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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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and we therefore saw a large number of jewish students among them. it was interesting, mr. abu khater, that your opinion was that only 20 % are muslims, 60% are ordinary people, and the other 20% are even jews. if we want to have an overview of the height of the protests a student in america who involved more than 130 universities and colleges across the united states, what kind of treatment and costs have been imposed on the protesting students and professors? yes, as i told you, 20% are muslim, 20% are jewish and 60% are normal, but this is of course it was my opinion and actually that is the result it was my research, well, these encounters that you just mentioned were very terrible.
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a number of universities only give. in fact , they created some of them with restrictions in their documents . 13 students who were active in the university of massachusetts coordinated the demonstration. they announced their arrival to us and actually said that these 13 people were not allowed to attend the graduation ceremony at the end of the semester and they were not allowed in the ceremony. this indeed. one
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of the limitations was that we saw some students who were even physically assaulted and they don't allow that in fact with these pressures they don't allow the students to express what they think out loud and in a way and in fact they directly target their freedom of expression and a lot. i would like to thank the students for approving what i believe to be their rights as citizens of the united states. how do you see america regarding israel's genocide in gaza?
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usually, in the summers, we see that every year all of a sudden, the universities become empty and many of them go back until the fall when they return to their colleges. however, i think that even though those students leave the university , some more enter the universities, now for other programs. the summer programs. or our temporary programs at
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columbia university in new york and the rest of the students, the same 130 students that you mentioned, i can say that in the future, they will be under pressure again, and we hope that the violence will end just like this. stop against students and more importantly against the people of qaz. we saw very good students during this time, many of them were americans and this is really a source of pride for us. we have witnessed the fact
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that these students, for example , are financially supporting their own parents and even helping their own relatives, but anti-semitism was under pressure, and i saw this clearly myself. and clearly i know that it is not like this. i myself
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participated in these demonstrations with my jewish classmates and i know that the students do not have such a view at all, but when they want to deal with the students, use this negative propaganda. they do not shy away from anything in order to accuse them and put this stigma on them, and in fact, the students wanted only to stop the violence in the holy lands of palestine. abu khater, thank you for inviting me. peace be upon quds sharif, peace be upon him gaza and its children. we invite all islamic governments to loudly announce the zionist regime.
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stop the war crimes against the palestinian people. today, palestine is the standard of humanity, morality and conscience. the resistance in other areas has prepared all possible scenarios in front of it. in the hope of the final victory of palestine and the freedom of holy quds sharif , and with greetings to all mujahids and martyrs of the resistance front , peace be upon you, god's mercy and blessings. i continue today's world. the russian president said: iran is a big regional country and plays a big role in the global and international context. to report arti arab network vladimir putin
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said in a joint press conference with alexander lukashenko, the president of belarus, that i believe that there will be no change in the policies of this country with the death of the president of iran , because the foundation of the iranian government is strong and... in your opinion, the president has passed away. how can the president of iran affect the military regional relations between tehran and moscow ? regarding what you said, i cannot give an opinion, but regarding iran's foreign policy, this is a matter of iran's own sovereign decision . plays. so in my opinion facing changes in the iranian government's foreign policy will be very little from this disaster. because iranian officials and the foundation of iran's government are powerful and reliable. we
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have relations with iran's government, nation and leadership that have developed in a good way, and in my opinion , there will be no grounds for serious changes. but naturally, i rely on the fact that russia's approach is that i will accept iran's policy and we will maintain these relations based on international issues. about the death of our friend mr. raisi, i must say that he was a good person and had an honest conversation with us he also tried to develop his country and defend the interests of his nation. there are many words about this. but i believe that iran will solve this problem, they will understand what happened, but american policy also caused this to happen . that is, the means that
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move people, they impose sanctions against us and our companies, ships and airplanes. put because its domestic industry we have it, but in this case it affected them . these are means of transportation that civilians use to travel. this helicopter. it has flown many times over the past 5 decades. if the service had been provided in a good way, the situation would have turned out in a different way. now, in today's farakhur , another case is devoted to the investigation of the foreign policy legacy of shahidan raisi and amir abdullahian. before the program, we had a conversation with mr. dr. olsi yaschi, a university professor in kalanpur, malaysia, first of all, about:
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shows the importance that president raise and his government had for the iranian people. president raisi has been one of the most successful. precedence of the modern iranian history and in particular of the last two decades. we have to remember here that when president raisi came to power in 2021, iran was suffering from horrible sanctions which the us administration of president trump had imposed on iran. and it was "thanks to the skillful politics of president raisi, this
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also accompanied by the very skillful political maneuvering of his foreign minister, the late hussein amir abdullahyan, which in a way managed to break the seed in which iran was placed by the american zionist alliance. what was very helpful for president raisi was that in february 2022 we had the start of the conflict in ukraine between russia and nato, the total sanction regime which western governments imposed on the russian government were a golden opportunity for the government of president raisi to break the west sie and new and very important alliance will be constructed in
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this time between russia and iran. in a way, iran became the gateway of many russian products into asia. the alliances that president raisi was very smart to build during his presidency with countries like india, china in particular, and of course russia. and here we have to also mention the very successful normalization of relations which iran made with saudi arabia and other gulf arab countries with the intervention of china of course open so many opportunities for iran to develop its economy and we have to remember something that with the start of the conflict.
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after the demise of the late president raisi, iran lost one of its greatest leaders 21st century, we know that president raisi , he was a student of imam khomeini and imam khamenei, he was a believer in the institution of the vilayat, he was a great religious leader, and in particular with the start of the war in gaza, president raisi became one of the major champions of the resistance of islam
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against genocide and apartade in gaza. now what will happen in iran after the demise of president raisi? i think that president raisi left a wonderful legacy like general qassem sulaymani before him. they pay the way for future of iran. i mean, president raisi, after all, he was a follower of the... institution of and the strategy, the grand strategy which was built before him by general sulaymani leaves to this day, the so-called axis of resistance. has shown to western imperialism the power of the islamic world, the power of iran and president one was one of these leaders, so even though president raisi is no longer with us, his deeds, his sap like we say in sunni islam are going to live with us and muslims around the
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world and in particular the sunshine, for the past five decades they have been uh , let's see the cnn report and coverage of this network in a reversed form, which of course has reduced the presence of millions to hundreds of thousands of people. while the body of the deceased
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is moving towards the shrine of imam reza as one of the most important blessed places in iran. the streets of mashhad are forbidden from the crowd of mourners for ibrahim. hundreds of thousands of people came to the streets here in mashhad. this is actually the political and spiritual homeland of ebrahim raeesi, and people here say that despite the great grief, i hope that iran will continue on the path of ebrahim raeesi's government. in the name of god. ebrahim raisi for the duration he was in power for 3 years. also the first. the historic attack on israel from iranian soil took place in retaliation for the bombing of the iranian embassy in syria during his government. the crowd chants death to israel and death to america at the funeral. 100 100.
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we all support raisi and want him to continue . we came here to say. the helicopter crash killed tehran and announced that a new president will be elected at the end of june. as one of america's fiercest enemies, iran will not look to the future and will determine its political future soon. now we will go to moscow with chi boos to check more of these covers
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reporter and political analyst, let's talk, mr. baba, hello. there was also the government and it had different aspects. the
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widespread presence of these demonstrators, who are actually ordinary people of iran. it was really remarkable. as an outside observer , what do you see the meaning of this presence of millions? i think that iran understands that the western world and those who are outside of iran. and now, except for russia and china, how are they actually looking at the events with the mainstream media . therefore, based on this point of view, most of the people in the west cannot see these images of the widespread presence of people because the media
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the mainstream does not allow them to do this and they only publish their own narratives. currently , due to the expansion of the internet and social networks , finally, some of these images are being published. we saw how people poured into the streets because of the testimony of the iranian president and foreign minister , and it means that the iranian government the people have widespread support. mr. bowes, you mentioned the narratives that the mainstream media present about iran. these years anyway, they publish the image they like and which is in accordance with the policies of their governments from iran
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. where do you think this presence of millions is located in the war of narratives between iran and its enemies? i think that this presence and this t actually present. and we explain to the people, to the westerners, because many people are not really familiar with how this might actually mean, in my opinion, the minister.
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we are trying to acquaint our people with the reality in front of the mainstream media. and let's explain to them, well, in my opinion, this large presence of iranian people is really possible it was attention and this is a sign of their loyalty and love for their country, and this is very important in my opinion, mr. b. my final question is another aspect of this story, which is evident in the presence of millions , the resistance of the iranian people despite all the incidents and... the crises during these years include sanctions, pressures, assassinations, the imposition of 8 years of war by saddam on iran, as well as a
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permanent propaganda war against the facts of iran for 45 years. however, people come to the stage like this at the height of difficult moments like the absence of the president. what do you think about this spirit of iranians? how about from outside? can it be seen? you see, iranians are a great nation , the persians actually had a great civilization in the past, they had great governments , they were good warriors and they have a very bright past. i also know several iranians in russia with whom i have relations.
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and i see in russia, in fact , i see global views about iran. i know mr. yousef jalali, who is our colleague in arti, and in fact, i saw that the people of iran with considerable energy that they put in despite the efforts of the west to isolate they try to show themselves in the world by doing business activities they are doing social activities and the action of westerners to embargo them and economic war against them according to. these efforts of the iranian people have become ineffective , they are trying to
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destroy the dominance of the dollar in the field of world trade. this work is accompanied by the help and support of russia and china , and we hope that in this situation, we can create a new era , destroy the domination of the united states and deprive it of the ability to impose its own demands on global equations. i repeat again this great civilization of iranians and this the intelligent and warm-hearted people that iran had were able to show their support for their government inside them, and those who were outside also carried out activities to fight against the west. it was with mr. chee buz, a reporter and political analyst from moscow. mr. buz
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, thank you for being with us in this conversation on khabar network, and at the end, i would like to thank mr. mohsen imani, our french translator, for translating the first communication , and also mr. mohsen jalili for translating the second communication. next, we reached the end of the world today goodbye god
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bismillah rahman raheem salam secretary of the supreme council of cultural revolution from revising the map. if the decisions made in the council of the science and technology headquarters today are approved by the supreme council of the cultural revolution, this headquarters can be said to find a path of improvement in this period.


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