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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm IRST

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the presence of almost all of these at high levels indicates this. you can see the pictures of the arrival as well as the tributes of the prime minister of georgia and the accompanying delegation to the body of the martyred president ayatollah raisi, the martyred dr. amir abdullahian and other martyrs of the helicopter accident in the general area of ​​warzaghan , east azerbaijan. after the historic farewell of the people of the capital to the bodies of the martyrs, this morning , high-ranking officials of the heads of states and special envoys of different countries are present in tehran and the hall of the summit of islamic countries to express their condolences and pay special respect to the bodies. the martyrs of the helicopter crash of president martyr ayatollah raisi and his companions, you
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are witnessing that senior officials, representatives and also special envoys of countries came from the four corners of the world , that is, from all continents. in this ceremony, you will see both official representatives and popular groups, and this shows that the islamic republic has been very successful in its policy for the past 3 years, which is the balanced foreign policy . islamic he was in the 13th government and
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is very, very important in this diplomatic process at the same time, dr. abdini is in charge of hosting the meeting of these leaders and high-ranking officials until the next visit, we would like to point out what hazrat ali emphasized in the 13th government in the eyes of the martyred president dr. raisi and also the diplomat of our country. our late foreign minister was followed by mr. dr. amir abdullahian, who was the synchronicity and coordination of the field and the diplomatic field, which led to the strength of iran in the international arena. in the ministry of foreign affairs later, he was selected as a special representative in iraq. he
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later became an ambassador in different countries until he was elected as the deputy of arab africa in the ministry of foreign affairs . in strengthening relations with islamic resistance groups , that is, in lebanon, you can see this in syria , in the country in iraq for a while, which followed this path , as well as the relations it had with palestinian resistance groups, and for a while, it was the responsibility of holding the intifada summit. it was in the islamic council as well
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the so-called person who played the narrative of the islamic council with the islamic resistance groups, especially the palestinian groups, and this caused the martyr amir abdullahian not only in the theoretical field, but also in the field as an experienced diplomat who was employed in the diplomatic field from the beginning. he was active, but as a revolutionary figure and a figure whose views on the islamic resistance were very clear, the coordination he had with maidan during the fight against isis and before that in the fight against the americans who actually occupied iraq. and especially special. qassem soleimani as the martyred commander
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having was very decisive. thank you very much , dr. abedini, for your presence and explanation, as well as the information about the summit and the presence of the country's leaders. you have explained to us the various events in the meeting hall . we are saying goodbye to you. i really feel sad as if i have lost one of my dearest people. i feel that
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i have a grudge. they are really working hard for the weak part of our country. our neck is right, anyway, i was looking at them. and i was following how hard you are working for our people for a minute or hossein. really, the flood of my population knows you. as a very small member, i just wanted to continue this path while serving the people and solving people's problems
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. it was my duty to participate. raisi did not know fatigue at all and sacrificed his life for the iranian nation because he was honest and fair with the people, because he served the people of god, he thought about the future of the country , he was a people, he served the iranian nation and that's it. it caused us to pay tribute to him and that
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we have people in the studio with love for this who mention that they had their first acquaintance and the first chapter of cooperation with the martyred president about twenty years ago in the national inspection organization when the president was in this organization. he was present and later in the judiciary and later as the president of the islamic republic of iran, he has always emphasized the issue of establishing justice and fighting corruption .
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and all the dear viewers of the dear nation. famous islamic iran, i offer my condolences for this very difficult and painful loss to the entire nation of iran, the supreme leader of the revolution, and all friends, companions, and disciples. especially the family of these martyrs, especially our beloved martyr ayatollah raisi, mr. darvishian, i will take you to twenty-some. last year, when you had your first meeting with mr. dr. raisi in the national inspection organization , tell me about the most important moral character that you saw in him until the last meeting, and he kept me in the name of allah, the most merciful,
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the most merciful. it was a few years ago that i had my first meeting with him and for the offer he gave to accept the responsibility of the director general of kerman province and for his kindness and sincerity. and selfishness, even though it was my first meeting with him, he was the head of the inspection organization until the last meeting i had with him almost the day before. one of his moral characteristics was that he always advised us the managers
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of the inspection organization, whether i was in my organization or in my government, they advised the managers to be ethical with the people and the managers and that you must always consider god and for god. work if you had this feature, god bless you this was his frequent expression that if you want god to bless your work, you must do it with sincerity and do it for god's sake . another characteristic of his was strange twenty years ago when i attended meetings with him in the organization. advice. to follow up on the work of the people
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, follow up on the reports that you receive, if these reports are minor issues, don't say that this is a minor issue, no, follow up on this and respond. do not leave any complaint or report unanswered. 22 years ago in a meeting with managers he said that i was present. almost the same theme was brought up many times in the government, i reached their service, and that was that if you receive a report that a person or a population has been oppressed by a government department, you must follow it up until you get the result and so on. even in the government, that is, after 22 years , he emphasized this matter in different languages, and i want to convey to the noble people of iran that the sincerity of the people is god-centered in
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their actions, in their lives, and the simple life that i closely experienced. i knew his family both in mashhad and in tehran during these years that i was with him i had contact with him, nothing changed, that is , whether he was the head of the organization or the head of the department. or let it be said that before he was in charge of astana quds rezai and then the presidential judiciary, none of these characteristics changed in him, that is, when you met him, whether it was twenty years ago or now, he had the same spirit and the same attitude that he had. you are talking to a person whom you have known for years .
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they emphasize the justice of fighting corruption in any field with anyone , tell us from their point of view on this issue, i was reviewing them. when he was the head of the inspection organization, we wrote down his orders , reviewed them later, followed up on them, and discussed them in the meetings we had with our colleagues. until
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the time when i became the head of the department, i was the head of adam inspection. for a while, because i was the head of the judiciary , they often said that the issue of fighting corruption is one of my most important priorities in the judiciary and it should be followed up, and as an inspection organization from a legal point of view and the powers he had could be given to everyone it was executive bodies. during the period of his responsibility in the judiciary, i gave many missions to my servant who was in the inspection organization, maybe several times more than mamun's previous periods. merits in line with the rights of the people and the discussion of preventing and dealing with corruption, identifying the sources of corruption and showing that they would remove these sources, and you remember , my dear people, they remember that during the election campaigns , the reason why i decided to join the executive branch
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is because the last line of the judiciary is to fight against the disabled , to fight against someone who has done corruption, but what is the origin of this corruption, it is mainly in the executive branch, i decide i asked him to come to identify and eliminate the sources of corruption and from the day he came to the government, which was the first days, that is, 24 september, he communicated the 12 principles of preventing and fighting corruption to all the officials of the country and said this. i am with you and you should follow up on the fact that one of those principles is transparency , one of those principles should be stated that there is a decisive and serious fight against corruption, and other principles that are the prevention of conflicts of interest, such as these, which now, because there is no opportunity, may the respected executive officials
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what should they say or bring up later? in order to prevent and counter corruption and eliminate some of the important sources of corruption they emphasized to us to follow this. we want to talk to you about each of the president's emphasis, but he always had one sentence and one emphasis in his interviews, in his conversations in public and in the presence of various officials in the fight against corruption. maybe i don't remember the number now, but many times i came to your service in private meetings, and in some government meetings, they told the officials that i had a meeting to serve them in the government, in the presence of friends in the government , and when i brought it up, they always said that so-and-so is nothing.
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i have no red line in the fight against corruption hey, don't even if the people around me, the people around me, you have reached the point of not paying attention to your corruption and violation, don't say that now because he is close to the president, no, i don't have any consideration . managers also follow, as a result , every report that i gave to them about some managers, now in the upper middle of the provinces, they give decisive orders to implement it, and therefore, we dismissed more than 100 people during this period by their orders and with their support. this will and determination of theirs in the fight against corruption, you see in nothing you don't have a government after the revolution that the first
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days, which means i was not introduced yet . in the government, a resolution was passed based on article 127 of the constitution that the president can have a special representative in a matter. corruption determined, you see, article 227 says that the special representative has the powers of the president and the ministers. the issue that was determined in the fight against corruption, we had no history in the previous governments, except for the 12 principles of prevention. essay and corruption on the other hand, in the people's government transformation document , more than 8 cases and 78 actions related to the elimination of corruption were predicted, and it obliged all
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the institutions to follow up on these things. i want to see them implemented. let me tell you that both his emphasis and the basics of fighting corruption were communicated and he always emphasized that he said that i did not issue any responsibility to any official unless i stated in that order that you must have an anti-corruption spirit. in the fight against corruption, he left us as his predecessor. in previous governments no, mr. daroshian, this special look, this effort and what your mission was in this department, how much will it solve the corruption issues. how much ground did he provide for the solution in the future? how much did he deal with what had happened ? you gave us a number and a figure
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. give us an example of the clashes that took place. besides, what you mentioned means the president in our martyred president. in all matters related to justice and anti-corruption issues, they were personally involved in the work , as they said that this is almost the same content of their statement in a meeting. with our collection, the martyrdom day of ali bin musa reza ali came directly from mashhad to our collection, and he said very important points, including this phrase to the effect that he said that the thief should either be caught and handed over to the court, or the thief should be put to death. destroyed it so that people can sleep easily, we should not shout mr. thief mr. thief well, most of the people are worried and can't sleep, but when we catch thieves or
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eliminate the bed of corruption and the bed of theft , then people feel at ease and sleep easily. i want to say that they deal with the corrupt in two areas, that is, they say that i am one if it becomes clear that someone has corruption , it must be dealt with. secondly, the platforms that cause corruption and the production of corruption must be destroyed. let there be those things that need to be corrected. there is a law or a law . it must go in the parliament. i will present two or three examples . you see, in the field of conflict of interest, we did not have a law at all, but it has not been finalized yet. with
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their efforts and the follow-up that we and the deputy signatory had, this conflict of interest management bill went to the parliament. it is now on the agenda of the parliament, or the same in the discussion of transparency. you see, we had a law a few years ago that was not implemented at all and was not paid much attention to, and that is that all government companies and companies that are subordinated to non-governmental public institutions and banks must submit their financial statements, their profits and losses, their bonuses, and all their functions. it is possible that the existing systems, which are provided by the ministry of economy, upload these and let all the people see them, except now those secret companies. companies whose activities are confidential and secret , which is like that all over the world, well, this was done in the government that is, maybe a few hundred companies, their financial statements
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were clarified, their bonuses were published, or the golden signatures that were being done were fixed. that within a certain period of time , he must issue the permits that are necessary, and the system will issue them, and this was done, and several thousand permits were issued based on this sad, which means streamlining and facilitating, one of the twelve principles of which is to facilitate people's affairs there is a lack of transparency, both in this action, and there are many examples that we have in broad areas, for example, we had acquired property. well, he didn't have many book accounts before, well, now he has come online, all the property is exposed to everyone
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, anyone can enter from anywhere, and the auctions that are placed can be priced and bought . those corruptions have disappeared, or are you the only one? the discussion that was recently raised a while ago, this currency payment, well this. it has been reformed, the platform has been reformed, the process has been reformed, there are many examples, if i want to talk about the platforms, of course there are a number of platforms that must be reformed , the law needs to be amended, the law needs to be enacted, and some structures, for example, are one of the issues that repeated he emphasized because hazrat agha was also very emphatic about business systems. well, since he came , he emphasized repeatedly, and the headquarters of the fight against goods and width was in charge of him. we are also responsible for follow-up.
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they are uploading their work and all their measures to those business systems . if this is completed, which we hope will be completed in the new government, many of these platforms will be destroyed , mr. daroshian. i want to talk to you about several areas, but i want to return the most important a part of the condolence message of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution on the same day, the news of the martyrdom of ayatollah raisi was announced . tiredness does not know, where have you seen it? see, i feel this with all my heart, 24 years old. now, have you heard or some of the sightings have appeared in some corners and there have been updates. i am in my twenties and i really felt that he was at dawn until 11 at night, thursday, friday, sometimes i
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was on vacation, for example. it was an eid holiday, he called , check the issue within 48 hours, report my results , let's see if the device has not done something like this , check, well, it's nowruz holiday, well, i came back , we quickly sat down with my colleagues, and checked the report. we gave him calls sometimes late at night, not to me, to all the officials, both in the organization and in my department. when he was the head of the organization, i was in the province for a while, kerman, for a while. khorasan razavi, sometimes he would call himself, the trick was that he didn't want to tell the office, for example, to follow up , he told the office himself, i called myself, not once , not twice, sir, what happened to this matter, report it and you will know. that is , he came to the inspection organization in the provinces, held meetings with his colleagues , went to do expert investigations, and in the judiciary, as you have seen, and the media published it.
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almost, i think he visited all the provinces more than once during the time of the judiciary, i think twice during his judiciary, he traveled to the provinces and in the government, whose plan was that he did not give us a deadline and we were deprived and the country he saw the damage and the government was supposed to go to all the provinces for their second trip. just before the trip, before this incident, they said to me: before my trips to the provinces, you go check the situation in the provinces and give a report to the provincial administration about the situation. what if something should be done, a change should be made? i went to sistan baluchistan, it was supposed to be tomorrow if he had a trip to sistan, that means i told the governor and the officials that we are all ready and i want to say that there was no place that he has not been to, i don't think in the history of any country, not iran, in the history of any country.
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in any country, no president can be as present and communicate with his people as he is with his people, with different masses, with small towns, with rural people , and this was a sign of his interest and love for the people. we saw mr. darvishian in tabriz, not only in these three cities, we now have live and direct images of north khorasan and khuzestan. and as soon as the news is received. in other pictures, we see that there is mourning everywhere in iran for the loss of a popular president that you are referring to. in my opinion, mr. raisi was of the people with the people and for the people, because he believed that god loves to
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serve the people, so he served the people for the sake of god and did not miss any opportunity . thank you very much, mr. darvishian, for allowing me to god's peace and blessings be upon a man who was from the people and was with the people and on the way to serve the people, let's go to the news studio. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and speed them up. greetings to you, the honorable viewers of the farewell ceremony and paying tribute to the martyred president and his companions in the helicopter crash with the presence of senior domestic officials and more than 50 countries in the summit hall of the conference. islamic


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