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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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yes, we will return today and tomorrow . we from my place will return from here . we will return as the clouds took us to the desert, the wind took us as the rivers to the desert , we will return to the desert, this life is the best between two prostrations , i ask god for forgiveness, say we will return, between the congregation , our prayer was tomorrow, it is a lifetime, alone and
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we will return alone. in the end , i will come back to you from the dead end of the world until i came, o king , you gave me shelter, you opened your arms and gave me a way. i was a servant of the people and the shrine. you were burned and you became the light of darkness . we saw that your presidency was only a service . you were a servant. you became a martyr of the president. the flutes, your whisper flows into the lives
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of the people of the south, who have received a license from you, and in their eyes, trawlers ran aground, still in your suitcase, a ticket for provincial trips, bringing water to a deer in beshagard, taking gas to a village in kurdistan. the revival of a factory in kerman probably did not know anything about the unfinished projects of this helicopter ardi behesht, who landed in heaven all at once. i wanted the martyrdom of our beloved president. at the time
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of the imam of our time and the leader of our revolution, let me offer my condolences. at the beginning of my poem , i have sadness. i offer my condolences to all his loved ones around the world. the martyrdom of the president and his companions send their condolences to you and your colleagues and to the entire nation of iran.
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now we go go back along the roads and give back my loneliness without your memories without your dreams. where do i take my heart, where do i cry at night? they only know the cry of the world because of
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its homesickness. you will stay, you will stay alone, oh, my heart, without an hour, and the world will be filled with love. his longings remain, you are left behind, a heart that causes you no time.
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this issue of eliminating absolute poverty is one of the duties that we should not allow someone to put their head on the bed tonight, not tomorrow night or at all , it should not be late at all . the order of the imam of the barkat foundation, thanks to the blessing of the islamic revolution, the institutions have this in front of us. this is the successful work of the system. it can be argued that today all this work has been done in the system, these are valuable experiences , let's take your experiences. now we have become the government , our institutions have sided with us, we have also sided with
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the institutions. sir , they are loving, they are allowing them, now the government has come together, we have become one. the huge group that my people are with us, the people are ahead of us in this matter, a serious revolutionary jihad work must be done, now if you design the sacred thresholds, i am sure that the threshold hazrat masoumeh astan quds, razaviya astan hazrat , it is requested that shah chirag, peace and blessings of god be upon all of these people in the midst of work, many are in the midst of work, that is, to design the government . be sure that you will design all the missions of this work for one month. no, this short-term work is necessary for the eid night, that is, now we have 10 days left for the eid night, people are looking for clothes, the families are poor , this is short-term, take action , plan a medium-term plan, for example, set aside time for the next 6 months. we haven't written the seventh plan yet, we should write the seventh plan.
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there, the issue of poverty reduction is an important issue, that's right the issue of employment is very important, the issue of activating the rural economy is one of the important issues that helps to make a difference . however, this is not something that we can sit down and decide right now. this is one of those things that will take some time. this should be checked in your long-term plan . let's do it, so while i appreciate your efforts and the efforts you had , we can quickly implement this program with the facilities that the country currently has, which are not few. it is important that it happens in the same system in cooperation between other departments too, god willing. it happens, while appreciating your excellency and all your colleagues, if you sit down
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and write this program quickly, we are ready to hold a meeting if there is a need for a meeting. god bless you and god bless you, khadim al-reza, the servant of the president of iran, ayatollah dr. seyed ebrahim raeesi, the islamic president of iran. he will be martyred, know that he will be martyred.
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reza, jan, i have made you a slave , and i have made you a slave. reza, my soul, reza, my soul, reza, my soul,
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reza, the purity of my heart, whatever i have. i owe you until the day of judgment, o reza, i will take your ashes , i have made the ashes of my slaves, kill me from my door.
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whatever my heart has, i have you until the day of judgment.
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go away, my friend, go away, my friend, go away from my hand, my friend , i am alive, i will die from your smell, i will die on you. o friend, go away, o friend, sit with me and sit until i reach you, what is the hope if you are not in the night of your hair. you give
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to my tired heart, which is silent without you , what should i do with your sadness, with your sadness? all of these were servants and they served for the spread of islam and the way of god, the holy prophet and his family .
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i was in close contact for more than 45 years until before the honorable president. many times the turkmen of the sahara came to give speeches. they met with the turkmen of the sahara . they met with the sunni scholars. they really wanted unity . they liked unity and cohesion. we always saw and heard in his talks that only to only unity was the key to success. it was really popular.
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he wanted both religious progress and system progress. he was really working every day. our people always. show their vigilance in difficult situations. god willing, it will be the same this time. turkmen scholars of the sahara and other sunni scholars in iran put the finishing touches. all the components of al-qulub are creating a meeting for prayer, so ibrahim raisi or other officials of the islamic republic of iran are people -friendly. his testimony and the accompanying delegation, which really affected all of us and the people of iran, on behalf of myself and the supreme council of sunni schools in the south, especially on behalf of the dear sunni people of the south,
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i offer my condolences on behalf of you. from the people of oz city , we offer our condolences to the supreme leader of the revolution and his family and to all the officials of the country and the people of the heartbreaking tragedy of the late president of the islamic republic of iran, mr. i have and i ask the almighty lord to forgive them. i offer my condolences to the great leader of the islamic revolution, hakim farzan. and to the great nation of iran, as well as to the oppressed nation of the world and the free thinkers of the world, especially to the fighting nation of palestine
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i think that their only main support was the government of crimea, our beloved islamic republic of iran. if a flag falls from the hands of a general, another general will surely remove that flag and go his way. abraham, peace be upon him, moved and broke the idols. he was thrown into the fire, but he was in love with all his heart, he was in love with god, the prophet was planning
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to slander sahr , to accuse him of seeking refuge with god, to be insane, and the slanders and slanders that you read in the qur'an, but the prophet stood up so that the religion of god would remain stable. hussain bin ali, peace be upon him , brought his wife, child and six-month-old child in the desert karbala will help his religion for the religion of god . this is god's tradition, this is god's will. however , we must prepare ourselves, we must set ourselves as righteous and pious examples
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, but shed tears for whoever and whatever you want, shed tears in memory of hussein's karbala. their children offer the holy existence of imam asr in the pilgrimage of the district, or separately
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, i cry so much for your misfortunes, morning and evening, if my eyes are happy with tears, i will cry for you instead of blood, hussain, you want to be with the imam , cry with imam zaman. please shed tears for the oppression of abi abdullah al-hussein, peace be upon him may almighty god, hand in hand , we will bring dear iran to the lofty heights of progress and justice, make the resurrection of seyyed ibrahim, the owner of the existence and dignity of seyyed ibrahim. you know that we have been overwhelmed by the news, but rest easy , seyyed ibrahim, you are happy to meet us, the people miss
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us, we are tired of the world of exile, seyyed ibrahim , you were a living martyr from the beginning, you became the last part of seyyed's martyrdom. ibrahim, you revived the memory of rajai bahoner , meet us again on the day of judgment, seyyed ibrahim's heart can't bear this burning heat, come back and let us go , we talked about these bloody cries and you never heard. we saw the news of the country only from far and wide in the flood of calamities, instead of living in palaces, you live in the dirt with capris , come and find a solution for the hijran. come and make the solitude
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of the night rain with stars, rise up in the sky with a lyrical song, or your glorious grace, look at the restless, the ambassador of the road of honoring the lovers, get up and show love again with your knowledge. stand up in the color of iran's flag and make a storm again. may the ax be on your shoulders. greetings, ibrahim. come and
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turn the fire of the ruins into a flower garden. on the night of the birth of the sun, we were anxious. with one gesture, lead me to khorasan, amidst the breathtaking anger of a friend's expectation , turn joseph's gaze towards canaan. greetings, the dawn of dignity is near send your special rain.
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i am al-mu'minin, the men of charity, we are committed to allah, peace be upon him , and i am qadzana. shaba, and i am waiting for it , and i am waiting for it, and i
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am waiting for it. first of all, talabgi, well, we had a very low economic situation, one kilo of rice. i don't remember at all that he went, for example , to buy half a kilo of meat. i don't remember that i used to work . somewhere they were selling corpses , for example, as my mother used to say , i would go there to work. i did not hear about poverty. i
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went to some villages and asked people, and i said that something was wrong. we live with the subsidy . greetings to you, dear and honorable compatriots, historical farewell of the zealous and appreciative people of east azerbaijan with the martyred president and his companions from this morning in the city of tabriz , near shahada square to the airport of this city, witnessing the unfolding of historical scenes.


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