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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2024 10:00am-10:31am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] i will be with you on the program of khabar network on the occasion of the martyrdom of ayatollah raisi and his companions. in the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, you are accompanying us with the news section at 10 o'clock. foreign experts, analysts and reporters to tasheer. the martyr president and accompanying delegation reacted. they considered the presence of millions of people as a sign of the success of iran's policies. the magnificent burial ceremony of shahid raisi and his companions is a document of the success of iran's foreign policy. it is not uncommon for foreign experts and journalists to comment like this. the people of iran bid farewell to their president in a collective show of hands. with
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actions like this can be understood as how people were able to resist the threats of america and israel for more than 40 years. millions of people are on the streets. everything that the western media said about the president being hated in iran was a lie. in his past he will be a great loss to the whole world. witnesses who reflected the iranian people's feelings towards their president. service mask there were those written on them, servant of the nation, we will not forget you. millions of people are present in the streets and mourn the martyrdom of the president. however, the mainstream media westerners tell you another story.
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this is not surprising because no president. or the western political leader does not get such support . as this lebanese university professor says, the western media told a different story . the iranians had received messages in which they were asked to participate in tashri ceremonies. wednesday was declared an official holiday and residents of the capital received messages on their phones asking them to participate in the funeral of the martyr's body. the regime of ebrahim raisi's burial. used to show millions of iranians support the islamic republic , but the truth is that most of the people who participate are actually recruited by the regime and their family members. iranian people responded to these stories. i am a nurse, a counselor, i work in a printing house , and i am a civil engineer. i am a student , i am a driver, i am a student, i am a visitor, i am a
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bookkeeper. and independent analysts became the voice of the iranian people. these are the images that the western media do not want the world to see. yes. as the western media said. iranians from they hate their president, ebrahim raisi. this is the reason why millions participated in his funeral. within the last 48 hours, all the narratives of the last 40 years about the islamic republic. and its leaders and officials were destroyed. this is what makes it true. god forgive raisi. martyr dr. kharzmi complex as the largest educational complex of the ministry of health in addition to 22 important educational, research, health and treatment projects are starting to work in razavi khorasan today. one of the most important projects today
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is the opening of the country's medical science research center in holy mashhad, which is named after shahid raisi i will talk about more details of these projects with the reporter sent to mashhad, mr. hosseini. hello, please tell me in which cities of razavi khorasan are these projects and whether these projects are mostly in health or medical sectors? hello, mr. tehrani, where i am speaking is mashhad university of medical sciences, see how many
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jobs there are here. some of these are for the first time, both research and treatment, but we want to hear more complete explanations in this field . let the president inaugurate here and he promised to come and today without his physical presence, but his spirit
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is ruling our works, this opening will take place , we named the first medical science research center after our ayatollah raisi do you know how many centers each research center has? one researcher creates a research center. several researchers create a research center . it is like a university where you have a major , you have a faculty, and a university. therefore, this center was founded here in 2017 as a center equipped with the most advanced devices. the building has actually started, the plans have been constantly changing, when we started in the popular government of hazrat ayatollah raisi, the entire building was about 60%, and within these 3 years, the building was actually completed and it was able to install very advanced devices. do it now, there are about four floors with 25 advanced laboratories, of which mr. hosseinibai
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is actually filming a laboratory that we don't even have in many parts of the world , not even in the country, sorry mr. minister, this is the building where we are located mr. minister's explanation about this building is what i mean to report please spread it. yes , i am talking about the modern building, so all kinds of classes , all kinds of laboratories , advanced smart laboratories, laboratories with devices and microscopes that are actually very advanced, considering the little time i have, i just i will give you the general picture of this, and in fact, in this collection, we tried to concentrate all the facilities in one place, all
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the research centers use it here. it is happening, in fact, this shows that mr. raisi's way of government work is not actually closed, and his activities are actually being carried out regarding that plan. those that were supposed to be done in the presence of mr. raisi. a lot has started and this year
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is the year of operation and we have opened nearly 15 thousand hospital beds which we promised to open at least a thousand beds per month and we have opened many throughout the country . we will continue dr. raisi until the service he did to the people and the plan he specified for us , god willing, we will be able to continue with all our strength , that is, all those plans will be opened at that time and day. yes, we promise this to the people. we give that many of the projects we were waiting for the visit of mr. president to inaugurate with his auspicious hand and with his testimony and the presence of his spirit which is definitely present in these projects, we will complete these projects, god willing , thank you very much, mr. minister. i would like to thank my dear and respected viewers for viewing this news segment, this report and this communication. thank you very much. please stay with us as the news continues . in a statement, the islamic resistance of iraq
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announced the drone attack on the city of haifa in occupied palestine. the statement came from the iraqi islamic resistance mujahideen in completing the second phase of the operation against the invaders and responding to the crimes of the zionist occupation regime against civilians. palestinians in gaza targeted the port of haifa in the occupied territories with an aerial attack on friday . last night, this iraqi group announced that it had targeted a vital target in the occupied border of amur in the south of occupied palestine with two drones. the iraqi islamic resistance emphasized that the attack on enemy targets will continue in support of gaza. lebanon's hezbollah targeted the mutallah base of the zionist military with a guided missile. hezbollah announced yesterday this operation and 9 other operations in response to the recent attacks of the zionist regime. to the south
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lebanon has done, lebanon's hezbollah targeted the zionist military's mutallah base with its own guided missiles. in the past 24 hours, hezbollah has targeted zionist military bases in the northern region of the occupied territories 10 times . the armed drone of the zionist military is a car nearby. nabatieh attacked. during this attack , one of the hezbollah forces was martyred and four lebanese students who were on school duty were seriously injured. you can still see the smoke caused by hizbollah rockets hitting hezbollah's guided missiles at the base of mutallah nizamian. see zionist. fighters of the zionist regime over the regions. southern lebanon including marjayoun and
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khian are flying. these fighters also fired heat bombs and sound bombs over the area. in the past 4 days, lebanon's hezbollah has targeted the bases and positions of zionist soldiers in various areas in the north of the occupied territories in 40 operations. lebanese hezbollah. in response to the attacks of zionist military aircraft and drones on various areas in the south of lebanon, he announced his own offensive operation against the headquarters and location of the zionist military in the north of the land. hasan azimzadeh , sda news agency marjayoun border between lebanon and occupied palestine, thank you very much for your companion
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, have a nice day, god bless you. we didn't sleep. we lost a great man. a
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man who was tireless. now he can take it easy. thank you. the presence of the leader and the eloquent words of this nobleman made me feel like losing one of the closest members of my family, a feeling that was only me, an eye of blood, an eye of tears, friendship. people's kindness, people's friendship, deprivation, everything was in his work, his chair was not the chair of the president , he worked for the deprived, today i can say that martyr raisi really worked hard for our country and really. their martyrdom was their right, they deserve to have their martyrdom
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, they come to the farthest parts of the border to say that we are with you , we have also come under any circumstances to say that we are with them . let me continue on my way because of what i came for. in the name of god, i greet you, viewers dear khabar network, good morning. in the last 24 hours, the hottest place in our country is kangan in bushehr province with a maximum temperature of 44 degrees and the coolest
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place is dizin in alborz province with a minimum temperature of 3 degrees above zero. between the centers of the provinces is ahvaz with a maximum the temperature of 41 degrees is the hottest and kurd city is the coolest center of the province with a minimum temperature of 4 degrees. currently , rain has been reported in parts of the northwest and the western coast of the caspian sea. we expect to see torrential rain in parts of the center of the country as well as parts of the northeast and east of the country today. ekzai loading system a new one is gradually entering the country from the northwestern regions. in the northwestern regions of the country, the shores of derir caspian, the slopes and heights of elbert and from the central hamedan and qom provinces, we predict that we will witness rain showers and occasional gusts of wind for today. tomorrow, our prediction is that
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we will continue to witness the activity of this barrage system in parts of the country. we expect rain in parts of the west, northwest, shores of the caspian sea, the southern skirts of albut, parts of the center and even the northeast of the country. rains can lead to flooding of public roads. warning orange surface the weather forecast has also been issued for tomorrow, the highest intensity of rains will occur in parts of the north of west azarbaijan province, areas of east azarbaijan province and also ardabil province . in the caspian region, the range and height of alborz , parts of the capital of the provinces, including in the areas of central hamadan and qom provinces . we expect to see rain. for monday , we have scattered rain only in the northwest of the country, and on tuesday, it will be relatively abundant we will have peace and stability in most regions of the country. for the next two days , we will have an increase in the wind speed in parts of the east and southeast of the country, which strong wind can lead to the rise
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of pollen and decrease in air quality in these areas. also, for the next two days, in parts of the eastern persian gulf, the strait of hormuz, the oman river and darya. khizr also predicted that we will have an increase in the height of the wave and the sea will be rough in these areas. for tehran, during the next hours, especially in the hours after this and in the early night, we will have conditions for showers and storms. sometimes it's windy temporary severe weather is available. the air temperature will fluctuate between 26 and 16 degrees in the hottest and coolest hours.
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thank you for your support. in the forest in the mountains tell me where you are, we are searching in pit, we had a world of pain and heartache, you are talking with your photos, you have not been comfortable in your life, but now you are tired. we will wake you up, and by your side, we will wake up the imam every night
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. you were a father to the deprived and the orphans, the man of abadi square, the man of jihadi square, shower of people , greetings to you, dear viewers , stay with us with the special continuation of the program broadcast by khabar network, mr. dr. mohammad hossein sai, a member of the supreme council of the cultural revolution, is still with us and continues the previous discussion. before the news , we were following up with them. mr. sahib, you mentioned one thing before the news, and that is that they might have imagined
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that things would be disrupted due to the bitter incident that happened , and the various works that we have in the country would be stopped, and that was the first speech. you mentioned that the supreme leader of the revolution was before the type of incident and the outcome of the incident was known, and the same after that. let me give a couple of examples, the preparation on the same day, after the preparation of mr. dr. bahadri jahromi, the spokesperson. the government was our guest here. i talked to them about the meetings of the government board on wednesdays and they pointed out that even on the same day of tashiril , they had their own normal agenda, and they also participated in the alarm ceremony and in the same news section at 10 o'clock. another example of mr. dr. ainullah, minister of health , is a pre-designed program and the result. what is the people's media service in holy mashhad ? let's talk more about it. we
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are in the midst of an incident . what do the events mean? really, maybe we will finally see our friends in the government delegation and in different places . i would say that they too have experienced a very intense emotional atmosphere. now you were watching these events. almost all the members of the government delegation were deeply affected, but this is in fact the calmness that came from his highness, and the order, which was actually a sovereign order that he gave, perhaps strengthened everyone's will tenfold, because this word, mr. zemin, is an example, and in the same situation that i am saying, everyone is upset. it was a very emotional atmosphere, you can see that none of the work has been closed, everyone has doing their work means that
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it will be done even to the extent of the openings that were on the program, and i emphasize again that this is not really a normal thing , and i personally analyze this. he is on top of this nation, this sovereignty, and he is managing it, and this security. the state of mind and security that has been created in the public space of the country is actually caused by the plans and in fact the orders and decrees that he issues . the council of leadership experts and the council of islamic councils, according to their own plans, the council of kabarqan, which started working , and again, this is one of the features of this. that is, exactly the same day that we realized that this martyrdom and this
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lack of martyrdom happened, pay attention to us . i wondered what the conditions were that were created , maybe god created these conditions that this strategic and strategic depth of the country was revealed to the whole world through the blessing of velayat al-faqih. ok that is, on sunday, that is, sunday afternoon or sunday night or monday morning, let's say we did not have a president in the country. the islamic council had finished its term. a special situation that means a strange suspension had been created in the country. and i say to god, with the prophetic guidance of the prophet, one by one, this will be solved. first of all
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, this discussion was brought before you in the assembly of experts under completely normal conditions, although the shadow of sadness and in fact the great absence of the assembly of experts was also present. the truth was obvious, but it happened anyway. this is a solid foundation of religious democracy. the message that hazrat agha gave to the fall meeting , yes, that message itself, i have to say now, i didn't have time, maybe we should come to other meetings, sit down, let's leave that message , sit down, talk to each other, we have a minute's time, we want to have a final summary. considering the current situation , both inside and outside, yes, i want to say that this is not my only situation. i wanted to give several details. i even had some serious points regarding the analysis of the internal situation, but now is not the time to be precise. to say but in my opinion, one of the most important situation in our country is the special situation in gaza, which none of our friends should
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neglect. there is also an important incident that happened yesterday. in fact, the leaders of the various areas of the resistance front, which through the shiism of hazrat ayatollah martyr raisi, gathered in tehran to show that the discussion was extremely important , because we are now saying that the situation in gaza will probably be in the next month or two, that is, you the situation in which the islamic republic will probably end in some kind of postponement is a special global situation we have here, the situation of the events that the elections that in the countries of the region, including iraqi kurdistan itself, the country of iraq has a special situation that exists in kuwait , the election situation that has been dominated by india , and the situation has just now arrived, and we in the government of russia have elections coming up in england
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, elections coming up in the european union. we have a situation that will most likely determine the situation of the war in ukraine. it is likely that the final candidates for the american presidential election will be determined in the next two to three months, and we will have dozens of discussions about the formation of the government and changes in the world. guiding and strengthening governance by dear sir, there is hope that we will overcome all these issues, god willing. thank you very much , mr. dr. sai, respected member of the supreme council of cultural revolution, for your presence in the studio of khabar network . be with us, dear viewers, with the continuation of the programs
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broadcast by khabar network. mehr reached ghaf tamasha in the morning of tashr. they reached the sun to meet tomorrow , bit by bit they were drawn from this daily longing, which has reached the text and meaning of the blur that they gave at night, the shining of his tears. it has passed through those darknesses, it has reached these lights, to the heart of the wound and to the smile on the lips of all their pain, the pain of the people, to the warm embrace
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shahadah arrived for treatment. after years of not suffering in the world , they reached zahra's smile when they were satisfied with the position of reza. dariga and darda, when we stayed, it's amazing how terrible it is to stay , they didn't die, surprisingly, how beautiful they arrived
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, they weren't one of the pretenders, they weren't caught in the world. look at this page, the first ones reached the bosom of mullah , they were not among the followers, they were not caught in the world. in the name of the lord of beauty and beauty, the friend of god, the merciful and the merciful, dear viewers of khabar khemet network , hello , i present to you the news section of the media. the beginning of this section is a behind-the-scenes report. shohor and his colleagues in the tv channels in this


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