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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 5:00am-5:30am IRST

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in the meeting of the economic council chaired by the acting president , it caused the country's oil production to increase from 3.6 million barrels to 4 million barrels per day . the realization of 7 billion dollars in income and agreement with the plan's generalities, the report on the latest status of the plans introduced for the use of foreign financial education were among the other approvals of saturday's meeting. dean of the faculty.
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the governance of tehran university became a model for the style of popular president and the continuation of martyr ayatollah raisi's way in running the affairs of the country. dr. pourhat said in the meeting about the depiction of supreme governance, in line with the tradition of the martyred president's governance the positive experiences of the people's government and their documentation can help to produce superior theories for the better administration of the country. it should be created so that our scholars, professors, and researchers can access these experiences, document them, extract from them, narrate them, and review them to help produce superior theories for the better administration of the country. zarrani, who these days after visiting the shrine of imam rauf ali bin musa al-reza (peace be upon him) to read the fatiha at the mausoleum. martyr ayatollah ebrahim raisi
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is coming to demand the continuation of the martyr president. the shrine of imam reza, peace be upon him, for a few nights after the funeral of the martyred president. pilgrims after visiting the court of the 8th imam. now a few steps on the other side in the mausoleum of martyr seyyed.
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i am talking about the people who are dead, think of them as people , there was no propaganda, there was no awareness, he was empathetic with the people, he was humble and he never looked at the people from a higher position. pilgrims also said that the path of martyr raisi should continue and the duty of the next president is very heavy. he should really
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have a serious motive and be with the people around the clock. it is to serve the people and be a comfort to the people like a may he serve the people properly like mr. raisi, be selfless and do his work , continue the path of this honorable martyr ayatollah raisi , and this was the secret of the popularity of martyr ibrahim raisi, the popularity that has remained in history . holy imam reza (peace be upon him) of mashhad , president and grand mufti of tanzania, in a message of condolence on the martyrdom of ayatollah raisi, martyred amir abdullahian and other martyrs of the service , expressed their condolences to the leader of the islamic revolution and the people of iran, ms. samia salouhossan , president
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, minister of defense of spain, said israel in the gaza strip has committed genocide. according to margarita robles, relations between israel and spain have worsened after madrid's decision to recognize the state of palestine . iran, russia and spain announced on wednesday that they recognized palestine as an independent country. in response to this decision, the zionist regime contacted its ambassadors in these three countries.
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criticizing the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza and comparing the actions of the zionists with hitler, he said that baudrillard committed genocide . returned to this country in tel aviv. more than 30 % of iranians have fatty liver. announcing this news, the head of the iranian association of gastroenterology and liver specialists said that 40% of referrals to outpatient clinics are related to digestive tract problems, which can be
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prevented by modifying lifestyle, nutrition and adequate physical activity. about 35% of all body cancers are related to gastrointestinal tract cancer. about the patient.
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there is a lot of work left on the ground , waiting for the hosts. the engineers and workers of the se-shafete region worked tirelessly until the super project of isfahan road, shiraz , instead of the merg road, was bombed during the month. at all, 5 to 6 complete cars are coming to the cars with a sort, they couldn't collect them by themselves . i myself saw the car that was with the family. in this path, the engineers worked very hard, the workers worked hard day and night, especially during this period, as i know, i worked for three hours. these are lasting
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works for the country. appreciation this work of iranian engineers has resulted in two important results: the first one shortens the route from isfahan to shiraz by two hours, and the second one reduces fuel consumption by 130 million liters per year. slow a figure worth 6 thousand billion tomans. the countries around us always emphasize to us that today the easiest path, the cheapest path , the most reliable path is the path of the republic. islamic iran for connecting north and south and east and west.
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i invite you to watch tonight's special news talk, which examines the economic performance of the martyred ayatollah raisi's government. tonight's guest is mr. dr. manzoor, the honorable deputy president and the head of the program and budget organization . hello , thank you very much, to your excellency and dear viewers which we will go into details about the most important economic achievements of mr. raisi's government, if we want to ask what titles you count, i would like to mention this point that the character of hazrat ayatollah raisi rahmatullah against martyr raisi
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was a comprehensive character, this means the fact that they were surrounded by all issues and followed the attention of all issues at the same time was not that they considered one area in management or in governance in particular and left the other areas into oblivion, that's why i i would like to say that in addition to the special characteristics of the martyr a leader who was sincere and hardworking, the position of supreme leader also points to two other characteristics, that he was efficient and efficient. it is an important story about the character of shahid raisi
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, that is, he was tireless while trying sincerely, but these efforts lead to measurable results , which we can observe in all fields , and it is right that we are a we would like to provide a clear explanation of their achievements in various areas of the government's service to you and our dear viewers. now, your excellency, you said that we are focused let's dedicate tonight's conversation to the field of economics, which i think is a good suggestion for most of us to have a discussion on the economic aspects of their functions.
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it was that the efforts made by the government lead to measurable and tangible results, and therefore the operational character and pragmatism of ayatollah raisi was one of his outstanding characteristics that we who were in his service, now or as a minister or deputy, should always we would answer that what conclusion did we reach regarding this issue of our mission? this dimension of efficiency actually
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shows their character, which i now i want to explain more to you. when we say that mr. martyr president was actually an efficient martyr president, it means that we see this efficiency in his administration as well. they may say yes, in fact, we appreciate mr. raeesi in terms of his personality in various dimensions, but his government was actually weak or the achievements of his government were not tangible achievements. i want to disprove this hypothesis here and explain that the character of shahid raisi is actually the character of his government and the group of members of the government delegation who accompany him. in the same
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we were obliged to communicate with the program and budget organization because they were very sensitive to the issue of budget deficit. that is, they constantly emphasized to us that during this time that i was their witness and in the previous period, i was actually the previous head of the organization. they always emphasized that the government should reduce the budget deficit to zero, or in other words, we should not run the government with a deficit. let's say, the reason for this was actually that they also always cited the statement of the leadership officials that the budget deficit is umm al-khabais, which means that all economic problems and issues in some way originate from the government's budget deficit. if the government is dissatisfied, this dissatisfaction
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will definitely spread to other sectors in the economy . for three years, what mechanism did you use to eliminate this dissatisfaction and deal with the deficit? the most important mechanism that the government followed in the past years was that, first of all, we tried to use taxes as the main source of government income , that is, taxes as well. customs duties, in general , we call these taxes, taxes and customs duties as stable and reliable sources of the government , the endogenous resources of the economy as the main pillar of financing the government, and the government with revenues let's govern stably. see the growth of tax revenues in the last 3 years of the previous government. if we compare
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it with the last 3 years of my government, since i was in charge of the tax organization in this government for a while, i would like to say that in practice , by making the tax system fair, we have prevented from tax evasion, by identifying new miners who do not pay taxes, with tax intelligence and the use of data systems, we were able to bring the tax a little closer to a fair tax
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. and there is a capacity to collect distance tax we still haven't identified all the tax loopholes , we still don't receive all the rightful taxes, and that's why we see that the share of taxes in providing the budget in mr. raisi's government increased significantly compared to the previous government, and the same amount of dependence. we were actually able to rely on oil to the same extent. let's reduce the government to unsustainable resources, one of which is actually oil revenues and also one of them is the issuance of financial bonds
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. to publish. debt bonds, i want to point out a number here. you can see that in mr. raisi's government, about 320 thousand billion tomans of the principal and interest of the bonds of the previous government were repaid and the amount of net bond issuance that happened in this government in these 3 years. it was only 420 thousand billion tomans, that is , if we take into account the ratio of the net issuance of bonds to the total government budget in the previous government, in the last 3 years of the previous government, this ratio was about 14 in mr. raisi's government , this has decreased to 5 and a half percent, which means that
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the government was able to by identifying sustainable resources instead of issuing bonds. towards actually more sustainable resources of course, besides this government , it also used the empty capacities of oil exports, that is, in the previous government , we had many cases, there were many times when we did not have an export market for the oil we wanted to export. the oil remains on the ships until we find a customer for it. but in this government , in fact, all the oil that was produced and the production capacity has increased significantly, our production capacity has increased from about 2.2 million. which has now reached 3.6 million per day and this capacity is partly for domestic production and partly for export now
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are allocated our oil export income has increased in the same proportion, that is, in the government , mr. raisi, we have actually been able to increase the income from oil export. if we pay attention to it, it means that we added approximately 15 billion dollars to our oil export income compared to the last years of the previous government. well, all of this together made us able to increase the stability of the budget , control the budget deficit, and in the year in the past, we were able to allocate 99% of the current expenses that were foreseen in the budget and pay 85% of the construction costs and the credit of the project.
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allocating our construction projects, all of these caused the number of projects to be opened in this government to increase drastically, we opened more than 1,200 projects and plans in the last year alone, and a new plan was also included in the definition. that is, the value of the projects that we opened last year was 500 thousand billion tomans according to the investment that had already been made. well, these plans are semi-completed plans, sometimes long years have passed. one of these projects that he opened in the province of birhamd is the road from patabe to dehdeh, a major part of which is tunnels are tunnels that pass through the mountains . it started 29 years ago and the opening of this project was a dream for the people. in fact
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, with the opening of this project, many villages will be able to connect to the cities and the center of the country. in fact, the achievements of this kind, for example, let's assume that chamshir is about two shares of billion meters. the cube of water supply capacity was opened in this government, and of these types of plans, large plans and small plans, considering that the allocation of credits was done on time , these caused us to witness a flourishing in the opening of the plan and people feel a plan the property that the government has spent years on and now it is being put into operation, you can see our azad road in shiraz, 2112 kilometers of azad road were put into operation last year, and you can look at the road plans that
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were opened in different places. big roads, open roads, plans for hospital areas, dam construction and water supply plans, hospital plans, plans related to school and university buildings, plans related to cultural buildings, all of these , sports stadiums all over the country, really in the last 3 years. the production workshop became both in the government itself the public budget of the government and of course the non-governmental sector, and with these mechanisms, how much has the issue of the deficit that he mentioned, his concerns have been realized , that it has been eliminated. see, we are now gradually approaching zero budget deficit. someone's time that is, we put incomes in the budget that cannot be realized
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, we only fix the appearance of the budget, for example, if our oil sales capacity is 500,000 billion tomans , we write 650,000 billion tomans in the budget, this 150,000 billion tomans is a hidden budget. in this government, we tried to hide the deficit remove the real numbers, that is , make the numbers real, especially in the 1403 budget , we seriously addressed this issue, that's why our total budget in 1403 grew by only 24 compared to 402, while the previous years' budget growth sometimes, in some years, it was 50% , because the resources were revealed, and when the resources are revealed , you can define high expenses, on the other hand, the expenses are realized, but the resources are not realized, this turns into a hidden budget deficit. a hidden budget deficit that reveals itself.
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and how much this helped to reform the overall structure the budget structure means how much the most important reform of the structure that we have done is the actualization of the government's revenues and resources, the reduction of the amount in fact, the ratio of issuance of bonds, moving towards sustainable budgetary sources, and of course, the maximum use of the capacity of the country's oil exports. the total managed to turn the government's budget into a stable budget so that the deficit of this budget is not transferred to other sectors. see, when we have a hidden budget in someone's practice, the expenses will happen , what will the government do, and it will come up with the funding methods. financial inflation, one of the most important of which is this which indirectly use the resources and facilities of the banking system. during this
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period, we tried not to transfer the government's deficit to the banking system, and this caused us to achieve a discipline in the monetary sector, that is, budgetary discipline became a prelude to achieving monetary discipline in the country, so i want this in general. i must say that one of our most important approaches in shahid raisi's government was to be able to. let's finance the government itself in a sustainable way by using reliable and sustainable sources. the result of all these measures we did in the government's own acquisition plans and investment support non-governmental sector now, whether in the form of bank facilities or in the form of the capital market
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, the result of these was that we witnessed relatively significant economic growth. you see, in the last 3 years of the previous government, the country's economic growth was around minus 3%. that is, in the last 3 years, not only did we not have annual economic growth, on average our economy has shrunk by three percent per year. in the government of mr. raisi in this q3. last year , the country's economic growth was above 5%, on average every year , that is, we are growing in 14005 , we are growing 55% in 1401, we are growing nearly 6% in 142, so this growth it shows a jump in the economy, a new phenomenon , that is, we came from negative growth to high
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positive growth, as you can see that the international organizations praise iran's growth, the world bank and the international monetary fund, iran's economic growth in these conditions. with all the international pressures and sanctions , they actually admire and you know how much this growth is due to the increase in investment and how much it is due to the increase in productivity in the country. yes, see this growth is the main part of it. due to the increase in capital formation in the economy, we are witnessing that in the last 3 years, the gross capital formation in the country is the same they find a significant increase. again, i want to compare the growth of gross capital formation or total investment in
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my economy in the last 3 years of the previous government. last year, in this government, capital growth reached over 4%, a positive 4%, which means that we have gone from a situation where the country's capital, the capital of the entire economy, was decreasing to a situation where the country's gross capital is increasing . of course, there is still room. in order to make the economy bigger, we must be able to increase gross investment more than what we have achieved now. this is that we have to compensate the depreciation of the capital , these investments that are being made now actually do not compensate all the depreciation of the capital.


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