 workers had production and its products were exported. the factory has been closed . it is not acceptable at all, haj agha , especially in the last few years. did you have free time ? i don't remember you. i don't remember that. i don't have a lot of free time. i
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don't have much in my mind. now, the last few days are the same. i think that in the position of president, your grandchildren will not be able to see their grandfather very soon. you are saying , god willing, that i i can get to my work, i'm in the same situation i will ask them. i remembered the picture of hazrat ali and haj qasim in the shrine of imam reza. if you think it is appropriate , tell us that memory. my principle is, may god have mercy on haj qasim. well, whenever mashhad was visited, i would visit them and we would talk closely about various issues. once they visited here. hazrat reza, peace be upon him, well , it was a ghar rubi ceremony, i would have liked him to be in the ghar rubi ceremony, hajj qasim was also outside the shrine where all the people were standing, that is, the people that i mean by god,
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hazrat. he is doing it and while he is doing it, i told my friends to tell haj qasim to come inside the meter what i did was not very common in mashhad, that is , it was not very common at all because haj qasim was naturally a guest and he was supposed to participate in the ceremony and not come to the holy shrine. but i said, come to zari motahar , my conclusion was that after all, he played a very prominent role in the defense of the shrine of ahl al-bayt in syria and everywhere in this region, and this servant of his holiness is an outstanding servant of his holiness, why can't he come through me? zaree had a clean air with the holy grave of hazrat reza, peace be upon him, which
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i have pictures of. and i think that the place where he was reminded of his martyred comrades is also very much he wanted martyrdom from hazrat reza, peace be upon him , he was there, that is, it was the pilgrimage. it is my duty to thank his highness once again . i know that you took the time for this intensive trip. we are very grateful. i want you to end the program without compliments. whatever is best for the great nation of iran, our dear people should know that we are by the grace of god. almighty, we have decided
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to solve the problems that the people are dealing with, god willing , but you must help the government. the foundation of the government is that the best thing that should happen to the people is part of our plans, god willing. in order to form a strong iran , let's all join hands, god willing. haj sir, advice for our journalists, children who work in the media now , i am allowed to criticize, for example. be fair in the government. yes, if the government does not accept criticism, it will punish itself, and finally, it will punish the people. criticism must be open to criticism, but naturally, criticism must be fair, accompanied by fairness, accompanied by information, but open criticism is part of the government's plans, god willing. people want, so you follow up on 23 , we look at 23, we see your orders without compliments
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it is part of the programs that i see. thank you very much, haj, sir. thank you very much. the warm words of this meeting have been blocked and
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distanced from azerbaijan. aycan olmaz, əlisiz kulli iran, bağbansız qol setan olmaz, bu ayda millet təbriz tarışı təkan verdi, bu ay təbriz nəxli inqilaba çülü qam verdi, çeğir közları qansızlikib.


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