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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 8:30am-9:00am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] let's give light to our countrymen by consuming hine energy , in the name of god, the value of the purchased shares of the capital market stabilization fund reached 1700 billion tomans last year. according to the latest performance report of the market stabilization fund, the value of the shares sold by this fund was 7800 billion tomans and block sale was 300 billion tomans. most of the purchases were made
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through the image box. the market in may and june of last year was equivalent to 963 billion tomans, which took place in two petrochemical and refining industries. the most sold shares of market stabilization fund were in april and may 1402, equivalent to 4240 recorded a billion tomans. the net purchase of the approval fund was equal to 6463 billion tomans last year. tehran stock exchange company's market operations management did not approve part of the stock market transactions. the market supervisor of the tehran stock exchange and bahadur company did not approve a part of the stock transactions on saturday in accordance with paragraph 4 of article 30 of the executive order on how to conduct transactions in the tehran stock exchange. the symbols of 60 steel, femli kaveh and a number of other companies were among the symbols
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whose transactions. not confirmed. it is said that in symbols that part of their transactions are not confirmed the principle of fairness was not respected and some lawyers sold shares more than usual. the end of the stock market trading on saturday ended with the total and equal weight index being red. on this day, most of the market symbols were negative. glass hall for the third. consecutive days saw the withdrawal of money from shares and right of first refusal. the stock market witnessed a reddening of the overall index in the trading on saturday, with the continuation of the positive and negative limit of 2% for stocks. on this day , the main indicator was at the level of 2 million 975 units with a drop of 16,968 units, equivalent to negative 74%
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. the index load of the total support range is 2 million 100 lost a thousand units. the equal weight index was also at the level of 6895 units with a negative return of 6 percent equal to 4303 units so that the equal weight index is also in line with the total fall index. on this day, the glass hall witnessed more than 7 billion 164 million stocks and financial bonds changing hands in 248 thousand times with a value of 500 470 billion tomans . foulad, femli, shepna and fars symbols have the most negative impact on the red of the total index, and against the symbols of the desert, taira, ati and vetoka , they prevented further reduction of the total index. net change in legal to real market ownership for the third day in a row it became negative and the glass hall witnessed the withdrawal of 609 billion tomans of real money from shares
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and pre-emptive rights. during the trading on saturday. the largest outflow of real money was made from the groups of stock funds, automobile parts and petroleum products , the largest inflow of real money was allocated to the groups of agriculture and machinery and equipment. the condition of the symbols of the glass hall also indicated that 72 symbols were positive and 66 symbols were negative, so that the market witnessed 91 of its symbols becoming negative. also, 21 symbols with a queue for buying and 452 symbols with a queue for selling materials. became. the total value of shopping pages is 42 billion tomans the total value of sales pages was announced as 874 billion tomans. ghazal arab gul of sed and cima news agency. in the transactions of the first week of june, the net inflow of cash to brokerages for natural persons was more than 1,265 billion tomans. the net cash outflow of legal entities from brokerages is 43 billion
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tomans. it was also recorded that the value of commodity exchange transactions was more than 33 thousand billion tomans, of which 2,760 billion tomans were related to commodity exchange transactions and 5,460 billion tomans. it was dedicated to energy exchange transactions. last week , the value of shares and the right of first refusal in the market the capital reached 962 billion tomans. the stock exchange's share of these transactions was more than 6168 billion tomans, the over-the-counter share was more than 2894 billion tomans. the value of transactions in tradable investment funds also reached
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24 during this period. is that the instructions of trusted auditing institutions are not against the law. mr. tafarshi said that one of the auditors of the accountants' society complained to the stock exchange organization and claimed that the supreme council of the stock exchange, by approving the instructions for trusted audit institutions , entered the field of regulation of audit institutions outside of its legal jurisdiction. according to tafarshi of the banking tax expert board of the court. he did not consider the procedure of the complaint, which was approved by the supreme council of the stock exchange in 2006, to be against the law and rejected the request for its annulment, and that the value of
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physical market transactions of the iran energy exchange reached more than 380 billion tomans in the week ending june 2 this year. more than 135 thousand tons of products and energy carriers worth 3620 billion tomans were sold in the domestic and export halls of the energy exchange. also, during this period, the transaction of 2 billion 180 million kilowatt hours of electricity worth 256 billion 400 million tomans was recorded. sale 74 one thousand kilowatt hours of green electricity recorded the value of 3 billion 170 million tomans. end of
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market news. god-guarded capital. how can i help you? we can have two hands of the same hair, the same color, and the same price . there is only one hand left of this hair style with the same color, that's why it came at this price in the fake house. which is great, because there is a spread of discounts here. all the accessories here, in addition to the discounts of sarai irani, i also have a special discount. when will these purchases reach us ? any purchase you make right now will be delivered to you immediately. what an attractive data, incredible discounts at the
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discount store, sarai bozor irani, irani bozor sarai, in the cities of qom, isfahan, and the only branch in tehran, in sarah
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afsarieh. it opens a thousand square meters with the capacity of producing one and two tenths of megawatts of electricity, a big step in line with the ideals of mashhad blue waves sports complex. mashhad blue waves sports complex. the wave of exciting news is endless. next to the shrine of imam raouf to serve pilgrims and fellow pilgrims. beautiful appearance, smart touch screen with capacity beyond expectation , humidity control valve to keep food fresh, hidden water tank and purifier connected to city water. equipped with
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inverter compressor, max d point twin fridge freezer worthy of your home. the transparency of the fight against corruption is the key word that was repeated in all his talks, even in the tenth and last tv interview of shabar, the bank debtors, who used to chatter in the meetings , said so and so, like this, we made this public , we said that the bank debtors should be everyone knows that this makes someone. if he doesn't appear like this, he should clear his account with the bank and the bank can
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give him an education. the axes that have been given since the beginning and even since he was assigned to the head of the judiciary the decree of the supreme leader of madazla al-ali to hazrat hojat -ul-islam wal-muslimin, mr. raisi, as the respected head of the judiciary, sought to implement them in the economy of the banking system. economic security and production security. one of the necessities is the condition of economic security and security for producers to deal with economic abusers and those who disrupt production. the role of the judiciary is not important here. we should try with all our heart to fight against oppression, fight against corruption, fight against discrimination in the society, which is not liked by hazrat.
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there should be no corruption in the society, it should not be allowed anywhere the islamic system is corrupt. transparency definitely helps. both to the monitoring devices to take good care, to the managers to manage well, and to the people to monitor well. transparency is a very blessed thing. corrupt platforms must be corrected. we also need to correct the corruption breeding grounds, which were tried to be corrected by observing how the banks are educated . our economic files are taken from the same group of people. hitting brokers, people getting education should be inside they act by taking the head from another place through a hole. we should not be singled out twice. see, i
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was the head of the country's mediator in 1974. we had a case related to these embezzlement cases. at that time, there was a discussion of 124 billion, and these or 123 billion were matters . the figure went up to 3 thousand billion, which means that the person has changed, the amount has increased , but the type of the case is the same, that is, of the same type of case. dealing with the nation's money, the granting of facilities is one of those structures that must be reformed, that is , when i say that the structures must be reformed, it means that we every let's not witness a case on our table at the end of his efforts to reform the bank's education process and fight corruption to establish a complex.
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the economic crime special ended in bahman 2018, god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad, god willing, it will help in the direction of economic transparency and fight against economic crimes, and it will be a step towards transparency, god willing, the result of which ended up bringing the bank super debtors to the court table. some of the super debtors we brought a bank to the trial table. and before they could be convicted in the court, their money was taken from them , their property was taken from them by the honorable judges, our prosecutors, judges.
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honored to quds razavi, vice chairman of the assembly of leadership experts, current position, head of the judiciary. the basis of these demands was drawn to the debate programs of 1400. the manager i want to choose has 3 basic conditions. one, being popular, two, being anti-corruption, three, having a revolutionary spirit. that our people can be one of the problems that people say today is the issue of corruption, you see, we have dealt with the corrupt in the judicial system, but dealing with corruption in the government is an important issue of transformation in the banking system and this must be solved, it cannot be done with the power of bank arrears. education comes from there
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there is a problem in the banks, operating banks and even the supervisions done by the central bank. one of the serious problems of the country is the lack of transparency. now, if we implement transparency, many problems will be solved, and in the end, he reached the presidency and became the eighth president. the president of iran, mr. seyed ebrahim raisi, with more than 17 million and 800 thousand votes , finally our strength and unity, no matter how much they try to beat us, we are with us until it collapses. we are with our country, we are with our revolution, we are with the islamic republic system. you are the only country of iran, we are very happy people to start
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the joy of everyone coming to kersey street did not make him forget his previous goals of fighting corruption as his first order. he announced that on the day our government starts working, we will announce that all corrupt platforms and platforms that somehow create rent in the country should be terminated, and his repeated pursuits to deal with bank crooks by clarifying their names continued. we have a series of bad bank debtors, this is a bad account. the result of all this follow-up and insistence in the field of dealing with bad bank accounts was a clause that was included in the budget law for the first time 1401 was approved. the website of the central bank of the islamic republic of iran was hacked and half of
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the banking education in 1401 became transparent. bad accountants or bank debtors. it is one of the things that have been done in this period, these transparency is happening in this period, it is not as appropriate as before . bank super debtors are people who do not give their debts to the banks and they never see themselves as the audience. you can't pay , leave the banks empty-handed, just like you did, well, you got the corrections, come , pay again, fulfill your obligations, that's it. well, in my opinion, in order to clarify and separate two or three of these clauses, the result of the approval of the transparency is that this smile was satisfied. the first debtors, the other debtors, their names are not
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on the phone. let's see the tv frame transparency. those that were created not only in the field of macro education, but also with the follow-ups of our martyred president in the fields of information on the education of related parties of banks, the education paid by banks to their own companies, the education paid to bank employees and the amount of banks' shareholdings. they will continue, sara fazli of sed and sima news agency. mr. wazir, don't be tired, thank you for taking the time . we are in the sky, we are talking to you
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. we were at your service for less than 24 hours during this trip. i don't think you slept for 5 hours. i am not exaggerating. usually, on trips, sometimes i could not sleep for 48 hours or even 54 hours. i mean, i was busy at work, i won't forget , once mr. dr. raisi warned me and said, "sir , you are always traveling, sleep a little more , give me some rest, i saw you checking your briefcase while traveling." what are you talking about with your assistants ? on the plane, it's not a matter of business, whether it's casual or not. usually, when i'm coming back , i do 10 to 12 tasks , but this series is good. fortunately , i don't have more than three jobs . they explain to me what they are talking about with the deputies. besides
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, i have written reports on the latest developments related to the topic of travel, and in return, i have to make a summary of the proposal based on collective wisdom and team consultation. yes, mr. wazir, you are approaching half of your responsibility. how many trips did you count? you actually went abroad because one of our main tasks is the opposite, maybe i can give you a better answer. in the past two years , there have been nearly 400 phone conversations with foreign ministers and their counterparts, but the number of ambassadors is not accurate. since the day you became the minister of foreign affairs, how long have you been among the people? i go to the store. i go to the store with my wife. i carry myself and people express their gratitude, some
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of them thank the efforts of the government, the efforts we are making in the field of foreign policy, some even say that mr. minister is not expensive, and i usually, musical theater, if it is great, i am interested to see that i will be present in these circles , see other circles of communication with people, believe me, when you meet people, we understand their problems, we understand their conditions , how much they appreciate despite the difficulty. and hardships
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make us feel like it's raining. if we come to a conclusion in our negotiations , everything will be great, it will be appreciated , this is not our assessment at all, we are certainly following our duty, but the americans. in the process of negotiations , they show a contradictory behavior sometimes, some foreign ministers bring us messages from the americans about the jcpoa . see, we came to this side in a realistic manner. it is the american side that has not yet reached a clear conclusion, so it is important to improve the economic situation. the country is not completely tied to the jcpoa, maybe its psychological effect is more than the actual effect and its situation, but
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we accept that it is part of the reality and we are following it, but really, people everywhere see a success in foreign policy more than their expectations. they give thanks for that success and present a plaque and a statue of the selected device may the international relations of the islamic republic of iran, the ministry of foreign affairs , accompany mr. dr. amir abdullahian, the honorable minister of foreign affairs, with blessings on muhammad and his family. may god bless muhammad and his family, mr. minister, have you ever been upset by some criticisms, for example for example , if yes, where? no, you see, we are discussing a problem. cyberspace those who work professionally in cyberspace say that
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cyberspace is a place to insult and attack sometimes. they manipulate a subject, a letter, a word that you used in albania the hypocrites start to change faces , to be influenced by your words. the country has been broken. with a manipulation on the facades , the security apparatuses monitor the presence of terrorists from albania , and they inform us, then some of my people publish among them, they involve everyone, but this reality of virtual space is part of the world. today's media should have a plan for it, their souls are happy
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you had a close relationship with haj qasim , where do you remember them or about them today? do you get help you see, haj qasim was truly an exceptional phenomenon. he has left many memories for us in the field of foreign policy. haj qasim was truly a unique diplomat. you see haj ghasem in many places, especially in the area of ​​resistance, where you visit. do you get help from them in the process of negotiations, for example, in the square, when we enter and want to advance diplomacy , there are really haj qaseme, haj qasemen's colleagues, martyrs who defend the shrine, everywhere in the square. when i say about haj qasim, i mean haj qasim and his companions. when i go to the region
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, i remember the saying that you can only see jamila and this is the beauty of haj qasim. there are books on the way that these developments have a message , the world order is changing, the achievements of the islamic republic of iran in the past four decades have been extraordinary, the enemies will not let these achievements be understood by the people, touch them and enjoy them, but on the contrary , they will find a problem, that's all.
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they exaggerate so that people really think that nothing happened . the problem of work goes back to the development of the economy for various reasons. for the economic development of works greatness is being done. there is a bright future ahead. we should express the facts that give hope to people more. let's show it to the people, and this can give more peace to the people, and we all try to give people a great security. good luck in your travels, proud for the honor of the nation and dear country . i also thank you for presenting an attractive work with a new style and you have your own special audience. i wish you the best of these
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, be healthy and happy. i would like to say hello and politely to you tonight about foreign policy we will speak with the presence of mr. dr. jamshidi, the political deputy of the president's office, mr. dr. jamshidi. hello , you are very welcome. good evening. i offer my condolences . thank you for accepting our invitation for tonight's program . greetings, courtesy and respect. i have to tell the honorable people of iran


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