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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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raeesi was very keen to support this community and for them the issues that were raised in the field of the red crescent society in the activism that the red crescent society is one of our international organizations that can be very effective and international interactions are wonderful. there is the hilal ahmad crowd , mr. dr. raisi is always with the crowd , i say that many times, i mean, the relations have always been such that the institutions or finally the groups have to go and say , for example, that you have this help for us. and these in the red crescent population according to the type of work always this support is more from their side, this happens, it was important for them to follow up with the supreme council of the red crescent, well, we
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were actually presenting the report to them. it was very interesting, mrs. dr. rafiq, of course, they helped us because the seventh axis of the activities of the international federation of red cross and red crescent societies is about climate change and reducing the damage and effects caused by climate change . our international hub is the islamic republic of iran in fact, our country, which is affected by climate change , can actually get help from that point of view and reduce the pain and suffering of the people , god willing. you may also serve in this area. legislation and supervision are important in two ways. i want to ensure this, according to the wishes of the martyred president and what he was among his demands
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. the eyes of you and your colleagues will be in the parliament, especially in the field my environment is what i actually reached and it is my heart's belief that this approach of mr. president in the matter of environmental protection and sustainable exploitation of the environment should be continued with strength.
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we had this deep view of them on the issue of the environment, which watershed management was very important to them, in fact, they were following up in the government to get the watershed bill to the parliament as soon as possible, and this detailed view of them on the issue of water crisis management in terms of watershed management means here are some of the things i am sharing as an expert. your service is really valuable for me i would like to say that his view on the issue of watershed management and the management of the water crisis from the point of view of watershed management was really an extremely important point, which has been repeated in his speeches and in the cases that he is bringing up now. we will definitely follow up on this point. that mr. dr. raisi himself was finally following up, and god willing
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, we will try to follow up on this one case, at least one case, of course, his approaches are acceptable approaches, but this one case, because it was not his special case, with the strength of god, our chances are almost at the end. if there is a point at the end please let me know that there is too much space for me to honor the memory of all the noble martyrs, especially the service martyrs, but it is not fair if the name of the martyr is mentioned. dear and honorable people of iran , we don't have many managers who understand environmental diplomacy .
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he can follow the environment of his country to his national interest in the negotiations he is having in the region and even in the world . to maintain their existence, they have a view of time when he became a minister, when we gave him the contents of some cases, without a doubt , he followed up on all these matters in his negotiations, in his discussions, in securing the national interests , and this was not a small task. it was not a small task for him to go through all the cases and challenges that exist and to speak very authoritatively, for example, about the right of copyrights or other rights and environmental issues that go back to the interests of iran, and this understanding and this
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correct image of the country of iran. he can create that we have rights in the field of environment , we have demands and we have words. he didn't act like saying slogans to the world, he really followed through we held a very good conference with the personal efforts of dr. amir abde . protecting the environment and so on. or their other cases, i mean, they even have their messengers for me, they tell me to follow up on this firmly, i will do whatever i can to help, and they really act like a strong support so that we can realize this national interest of iran
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and help. the reality of their presence is full presence it was a blessing that someone was a diplomat, a diplomat, a revolutionary, a member of basiji and reduced the distance between the field and the diplomatic field so much . thank you for the opportunity and time that you have given us, with your invitation in front of my dear and noble people, please pray for me. thank you, dear and respected viewers, for being with us until the end of this conversation. i sincerely thank you, mrs. doctor. somia rafii being the head of the environment faction of the parliament islamic council, please remain a viewer of khabar channel . thank you . i was awake from 4 o'clock when we heard the news until 8 o'clock in the morning. i didn't sleep until
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7:58 . what is over? i have been following mr. raisi since 1995 and i loved him very much , and now the children who have been following the jihadists since 1995 and their astan quds, know him much more , and he was a man who had a framework, the revolution was important to him, and that has not changed in these 45 years. he was a student of the imam's school. and that was too much for me it was valuable and today we lost four of our valuable people, ayatollah hashem, mr.
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raisi , mr. foreign minister, and the governor of darlozeh. . the revolution of the revolution has many people. our people are being trained for the important days of the revolution. no one has been lost. we are mourners. we are honorable people . what was the last image of mr. raisi in your mind? the most promising and valuable image that exists for me has there was a moment when they gave a speech at the united nations and told mahdi that there was hope for mahdi if we accept his governorship and i think that this is because taban
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was such a day and such a pain for us. a building happens. our simple person became like martyr bronsi, the senior commander of the war, martyr bagheri, martyr hemat, martyr zaindin, these are all simple people who stood up and became the senior people of the country. there is no shortage of people to save this country in this revolution . i said that we lost only one noble human being. in the name of allah, the most merciful. dear and respected companions, welcome, especially the program of shaheed gohor, in the continuation of this special program in the studio hosted by dr. zanganeh , we are members of the program and budget commission, mr. dr. greetings and respect again, and condolences at your service. yes, in the name of god , the most merciful, the most
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merciful , i am at your service to your excellency and all the dear people of iran. mr. doctor, before i came to the studio , you were reviewing the various media of the world , you are still welcoming and saying goodbye to this presence of people. with the president and the martyrs of flight 8, they are still on their agenda, they are rebroadcasting this , and they are analyzing it. in your opinion, first of all, tell me what was the reason for the attendance of millions of people and what message does it send to the world? yes, just like you. you said, well, during the past years , many officials from the islamic republic who served in these 40 years have now
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died in different ways, either by god's mercy or martyred, but this presence of people for an executive director is almost the first time in our country to witness well, we were present for imam rahel, for martyr soleimani, some of these gatherings we had millions, but in the case of an executive director who was in the executive position and was the so-called executive helm of the country , this happened for the first time in this dam, the question of his highness is very important , why this presence and this size of the population and the same population that both quantitatively and qualitatively , everyone is sad and heartbroken. what, if we do not identify the cause of this correctly, we may
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go wrong in our subsequent analyzes and i ask you to continue the path of the islamic republic, just as the supreme leader of the revolution also pointed out, in my opinion , the reason for this presence of the people and this gratitude of the people is that sincerity and the spirit of service and slogans and that behavior that mr. raisi had. this behavior and this me means more of this presence of the people's affection for his sincerity, mr. president says, in my opinion, this is exactly what it means, a person that you see, people, finally , when making a revolution , you have an image of the rulers of the islamic republic of iran in your mind, of the dear imam of shahid beheshti of shahid rajaei and has shown that people accept those slogans and that behavior
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even today after 45 years, if a person takes the same behavior and the same knowledge again, people will beat their chests for him and shed tears at his feet. i miss him they show their loyalty and support . we saw an example in shahid rajaei, except shahid rajaei. how long did he rule? was the people who poured into the streets for shahid rajaei at that time for example the government of shahid rajaei , did not a government in that sense form at all, or was it for shahid soleimani that the people poured into the streets and those events took place because of his behavior and slogans. it was a behavior that dear martyr soleimani did not because he wanted to pretend, in fact, this was his natural behavior, he
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threw people into the streets. allah raisi, if we want to analyze, in fact, the people have given their loyalty to a person who worked with sincerity and with the same slogans and with the same authentic revolutionary behavior. now, after 40 years in various occasions, about 3 years as president , i really know the main reason, and mr. doctor , it can be concluded that if people feel that they understand a responsible person who serves honestly , they will accompany him, support him, and appreciate him. i think he proved this fact . let's talk a little more frankly. well, people have been flocking in the last few months, even in the last one or two years.
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having people in different management areas , in the economic areas of livelihood, these are the same people, many of these people who participate in this ceremony, may be dealing with many of these problems these days, because of the presence of these people. we have to be very careful about this, otherwise we will not be able to correct it and make the future better, take the right path, this presence is separate from those issues , problems and... iranian people are so good, understanding and loyal that if we all are responsible for these people let's be ashes, again , i'm saying this from the bottom of my heart, so now i'm
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defining this presence as a duty. from some issues, from some organizations, from some policies, with someone who sincerely and sincerely without wanting anything for himself , he came and worked sincerely for himself and those around him . one of my friends was quoting a lady in mashhad. he said that i saw the lady in mashhad. he said that i am coming from tehran every day. before, i was in the prayer ceremony of hazrat agha, in the funeral, i felt that it didn't stick to me, that is
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, i didn't perform my religion yet. we should start more firmly than before and put the reforms that are meant to improve the people's situation more on the agenda. that is, if people show up today, this point mr. seifi is very minute. if there are millions of people today in tehran, in tabriz, in mashhad, in maraqa, in shahr ray, in birjand, this in the middle of the work, what is our duty? we , the officials, our duty is to remove the surgical blade. if there is a law in the parliament, if there is a policy in the government, if there is a so-called weakness in the executive organs, by the way, now because of this presence, our people are more open.
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let's move faster towards the reform for the benefit of the people. this will be a practical appreciation of the presence of the presence. being a republic that is very interactive and consultative. i mean, in all the meetings that i personally had with him, my meetings were very critical, that is, we served him, which i reached twice in private regarding horizontal policies regarding some issues of the 7th plan are either discussed with the delegation of the honorable chairman of the parliament or they are present in their parliament
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. doing means never having tyranny over their own vote in the eyes of the government, and in many cases, if they diagnose or refer to an expert group, that expert group knew that word correctly, so to speak, really acting. we have several examples that i don't have time to tell now. i even remember that once the chairman of the central bank came to the parliament and they gave statistics about it. discussing the trade balance and these issues i arrived at his service and secretly told him that , sir, the statistics that are being presented have some flaws and these are not the correct statistics. he told me to write this number quickly and give it to me. i went there quickly. it was about a piece of paper. i filled out the back and gave it to them. they put it in their pocket
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. i said, "i 'm going to get in the car now, so to speak. another reference to those statistics and issues that we did not address in the area of ​​the budget in the area of ​​the seventh plan, we had two or three detailed meetings with him. in fact, his interaction with the parliament, i testify that he personally looking for interaction, even if sometimes in the parliament in the government, for example, there were friends who insisted on an opinion, their point of view was that you should sit down and interact with the parliament, and also the friends that we checked during the 7th program for about 6 months, friends. on behalf of him as a representative. they participate in the commissions according to their authority. they say that the emphasis of haj agha is to interact , listen to the opinions of the representatives, and
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they say that if it were not for the many interactions of the martyred president, perhaps many of these laws or projects would not have been successful. operational as there is a need for this interaction in many places, see two or three of my good resolutions. the parliament always wanted a good law, a good executive, because he was a person who in the field of corruption, his anti-corruption, in my opinion , was a special feature of mr. raisi. what did he say? he said that state companies, organizations and institutions do not have the right to have accounts in commercial banks . all accounts must be a single account for that institution, that is in the treasury and in the central bank, of course , there are still a few left. yes, there are still. but determination mr. raisi caused us
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to block 250,000 accounts over the past year. was it great or the discussion of the law to facilitate the issuance of business licenses is a very good law that even in the parliament, i am in the mutation commission because i am my servant, as the top plan of the parliament. islami was introduced, the discussion of the law to facilitate the issuance of permits would not have happened if it was not for the efforts of the dear president himself, he appeared twice in the ministry of economy , specifically to follow up whether this law is being implemented, even the managers who were dissatisfied with the law. they did not act so to speak , they personally ordered that with these managers should be dealt with. mr. doctor , i think for a minute, we should have time to look to the future
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. there is exactly the same problem with permits, so what should the twelfth parliament do? yes, we are done with these two laws . we passed good laws in the 11th parliament and in the 7th plan. god willing, more than 17 they are among the representatives of the 11th parliament in the next parliament. the team is very good and young people have also been added. the representatives of edor also have good experiences. we will definitely follow these rules. here, we promise our dear people that these laws will be remembered. dear both the 11th parliament and the president , we will follow up on some of the repeals of the law on facilitating the issuance of licenses, we also
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fixed in the seventh plan and in the law on financing production and infrastructure, that is, many of those escape routes that friends going to the court of administrative justice and other places, they get judgments about that too alhamdulillah, we have closed it, and god willing, in the area of ​​accounts of the treasury unit, there are also single rulings for him. we brought an assignment in the law of the 7th plan, executive guarantee, yes , the executive guarantee, the executive guarantee, these are blocking the account and dealing with the top managers of that institution and organization , of course, now i really have to thank you . the collections of the nafta company, well, they also have arguments that we are putting forward. we have a minute , it's a shame that you remember our revolutionary foreign minister, our dear governor, mr. malik rahmat, and these ayatollah hashem is not less than a friend. when
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he became the minister, go and see how our relations were with neighboring countries. we had severed our relations with turkmenistan. they sued us for 2 billion dollars. iran had disappeared, even our neighboring countries kept our money . today, we are at your service and we don't have this dear martyr. we not only have good relations with the countries of the region, but all this happened without the presence of martyr soleimani. this is very important. that dear martyr abdullah amir abdullahian without the presence of the martyr soleimani was able to create many successes in the field of diplomacy. thank you very much, mr. dr. zangiri, program and budget commission, but special thanks for your cooperation with khabar network.
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, you are the winner. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you dear viewers and dear and respected patriots , we will change the news at 16 o'clock together with my colleagues. last night's operation of the qassam battalions in killing and capturing a number of zionist soldiers had a wide reflection in the region. osama hamadan, one of the leaders of the hamas movement, said that the unique operation of the qassam fighters in the north of the gaza strip proved the strength and capability of the resistance to continue fighting and confronting the zionist enemy. abu ali al-wola'i, the secretary of the khaldans of sayyid al-shuhadah of iraq.


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