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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 1:00am-1:30am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you , dear viewers who have already registered, at this stage , it is not possible to edit the information. in the first stage of registration for the second round of the national exam, more than 950,000 candidates were registered. selected branches of banks
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are active today. the secretary of the coordination council of state banks said: today, wednesday, june 2, 1403, selected branches of banks are active twice as much as on holidays. according to mr. qitasi, the list of branches that every bank is also on the electronic base. the bank itself will be published. on the occasion of the martyrdom of khadim al-reza, president martyr ayatollah raisi and accompanying delegation in azadi tower 3d lighting was implemented in tehran. this work of art was displayed by the ministry of culture and islamic guidance and the beautification organization.
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the cremation ceremony of the three security martyrs was held in the presence of faraja commanders and the families of the martyrs at the police headquarters in tehran. martyrs of the second colonel, masoud karmi, satfan. the third ehsan menshizadegan and the first stalwart farzad rozbahani were martyred in a fight with an armed villain in narmak neighborhood of tehran. the son's farewell to my father. my father was very kind. one of the cities
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that during the armed conflict with a villain in narmak's range is witnessed. but the main story is according to a witness. your killer was a disgrace to the people. as soon as the officers arrived, everyone gathered, sharmiyare's gun was pointed at the martyr, menshizadegan, our colleague mr. amir moradi, and ordinary people . it became crowded , it was a very bad scene and there was a grandfather and a father in the absence of grandchildren and children. it is considered that what was in them is a sacrifice of self-sacrifice.
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and being really honorable people , being very people-friendly people, it is appropriate to offer my condolences to all the people for this martyrdom and really deserving it . we were there too, but unfortunately we did not deserve to reach this level when we are the first people of our country as president. the president gives his life to the people and he is martyred in this way on the way to serve the people. i, a soldier, who took an oath on the first day to sacrifice my life in the service of the people and to protect the people, has this message. its meaning is completely
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understandable. faraje also had a martyr today. martyrs of security who were attacked by mobs a few days ago at. they were martyred in tehran's namek neighborhood. mohammad ali mirzaei sada and seim news agency. relief forces pulled the bodies of four martyrs from the attacks on gaza city, including a one-year-old child, from under the rubble. three children were martyred in khanyounes in the south of the gaza strip, and three more children were martyred in rifa ham. a large number of people were injured in the airstrike on el brij camp in the center of the gaza strip. they also form children. the sohris, along with banbaran ,
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put the hospital's reception and emergency departments out of business. as a result of these attacks , the injured, the medical staff and the displaced people were forced to leave they left the hospital. he announced that since the beginning of the gaza war, 513 people have been shot by zionists in the west bank and occupied jerusalem. they were martyred. american hill university students rally in support of the palestinians . supporters of palestine chanted slogans against the crimes of the zionist regime and the oppression of students by the american police. in new orleans
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, the united states, different sections of the people held demonstrations in solidarity with the palestinians and condemning the zionist regime's genocide in the gaza strip. faculty students. moore house in atlanta also held a demonstration of america's action in helping the zionist regime condemned the students called biden a liar because of his statements about trying to stop the war in the gaza strip and stopping arms aid to the zionists. and the armed forces of yemen shot down an american drone. the yemeni army shot down an mq9 inbad over al-biza province. this drone was targeted by a surface-to-air missile made in yemen.
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in recent weeks, yemen has shot down five of these drones. the yemeni armed forces announced that they will continue to develop their defense capabilities to deal with the american and british aggression on the territory of yemen and until the blockade and aggression against the palestinian people is lifted. it does not stop its military operations against the zionist regime. the next part of morning news. ebrahim and esmail together seyed ebrahim raeesi, president of the islamic republic of iran, and
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esmail qaani, commander of the quds force of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, at the burial ceremony of general qassem soleimani. this picture may not have had a special meaning that day, but does it now? it can be said that the election of ebrahim raisi will bring about a big change in iran's strategy in the middle east region and the world. the future will tell. one of the last meetings between ebrahim raisi and qassem soleimani. at that time ibrahim raisi. tulit the threshold of the shrine of imam reza, peace be upon him, was one of the largest islamic buildings in the world. mashhad in iran's razavi khorasan province, where more than 30 million pilgrims go to this city every year for pilgrimage and tourism. raisi
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ran for president in 2016 while in charge of astan quds razavi. in that election, he lost to hassan rouhani, but won a significant amount of votes. the votes that showed that iranian society complains about hassan rouhani's policy. the same thing happened in the second four years of rouhani's government, with the social revolt caused by the general dissatisfaction of the people with economic issues. face became. 4 years later in 1400, raisi nominated himself for the presidency again. disillusioned with the livelihood and problems, people participated less in the elections than in the past. but ebrahim raisi's votes were more than the previous elections. this shows that many people hoped for him to solve iran's problems. his participation in
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the social revolt caused by the general dissatisfaction of the people with the economic issues was seyed ebrahim raisi with 17 million 926 thousand 345 votes and the first place. our dear people trustee of the executive branch and elected as president. a boss at the beginning the new era of shamsi has been elected as the president while the country is facing huge economic problems caused by the comprehensive us sanctions and the inefficiency of some government officials in recognizing priorities. this has caused the price of goods to increase sharply in the country. on the other hand, although iran it has managed to bring its production of the corona vaccine to the nationwide vaccination stage, but the trend of corona disease
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is increasing. besides these, the talks between iran and western countries on nuclear issues are still going on. in the last days of his administration, rouhani hoped to reach an agreement with the president reach and america returns to the nuclear agreement. but the new american government showed stubbornness and issues. he demanded more than the nuclear deal, such as iran's missile program. this has made the negotiations somewhat difficult. however, it seems that the issue of the nuclear agreement between iran and the west has gone beyond the government's policy in iran and has become an issue of the system . with these conditions, will there be an important change in the future of iran with the beginning of the new century and the new government of ebrahim raisi? where will iran go with raisi?
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ebrahim raisi was born in the city of mashhad, like ayatollah khamenei, the leader of the islamic revolution of iran is in adolescence to the scientific field. i was 5 years old when my father passed away. my father was a clergyman. when he passed away, he didn't have enough income that he wanted, for example , to manage our lives after him. my life up to the first two or three years of schooling, well, we had a very low economic situation, one kilo of rice, i don't remember at all. he doesn't come or, for example, he left once, for example , i bought half a kilo of meat. i don't remember . i was working. the title that my mother used to put there when i go to work
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. with the victory of the islamic revolution in iran, a new development took place in the country's governance structures. ebrahim raisi at the age of 20 , he was elected as the assistant prosecutor of the karaj city courts in the suburbs of the capital. in the following years , he worked as a prosecutor in the western provinces. the cities that were close to the iran-iraq war front and he sometimes did not go to the front. if people participate in political events, we see that they are actively present in the scene and listen to the message of their imam and their leader. where there is money, where there is life, where there is a child. and summary in all exams. and in all the currents
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, people's presence and sacrifice is a very important and essential point for the victory of the revolution and our movement. after that to tehran he came and worked as a deputy prosecutor of the capital. in those years, dealing with terrorist armed groups became a complicated issue. the islamic republic of iran is also on the border. his country was involved in a war with iraq, and both street and bazaar people were attacked by armed groups in the cities. 17 thousand people and revolutionary forces were killed by these armed groups. with the end of the iran-iraq war , the military forces of the people's mojahedin organization attacked iran from the western borders in the summer of 1367 as the largest armed opposition group of the islamic republic. during 4 days of resistance, the people's mojahedin suffered a severe defeat. hazrat hojjatul islam, mr. raisi, was the honorable head
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of the inspector general of the country, ebrahim raisi, until he became the prosecutor of tehran, and after that , he became the head of the inspector general of the country. for 10 years in this position , he supervised and evaluated two governments of hashemi rafsanjani and mohammad khatami. then, during the presidency of ayatollah hashemi shahroudi and ayatollah amoli larijani , he became the first deputy of iran's judiciary. then he became the attorney general of the country, then he was in charge of astan quds razavi. he took over until after the defeat in the 1396 presidential election , he became the head of iran's judiciary. a leader in iran's political lines, although among the fundamentalist faction it is located, but it has a moderate face because of its mainly judicial position, it is justice-oriented. at the time
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he was present at astan quds razavi as one of the largest religious and non-profit foundations of iran , from the aspects of endowment towards the implementation of the project. he took action in different parts of the country, from building houses for the underprivileged and the marginalized to attending crisis areas such as floods and earthquakes in iran. when he was assigned as the head of iran's judicial system by the supreme leader of the islamic revolution in 2016, the issue of judicial justice was also on his agenda. raisi more than any judge in iran the provinces of the country have traveled and directly. he is talking to people. reforming the old structure of iran's judicial system was one of the most important missions of the supreme leader of the revolution to raisi. i lost 70% of the file . lose it all. you, who
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are the honorable governor, are veterans. and veterans. bring him to the office in an hour. leave them, today is the fifth day, god willing, go to the governor's office on saturday morning, someone will leave them to someone who will follow up on your case. let's be sure to do it for the first time in the history after the revolution. islam implemented the law of jury presence in political courts in iran. a step towards recognizing the right to protest in iran's politics. the same story can be seen in the supreme leader of the revolution's request for amnesty of many of those who participated in the rebellion against rouhani's government and his approval. on the other hand, in a rare act, 157,000 alternative sentences
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were issued from prisons during raisi's tenure, which is interesting in its own way. he also fought against corruption in the islamic republic of iran. one of the most important corruption cases of executives in iran arrest and trial akbar tabari was the executive head of the office of the former head of iran's judiciary, who had created a gang of bribery and corruption in iran's judicial system. in this case, some of iran's judges and judicial staff were arrested and imprisoned. many government officials were prosecuted and tried for many crimes. from the brother of president hassan rouhani to the head of the central bank of iran. raisi has established a friendly relationship with regional resistance groups since the 70s. for many years, he
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has been active in meetings related to the axis of resistance had we were trained by fighting and martyrdom. perseverance and standing, and god willing , you are the hope of the religious people and the hopelessness of the irreligious and the arrogant , god willing, may god protect you, and in syria when the war was going on.
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in iraq, he has a friendly relationship with the leaders of various resistance groups. raisi was the first high-ranking official of the islamic republic of iran who traveled to this country on behalf of iran to follow up on the assassination of martyr soleimani and his companions.
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he met with the president, the prime minister and the head of the judicial system of iraq and other officials of the country to determine the assignment of the judicial case. hence the boss it can be considered close to the discourse of resistance in the middle east. this issue can be seen in his first press conference after the presidency. the message of the iranian nation was a message of insisting on the values ​​of the glorious islamic revolution. the message of the nation of iran is the message of the continuation of the path of our honorable imam. and the great martyrs of the islamic revolution, especially the dear martyr and the leader of hearts, haj qasim soleimani. the new president
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of iran is facing many fears and hopes to run the country. in the domestic issue, he must first solve the many economic problems that the people are dealing with. this is almost a general request it is from him. we have unhealthy administrative relations. corruption. we believe that injustice and any kind of unfair relationship is against human dignity. if people know the sweetness of justice, they will not be satisfied with anything other than justice. you and amin, people, i say to you , whoever is on the scene, you, dear youth , whoever is present, men and women, you must know that with the help of god
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, with your powerful hands, justice will be implemented in this country in the days when hassan rouhani's government is being transferred to ebrahim raisi. there were many crises in the country, it became clear that it can happen in the future. the electricity shortage crisis at the beginning of the summer showed that apart from the corruption in the electricity industry, the reconstruction and type. construction of power plants should be prioritized. in addition, the policies of the rouhani government in the stock market have caused many losses to the people, which raisi promised to solve them. the issue of water scarcity in the oil-rich province of khuzestan and the deprived province of sistan -baluchestan is like a time bomb threatening the president's government , for which he must think of a solution. although raisi says that he will act urgently to remove the existing restrictions. also many ebrahim raisi is waiting. to eliminate the state of corruption in the government, which has caused inefficiency and created corruption. considering that all
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the supervisory executive powers of the country are largely at the disposal of the fundamentalist faction, the president's government has the hope that it will act in the implementation planning and accompanying the government and the parliament under the chairmanship of baqer qalibao without the problems of the past. on the other hand, many revolutionary organizations are aligned with him. this can be welcomed by the presidency. he observed. on the other hand, even though the reformists lost in the elections, they have the hope that with paying attention to the moral character of the head of his government should be a national unity government. of course, in the macro view, it seems that their dream will not come true. but they also believe that the president's government does not have the extremism of ahmadinejad, nor the condescension of hassan rouhani. a presidential government will be established in iran at the time of america's withdrawal from afghanistan and talk of leaving iraq, and
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this is an opportunity. the slogan of the government's foreign policy is to close the discourse of resistance and convergence in the region, although the strategies of the system are explained by the leader of the islamic revolution, but the government of ebrahim raisi does not have a relationship with the middle west like the government of hassan rouhani. domestic projects will not be delayed by nuclear negotiations. in the type of interaction with all countries and with the whole world, our focus will be on preserving the dignity and honor of the iranian nation. you see, they could not live. let the people manage and end all the problems in the name of sanctions . if chickens and eggs have anything to do with sanctions. the plan of the government is not hidden from anyone. regarding the gasoline issue, the decision was taken by the government itself, and its implementation was very imprudent.
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response. in this case, it must be mr. rouhani . like you, i saw the price change on friday morning. when they say that, sir, we found out on friday morning that this is the worst kind of treatment of people. i found out four days ago that they want to do this . i took it and wrote an official note. for the government, which i heard, sir, they want you to implement the gasoline issue, and this work without the background and preparations being prepared, this will surely lead to serious problems. an official note is being given to the government . unfortunately, a very clear imprudence happened in november 2018, which is not a secret to anyone. and then they refused to do the necessary follow-up or apologize to the people. i went to karaj in november 2018. after the accident, there were a group of families
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. it was really heartbreaking to see the families, fathers and mothers of the people who actually lost their loved ones. i asked them how they were doing. having foreigners and discussing them is a discussion in addition to the issue of presence 98 espionage communications issues. we put all of this in a request to the supreme leader of the revolution, to show kindness to all of them, to forgive them, to be freed, not now , it's been a long time, a long time to be freed, so the president's government chose to rely on the inside rather than looking to the west. but this does not mean that the nuclear negotiations will be closed or that no agreement will be reached, mr. doctor, i wanted to see if the sanctions were lifted and
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the requests made by iran, if it is done, would you be willing to meet with the american president? not to solve the problems between the two countries our alliance with farmers, workers, employees , educators, retirees of all walks of life, all elites, academics, seminarians
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