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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 4:30am-5:01am IRST

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in the second four years, mr. raisi's government is taking some measures. mr. raisi's government was not even 3 years old, and in these 3 years , naturally, we cannot make an assessment , considering this part of the issues that i reported , what was the condition of handing over the government to him. and teachers, but never saying sir , look at the governments you look at, all governments say sir. they handed over the ruins to us , and we allowed them to do this, but they didn't look at him that way, he said, "sir, we have accepted your government now , sometimes there was a meeting, some people raised this issue , mr. raisi, tell me about these issues, you said." no, sir, we agreed that we should do this, or even you and i. some of the memories are like this . there was a meeting in the same debates that were related to the presidential election debates. some of these
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issues were raised by the audience. answer these, which means, in fact, give a contradictory answer that you have in your own government or in those who work with you, there is a situation like this. sometimes, when the meeting is over, friends say to them, "sir, why didn't you say this ?" if someone wants to do something like that, so many of you will look at that time there are many people who speak rudely and impiously and they make a lot of noise about them, even in relation to their educational qualifications , they say something like, sir, he has 6 classes of literacy , i don't know. not spending and not doing this after their government, that is, after their government ended, as if they are the ones who persecute them and behave immorally towards them. putting all this aside
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, telling many of these things, sir, if you want to work , come in the name of god, come and work, and this is very it is important that the person who presents the issues should pass by these issues with ease and with dignity and self-respect and not pay attention to these issues, or in the cultural issues that we were at the threshold of al-quds, these are all memories that i am with them. i mean, for example, you should look at people's relationship . it was not at all possible to communicate with people. people had to give letters. they had to go and see the office manager. sometimes, for example, they reached the directorate or the assistants, and they did this.
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but after this was done, they would come among the people, people would know that, for example, it would be spread at astan quds, if the morning call to prayer is recited for one hour , a leader can be found in the shrine above the head of the prophet or at the feet of the prophet, below the feet of the prophet. he took the issues they raised. it was very important, without creating a problem for themselves, sir, for example, i am the guardian of astan quds, for example, there must be a distance , that's why the space of this astan quds , to expand this discussion, khadim yar, is one of the works to be presented, sir. to imam reza only in this it is not necessary for you to come, just for example , you should help and serve in the holy shrine of astreza.
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now, someone is a servant, someone has shoes , someone is a porter, someone is a window guard, these are not servants , sir, you are a doctor, look at razavi's culture of development , sir, you are a doctor, he does not want to come to mashhad at all . how many hours do you do this ? you will announce two hours for hazrat reza and to show devotion to the holy hour of hazrat reza. i will give two hours of free medical services to the deprived. so coordinate with the relief committee. organize help for these deprived people. this doctor announced two hours. that doctor announced 4 hours. i don't know this amount . that nurse announced this amount. i don't know . it works. you won't believe what services have been created. we have found a series of teachers . we used to go to the law and teaching classes
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, our art was our lesson, we announced our sir for the sake of imam reza, the poor children who come to astan qas , introduce these to us. well, we will go to them for free, we will train them that is, creating a culture of this great work so that everyone feels that we are all the servants of imam reza and we can be anywhere in the country, we can serve ali bin musa reza 's system. do the work, so we launched a slogan in the country. we are all servants of imam rezai, and therefore this became a flag in the villages and cities. he said, sir, what is the public work that you can do to solve a problem of people's problems? you will not even notice it at the threshold of al-quds , but give us this report. if astana does not understand
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right there, do something with the intention of imam reza, you become the servant of imam reza, this is the spirit that people serve hazrat reza. but what great things have happened in the country, i really want to say to your excellency, considering the importance that this work has gained, today no one can say how much it has developed, serving and working with the centrality of the system was the blessings that alhamdulillah had during his lifetime. it was done, it was intelligent and they are really motivated to move forward with their own issues. very well , thank you very much. our conversation will continue. and we will continue to talk with dr. pejmanfar about the personal idols of shahid raisi.
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i went to tabriz, the mother of three martyrs used to say that i recited 70 yasin for you and your government for your success . she says 73 yasin for your success and grant us the success to be grateful for all your love and kindness to the families of the martyrs. the pure blood of the martyrs
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gives hope to the people. people give me hope, you also have another type . you are taking the test. losing a wife and losing a child are the ones that your answer says. i'm awake.
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good evening. on the first page of the program , we are hosting mr. hojat al-islam wal-muslimminfar, the honorable member of the parliament and the chairman of the asr 90 commission, and
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we are talking about martyr raisi. he has raised people's expectations from a statesman and it will make it more difficult for the next governments and the future president that the people will elect because everyone will compare mr. raisi with him and they expect that the president will be like that. next , how are these indicators in the section and because after all, we have elections in about a month , it is not bad to talk about these indicators , what characteristics should the future president have according to this level of expectation, basically, yes, this situation will make it difficult for the next person, as you said, because he one of their characteristics was that, for example, their tirelessness in the past few months. the report that we had, without exception, for your 6 months, these fridays
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are also the programs, that is, the programs other than on the days of activity, their friday programs , the trips they make and the visits and reports on fridays, they showed that they did not even take a day off for themselves. well, this is a matter of whether he is doing this, or if you see the follow-up of the issues , sometimes our managers, due to the scope of the work that is being done, they cover a topic until it is their turn to read and cover that topic again. sometimes you see that, for example, let's say that the last two years have passed, three years have passed until there is a turnaround , but they did it so quickly that the managers had to sir, you have to answer again now. it's time again they have to give an answer and the managers are forced
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to do so. maybe they say an interpretation that some people do, and they are right. they say that the speed at which mr. raisi is running at work, everyone lags behind and stays in place, that is, they run until this performance. he used to go somewhere, have a meeting, make approvals , but it wasn't like that, so now, for example , in 2 years, it will be my turn to come here again , sir. what happened, what decisions were made , sometimes you saw these words, sometimes intrusively, sometimes it was the same thing that we were watching, in the next two or three months , that manager had to run so much to let him bring this work to an end. this is the interpretation he had in mazandaran. this interpretation was his belief. he told me why, for example, you went twice, you went 3 times. i will follow up that the work should be done
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, that they should be able to solve the problems. in this regard, this is an important issue, that they should be persistent enough to get the work done. why should i mention one point, one order of seyyed al-shohada? i think these indicators are very important. we have to find it here in a statement by seyyed al-shahadahda, he says. allah hazrat says that the needs of the people, the troubles of the people , the problems of the people is a blessing that god has given you , that is, god has sent you a blessing, a needy person in your house that you can do this work, more than what is needed for the benefit of him. as long as you solve the problem , you will benefit from the fact that you were able to solve the work of a needy person and save money. it is useful for your world and it is also useful for your hereafter, it is like the saying of imam sajjad
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, peace be upon him, that when there are poor people , you should kiss the hand of that poor person, in connection with the fact that he is solving his worldly problem , but when you solve his worldly problem , he is solving my hereafter problem and i have the result and fruit of the hereafter . i believe in this matter. it was that this is an opportunity, so if , for example, they put a briefcase in front of him, my friends would narrate, they would put this briefcase in front of him with the next briefcase, and he would say, well, now i'll do this , let me read my report, for example, read my report , he told me to have this and this let's make a decision to have this meeting as well, so that we can , for example, do something else, that is, solve people's problems he saw an opportunity for himself that he should use this opportunity. once we had this discussion with them, he said that these opportunities are not always available to a person
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, sometimes these opportunities are provided to him, he can do a service, sometimes later these opportunities are not available to him anymore and he can no longer do this. he should provide this opportunity as much as he can . he should do this work. i am sometimes ayatollah ulemalah, who is the respected friday imam of mashhad. well, abu jujah is the father. they are ladies, and sometimes they would talk about some issues, sometimes they would talk, so we are fine mashhad came and went, sometimes they came to mashhad , it was an informal part. sometimes they would come to have plans to have work in mashhad , we would see them, no, it's not like that , for example, even for a few hours when they would gather , whenever there was a place for them to do this work, but the discussion and work session would open right there. and i don't know, let's say that the debates of this kind that existed
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, they were a feature of the features, as your excellency said, they had many features. behind his work, he was using many capacities , today there is a government that wants to replace him he can no longer say, sir, i can only work with a certain work group, i have to use everyone, because mr. raisi did this. there are people, there are some considerations, some may be upset by the currents, for example, some problems may happen to them, no, their red line was that the people should start their work, a problem should be started, and the work should be done . see a part of this , for example, the provincial trips that go here to the banks
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financial institutions due to financial claims that are relative to the sector. the private ownership of some of these was confiscated , and these were closed due to the fact that they were not involved in this work, and they were closed. and look, during their time, it became a plan to notify all governors, go to institutions, factories , production centers. start the companies that are closed today due to their debt or problems and based on this take the matter and solve the problems elsewhere. this will finally work. the workforce should not wait here and ask what is being done . in my opinion, we should have a person who, as
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the old saying goes, has filled his own well. today, if you say that there was no change in the financial system in the life of mr. raisi himself and his family , because i know closely that this change did not occur in their lives, and that they have the same past conditions of having political rights . and in the face of the arrogant currents with the power of your standing look at the country's political and international situation, maybe it was a difficult situation, it is difficult, but you look at the position that ayatollah rassi took in front of this trend, that a number of
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our advisers in this consulate were put to death in lebanon. look at your arrival, the reaction that they had did not come, you can see some of the actions they took in the previous government. we support , we are behind this issue and we are on the same page the issue of teachers and this burdens the work . thank you very much. our conversation will continue with mr. pajmanfar.
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god has given blood to god's heart, may god have mercy on his soul and his companions, now we can follow this issue of management standards and what can be the criteria for the next president, and also because you are closely interacting with him. what was the type of their relationships and interaction with their friends, with their comrades, with their relatives , before the presidency, after the presidency, do
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you say that nothing has happened in the finances , no change, and how has there been a change in the way you behave, sir? it was a change, it was like that, i think that mr. raisi was the same mr. raisi, that is, if you assume that today they are saying that now with the same seriousness that they are giving him, that is, you should look at the statement that when he was responsible as the first deputy in the judiciary we had some follow-ups. regarding a series of our issues, when we went to talk with him , he listened carefully, followed up, asked questions , answered the issues, he had the same spirit
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when he came to the threshold of qaz with the same spirit , and continued the same spirit when he came. the judiciary was like this, which means that sometimes they call you can see it now, well, it's normal , masoud is not comfortable in the same category. for example , you can communicate, but it was not difficult to communicate with mr. raisi, so today sometimes some people complain, saying, "dad, we can communicate with you, mr. raisi, for example, you, who are the minister, cannot be contacted, or, for example, you , the governor, cannot be contacted, that means he had broken the old promise of rates . imtiaz was a feature, and , as far as i know, i have sometimes discussed his family issues
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. ayatollah alam al-huda sometimes raises issues or others raise issues , which shows that after all, that sense of paternal relationship, for example, with family members this was never overlooked. and they do this, but in relation to the point you said, the indicators of a manager who wants to make decisions at the national level is that he should have a social perspective and be able to deal with all issues. this is very important, that is, a person who this is what happens many problems arise from morning to night, so he can study himself. and it should be said that the reports that he has already received should provide enough presence of mind to come to that meeting, make a decision , make a decision quickly, and then enter the next meeting, where
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he can be prepared to deal with the next issue in the same way. it is not an easy task for someone to do this , we ourselves have many issues, sometimes, for example, the commission. we used to start four to five subjects from morning till night, well, we know about his studies and these things it is a difficult task to clear our minds and deal with the debates, but at the same time, they have this spirit of international debates. when they got this position in the international arena, when they went , they would sit behind a table, and as a representative of the islamic republic , they all felt that the islamic republic came and sat here and sat with some authority. now sometimes someone goes and sits somewhere. they say, sir, a young man has come. now he says something here
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. he can have no fear you didn't have this issue. well, these trips, which are related to the time they went to the united nations and the talks they did , put the space in a space as if it is about to make a speech, for example. for example, in religious matters in a religious society, for example, he raises these issues, he goes to the united nations , he raises the issue of mahdism, the future horizon of humanity, and there he raises the issue of mahdism as a green light for humanity's exit from the upcoming crises. he brings up some of his talks or in connection. with the topic
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of discussion related to the atrocities in the countries europeans and americans , they bring up the martyrdom of the martyr haj qasim and the issues in the text of their talks and the statement that they have in this matter is very influential and very effective . it was very good to see one of the most important issues that a president should have, usually presidents in this issue , i think we should have more time to talk about it. their relationship with the judiciary, even though they themselves are the judiciary
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when. they didn't come and say because i was the head of the department , i have these expectations, they said that you are the head of the department , you have any results, or they raise issues with the parliament, during these few years that they have accepted the responsibility, see how many meetings they have with the parliament. either the parliament went to the government or they were left with the words that were said, the heads of the commissions raised the issues or the government and the members of the government. it required you to communicate with the parliament. an answer to my suspicions, considering the fact that i have several presidents with whom i was the government of mr i saw ahmadinejad, i saw mr. rouhani's government , that is, i was in the parliament, i was in the 9th and 10th parliament, and now i am on the threshold of the 12th parliament. let it be said that this is the relationship between his government and
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the requirements he made to his ministers. go communicate with the parliament and the parliament should be taken seriously, see the words of the representatives , have their point of view , there was even so much space that despite the fact that the representatives should not interfere in the removal of the installations, but the proposals in mr. raisi's governments are very much suggestions were made regarding mr. so-and-so, for example to employ here or not to employ , he paid attention to these issues and this in his government. anyway, he is a great person and i hope that the person who succeeds him and in this situation , considering that the government has to move more slowly, my parliament is in a very difficult situation, our assembly of experts is just forming. the parliament is just being formed, the government is just being formed, and with this current situation, i hope
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the work will go ahead, god willing. good night . hello dear viewers at 5 am. ayatollah khamenei, the supreme leader of the islamic revolution , will pray over the body of the martyr president and the accompanying martyrs at 9:00 am today at tehran university. after the prayer , the formation ceremony of martyred president ayatollah raisi and his martyred companions will be held towards azadi square. allah


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