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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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may his soul rest in peace with the ahl al-bayt, peace and blessings of god be upon the assembled people. we reached the point where you mentioned him as a reformist manager and you brought forward the discussion of scholars. he created their technological vision that caused the real development of technology in the country . even you saw them go on foreign trips, in fact , they gave gifts from our technological achievements and created the field of technology export . well, this is thanks to this vision. there was a transformation in the discourse of government administration, this is really an indicator complete management is important, which means
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turning the government from a sitting and tired government into a dynamic and running government. this was a complete transformation in the management field , a transformation in the growth of industries, for example, you see in the field of the space industry, really creating a transformation because of the support from this as much as 12 years before that, we had a satellite launch and it was successful . it is a strange thing that this is still going on in 1403. this was entirely thanks to his transformational outlook, the transformation in foreign policy approaches of not depending on the country. and the smile of others and
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the use of all capacities from africa , south america, southeast asian countries and other areas those who have a completely sovereign view, which is our logic, was that we are not 5 countries in the world, the whole world is something else, and many of them want to be related to the islamic republic. he looked at the transformation in the field of foreign policy , and if i want to say an indicator, maybe dozens of other indicators will change in the field. from his management policy , he actually counted another indicator of his management was the issue of youthism, which means creating opportunities for young people to see. becoming and serving
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and in fact, the foundation and staffing of a generation the youth who can secure the country's management future are the 60s, the weekly decades, generally the 60s, some of whom are now members of the cabinet .
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and now the fact that they are in the government in the next layers of the deputy ministers and that it is very much in general, this was a completely revolutionary view, being really consultable , this is also an indicator of their management , being consultable and having an ear and hearing, they are very consultable , now we because we were successful, we didn't have this title now, but okay. practically, the success of counseling we were also very consultative. even i remember now this may not have been said before, maybe it would not have been said if this had not happened, but now it may be good to say it here. in general, they can be considered in the possible categories, for example, a trend critical of the government, for example
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. they had ordered mr. khandozi , dr. khandozi, minister of economy. be sure to gather all these gentlemen, i myself want to have a meeting with them, and mr. dr. khandozi is currently engaged in coordination to hold a joint meeting between these economists were, in a sense, critics of the president himself, who wanted to hear their words closely and use them . now this is an example. i have dozens of examples like this in different departments. they used to listen to the meetings themselves, and that part of the content that was presented in the form of consultation, either in the form of criticism or in the form of suggestions, and had solid logic and had the ability to be implemented, they followed up
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, they were very productive and time consuming. we said don't get tired haj agha. really being tireless is something that now, sir at least testifying to this case means this . now that i am no longer in this position, i want to actually testify to something like this . you are saying that you are tireless. really , you see, first of all, they actually start our work early in the morning at dawn. sometimes my meetings ended at 11:00 pm, then just look at you in the last two weeks , thursday, friday, two weeks ago, i was in qom, thursday, friday , last week, i was in mazandaran, this sunday,
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this is really bitter and painful for us. it happened, in fact, to solve the problem of the people and the base in fact, i was on the edge of the border in the field of water diplomacy, when this happened , that is, not having a holiday on friday, not having them, and well , because of the work relationship we had , we were like this, of course, we were enjoying it, and i was proud of it. we didn't have thursdays or fridays , we didn't see our family at all, almost, but that's because we knew that the path is to serve the people and we have a lot of backwardness in the country that we have to take time to make up for it , that is how hajj looked at it, sir. hazrat ayatollah raisi, therefore, this would be sweet, that is
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my tiredness was sweet. sometimes we were on a trip. for example, i have an example to tell you about this trip to mazandaran. on thursday, we left for mazandaran at 6 in the morning. from the very beginning, his presence in that revived wood and paper factory in mazandaran was timeless without rest. having their meeting until 11:30 in the evening means that we should not be really tired, because now i was almost 10-12 years younger than them at my age. and god had provided for them, really, because he had the motivation, that was my motivation now, in fact, i
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am referring to his public relations, which was an important pillar in his motivation to serve the people, but he always says that we have little time to actually solve the problems and compensate the problems that the people have, so they really ran. another indicator of his management was his revivalism, which means he really revived many things. i am really happy to be at your service . i had a robe , that is, i said that i have to lay the groundwork for others the members of the government should speak, but today i feel that i have another task for myself. in
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fact, the martyred president was not there. i feel that we must tell some issues that we have been closely following. these are important indicators that people should know and be able to find a path. which wants to be drawn for the future of the country, it should be based on this. in fact, the trajectory that has been created should really be built. they were the revivalists , the revivalists were the revivalists of production. nearly 9 thousand factories, workshops , and in fact the businesses that had been bankrupted were revived during their period because of that's why the unemployment rate decreased by one and a half units, that is, us according to the statistics, our employment has improved and our unemployment rate has decreased. these are the statistics of the statistics center, which is also official. the revival
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of the employment sector is really one of the country's problems. in fact , for example, in some provinces of the country, the unemployment rate has reached 5% in some provinces. our people are working today, they don't have workers, which means that this happened. reviving the hope and trust of the people means that the people feel that an honest manager is talking to them, they told us many times. they say that you made a promise to the people and you should try to fulfill this promise, but if you see that you cannot fulfill the promise you made. tell the people honestly, i came here to do it
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, but i couldn't leave here because of these reasons, or the conditions were not provided. tell the people , speak honestly. this is actually the population you see today, who came from tabriz and to any other province where the conditions are provided. the same thing will happen in qom, in tehran, tomorrow in birjand , the next day. holy mashhad, it seems to me that people's empathetic understanding of the character is actually honest sincerely, hazrat ayatollah raisieh, but people are saying the same thing in my interview . thank you very much.
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rafi was martyred. it is clear from this hidden sadness and this sudden crying what he will do. your dream with this heart. your dream with this what i want in this regard is really only responsibility for god and for. the state of the country and getting out of this desperate situation that the country has fallen into,
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what is this incident in me, i don't ask the verse until your name comes , i have fallen in love, shad mohammad. i am sleepless and sad and surprised how long will the separation last? ah, my heart, you went somewhere and i stayed, and the celebration that is with you day and night. well
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, after seeing the pictures, we still can't believe the departure of ayatollah raisi, the dear president and martyr of our country, but in any case, this is how it was, and this departure made us sit down today and talk about him and about his characteristics. the character that he is, if this had not happened , he would not have had this opportunity, mr. doctor, to sit down and talk about mr. raisi like this. there is another chance, god willing, if it doesn't happen in the future programs, well, we
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had ayatollah raeesi's management characteristics and management indicators. finally. the country may go to the elections in about 20-25 days, they should understand what path was taken and what indicators were created and they really should not be satisfied with anything less than this. 46 the country's transit grew in 1402, that's you look at the conditions of the embargo imposed on this country . this is a great work . take statistics of the rural roads. you will see that a revolution has been created in the field of wheat. this is something that all governments have always been concerned about, because wheat is the bread
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of the people, the life of the people. well, this is a very big task. when we took over wheat from the government, we actually produced almost 5 million tons of wheat . last year, it reached 13 and a half million tons of production, of which the government bought 11 and a half million. look what the country needs, what percentage of the infrastructure that is in the field of knowledge ? the foundations are done and wide i did the statistics, a big thing happened. justice index this is a very important index that now finally they are saying various titles for ayatollah raisi, khadim al-reza, who is the master of the deprived, for example, justice in favor of the deprived was not only in economic terms, but also in educational areas, in therapeutic areas.
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for example, in the field of education, they announced a decision and it was done that disadvantaged students from the lower four deciles of the society, who could not attend sempado schools at the expense of the government, could actually study, so there was an increase of about 20%. attendance of disadvantaged students, you know a student who is disadvantaged and can go to study in top schools. in general, his destiny will change, he and his family will become a specialist doctor tomorrow , he will become an outstanding engineer, that is, for example, from the bottom of a village, a revolutionary, in fact, life happens in the field of health and treatment, making infertility treatment free, this was one of the things that was very
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they could not treat young couples for free because of the high costs. free treatment for children under 7 years of age, these were events with the view of justice, which means with mr. raees's own emphasis president, this work was done, free water, electricity and gas for the lower third of the society, these were big events that were decided and implemented with the view of justice for the people . you see, in the gaza issue, the government, with the focus of ayatollah raisi and with the support of our martyred diplomat mr. amir abdullahian , may god bless him, has really taken a revolutionary action
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, and as a result of the islamic republic's stand and the repeated explanations that the respected minister of foreign affairs has given to the world. ayatollah raisi , one of the indicators of his management was that he was against bureaucracy was considered an important factor, in fact , they knew that there was a delay in handling the people and the failure of the governments. because of this, they did not have friday and thursday , which means that they themselves go to the provinces, and they said that if i do not take the entire government with me , many of their problems will not be solved. of the big projects that you see, 20 years, 25 years, sometimes 30 years were left in the provinces. this was
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solved with these trips to the provinces. his anti-bureaucracy was the extreme availability of the president it used to be that many groups of people could get access to the president. this was a strange thing. once we were on a trip, for example , someone called out from the other side of the crowd, "mr. raisi." the president has a lot of these cases, those who can be with him , he even has documents, there are pictures , he says that sometimes we do something or play a show, so to speak, he did jihad work without showing off, even though you many trips were offered to him, sir, from any government it undermines the efficiency in its own name. you finally want to have a government. come up with something
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for the next round. shut down , shut down at all. there are so many half-finished projects in this country. all these costs are lying at their feet. well, let's finish this. there's no problem now. another government has put its pick in order to bring it to a place. we will go and finish it . these are completely strange features that i will tell you more about. which has our dear people, so if i want to make a summary , i can say about the personality of hazrat ayatollah raisi, because in fact you mention these as indicators that people they should consider their next choice. yes, therefore, i would like to make a summary. deprived of the consensus-building and unifying society, hazrat ayatollah raisi's coming to
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elect the elections was unifying in the year 1400, even today, when they left, their departure brought unity, the blessing of the martyr's blood in the action of the sincere promise against the zionist regime, the role of unity. last year, at some places during the revolution, they were almost correcting this, for example, i said about development , for example, knowledge bases are the same 203 that you are in a government. coming. he stopped them from doing it, that is , they are monitoring these revolutionary paths , they are correcting the meaning of the word "we can be", which means
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showing that we can sell our oil under sanctions, we can fix the relations with the neighbors, we can produce. let us grow, we can control inflation, we can not create differences, this was very important, so my last message is addressed to our dear people, that maybe by the end we will pass these days of mourning and such, we will enter a stage. i tried my best for the election my dear people , i would like to express a part of the management indicators of hazrat ayatollah raisi and ask them to be careful in the upcoming elections and not settle for less than the balance created by dear martyr raisi and try to
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extend this path with the coordinates that i mentioned. do that the secret to the success of the system and the victory of the right front is actually following this path, and i am speaking to the president of the people, to the people whose hearts are beating for mr. raisi on this day, and tears are rolling around their eyes and remembering the memories and, in fact, the spirits and their morals and management behavior are falling. thank you very much, mr. dr we were satisfied that we were at your service. thank you for coming . god willing, there will be another opportunity to talk about these issues that you mentioned in more detail . we have 3 dates. thank you for your companionship with khabar network, the owner of this light shrine, you said.
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hussain, the son of shabib, nothing in the world is worth crying and shedding tears for, there are many misfortunes in the world, but you can shed tears for anyone and anything you want. in memory of hussain 's karbala, shed tears. i cry over your troubles in the morning and in the evening.
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love, what other way do i have other than watching you ? after you, i will remember you every time . you are going to rain, you are going to rain, you are going to fight , this anger has no owner, why does it not follow you? you have become a way without me
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. the end of this story. after you, this time he took you.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, hello, dear viewers , i am at your service at 230 minutes with some news. kandahar governor mullah shirin akhund along with other taliban officials attending this political delegation of the islamic republic of iran, while expressing their condolences , they signed the memorial book of ayatollah raisi and his companions. the economic deputy of the prime minister and the taliban's foreign minister to participate in the inauguration ceremony of the president.


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