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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm IRST

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for the unbelievers, chains and chains , god bless you, may god be good, scholars, leaders, experienced , and of course, i am the one who is eager to preserve the islamic nation and honor the islamic nation.
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here, the faces were talking about themselves, they missed their empty place.
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kurd, because love was always, from our side with haj agha, you had seen many of these scenes, his love was people, service was my death. why did you open a bar before you ? the same day he was martyred
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the arrival of the last group that saw the people, the meeting was not planned at all, having any demands , standing, sitting with them, talking to them one by one , giving orders to the minister of energy, when everyone was satisfied, everyone was satisfied and moved. the service world was flooded with people like zalik, he entered the field by himself , he didn't have much to do with protocols, he had to hit the water , everything that comes to your mind, this scene.
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i will flip through a few of these photos. what was one of his outstanding features was his good nature , his good manners, his peopleliness, mr. doctor. it shows that this is really understanding. had said that
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the philosophy of life is to serve god's people in the context of belief, my heart aches and work. a burden in your hand hello and greetings again to you, dear viewers , we are at your service with the continuation of the special program of the martyred president. we hope that so far the program
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has been used by you dear ones. and greetings and good times again, as well as condolences for your service in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. mr. governor, your respected colleagues and also the service dear viewers of khabar channel, i offer my condolences for this great sadness not only for the nation of iran, but for the entire host and i hope that god will determine what is good and compensate for this tragedy for everyone, god willing, mr. mansouri, from the past until now , many people know haleh as an expert in the field of political issues in the field of revolution.
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now the system of the islamic republic is based on the people and not on an individual, and we have experienced this throughout history we did the likes of imam rahmatullah against mr. beheshti rajaei with the art of these incidents , but the islamic republic system has continued to work stronger than in the past. considering this, considering this fact and the lessons learned from the past , what is the future trend? he evaluates one point in the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful. i said and experience has proven that the world is coming to this reality more or less and that the characteristics of the islamic revolution and its movement and goals are different from all other revolutions in the world and this is one of
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those very important points, that is, in all analysis and analyzing events related to iran and the islamic revolution . this point that there is a fundamental difference can be seen in the islamic revolution, but the analyzes are definitely wrong. please see that since 1361 , he has been sitting outside the country against the revolution. the mite of the revolution destroys the country of my bani sadr every day. he said that i am the legal president of this country and the imam will die tomorrow
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. it didn't happen and how beautiful that ceremony was, that ceremony of selecting a successor, that ceremony of the next election , the world cannot easily analyze these issues, so now they are saying different things about this recent sad event , like other sad events that it happened , i believe that we should always prepare ourselves for these kinds of events , that is, not to think that all our problems can be summed up in individuals, or that supposedly the power of the revolution, the power of the revolution, and the goals of the revolution
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are not in the individual. a very important point it is important and less paid attention to is to assume. even regarding your military operations, after the martyrdom of sardar soleimani, a phrase became common, it has a lot of meaning. it was, but few people tried to understand that sardar soleimani, the martyr , is more influential than sardar soleimani, the commander. this is a common saying , did it really happen or not? if it is stronger, it is not weaker. this point goes back to the fact that
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different criteria should be used in the case of the islamic revolution. it does not mean that we want to reduce the importance or reduce the role of our officials and servants . it is in its place. you cannot deny the role and influence of ayatollah raisi. yes , but it is a fact that there is a compensatory power that relies on the people, who we can say are a huge reserve for the revolution , and this power comes gradually. pay attention, for example, on july 7, 1360, a very big
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and rare disaster happened, the likes of which we have never seen until now, when 72 of our managers and officials and the head of our judiciary , a part of the last neighborhood, left the scene in a moment. it was two days of funeral and it was over and after that the country went its own way anyway. there were not so many changes in the fronts, not so much failure in the administration of the country, not otherwise, of course, naturally, we lost great personalities who, if they were alive, could have been the source of greater services, but the main point that i emphasize is the discussion. the survival of the system and the revolution and its continuation, i emphasize that it cannot be entered into in any way. but now
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there are unexpected issues and unexpected events, not in iran, in all countries, but thanks to the mechanism that exists in the republican system. islam has never been based on an individual and this process has always continued to grow. the supreme leader of the revolution also stressed that people should not worry , there will be no disturbance in the affairs of the country. now let's go to this welcome and farewell . how do you see, with all the political , social and economic issues that existed in the country , how do you evaluate the presence of the awakening of destiny and the conscientiousness of the people in this veda and badrahe million ?
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i don't know what they say and what they say for example, the islamic republic is complete, and from these words that were in 1401 and some of the words that were said in the last one or two years, almost if you went to any assembly or gathering, there was a common saying that the people are upset, the people are unhappy. people don't want to cut the people. unfortunately, these sentences were said without reason. now in the anti-revolutionary media , which is very common, in my opinion, this happened if i say that with god's grace, everything that has happened in the past 34 years was invalidated. been. it will not be exaggerating and inconclusive, no
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, see, there is a point, economic issues, yes, what is going on i know about social anomalies. yes, i don't know . dissatisfaction with, for example, performances. accept the prisoners, but look at the presence of millions of people in the funeral procession. there was someone, he is not walking, what does it mean, mr. doctor, what is the message, this principle means that people
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understand what their duty is, now they should come to the scene. to say: firstly, this system will not be shaken , secondly, we trust our officials. third , we are aware of our own responsibility. we know that our presence is effective. see, a very important point. maybe many of our people do not know the exact point that i want to say, and it is this. very well, you and i will sit in front of the tv and see this crowd. we will go tomorrow. our work is fine , but do you think it is like this in the world? it is not like this at all. in the world, at least for two weeks , the political and media circles of the world will sit and examine these pictures. how many people came
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, what were their slogans, and why did they come i say with knowledge. i don't think it will happen and they will play these movies, they will return to the number they see, see, say, for example , was it a million, was it 2 million, was it 100,000, was it 200,000, was it 500,000? i am telling this issue. and that's why you see how many foreign delegations have come in this matter . do you think that if a government, for example , does not have stable authority and influence, there are so many people , so many messages are sent to it, anyway
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, no, it's not like that, it won't be like that. you see , for example, some from countries that have been with us for many years they have problems, they have differences, and the relationship is broken, and so-and-so foreign minister comes here and says, i have come to pay tribute to the people of iran. these are points that some people don't want to understand, we don't have any business with them , but some people who don't know now think that, for example, now, with the testimony of one person, now, first of all , it messes with everything, and secondly , it is not important for the world, it is not like that at all, you can see the news collection of the last two days and foreign news , the world is really sitting and analyzing about this matter. it also makes that policy and approach felt in harmony with the media are on their side because when you
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analyze the media, it is clear that they are pursuing a common policy together. yes, and confirm the order of his highness, now mr. mansouri, the shayat market is going to be hot in the middle of this , according to the experiences you had in different periods, consider what your advice is, and see , there is nothing else to expect from the enemy, if they do not do this, sir, doubt it, i am serious. look, of course , there are some of them who are mercenaries and get paid to sit there, and we all know that , so they are making rumors, telling lies, wrong analysis. he presents and disappoints, this is his job to get his salary. recently, they themselves have also spoken out that sir, we are getting money, we have to say something, did you hear me, they are saying now
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, so they don't care about us, the people. if we can, now the way is with you media people, how to present analysis to our people, how to explain the issues that both ignores their words and that even if we have a positive result from a tragic event, we will have an opportunity to face threats. . okay, now , i think we have about 5 minutes until the end of the conversation, i want to take a look at mr. raisi's character, our martyred president, mr. raisi , among the personalities who grew up in the islamic republic system, as they say today, from the bottom step by step
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, and we can come to the level of the presidency as a personality who in the system let's introduce the islamic republic of their upbringing, right now as a model for the new generation, a generation that has not seen and understood the likes of rajaees, bahoners and beheshtis , now they have a model like martyr gohor seyyed shahidan of service in front of them, hazrat's analysis let's hear what blessings this can have ok, and how should we use this capacity efficiently? see, one of the things that every system must do is to accurately budget its own funds. identify and preserve these capitals in a good way, one of the national capitals of every country should be outstanding personalities, so you see everywhere in
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the world the discussion of honoring the elders, reminding them, i don't know , statues, you know, on the streets of books, they say that we also have personalities, so introducing martyr rais. thirty and even the martyrs of amir abdullahian and even the rest of the martyrs who were with them , we should consider them as national capital, not think that in just a few days and the end of the parliament, i would like to say that mourning and this should be over, no, we should tell the lowest levels of education in this country, we had people like this in this country. while he lost his father in his childhood and he comes here, that is, in his youth
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, firstly, you can follow his path , secondly , you have to continue. an important point is that here we go back to the previous episode that when he was alive , they used to say something every day and say the truth and lie and now that he has been martyred, they say yes , he was a real popular president. now that he has been martyred, they say yes , he served a lot. you used to say this. why are you saying this today ? it shows that we should be able to present people's positions even in important times in such a way that
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people do not abuse them. the detractors and the unsatisfied ca n't use it. yes , of course, well, this is also the discussion that you said that the martyr ayatollah seyed ebrahim raisi may have had an effect on all kinds of posters. all kinds of work is good, very good, but it is not enough. and also about the rest of our elders, especially you
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especially in our educational centers , we have to work on this issue a lot, because in our educational centers, we have to set an example for our people, that is, our example should be a martyr , not a leader, for example, what do i know about such and such a foreigner or such and such a person. domestic unwanted thank you very much, mr. javad mansouri, an expert on political issues. thank you for your presence and explanations. while saying goodbye to you , dear viewers, i would like to draw your attention to a part of the speech of seyyed hassan nasrallah, the secretary general of hezbollah in lebanon, which is being broadcast on khabar do channel. .
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the martyrdom of ayatollah raisi, the president, along with hossein amir abdullahian, the minister of foreign affairs of our country his other companions have directed the attention of the people of the authorities of different countries to iran, its representatives in the world, here in england. the ambassadors and senior diplomats of iran's friendly countries from different continents of the world paid their respects to the martyred president of our country and his companions at the embassy of the islamic republic of iran in london and recorded the condolences of the government of their nation in the memorial book of these martyrs. with
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the departure of an official or the martyrdom of an official or the departure of a serviceman, this is proven . he did not settle down and did not change and did not weaken in his own policy or his support for palestine or the issue of palestine and the resistance movements. year by year , his support increased and he announced it and it became public and it became more visible, and you saw it and we also see what the islamic republic of iran gave victory in the beginning was very little . it was a crisis, the stronger and improved the conditions of iran, political, media , material, military, economic, more. and this is what we
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expect and many people have heard . the foreign delegations that came and met with imam khamenei also heard these, those who are waiting to hear the enemies who are waiting for iran to weaken . let him be weak, waver, or retreat, or give up on palestine , the resistance and free men of the oppressed, you are living in an illusion and a mirage, it is your imagination, the islamic republic was, is, and will be the greatest supporter and supporter in this world for palestine and it is the freedmen and the oppressed and the resistance movement, of course. we clearly
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said that the islamic republic of iran and the syrian arab republic stand by us in the liberation of 200 of these these two respectable countries really supported and helped lebanon's resistance, palestinian resistance is the central issue of palestine, this is one of the principles of the republic. now , in the last part, let's talk a few words about the achievements of al-aqsa storm and the war we are in now and we offer martyrs every day. and i wish them all the best, and patience for their families, and healing and
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well -being for the veterans in all fields.


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