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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2024 11:00am-11:31am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] there will be a president in the power of the islamic republic and the strengthening of the government in the islamic republic. join us and watch the 11 o'clock news segment. god willing, i will be with you after the news by continuing the conversation with mr. shafah. the ceremony was held on the basis of the ghariban dinner of martyred president ayatollah seyed ebrahim raisi and his martyred companions with the presence of a large number of mourners in imam hossein square in tehran. the appreciative and mournful people of tehran, since yesterday evening, after offering prayers, attended imam hossein square in the evening ceremony of the strangers of these martyrs to the martyrs of the helicopter crash.
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they sat and remembered them. it's hard for me to believe that you are gone forever in front of my eyes, the image of your smile, the hand of god, is with you. you are far from us . the entire armed forces of the islamic republic of iran published the first report of the high-ranking committee to investigate the dimensions and causes of the attack on the helicopter carrying the president and his accompanying delegation . dimensions and factors causing the accident of the helicopter carrying the
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martyred president and his companions. groups specialized and technical expertise, on the morning of monday 2/31/1403 at 5:30 am, my members arrived at the helicopter crash site from tehran at 9:00 am. the midwife department has collected a significant amount of information in various specialized technical and general fields that could be involved in the accident. some actions require more time to give a definitive opinion, which is under investigation, and some cases can be stated with certainty that they are referred to: a helicopter continues on the pre-planned route and the designated flight path. not left about a minute and a half before sanha helicopter, the pilot of the sanha helicopter has made contact with the other two helicopters of the flight group. there were 3
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hits. no pipe or similar items were found in the remaining parts of san hodeidah helicopter. four crashed helicopters caught fire after hitting the height. 5. due to the complexity of the area, fog and low temperature, the reconnaissance operation was extended into the night and continued throughout the night, and with the help of iranian drones on monday morning at 5 am, the exact location of saneh was determined. and the ground forces of reconnaissance operations were present at that point and six in the conversations of the tower care with the flight crew is also a suspicious case that has not been observed. in the end, it should be noted that a significant part of the documents and documents related to the helicopter industry have been collected, and more time is needed to check some parts and documents, which will be done after the inspection and
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specialized work. and a more detailed explanation of the next announcements will be brought to the notice of the noble and revolutionary nation of iran. therefore, it is requested not to pay attention to the non-expert comments that are published on the virtual space based on speculations without accurate knowledge of the facts of the scene or sometimes with the guidance of foreign media. turkish foreign minister said the increase. the countries that recognize palestine , especially in europe , isolate the zionist regime and its allies more than before. hakan fidan added that the international community should take steps to stop israel's genocide through diplomatic methods and practical measures. referring to the support of three european countries for the recognition of the independent state of palestine, the english newspaper guardian wrote: israel
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is more isolated than ever. country. norway and spain announced that they recognize palestine as an independent country. both malta and slovenia are planning to recognize the independent state of palestine. yet 143 members of the united nations have recognized palestine as an independent country. american police clashed with pro-palestinian protesting students at yves ella university in los angeles. police forces violently pushed back a large number of students. in harvard university, university officials announced. 13 graduates of this university. they are denied a degree because of their participation in pro-palestine rallies. this caused the protest of other students and they did not participate in the graduation ceremony and
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chanted slogans in support of palestine. new york columbia university students once again gathering in the campus, they chanted slogans of support for palestinian gaza. in europe, the german police arrested a number of pro-palestine and gaza students at humboldt university in berlin . the students who were holding the palestinian flag and slogans
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chanted "shame on you" when confronted by the police forces. according to the emergency spokesman , the victims are of different nationalities. more details of this incident have not been released. the cause of the accident is still under investigation. reuters news agency about the wounding of 3 american soldiers in skelly area the float of the gaza strip reported. it is said that these three soldiers were riding in a non-combat incident. they were injured on the coast of the gaza strip. some media sources announced that the condition of an american soldier is critical. america launched this pier in gaza last month , which was opposed by the palestinian resistance forces.
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earlier, the leader of yemen's ansarullah said that the american ship is a military base and that washington has brought its armored vehicles and air defenses into gaza through this dock. and a fire in a building in hanoi, the capital of vietnam, left 14 dead. according to local sources, this fire with several there was an explosion, the ministry of internal security of vietnam announced that the cause of the fire is under investigation. last september , more than 100 people lost their lives due to a fire in a residential building in the capital of vietnam. thank you very much for your company.
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have a nice day. god bless you. where are you in the forest in the mountains? we are searching in pit. we had a world for pain and heart, you talk with your photos. you haven't had it easy in your life. you are the one who relieves the tiredness
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, we always wake up next to imam rauf at night . the man of abadi square, the man of jihadi square, dosha dosha people
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we were in the moment of sadness and happiness. you are that man who had no claims, but in practice he was like a mountain. jovan
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was a man, how can the volume of this hot and believe it hot make you stone and water? greetings to you , dear viewers , stay with us in the special continuation of the program of the khabar network. mr. shafah, we were talking about this before the news. how can this tragic event become an opportunity? yes, let me tell you that you can see what happened, well, we have this experience, the iranian nation has this experience every time a character in the scene of the country
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finds martyrdom-like absence, he becomes a martyr. the people of iran know this very well , they have experienced this scene a lot, and this situation we are in has this situation, that is, in fact, mr. raisi, who i think has never been a political figure as much as today, that is, in a situation where are so in fact , their absence has been an inspiration for the iranian people in the political scene , perhaps never having had this situation before . in the social aspect and the society, in fact, the political aspect of iran and the society, in fact, the society of iran, because of its presence in
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the political scene, this can be very damaging , it can strengthen our social structure , which has so far, the force that has been generated in this scene is very socially it is important that this force and this emotion actually flow and find a direction and be able to actually touch some points where we were not that strong before this incident, sometimes we felt that we were weak. it can completely restore , of course, it needs activity, when does it need activity? this story needs the activity of currents in the society, which are independent currents that have a political understanding of the situation. and
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these, in fact, by their own actions and by the activities they do, prepare the stage of the iranian society for the next stages of its presence and for this dangerous situation that we have explained that the country of iran is facing now in the political geography of the region and the world, and prepare the society and some kind of organization. let the society know that if something like this happens, this is the first axis. if something like this happens, in fact, this first stage has happened, but the next stages are ours. we must control this spirit and this emotion. let's turn the society into a society that will actually be more active and vigilant in the political scene than before, that is, what effect did this event and events like this have on the society?
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what should we do? see these events like this. when, for example, we have faced such losses before, perhaps the most obvious is martyrdom. it was sardar soleimani, well, when this happens , there is a sudden uprising in the iranian nation, a very warm emotion, which, in the case of sardar soleimani , cannot be quenched at all. iranian society is actually going through and experiencing this scene and this emotion, if only on the surface. the emotion remains , it has a function, of course, the emotional national connection is very important, but the next step is taken by the martyr who created this force, but the next step must be taken by the people who can actually lead the society in some way. these
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emotions can be directed to one side or the other , they can organize these emotions and, in fact , give the iranian society a stronger and more powerful role in the scene of the islamic republic of iran. we needed it badly, now it has been achieved in this issue. this is actually gratitude for that blood . i think gratitude for that blood and gratitude for those bloods lies in this to a great extent. action and i emphasize this again , it needs the activity of the elites, it needs the activity of those who can organize and organize the society in the position of social leadership and political leadership
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. very well, we have a short time. because the martyrdom of ayatollah raisi the title of the second martyred president of the country , see what effect it has on the strengthening of my government, the government of the islamic republic of iran, with the help of this event and this spirit, which in fact, despite the great loss it has created, has been breathed into the governance scene of the country, i think you can believe it. he should have more , because this soul was a faithless soul, the soul of mr. raisi was a soul with faith, he was a soul that was honest and sincere. well, the next government will naturally be under the shadow of this, in fact , it will be the magnet of this spirit, and it should be, that is, the thing that should be noted here is that the political competitions that it will flow, one must really
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respect this spirit and absorb this spirit, and in fact, a kind of cohesion and double will, in my opinion , it is quite possible that this spirit that has flowed in the next government will be blown away. this is not something that will happen by itself and it requires effort, both from the side of the elites that i said in the society, they must move, and the people, those elites must be organized in some way, and the government must be produced and strengthened in some way, and on the other hand, the elites the politicians who are present in the scene should be able to handle this situation. they have and we should in fact, they should somehow be worried that, god forbid, the gratitude of the blood given by the iranian nation will really be fulfilled and perhaps
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not be short-changed. dear, with the continuation of the programs, one of his priorities is fixed. it was production challenges and for that he had many visits to industrial units. we don't forget that we helped you at the height of your troubles in the qazaee branch. he preferred monitoring the status of production units on foot, even in large factories, to ceremonial meetings and paperwork in these visits, based on the last impulse, he was eager to hear the concerns of the workers from their own words rather than the managers and those sitting behind the desks. if you weren't in the judiciary, you wouldn't have done those things, and you wouldn't have saved these workers from that misery
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. no, no, no, we are satisfied . thank god, you are a resident of tehran. yes, very good . may you be healthy. mr. president said , "come on, sir, take it easy. yes, this is the president of the people. if it wasn't for him, there would be no people. we should have left." no, we went and spoke our hearts, the hearts of all the labor and shoghi community
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again, for bringing not only us but several people back to their lives, i really owe him a lot, thank you so much for making us like my father and the likes of my father express this factory again. thank god , it has been activated here. work was done in this factory. this factory started working in 1997. where did this factory end up with 10 employees? so what happened to these people? where are they going? whenever it was said to help this factory, they only said sanctions, only talking about sanctions. isn't there a sanction now during mr. raisi's term? isn't it a ban, but alhamdulillah when mr. raisi became the president, not only our factory, but all the factories in the country prospered. and the workers who experienced hard times due to the closure of the factory. today we are talking about a man
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without whom this factory would have turned into a pile of dirt. the children are indebted to mr. raisi. that time when we were on the street. no one reached us. many of the children of the city who were unemployed came to work. sir, don't be tired, we got the message, one of the children thanked him for visiting us, and he said that there was no need at all. no thanks, my duty is to come here and visit the services that were hacked in the minds of our workers. after 10 years have passed, we have appeared in this wheel factory. you came to our work group , you made us happy. and the locks that
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were opened on the way of production and the period that became a model for the future, god willing, that we too can continue their way, let's keep it here proudly, and the frames that have lasted, today is the day of the day , today is the day of the work. hello dear viewers join us with the special continuation of khabar network's program on the occasion of the martyrdom of president khadim al-reza , ayatollah shahidi and ayatollah raisi and their companions . dear guest, in this part of the acceptance of toil program , mr. safar harandi, a member of the diagnosing assembly, is with us. i offer my condolences under the system of politeness and kindness. salam alaikum and may god's mercy be upon you. i am at your service, dear colleagues
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, who are and are reflecting people's feelings correctly and beautifully these days . i thank you for my part and serve our noble and dear people i would like to offer my condolences and we have come and appeared a lot these days i myself avoid it, but i think that people may accept us because of this , it is good that these people have a view and an observation more than we do, that from their words we also hear the facts of the life of this noble man and those martyred men with him. listen, we want them to tolerate us
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. you have the right to start the conversation from a different perspective . from sunday night when the news of this incident was published that we had an accident, and monday morning when the martyrdom incident was announced, we have witnessed people's presence since the same day. monday, we can say in different parts of the country, in tehran, monday evening do you remember, the people of tehran had a significant presence within a few hours of the invitation . on tuesday, in tabriz, east azarbaijan province, the bodies of these martyrs were first dissected with the crowd that, according to the people of tabriz, had such a crowd. on that day, they had not seen in tehran , just in qom, before that, i did not pass qom, the people who hosted mr. president and his companions a few days ago , again hosted the body of the martyred president
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, the unique funeral that happened in tehran and... after that in birjand last day, i think all the people of birjand came out of their houses and in the analysis the body of the president was present and finally in holy mashhad, the body of the martyred president rested next to hazrat reza, and again today we are witnesses, and of course i will open a parenthesis, the body of ayatollah al hashem in tabriz, people came to tabriz again today, we see it in the frame explaining the presence of maragheh people. the body of the martyred governor and a strange presence in the preparation of the body of the president's sole protection commander. well, how were each of these loved ones known? abad him we witnessed the people's presence
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, how should we analyze this epic creation and this magnificent and historical presence. in the name of allah, the most gracious , the most merciful, please, no, our words and yours are the same. god, see the feeling that the people got these days and the feeling that they expressed themselves is actually a part of the same general feeling that the people have towards the system and the revolution. if you ask ask in different situations, for example , what is your opinion about the system, the masses of the people will definitely say that we accept the system, but we have a list of these people who are upset with rome.
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nothing has been done here. we expected that i would express such weaknesses here, along with the general loyalty to the principle of the revolutionary system. i think the same thing happened to mr. raisi, the people were interested in him as the president they chose, now the people have finally elected him with a majority vote, and on the other hand, they see honesty and purity in him. which automatically arouses positive feelings towards them. they also have some annoyances, for example , they say that we expected a certain work to be done sooner, we expect, for example, these services that the government he says that the good report card that he presents, i wish the results would sit on our table, well, this was one of their complaints, but when god
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blessed mr. raisi. he took it out of the hands of the nation and took it to himself. here, the people here have this previous feeling that the first one will be overcome, that is, all the expectations of annoyances will be forgotten and they will remember what a gem we have lost, that aspect will become more prominent. i believe that our officials should learn the secret of caring for people. they should remember that they should leave a special bright spot in the minds and hearts of people nothing like this has happened to any of our officials, they


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