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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 10:00am-10:31am IRST

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and after the news , i will be at your service with a special continuation of the khabar network program. in the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, you are accompanying us with the news section at 10 o'clock. the funeral ceremony of the body of the president and other martyrs is being held in tabriz. eternal flight on the anniversary of the birth of hazrat ali bin musa al-reza against thousands of prayers and praises was destined to be honored in the presence of his beloved master. respected
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country, we offer our condolences to him and his colleagues , and we pray for god's strength. what i am saying is just one sentence. greetings full of love and affection from our dear and great leader who is grieving himself is in this calamity. dear people of tabriz and azerbaijan, and our dear iranian people, and all of our noble nation, especially you who participated in this glorious and enlightening gathering, the bodies of the martyrs will be moved to qom after the cremation in tabriz . schools in qom are closed today, according to the announcement.
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in order to host the people of qom from the body of martyr ayatollah raisi and his companions, university classrooms are held only in the morning and are closed in the evening. qom offices also operate until 12 o'clock . he spent four decades of his life serving the people he made a revolution until the moment. martyrdom was with the people and he tried
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to sympathize and sympathize with them with honesty and humility where he could not do anything for the deprived . ayatollah seyyed ebrahim, a martyr of service , was a leader from among the people and had constant connection with the people. we offer our condolences for the martyrdom of the servants of the nation to his highness the leader of the revolution of the iranian nation. here in the high altitude weather. east azerbaijan turned the final pages of a story, but the beginning of this story is somewhere in the back alleys of mashhad. noghan neighborhood 63 years ago. in the autumn weather of december 39, god bless mr. seyed haji and seyed esmat khanum gave a son. they named him ibrahim. seyyed ibrahim was 5 years old when he was no longer the shadow of his father. he went to the seminary and was 15 years old when
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he went to a seminary under the supervision of imam khomeini in order to continue his education as a student of qom seminary and ayatollah borujdi school. popular movements joined the gatherings that have been said more than ayatollah boroujerdi's school. or the khan school was started. let us make small references to qom and political events . qom city won in the islamic revolution. syed ibrahim raisi went to the training courses of shahid beheshti to train the management needs of the islamic system. in 1359, he became the assistant prosecutor of karaj city, and later ayatollah ali qudousi, the prosecutor of the revolution , assigned him to the karaj prosecutor's office. in the 1960s, the war
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was imposed on the people of iran, and as a result, a deputy chief prosecutor. revolution happened in tehran. his judicial activities caused imam khomeini, the leader of the islamic revolution, to appoint raisi and nairi to deal with racketeering cases in the supreme judicial council. peace be upon ali muhammad. these pictures are for the days when seyed ebrahim raisi was the head of the inspection organization. he is also the prosecutor's office of the capital he had experienced it before. if we do not identify the bases of corruption, we will not eliminate them. during this period, some controversial cases of economic joints came to the table of the general inspection organization of the country. opportunities will be used. raisi became the first deputy of the judiciary for 10 years from 1983. from 2013 to march
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2014, he became the attorney general of the country. mr. hojjatul islam , mr. haj seyed ebrahim raisi, blessings be upon you. your excellency you, who yourself originated from that blessed land and have good trustworthiness and experienced work in big managements, are attributed to the guardianship of that holy light threshold. seyyed ibrahim that one day from mashhad got up and sat at the table of the judicial authorities , after 34 years he went to the shrine of the 8th imam and we took responsibility for the threshold of razavi's holy shrine. we asked what is the need of mashhad today. i saw that the need of mashhad today for the pilgrims and adjacent to the hospital bed of mashhad is not lacking. raisi became the head of the judiciary in march 2017. the drafting and finalization of the judicial reform document
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and the modernization of the judiciary took place during his tenure without a doubt. what has been done so far in order to promote la. the policy of the islamic republic. the presidential election of 1400 ended with the victory of seyed ebrahim raisi with more than 18 million votes. he is this bar should have sat at the government table. i as the president. president , i swear to the almighty god in front of the holy qur'an and in front of the iranian nation. people's government will be the government of managers
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who care about the interests of the people. some provinces say that so-and-so came twice, three times . if necessary, i will go to solve people's problems, not three times, not four times. i travel to a city and a province 30 to 40 times until the problem is solved. the history of the term of representation in the council of leadership experts is in the president's record. he was also selected for the sixth round of experts of south khorasan province. we help almighty god, hand in hand, we will bring dear iran to the lofty peaks of progress and justice. people's government, strong iranian. it will be realized by ebrahim asadi bidmeshki of sda news agency , the public meeting of the islamic council has started an hour ago , to find out about the agenda of this meeting, i am talking to the reporter of sda news agency, who
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is stationed in the public hall of the parliament, mrs. ali khani, please say hello to you. what plans and bills are on the agenda of today's house of nation representatives? good morning. to serve you and the viewers of the news network, the public meeting of the islamic council is being held today the representatives came to the islamic council an hour earlier and from 7:15 p.m. today, the representatives commemorated the martyr seyed ebrahim raisi and the martyr amir abdullahian and other victims of the warzaghan incident , mourned and mourned with vases of white flowers to pay respect to the martyrs. . the fall of the president's helicopter is in the share and the mood of the parliament today is a bit painful, but when the clock reached 8:15 in the morning, the representatives entered
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the official session of the parliament. raisi mujahidi was tireless and describing that martyr seyyed ebrahim raisi walked with humility and sincerity and considered him a mujahid always on the scene. after that , the representatives entered the agenda. he was a guard. for example, today the bill of the 7th plan was reviewed and the objections raised by the guardian council to this bill were cleared by the representatives, and after that the report of the commission of internal affairs of the country and the councils about the plan of two priorities of the transparency of the three forces was also put on the agenda of the representatives. the irans that the guardian council took to this plan was reviewed, but the representatives in the review of this plan. insisting on their own approvals and finally this plan
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was sent to the expediency council for the final decision. the report of the agriculture commission on the investigation and investigation of the operations of the uromi lake restoration headquarters was placed on the agenda. the spokesperson of the agriculture commission read this report and what was stated in the report is actually the performance of the sea headquarters. it was not effective and with the consent of the representatives, it was approved that this report be sent to the judiciary for further investigation. we should hold the closing session of the islamic council on wednesday, but considering the conditions that have arisen for the country, according to the announcement of the presidium of the council and what mr. masri naib said. the speaker of the parliament announced from behind the podium of the public hall that the closing
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of the 11th parliament will be held today at 14:00 . this afternoon is the last day that the representatives will hold the 11th parliament. thank you very much to mrs. ali khani for being with us from the public hall of the parliament and very much. thank you for your support , dear viewers, i invite you to stay with us with the special programs of the khabar network. go back and give me my loneliness back
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where are your memories without a dream in your heart? where else can i go to cry at night, the only cry in the world is the only one left by the love of its longings, you stayed. ah, the heart of the world
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knows the loneliness of its longings. khant stayed! greetings to you, dear viewers, the dissection ceremony of khadim marza, president martyr ayatollah raisi and his companions, is being held in tabriz. there is, and you can see in the frame of the live broadcast of this ceremony, in the studio of khabar network, my journalist colleague
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, mr. shayanmehr, who was a government reporter, is present in the various programs and trips of the president. shahid, including his last trip, was also present, which you could see continuous live communication on sunday, in the conversations we had both video and telephone with isha or mehr in various news sections and in live broadcasts. and we used to receive the latest news. before the news at 10 o'clock, mr. shaimer would explain the events that happened that day on sunday, and in the hour leading up to the moment when they learned that the president of our country and his companions were martyred , we are at your service. i think we had reached the same point. yes, i was telling you that it was around 3 o'clock when in fact the data from we received these drones, and the exact coordinates of thane were found to be 3 kilometers from a village called tawil or tefil, which
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was 7-8 kilometers away from where we were, and the groups were quickly dispatched there. first, there was a coordinate error, but then it was determined accurately, but it took time for the rescue forces to reach there. actually, the first data that we got was at 5:30 in the morning, and the first data was from small birds flying over the place. the incident of the flight of the images , now the wreckage of the helicopter has been received, and almost at that time, this mosque. it was given that according to the data the heat that these little birds receive , this news has been sent to us . there is a point about this trip because we want to talk about it for a limited time, a little before the semester, not a special point, just maybe we all spent a difficult day and night. and well
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, this phone call that was made after sanae gave us all hope that maybe sanae was not that difficult and there is a high probability that the passengers will be alive and we spent a night with hope, but in any case, i can say something else in the hands of fate. considering the cooperation and friendship that we already have with each other, we still have this dimension in mind i am seeing you because, well, i am trying very hard, because, well, anyway , it is a professional journalist that we do not have a professional license. let's involve our emotions in the news we publish. in any case, as a neutral person, we should only observe and reflect, and i am trying very hard to follow this principle , but it is not possible anymore. the president left, we came back without a president , we had memories for 3 years, anyway, mr. raisi
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was really a unique person from a human point of view. so much friendship, so much intimacy with us reporters they were an example. you can tell me. i remember the trip . now let me tell you something. last night, i was thinking , i don't know why it happened like this . i took the first interview of mr. raisi as the president with them , and i took the last report. yes, i went with them on their last trip, which was the same trip, and i was with them. their first foreign trip was to tajikistan. i was with them when they went to the shanghai summit, which was also a special summit. yes, my last foreign trip was to pakistan, and i went with them. i don't know why now to pakistan. anyway, we were chosen for this
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the first and last events, but i remember that on our last foreign trip from sri lanka , we had a 6 and a half hour flight and we had a busy working day, and mr. raisi insisted that there be a way to plan so that we could not work during the times. to spend time on the flight and to be present when we can work, that's why the flights were arranged in such a way that we flew from sri lanka at 12 o'clock in the night when there was nothing to do . they left us for 2 hours and when we arrived in tehran, the next hour was 6 hours, i think it was 6 hours, 6 hours and a half. yes, 7 we arrived at the flight time at 4:30 in the morning. after they came , they said that the time difference is very confusing, especially the physical condition of the person. yes, and then i say that it is a busy day of 600 and a half flights. then they said that mr.
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raisi said that i should come to their office for the interview. the end of the trip is the base of my next flight. there or in tehran, in tehran, when we arrived in tehran, haj agha came down and i came to interview them. the first question they asked me was, did you sleep well? then i showed them my appearance, and i said that haj agha, in your opinion , looks good to me. he slept well after we interviewed him after this, he finally said, "i'm sorry, these two or three days have been a lot of trouble, and god willing, my neck will go blind." i want to say that in terms of humanity and personal relationships, i am the president in residence. to be unique is to be like this with everyone and i have not seen anyone who, in social and work relationships, in all
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weather conditions, they often warn our photographers to be careful. what do you really have to say about this model that you mentioned and this emphasis? mr. president, they have that the travel time in the trips is not in the children's hours. he did something . another great example was the previous trip to russia , coming and going from russia to alvorz province, and that trip was really tireless. it means that we are tireless. they once told me that we are going on a trip to the province first. the government delegation, the ministers and all the people are walking behind us , and then finally, hey, slowly, slowly, they go away , they go away, in the end, only we are left, you, and it was really like this, that is, some members or the government really stopped being with us and these things. they are up to they were working in the last moments, and i say that you are hardworking and enjoying yourself. i understood this with these women
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. they really enjoy talking to people, when a knot is untied, when an issue is followed up, that's it. being interested in solving people's problems and getting things done would make them not get tired because people don't get tired of doing something they love and they do it with love. when we saw your head written martyr of the president, do you remember a memory? yes, please i remember them always telling me to say that i am the servant of the president, i am not the president, i am the servant of the people , and now i saw that this title was given to the martyr of the president, and for their sake, i feel that it would be a shame if they were not martyred, but really, it is a blessing. it is painful to lose them, they are among the elites of the world of politics and our country, and losing them is a great loss
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. we are in a state of numbness and confusion, we still don't know what is wrong with us we haven't recovered from the shock. we still haven't recovered from the shock and the more time passes, the more memories we remember and the more we review the past, the more we understand the depth of the disaster. may god give patience to his dear family and to the nation of iran. again , i offer my condolences, sorry if i had feelings, i would say that it is very natural in such a program and in such a matter, especially that it is a well-known issue that a person must know you during a trip, and many of the trips are at least 3 years. you were with the president and. many of these small points that you express can be better let me introduce myself, president, and let me also mention dr. amir abdullahian, may god bless him. he is really
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a pious person. i don't remember that sometimes i greeted him and he didn't get up . we wouldn't say hello if they didn't get up anywhere, as i happened to say to them the last time during this trip. and he said no, i don't have anything to say here, and maybe half an hour before this incident, i saw him and i don't know what this story is that you won't get out of your mind. dear friends, very well, thank you very much mr. shai mehr, thank you for taking the trouble, and god willing, in the next hour and also in the coming days, when we have special programs of the khabar network, we will be able to serve you again
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and with full cooperation with all the news groups, this is actually a program. and the pictures and these were due to their efforts, which in fact could have protected the oppressors of tin, who are rarely mentioned. join us , dear viewers, to see a part with a special continuation i am with you program broadcast by khabar network . you have served these people so much. god has blessed you with a gentleman. now you have become a gentleman. now you have become a servant. i will visit you today. god willing
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, labik or hussein is labik or khamenei
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. i am sorry, ey dust, az dənə, ke manam. i'm alive to your smell, to the flowers on you come on, my friend, come on, my friend, sit with me and sit until i reach you. in the night, you are not my hair
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, what is the hope for my tired heart, when i am silent without you, what can i do in the morning with you? with grief, with grief , the ceremony of dismembering the body of the martyred president khadim al-reza and his companions is being held in tabriz, and
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you can see the live image of this ceremony on the frame of khabar network, but in the studio of khabar network , mr. dr. seyed mohammad hosseini is our guest in the last the days of activity of the martyred president mr. dr. raisi received the order of consulting the cultural and social affairs of the president and before that he also worked in the position of the deputy of the president's parliament. to be in line with the changes that happened in the parliament. the government has come to a consensus that a change should happen in this area, mr. doctor, accept the trouble , they are present at the studio of the news network at this hour. and my condolences to all the dear compatriots of the noble nation of iran, the islamic ummah , especially the resistance front and all the freedom fighters of the world
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, and also to you, sir, and your colleagues in the radio and television, who in these days had a wide coverage of these events and sadness. that on our people have become sovereign because of the loss of these dear ones, martyred ayatollah raisi, ayatollah al hashim and dr. amir abdullahian, the efficient and powerful minister of foreign affairs and successful in this field, and also we are witnessing what an epic and a time has been set up in azerbaijan, the zealous people of tabriz. and the surrounding cities are all gathering and are appreciating their own servants for the character who
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spent all his time.


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