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tv   [untitled]    May 25, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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it was that the efforts made by the government lead to measurable and tangible results, and they have a term, they always say, well, now what we are saying is what happened on the ground and... what happened to ali al-sarad, so the operational character and pragmatism ayatollah raisi was one of his outstanding features that we, who were in his service now or as a minister or deputy, always had to be accountable for what we reached regarding this matter of our mission. this
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dimension of efficiency actually shows their character , which i want to explain more to you now let me tell you, when we say that the martyr president was actually an efficient martyr president, it means that we see this efficiency in his administration as well. but his government was actually incompetent or the achievements of his government were not tangible achievements. i want to disprove this hypothesis here and explain that the character of shahid raisi is actually the character of his government and the group of members of the government delegation that accompanied him . in this regard, we in the organization of the program and
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we were obligated to the budget, first of all, they were very sensitive to the issue of the budget deficit, that is, they constantly emphasized to us that during the time that i was their witness and in the period before me, in fact, the previous head of the organization, they always emphasized that the budget deficit the government should bring it to zero, or in other words, we should not run the government with a deficit. the reason for this was, in fact, that they always cited the statement of the leadership officials that the budget deficit is the source of the government's budget deficit. if the government is not balanced, this dissatisfaction
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they will definitely spread to other sectors in the economy. in these 3 years, what mechanism did you use to eliminate this discontent and deal with the deficit? the most important mechanism that the government followed in the past years was that firstly we tried to use taxes as the main source of government revenue, i.e. both taxes and customs duties . let's make taxes and customs duties as stable and reliable sources of the government, endogenous resources of the economy as the main pillar of government financing and run the government with stable revenues . see the growth of tax revenues in the last 3 years. government. before, if we compare with the
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last three years of shahid raisi's government, it clearly shows that the rate of tax growth in the last 3 years of the previous government was usually around 20%. on average , this rate reached 60% in mr. raisi's government, that is, 60% per year . the tax increased, so you may tell me how this increase happened. as i was in charge of the tax organization in this government for some time, i want to say that we have made the tax system fair, by preventing tax evasion, by identifying new miners who do not pay taxes, by making the tax system smarter. and using the data system, we were able to bring the tax a little closer to the fair tax, although
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we still believe that there is a gap between what is collected and the capacity to collect tax, we have not identified all the tax loopholes yet. we do not receive all the rightful taxes, and for this reason, we see that the share of taxes in providing the budget in mr. raisi's government has increased significantly compared to the previous government, and we are also dependent on oil to the same extent. we were able to reduce the government's dependence on unstable resources, which is actually one of them oil revenues and also one of them is the issuance of financial bonds. you have a problem where our collection of tax
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and customs revenues and the sale of oil does not meet our needs. you see, in mr. raisi's government, about 320 thousand billion tomans of principal and interest of the bonds of the previous government were repaid, and the amount of net bond issuance that happened in this government in these 3 years was only 420 thousand billion tomans, that is, if we calculate. the net ratio of bond issuance to the total government budget in the previous government in the last 3 years of the previous government, this ratio was about 14% in mr. raisi's government, it was reduced to 5 and a half percent , which means that the government was able to
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identify sustainable sources instead of issuing bonds , and in fact, gave more sustainable sources, most of which are taxes. and customs duties. of course , along with this government, it also used the empty capacities of oil exports, that is, in the previous government, we had many cases, there were many times when we did not have an export market for the oil we wanted to export. let's find it, but in this government actually all the oil that was produced that production capacity. there has also been a significant increase. our production capacity has increased from about two tenths of a million barrels per day to 3.6 million barrels per day, and this capacity
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is partly devoted to domestic production, domestic consumption, and partly to export. our oil export income is proportionally it has increased, that is, in the government, in fact, mr. raisi, we have been able to earn. we should create a significant increase in oil exports, that is , we have added approximately 15 billion dollars to our oil export income compared to the last years of the previous government. together, it made us able to increase the stability of the budget , control the budget deficit, and last year we were able to allocate and pay 99% of the current expenses that were foreseen in the budget. 85 construction expenses and
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allocate credit for our construction projects, all of these caused the number of projects to be opened in this government to increase drastically , we opened the project and project wing only last year, and the new project was not defined exactly, that is, the value the plan that we opened last year, according to the investment that it had already exceeded 500 thousand billion tomans . well, these projects were half-finished projects that sometimes had been completed for many years . one of these projects was opened by him in stanke and birrahmand on this road. it had started last year and the opening of this plan was a wish for the people . in fact, many villages
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will be able to connect to the cities and the center of the country with the opening of this project. in fact, the achievements, for example , let's assume that the chamshir dam has about two billion cubic meters of water supply capacity. wisdom, due to the fact that the allocation of credits was done on time, this caused us to witness a flourishing in the opening of the project and the people feel the ownership project that the government has spent for them for years and now they are being exploited. you see the freeway from isfahan to shiraz, 212 km freeway was used last year. you have arrived and look at the road plans that have been opened, big roads, open
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roads, hospital area plans, dam construction and water supply plans, hospital plans, plans related to school and university buildings. , plans related to cultural buildings, all these, sports stadiums, the whole country really in these 3 years. the past has turned into a production workshop, both in the government itself with the general budget of the government and of course the non-governmental sector, and with these mechanisms, how much, mr. doctor, the deficit issue that we mentioned and which was one of his concerns has been realized, which has been eliminated. look, we now have a budget deficit. we are gradually getting closer to zero. when will our budget deficit be? there are two types of budget deficit, one is a hidden budget deficit, that is
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, we have seriously dealt with this issue . that is why our total budget in 1403 compared to 402. it grew only 24, while in previous years , the budget growth was 50% in some years , because the resources were revealed, when there are resources, you can define large expenses , and the expenses will be realized from that side. the resources do not materialize. this turns into a hidden budget deficit. the hidden budget deficit
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is now revealing itself and how much this helped the overall structure of the budget structure reform. that is how much the most important structural reform that we did was this, that is, the real one. making the revenues and resources of the government reduce the amount in fact the ratio of emissions the move towards sustainable sources of budget and of course the maximum use of the country's oil export capacity, in total, they were able to turn the government budget into a sustainable budget so that the deficit of this budget does not transfer to other sectors , see when we in someone's action is hidden , we have a budget, the costs are happening, what is the government doing, it comes to the methods of financing inflation , one of the most important of which is that it uses the resources and facilities of the banking system in an indirect way. . during this period, we
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tried to transfer the government deficit to the banking system let's not this issue made us achieve a discipline in the monetary sector as well. that is, budget discipline became a prelude to achieving monetary discipline in the country. therefore, i want to say this in general. one of our most important tasks in the government of shahid raisi was to be able to finance the government in a sustainable manner by using reliable and sustainable sources . the non-governmental sector now, whether in the form of bank facilities or in the form of the capital market, the result of this is that we have seen growth.
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we have become quite significant economically. you see, in the last three years of the previous government, the economic growth of the country was around minus 3%, which means that in the last three years, not only did we not have an annual economic growth on average. our economy has become smaller under the government of mr. raisi, in the past 3 years, the country's economic growth has been above 5% on average per year, that is, in 1400, we grew by 5.5%, in 1401, we grew by 5% , and in 1402, we grew by nearly 6%. we have, well, this growth shows a jump in the economy, a new phenomenon, that is, we came from negative growth to
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high positive growth, as you can see that the organizations between the international community admires iran's growth. the world bank and the international monetary fund actually praise iran's economic growth in this situation with all the international pressures and sanctions, and we know how much this growth is due to the increase in investment and how much it is due to the increase in productivity in the country. yes , look at this growth. the main reason is the increase in capital formation in the economy, that is, we have seen that in the last 3 years, the gross capital formation in the country has increased significantly. total investment in the minus 3.5% economy in the last 3 years in
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these two governments, capital growth has reached over 4%, plus 4%, that is, we have gone from a situation where the capital of the country, the capital of the entire economy, has decreased to a situation where the gross capital of the country has decreased. they are increasing, of course , there is still room. in order to make the economy bigger, we must be able to increase gross investment more than what we have achieved now. my reason is that we have to compensate for capital depreciation. these investments that are being made now are actually still being made they do not compensate all capital depreciation. therefore, one of the reasons for low growth in the economy is lack of
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capital formation or lack of sufficient investment. the direction of the government is to move the space in this direction, to provide the platforms for both government investment in construction machinery and non-government investments to help us increase the amount of capital in the economy , which is in line with that growth is happening , of course, in addition to these, the issue of utilization has been completely taken into account by the government, according to the statistics published by the national organization for economic development, and this is actually the case in recent days. at regarding productivity growth last year , this statistic and report was published in detail. it showed that last year the productivity growth in our economy was about 2%, which means that we
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benefited from the growth of about 6% and 2% of this growth. and we have obtained , if we want to analyze the growth, then so. the combination of these components has helped us to put the economy in a favorable position , of course, we believe that there are still many capacities in the economy that we need to activate. another indicator that i want to talk about. in fact, let me emphasize look at the issue of the job market, when we increase job opportunities , investments increase and businesses prosper . this average in the last 3 years has reached 8.8 percent, which means that our
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unemployment rate has decreased by 2 percent. on average, in 1402, in the fall of last year, unemployment reached 7.6 percent, which means that we are witnessing that job opportunities are actually new. it is being created in the economy , as many as 77 thousand new jobs in the last year alone created means that our net employment has been some people becoming unemployed and some people going to work, net employment. last year, we had only 770,000 jobs. this is while in 2009, which was the last year of the previous government , due to the corona situation, of course, and other factors. we had lost one million jobs, which means the net employment was negative by one million, so in total
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, we are witnessing that our conditions in the labor market are moving towards improvement. the 3 years of the government were almost the same as the 3 years of the previous government, i.e. 41. that is, because of this some people may doubt and say that the government actually played with the participation rate in statistical calculations and this caused the unemployment rate to improve, not that the participation rate in these three years was almost 41% compared to the last three years, and the unemployment rate is the same under these conditions. has decreased, and one more thing i want to say is the improvement of the working environment . last year, about 1 million 800 thousand licenses were issued through the national license portal, 1 million
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800 thousand licenses were issued, and 2 million 200 thousand licenses were renewed. all this has helped our labor market to improve employment to improve our net employment creation will increase and the economic growth that we mentioned will happen in total. all in all, mr. doctor, these points that you mentioned, especially where you talked about the budget deficit and the success of the 13th government against al-qaeda , we have to see the effects of it in inflation. in the case of open inflation, i want to say that the government's policy is control. inflation has been stable, of course , we should pay attention to one important point, which is that this government made an important change and reform in the currency market and in
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the exchange rate, which naturally could impose a large inflationary effect on the economy, and the government was able to skillfully control this inflationary effect. you see, we removed the 420 limit, the price of basic goods increased to 28 and a half. our exchange rate in the exchange market increased to about 40,000 tomans for every dollar. well, this event could cause very severe inflation. many predicted that the inflation would reach three digits in the iranian economy. that is, when we come, the exchange rate will change from 4.20 to 28. preferably , we will increase it by about seven times the increase of the exchange rate seven times how much it can cause inflation. if
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it was not managed, the inflation would definitely go above 100 , as many people predicted, but the government was able to skillfully take this great step, which of course was necessary to prevent corruption. . the goods were necessary to maintain the country's horizontal reserves , it was inevitable, that is, what the government did was something that the previous government delayed and continued the preferential rate of 420 for several years because it did not want to accept its consequences, but this government came bravely and this reform he did it in his first year here i want to point out that shahid raisi believed. the people's vote is important to us, but we should not
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pass big measures and major reforms out of fear of the people's vote. let's say that one of the biggest holes in iran's economy, which in my opinion was a black hole, is the preferential rate of 420. well, this happened. now we see what happened to the inflation rate. in the same year , in the same period, the land rate was 42 in the country. it was used in august 1400 when the government took over, mr. raisi, inflation rate 44 43 inflation rate for 12 months ending august 100. well, now you look at what number our inflation has reached today, it has reached about 37, that is, despite the fact that we
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performed a major surgery, the inflation rate for 12 months at the end of may has now reached about 37. the point by point inflation rate has now reached 31 means that it is entering the 20% channel, which we predict that by the end of the year , if this trend continues, our rate will increase. well, this was a very important initiative . liquidity in the growth of the monetary base , we see the same events there, in fact, the monetary variables and monetary totals are skillfully controlled, and this has caused the inflation to be completely managed despite the forecasts that could be completely managed by removing the preferential rate. and
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continue in a tolerable range, but in addition to this, mr. raisi said that because we removed the interest rate because inflation was imposed on the economy , inflation actually reached about 46% last year. and so you can see that a compensation policy has been implemented since the same year. what was the compensation policy? subsidy subsidy for the first to fifth to fourth deciles , 400,000 tomans per month and 300,000 tomans for the rest of the students were set. a multifold increase in contributions happened in order to cover mr. raisi to the people, especially in fact. the low-income and
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poor groups of the society should be given serious attention. believing that we should not do anything to create poverty in the society , and they said that eliminating absolute poverty is a requirement for us, you are looking in the same direction , the income explanation policies that he did caused the inequality coefficient of the gini coefficient in the explanation of income from about forty hundred to. economic policy that in mr. raeesi's government was done, it shows that he paid attention to economic issues, first of all, he was serious, look at you , he easily changed the head of the central bank
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, he is the head of the budget planning organization. changing the why means he believed that if we need to move our team members like a coach, we should do it so that we can stabilize the economy. in general, we want to say that the economic functions of mr. raisi's government, now i have the opportunity. i couldn't explain the foreign trade balance to you and some others from the door author fact. if there is another opportunity, we must explain these things to you and the dear viewers. in general , as hazrat agha said, mr. raisi was sincere and indefatigable, but at the same time , you were efficient and efficient. you can see this efficiency now in the field of economy and we must teach this in other fields at the right time to serve you, in the field of health, in the field of education. in
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the field of higher education, in the field of knowledge companies of the foundation , god willing, if there is an opportunity, my colleagues and i should serve these things dear people, god willing. thank you, dr. manzoor, for your presence in the special news interview. we are running out of time, and thank you for watching. good night. in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, welcome to the world. today, on the 23rd day of the war and genocide in gaza
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, we start the program with the latest pictures and news of palestine.


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