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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm IRST

4:00 pm
and the accompanying delegation enter to pay their respects to the martyred president ayatollah dr. seyed ebrahim raisi and their martyred companions. login image you see president saeed of tunisia and his accompanying delegation to the hall of the summit of islamic countries and for the next few seconds, the president of tunisia and his delegation will pay their respects to the body of the martyred president of our country and his companions.
4:01 pm
you can see the pictures of the tributes of the president of tunisia and the recitation of prayers on the holy body of the martyred president of our country and the accompanying delegation at the annual summit of the islamic countries, many leaders and high-ranking officials after offering their condolences and a special message.
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are in tehran to participate in this ceremony. the president of the republic of tunisia and his accompanying delegation will enter our country for the first time after the islamic revolution. in this event, a ceremony to pay respect to the statue of the martyred president ayatollah raisi and his companions will be held and welcomed by mr. mokhbar, mr. mansoori and mr. bagheri keni.
4:03 pm
you can see the regret of the president of tunisia in his conversation with mr. mokhbar for losing the presidency of the islamic republic of iran, ayatollah dr. ebrahim raisi and his accompanying delegation. the visit of the president of tunisia, the first trip after the victory of the islamic revolution to honorable vice president. india arrives to pay respect to the martyred president ayatollah dr. seyed ebrahim raisi and his martyred companions .
4:04 pm
after the condolence of the president of tunisia and the accompanying delegation, at the moment of the arrival of the vice president of india, and of course, he paid his respects to the bodies of the martyrs of the helicopter accident in east azerbaijan, the body of the martyred president and other martyrs of this incident. after the glorious farewell of the people of the capital to their martyred president hemmink , we are witnessing the holding of a tribute ceremony by the heads of various countries in the years of the summit of islamic countries.
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it will be hosted by mr. mokhbar. make him foreign minister. heads and officials of different countries traveled to tehran to pay their respects to the body of the martyred president of our country and their accompanying delegation. the emir of qatar arrived in tehran a few minutes ago, the national leader of turkmenistan. among them are the leaders and senior officials who
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arrived in tehran to attend this ceremony. you can see the pictures of the tunisian foreign minister paying respects to the body of the martyred president of the country and his companions in the years of the summit of islamic countries and
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expressing regret and condolence to mr. mokhbar and other officials. after the historic farewell of the people of the capital with the corpses the holy martyr haminak of this ceremony will be entered in the bankruptcy hall of the heads of islamic countries, ayatollah dr. seyed ebrahim raisi and his martyr companions.
4:08 pm
we see the image of the president of russia's yuma paying tribute to the late president and martyr of our country, ayatollah peter, and many high-ranking officials of the heads of different countries traveled to tehran to participate in this ceremony, and they are now present in the meeting hall of the leaders of the islamic countries. and on the body of the martyred president of the country. moon and his companions pay their respects russian duma to mr. mokhbar and other government officials present in this hall. mr. mr.
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the head of the russian duma started their conversation with the informants, expressed their regret to hear this news and came to the meeting hall of the heads of islamic countries to pay their respects to the body. martyr president of our country, ayatollah raisi and his companions, many officials of different countries, heads of different countries arrived in tehran to participate in this official ceremony and express their condolences to both the government officials
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and the people of iran. after the historic farewell of the people of tehran to the statue of the martyred president of our country, ayatollah raisi shahid the presence of heads and senior officials of various countries to pay their respects to the body of the martyred president of the islamic republic of iran, the emir of qatar, the national leader of turkmenistan, the presidents of tunisia and tajikistan, the prime ministers of iraq and pakistan, armenia, qatar, the republic of azerbaijan, and the speakers of the parliament of iraq, russia, algeria , uzbekistan and many other countries in tehran are present at the summit hall of the islamic countries to
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participate in this event. other tributes to the hall of the summit of islamic countries and for minutes you can see the image of ismail haniyeh's entry to ismail haniyeh on the body of the special president of malaysia to pay respect to the martyred president ayat. allah, dr. seyyed ebrahim raisi and his martyred companions will arrive.
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you can see the picture of the entry of the minister and the special envoy of malaysia to the hall of heads of islamic countries, and in the next few seconds, the picture of the tribute of the minister and the special envoy of malaysia and their accompanying delegation to the body of the martyred president. islamic republic of iran as an accompanying delegation. you can see the special tribute moment of the minister and the special envoy of malaysia and the accompanying delegation. the holy martyr president of the islamic republic of iran , ayatollah raisi and his accompanying delegation, and then
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mr. mokhbar hosted them. expression image. in the morning, of course, the minister's condolences the special envoy of malaysia to his excellency mr. mokhbar and his tribute to the holy body of the martyred president of the country, the honorable minister of foreign affairs and the special envoy of the country of sri lanka to pay tribute to the martyred president ayatollah dr. seyed ebrahim raisi and his martyred companions. he enters.
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you can see the picture of the arrival of the minister of foreign affairs and the special envoy of sri lanka to the annual summit of islamic countries and other worlds . you can see the picture of the minister of foreign affairs and the special envoy srilaka who paid tribute to the pure bodies of the martyrs of the accident. balgerd in east azarbaijan also expressed his regret and condolences
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to mr. mokhbar, who is hosting this ceremony in the hall of the summit of islamic countries. after the historic farewell of the people of the capital with the holy bodies of the martyrs of the helicopter crash in jolfa region of azerbaijan. the respect of the heads of various countries is the same , they enter the hall of the afghan summit to pay their respects to the martyred president ayatollah dr. seyed ebrahim raisi and his martyred companions , and that's it. a moment of the arrival of the deputy prime minister
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of afghanistan in the meeting hall of the islamic countries of course, until the next few seconds , the deputy prime minister of afghanistan will pay his respects to the holy body of the martyred president of our country and his companions. we pay our respects to the deputy prime minister of afghanistan and the accompanying delegation over the holy bodies of the martyrs of the helicopter accident in east azarbaijan province that led to the martyrdom of ayatollah raisi and his companions.
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you can see the moment of expression of prejudice, the condolences of the deputy prime minister of afghanistan and his accompanying delegation to mr. mokhbar, mr. mansouri, mr. bagheri, and mr. jamshid and other members of the government delegation. the martyr president and his companions started a few minutes ago
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in the years of the summit of islamic countries. many high-ranking officials of the countries arrived in tehran , they are present in the meeting hall of the islamic countries , they are paying their respects, and some others are on their way. you can see the moment of the arrival of the prime minister of georgia at the mehrabad airport, where he is welcomed by the authorities of our country. the images you see live and directly in the frame on the right, i.e. from tehran , are related to the moment of the syrian prime minister's tribute to the body of the martyred president of our country, ayatollah raisi.
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and his companions who were martyred in the helicopter accident. it is related to the arrival of the prime minister of georgia, who was welcomed by the minister of communications and will be present in a few minutes at the summit hall of the islamic countries and will pay tribute to the holy body of the martyred president of our country and his companions.
4:20 pm
many officials and heads of different countries are present in tehran to participate in the ceremony to pay tribute to the body of the martyred president of the country, after sending their condolences and regrets for the loss of our country's president. and his companions, many leaders and officials expressed their regrets and offered their condolences to the government authorities and also the people of iran, expressing their respect for mr. ismail haliyeh, the respected head of the political office of hamas, to pay their respects to the martyred president ayatollah dr. seyed ebrahim raisi and
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his martyred companions. respect the leaders. raan and of course the special envoys of different countries are witnessing the arrival of mr. ismail haniyeh, the head of the political bureau of the hamas movement, to the hall of the summit of islamic countries, and of course paying respect to the holy body of the martyred president of the islamic republic of iran and his companions. note book hamas politician in the meeting hall of the islamic countries and asking for education and mercy for the martyrs of the service of the islamic republic
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of iran and talking with mr. mokhbar who is hosting this event. ebrahim haniyeh expressed regret and condolences to the supreme leader of the iranian people, mr. mokhbar , for the loss of president seyed ebrahim raisi and the accompanying delegation of the head of the hamas political movement arrived safely at the summit of islamic states.
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various officials from the country of lebanon are also present at this event on the holy body of the martyred president of our country.
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you can see the picture of the entrance of the spokesman of yemen's ansarullah
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to the meeting hall of the islamic countries to pay respect to the holy body of the martyred president of our country and his companions. you are watching the moment of asking for forgiveness and teaching prayers and fatiha by the spokesman of ansar allah in yemen.
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condolences to mr. mokhbar. beside me before and after. spokesman of ansarullah. you can see yemen in the picture, after speaking with mr. mokhbar and other officials who are hosting this event, the spokesman of ansar allah, yemen, paid his respects to the president's body a few minutes ago. martyr of our country, hazrat ayatollah raisi and his companions. so far, high-ranking officials and leaders of 65
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countries have issued messages of condolence for the martyrdom of ayatollah raisi and his loss, after the historic farewell of the people of the capital to their beloved president, khdoom, in tehran, from tehran university to azadi square , we are witnessing the presence of leaders of various countries in tehran hall of the summit of islamic countries to pay respect and express condolences to the noble people of iran, officials of the government delegation.
4:28 pm
many leaders and officials of the countries arrived in tehran to pay their respects to the body of the martyred president of the islamic republic of iran, the emir of qatar, the national leader. turkmenistan, which we mentioned was the first visit of the presidents of tunisia after the islamic revolution, the president of the republic of tajikistan, the prime ministers of iraq, pakistan , armenia, qatar, azerbaijan, the republic of azerbaijan and the presidents of the parliaments of iraq, russia, algeria, uzbekistan, kazakhstan, we saw the presence of lebanese officials in tehran. and now, this ceremony is being held officially in the halls of the summit of islamic countries, hosted by mr. mokhbar.
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dear mr. tamim bin hamad bin khalifa alani. respected country of qatar, to pay tribute to the martyred president, ayatollah dr. seyed ebrahim raeesi and his companions they enter. you can see the pictures of the arrival of the emir of qatar to the meeting hall of the islamic countries after arriving in tehran.
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tehran to participate in this event. the emir of qatar entered the mehrabad and tehran airports at the head of the grave minute delegation, and he is also present in the hall of the summit of the islamic countries after paying his respects .


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