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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 10:30am-11:01am IRST

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i have all the freedom lovers of the world, and also to your excellency and your colleagues in the radio and television, who in these days had a wide coverage of these events and of the sadness that prevailed over our people due to the loss of these dear martyred ayatollah raisi ayatollah al hashem and dr. amir abdollahian, an efficient and enlightened minister. foreign and successful in this field , as well as the young governor of east azarbaijan , mr. rahmati and other loved ones of mr. mousavi, and now we are witnessing that an epic and a moment has been set up in azerbaijan, the zealous people of tabriz and the surrounding cities are all gathering and are appreciating every now about their own servants, about a person who
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had spent all his time serving the people, when one of your reporters talked about his free time, he thought about everything that he did not remember that , for example, when he had left for free time, it is an example of the same verse of karim that farida his fanfare team had so many plans that he didn't have time to rest, even during nowruz holidays. on fridays, if he wasn't on a trip , he would have meetings in tehran itself to follow up on his work. we were less able to deal with these issues . there were issues, but now we can more easily express their characteristics, which should
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be considered by all managers. really, if the system has such managers at different levels, then we can. let's achieve lofty and lofty goals. one corner of this work and tirelessness of martyr ayatollah raeesi before the presence of his excellency, fellow reporters , mr. shayan, was expressed as an example of what emphasis he had on his travels, such as the time of travel during his travels. be in such a way that it won't happen anymore after doing something, you can no longer have a plan. well, your excellency, considering that you were also a member of the government board, you can tell the people more about the emphasis that mr. president has made for me. the words that mr. president had in the government meetings must be passed . now some of them may be classified, but those that were not should be gradually expressed. it can be very effective for our managers , while always calling for spirituality and ethics. and they served the people and anyway
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they were serious people, they were very frank about some of the weaknesses , the problems that existed, they emphasized these things , they required the ministers to fix these things , and that the work should not be delayed, that being busy means one thing, it means that you should do the work quickly. for example, you sit in a meeting right after the government meeting, for example, these two ministers discuss this issue together. make a decision , don't let it be final, say next week, next month , time will pass like this. sometimes , for example, a debate was brought up. bring this to the next meeting of the government and bring it to a conclusion . there really was this spirit of benevolence, compassion, and perseverance. you see, for example , the relationship we
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had with the representatives is unprecedented. in the first year, the parliament with their presidents, we planned a day meeting with the assembly of representatives of all provinces. in one year, you can see 290 representatives. now let's say 286 because 4 people came to the government and other places to hold meetings and all this was not talking, for example. chairman of the assembly of representatives azerbaijan, speaking on behalf of them, each and every representative giving their opinion, long hours , sometimes 3 hours of meetings , traveling all the provinces in the first year, this is also unique , visiting the ministries one by one, activating the councils. and we even had regularization in periods , the cultural revolution council, which is important, the cyber ​​space council, which is also important, they were not formed in the middle and sometimes, but these are regular and some councils are not formed for a decade, that's all, this ruler . from the discipline he had, he used to spend time
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, which means that he was really a heavenly martyr shahid beheshti was a very organized person, he was precise, and then he had patience and patience. he spoke a lot about beheshti and other elders, so he has many characteristics. he was an all-round personality, and it is very important that a person enters the field of politics and is able to possess these virtues and.. to preserve the human perfections , sometimes people have certain behaviors , not that it was a syrian job, for example, he did not want to show that he went to the factory in the company of the farmers in the village.
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i told the workers of different sections of the society that i am friends , and with the reporters, for example, i am talking about these things he asked, did he not say that, for example, we are only with the authorities , the medical staff, the nurses, with everyone, that is , he had the same belief that this would motivate him to come to work in this way and to have hearing ears to hear the words. well, some people are not open to criticism, unfortunately , when something you say that they are upset with him, but he had a very high tolerance for this and said that every day you should reflect on the issues that happen in the parliament, during those days when there were incidents in the fall of 1401. other works of the core, i reflected the news of the parliament they say no, tell me all the things, i have too much time, well
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, this is really very important, one person can deal with all matters, it is really a unique personality and very extensive services. back to back meetings, plans, expectations , expectations. well, some people don't have the patience to listen to all these demands, but he would sit with 300 questions and then he would emphasize that the members of the government should also have this leader, and the members of the government should have a listening ear in this matter. now that there are people, they participate in gatherings with experts and critics the professors of the university area should have a meeting with them and listen to their opinions. if their words are valid, then their own words should accompany and convince them . if they have better suggestions and solutions , accept them. bandi, for example, recently, which
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you are considering, regularly monitors the developments and news after this operation al-waad al-sadiq. well, a series of dear representatives brought up that the government is abandoning it, the price is going up, there are fluctuations and these things, even writing letters, interviewing, meetings were held, letters that mr. raisi, writing to the economic commission , emphasized that a meeting should be held with the first deputy. well, the first deputy has the role of the commander of the economic headquarters of the government, and he is responsible for the economic headquarters of the government. coordination between the ministers and these, because we always had a plurality or a plurality of voices in the governments, there was a difference of opinion, so we immediately held a meeting, the chairman and members of the economic commission came, and then the report was given to the governor of the central bank, others who reported, well, they were convinced an
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understanding was established, then i reported this in the government meeting, which was finally held this is their work, they emphasize and admire it, saying it is very good, the rest of the government members should also be like this, wherever there is doubt, there is water , sit and follow the issues. very well, mr. dr. hosseini, thank you very much, dear viewers , please be with us, an opportunity from our colleagues. we will get news on the broadcast of the network. we will return by continuing the conversation with the guest of the program.
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hello, strange evening. hello, you. farewell to all the moments of separation . goodbye. god's bright nights. goodbye. memory. bright poems. goodbye. love story
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. goodbye. goodbye. bright blue. goodbye. peter the poem shawana
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you can see the live part of the dismemberment ceremony of martyred president ayatollah raisi and his companions in the frame of khabar network in east azarbaijan province in
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tabriz city . president hosseini, you mentioned in your speech about the type of interaction that martyr ayatollah raisi had with different people and groups. i would like to ask very frankly and from this point of view , please elaborate more on the point you made that mr. naturally, any government, not just martyrs, is not a martyr of any government. he has a certain line of thought and a certain point of view, but this is the policy of the martyred president, who considered himself the representative of all members of the nation, not only those who voted for him, and now, according to scheimber's interpretation , they say, "i am the servant of the president." and the specific interpretation of being the president, in the expression of
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shahidullah raeesi's behavior, please tell us how it was that he had a high leader and it was not like he had a sharp view, for example factional and party, well we had in the past that finally when a range of power taking over in the government immediately changes and changes in different departments bus. in no way, for example, they will not tolerate some forces, but they don't have this right , while they said that they should be revolutionary people , not those who hinder basic measures, but if there are good forces, they can finally do these things. you don't have the intention to definitely change and these things, well, this or that, well, after all, from the beginning, we witnessed that political groups
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, this was a very important issue, which was focused on the main tasks, and its advice to the members of the government was the same as your duties. do yes , clarify where necessary, for example, explain, give an answer may it be in people's minds. don't let a negative issue develop or people get disappointed, but if you want to spend your time constantly, don't be like this at all and do your work, and as i said , finally, in the meetings with different groups of different spectrums in this election, you saw that inviting parties party leaders who all participate and express their feelings very easily, and he had a high tolerance for this and his advice to others was the same. really, in the end, the person who
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is placed in the same position as a friend should be this. we have in the hadiths that the chairman the line of the one who became the boss he should have 100, not to say that i only said, for example, because we had a period, anyone who has not heard the message of, for example, kandim khordad , can no longer do this, while, well, after all, the others also have experience , expertise, efficiency. it was the province, during the period in which i was responsible, then this person who was in charge of education had come from education, for example , sending a villager to be a teacher. the methods are not ethical at all, and as i said, mr. raisi was very strict about ethics he was careful and advised others that at the beginning of the government meetings , he would explain the command of imam and malik ashtar, especially the part where love for the people is service to the disadvantaged and this beautiful expression
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of the imam, peace be upon him, that love for people is love for them. ha, kindness towards them should be this, this should be the spirit, and then the work will be done, and then because he had a strong will , he would never get tired of working. he should be high, his intention should be high, his goal should be high. adam's name is his own it accompanies and pulls, it's not like you feel tired, and anyway , they had many characteristics that, as i said, it's good to check these carefully, and now i saw some commenting on interesting points that, for example, they are common people. being and simplicity of life from shahid rajaei or, for example, perseverance and steadfast morals from shahid
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bahner, because he was familiar with all of these, sincerity, resourcefulness and tirelessness from the leader of hearts, haj qasim soleimani, who had a lot of love and compassion for each other. risk taking and these issues , which, anyway, from shahid shamran and from these elders and self-governance, see what they emphasized in private meetings and in government meetings. the last meeting we had with them on sunday this week, nine weeks ago , was a relatively long meeting after the government delegation on sunday, for at least half an hour or after the government meeting, for example, about at 6:00 p.m. on sunday this week, nine weeks ago, they emphasized that we should take into account the views of the leadership of the province, and for this reason, for example , they admired that some of the sermons and words that were said to some people are criticizing
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why they don't take a clear stand, they don't talk, and so on they say that everyone you see from now on, they will immediately come to the government meetings after the leadership's statements on any issue, they will divide the work, instead of re-reading the conversations, well, among some personalities, for example, they will repeat those words, so this is beneficial. they say no, well , what are the duties of the ministry of home affairs, the ministry of science, the ministry of education. and then, as you know, every week on mondays , they have a meeting with mr. agha, some of the points that were said in that meeting, the clarifications, the orders , they said that we should do this, and they knew that being persistent is the way to save the country. from the direction obedience, which
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i knew from the point of view of reasoning and thought, towards the authority of the jurist, after all, sir , such is the case with the nobles of the country. i support all governments, but i praise this government , or the government of work and activity during the week of the government that we were at their service, they said that i wrote down 50 achievements, of course, i did not get them from the government, but from other institutions and organizations, but well they didn't have time to say all 50 things. one of the members said about seven or eight things. now, he was saying about 50 things. i finally got access to those 50 things . it was a long meeting of six hours to explain them. maybe our weakness in the government was that we could not really explain well these extensive and later measures. after all, radio and television itself sometimes
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did not really have the time. you mentioned it, your excellency, in the previous part, in the second part, you mentioned it more in the first part, you mentioned that one of his role models was the late martyr beheshti, and then you mentioned other great martyrs. well, ayatollah raisi is the second martyr president. who was the first president of the islamic republic of iran to be martyred rajaei and then them too, but i want to get to this point, the martyr general hajj qassem soleimani had an interpretation and it became known that until someone is not a martyr and does not live as a martyr, he does not become a martyr. the basis of the personal and management characteristics of the martyred president, how. to live as a martyr , to become a martyr, yes, you see, he was really a good person, he didn't belong to the world, and the fact
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that he accepted to become a presidential candidate was really at the insistence of different groups, that is , he refused to avoid them until the last days. for example, we, as a group of academicians of the country, collected 12,000 signatures from faculty members of universities across the country. we gathered that, sir, these professors of the country's elite forces requested that you come and be a candidate. i want to say that they were in a situation where they saw that a consensus had been established and there was no other person in that position that everyone would support, including a cleric, jalil al-qadr. he was an aristocracy in islamic issues, he was a noble seyyid , he had a brilliant record, you can see him from the day after the victory of the revolution. until the day of his martyrdom , he was in the service of the revolution. he was in the service of the revolution, which means active work well, these moral characteristics that i said
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, finally, all of this showed that he is on this path of martyrdom, but anyway, it was too early , it was very unfortunate, but in the same order of the imam to malik ashar at the end of that order, when the imam gives his orders and they request from my lord that they say, "enough of happiness and martyrdom, so that the end of our lives will be happiness and martyrdom, so that the end of our life will be like this, that is, the prophet, peace be upon him , wants martyrdom for himself and for the owner of ashtar, and therefore these dear ones of yours." you saw the words of mr. al hashem , who was really a strange person and a human being she was an heiress, she was very pious, she was a people person. we were in contact with him because he was the head of the religious political organization in tehran's friday prayers, and then when he went to tabriz several times, and now in a different conference
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, they presented imams of fridays, so they said that two imams of fridays are from the region of azerbaijan. the martyrdom of qazi ayatollah qazi ayatollah madani, what a high-ranking person he was , he used to teach moral lessons to his representatives in the first parliament, and every word he said, because they say that words that come from the heart must have an impact on the heart , so they say, i wish i was the third these dear ones, i mean, i want to say that they have a wish , because really, according to the narration of astanya sajjan al-mu'min, the world is full of pain, suffering, hardship and unhappiness. that this spirit should be in all the officials of the country so that they can provide extensive services to our dear people. i hope, god willing , that the people
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will participate in the next elections, which were announced on the 8th of july, with the same grandeur and we will have a strong and extensive election. thank you very much for being with us, dear viewers, for an opportunity we will get news from our colleagues in the broadcast network and of course we will be close to the news section at 11 o'clock and god willing, i will be with you after that with the special continuation of the program of the khabar network. now that you are going, go back along the roads and then to.
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where do i take your memories without your dreams , where do i go to cry at night, only crying knows my mood. the soul is left with longing and longing for love, you are left alone.
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they know that the world remains because of its longings .
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where can i take your memories without your dreams , where can i take shabgari? funeral ceremony of
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the martyred president ayatollah raisi and his companions martyr minister of foreign affairs, dr. amir abdullahian, as well as ayatollah al hashim , the late imam of tabriz, and martyr dr. rahmati, governor of east azerbaijan, are being held in tabriz, and you can watch the live broadcast of this ceremony on khabar network, our compatriots in azerbaijan province. sharqi themselves to the city of tabriz and to be present in this ceremony in the funeral ceremony of the body of our martyred president who was martyred in the helicopter accident that happened, shortly before the 11 o'clock news segment , we are going to see the news and god willing, after this news segment with continuation of the special program of the khabar network we will be at your service, dr. hosseini will also
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be present. and after the news at 11 o'clock we will continue the conversation with him. in the name of allah, the most merciful, you will accompany us to the news section at 11 o'clock. the sixth session of the assembly of leadership experts with the reading of the message of the leader of the islamic revolution and yad. it started working in memory of the deceased member of this parliament. in this message, the leader of the islamic revolution read hojjat al-islam wal-muslimeen mohammadi golpayegani. they called the assembly of experts as a manifestation of islamic democracy and referring to the intelligent planning of quranic and islamic knowledge in aligning sharia and rationality. and the occult and intuition invited the awakened consciences of the whole world while paying attention to the facts


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