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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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in the 1990s, we are talking about martyr raisi , it seems that his management behavior and the behavior he had in management have definable and measurable indicators that raised people's expectations from a male government and this work for the governments the next and the future president that the people elect will make it more difficult because everyone will compare with him that mr. raisi was like that and they expect the next president to be like that . we also have elections, it is not bad to talk about these indicators that the future president is related to this level what characteristics should he expect, basically, yes , as you said , it makes this situation difficult for the next person, because one of his characteristics was, well, for example, his indefatigability. in the past few months, you
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can show us the report that we had, without exception, these fridays, their programs, that is, programs other than on the days of activity, their friday programs, the trips they make, and their visits and friday reports. he used to not set even one day off for himself, so this is a problem that he is doing this. or regarding the follow-up of issues, sometimes our managers, due to the scope of the work being done, deal with one issue until it is their turn to address that issue again. it would be a turn to get there , but he was doing it so fast that the managers had to. the fact that you, sir, now have to
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answer again, now it's your turn again, it is coming that you have to give the answer, and the managers are forced to say that maybe it is an interpretation that some people are saying, and i am right, they are saying the speed that mr. a boss is running at work, everyone stays behind and stays in place, that is, they run to do this work , he would have a meeting somewhere, make approvals , but it wasn't like that, well, now i am, for example, 2 years old. in a year, it will be my turn to come here again and tell you, sir, what happened, what decisions were made . according to him, this interpretation that he had in mazandaran was the interpretation of his belief. you went twice, you went three times, if i submit.
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if i go 30 times or 40 times , i will go and follow up until it doesn't work. this is to make the work run, to follow up, to be able to solve the issues, in this direction, these are important issues that are persistent enough to get the work done, why should i mention one point, a command from seyyed al-shohda, i think it is very important to put these indicators here. we have to find it in an order of seyyed shahada. hazrat says that the needs of the people, the troubles of the people, the problems of the people are a blessing that god has given you, that is, god has sent you a blessing, a person in need. it is your home that you can do this work, more than the benefit that comes to the needy person that you solve his problem, the benefit comes to you that you were able
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to solve the work of a needy person, which is also a blessing for your world. it is useful and it is also useful for your hereafter, it is like the same saying that imam sajjad, peace and blessings be upon him, had when he said that when they are poor, you should kiss the hand of that poor person . you solve the problem of his world, he is solving my problem of the hereafter, and the result and fruit of the hereafter for me he is getting into this issue, his belief was that this is an opportunity, so if, for example , they put a briefcase in front of him, my friends would quote , they would put this briefcase in front of him with the next briefcase , and he would say, well, now i will do this, let me read my report, for example, and after reading my report, he told me to have this article as well, let's make a decision about this too, let's have this meeting as well, so that , for example, another task, i.e. solving people's problems , can be an opportunity for himself. he saw that he
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should use this opportunity. once we had this discussion with them like this, they said this is an opportunity this is not always the case for people. sometimes these opportunities are provided to him. he can do a service. sometimes these opportunities will not be available to a person anymore and he will not be able to do this anymore. as much as he can provide this opportunity . you have to do this. i am sometimes ayatollah alam al-hada, who is the respected friday imam of mashhad. well, abu jujah is the father of his wife, and sometimes they used to talk about some issues . well, we often went back and forth to mashhad, sometimes they went to mashhad. it's not like this, for example , even for a few hours when they used to gather somewhere they used to gather to do this, but there
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was a discussion and work session, and i don't know if it should be said that the discussions of this kind that existed are a feature of the really similar features. his excellency said that he had many characteristics behind the work he was doing , he was using many capacities. today, a government that wants to replace him can no longer say , sir, they can only work with a special working group , they should use everyone, because mr. raisi is he did the work. no one says that there is a red line here in relation to work. they said no, our red line is only people. some of considerations for some of the currents, for example , they may be upset, some problems may occur to them, not their red line was that the people should start their work
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, a problem should be started, and the work should be done. for example , provincial trips that go here to banks and financial institutions due to claims. due to the private sector, some of these had been confiscated , and these were closed due to the fact that they were not doing this, and they were closed. be that as it may, the banks should not be asked to do banking and you look, during their time it became a program to notify all the governors , you go to the institutions. factories, production centers, companies that are closed today because of their debts or problems, start them and solve their problems elsewhere based on this issue. this is finally the way, the labor force should not wait here and
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ask what is being done. in my opinion, we should have a person, a well, as the old saying goes. if it has been filled today look, let it be said that there was no change in the financial system in the lives of mr. raisi himself and his family, because i know closely that this change did not occur in their lives and that they have the same past conditions of having political rights and managing corruption. to be confrontational and to stand against the arrogant currents with power. look at the situation of the country
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politically and internationally. some of our advisors in this consulate let it be said that when lebanon was martyred, you can see the reaction they had. you can see some of the actions they took in the previous government. they say, sir, they are not with us. it is not, but they told him that we support this , we are behind this case and they are covering this issue and burdening this work . thank you very much. our conversation will continue with mr. pajmanfar.
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i have met qamt and god's heart has become blood. inshaallah, may god have mercy on his soul and those of his companions. now this is the matter. let's find out the management criteria and what can be the criteria for the next president, and also because you interacted closely with them
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, the type of relationships and interactions they had with their friends, with their comrades, with their relatives, before the presidency, after the presidency, did you he said , "nothing happened in your finances, no change. was there any change in your behavior? was it like this ? i think that mr. raisi was the same mr. raisi. for example, if you assume that today they say, mr. raisi, your work is done and you are no longer responsible. mr. raisi is the same mr he was a chief, which means there was no difference in his plan , again with the same motivation and the same seriousness of the work that they give him, that is, you should look at the statement that when he was responsible as the first deputy in the judiciary. we had some follow-ups regarding a series of issues. when
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we went to talk with them, they listened carefully , followed up, asked questions, answered the issues , and continued with the same spirit when they came to astana quds. you will see the same spirit when it was revealed that the judiciary was the same, that is, sometimes you would call it is normal that a masoud is not in a position where it is easy to communicate, but it was not difficult to communicate with mr. raisi, so today some people complain saying, "dad , mr. raisi, we can communicate with you , for example, since you are the minister, it is not possible to communicate." for example, you can't become a governor, he got a connection , that is, according to the old sayings, he had broken the rates , mr. raisi, this rate was broken by some issues and classes that some had. it came without being thick, it could be washed, for example
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, some issues as far as i am aware , i have mentioned his family issues sometimes. ayatollah ulmala sometimes raised issues or others raised issues , which showed that after all, that sense of paternal relationship is a relationship with family members, for example. this was never overshadowed and they are doing this work, but in relation to the point you said, the indicators of a manager who wants to make decisions at the national level is to have a social perspective and be able to deal with all issues. well, this is very important. it means that a person who is dating can face many problems from morning to night. self he should study and suggest that the reports that
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he has already received should provide enough presence of mind to come to that meeting, make a decision , make a decision quickly, and then enter the next meeting, which can be prepared in the same way to deal with the issue. it is not an easy task for anyone to do this , we are the subjects ourselves. we used to start four to five topics from morning to night, well, with his studies , we can clear our mind and discuss the hard work. but at the same time, they have this spirit having international discussions, when he took this position in the international arena, when he went , he was placed behind a table, and as a representative of the islamic republic , everyone felt that the islamic republic came and sat here and sat with some authority. sometimes a person
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goes somewhere. shine says, sir, a young man has come , and now he is saying something here, but let's talk about the determination of the independence of the islamic republic , let it be said that he can have dignity in the islamic republic , he had no fear in this matter. the journey they have in connection with the time in the organization go to the nations and see the talks they do , putting the atmosphere in an atmosphere as if he is about to make a speech, for example, a student, for example, is a scholar on religious issues in a religious society, for example, he raises these issues , he goes to the united nations to discuss the future horizon of humanity. he brings up mahdism and there, as
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a green light for humanity to get out of the upcoming crises , he brings up the subject of mahdism in a part of his speech or in connection with the topic of discussion that is related to the atrocities that are happening in european and american countries. with the credit of the united nations , he brings up the martyrdom of haj qasim and the context of his talks and the expression that he had on this issue was very effective and very effective. his relationship with the parliament was very good. you see, one of the most important issues that a president should have is that usually in my opinion, this issue should be talked about more than i should talk about this issue
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. when they came, they didn't say that because i was the head of the judicial branch, even though they are the judicial branch , i have expectations. they said that you are the head of the branch. no matter what results you have, or when you come to the parliament , you raise the issues during these few years that he accepted the responsibility, see how many meetings he held with the parliament or the parliament went to the government , the words that were said by the heads of the commission. they keep raising issues. or he required the government and the members of the government to communicate with the parliament, to answer my suspicions, considering the fact that i have discussed with them how many presidents i have been to. i have seen mr. ahmadinejad's government and i have seen mr. rouhani's government. i mean, i was in the assembly, i was in the 9th, 11th and 11th assembly i am now on the threshold of the 12th parliament, let it be said
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that you should take this communication from the government to the parliament. interfere in the removal of installations , but there were many suggestions in mr. raisi's government about whether to employ so-and-so, for example, here or not. he paid attention to these issues and raised this issue in his government. anyway, he is a great person and i hope that he who will replace them and in this situation , considering that the government has to slow down a bit, the situation in my parliament is very difficult, our assembly of experts is just taking shape
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, the parliament is just taking shape, the government is just taking shape and with i hope that the current situation will go ahead , god willing. thank you very much for your presence and thank you for looking at the first page . good night.
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i wanted to express my condolences for the martyrdom of our beloved president at the time of imam zaman and the leader of our revolution
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. i have the size of a mountain , he sacrificed his life on the way to serve this country he became a man and a woman. with a very sad reason , i offer my condolences to all his loved ones and lovers all over the world for the martyrdom of omid delha, who was a helper of the people . we cannot stay. we all die. god told his prophet that we all die. if a person wants to be the face of god, he will be eternal.
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let us know what is happening in the house of abi abdullah al-hussein , peace be upon him.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, hello , dear viewer, it is 8:30 p.m. we are at your service with some news. at faragh khadim al-reza, the martyred president , was held in mashhad. afghan immigrants living in mashhad expressed their sympathy with the families of the martyrs and the people of iran by attending this ceremony. iran gathered in the absence of martyred president khadim al-reza and his accompanying delegation. and free


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