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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm IRST

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the issues that are pursued are followed in the field of foreign policy. well, in order to evaluate the success and efficiency of the foreign policy of your government, you must first check the regional and international situation, whether it is a military situation or a political system. in the situation that you are in, you are actually the ruler in the region and in the world, and secondly, you have challenges , what are these challenges at the regional and international level? mr. raisi's government is naturally facing various challenges he came and
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actually took the helm of the foreign policy department in a situation where we were facing really challenging situations both in the regional debate and at the level of the international system and the international macro political level, and we had many challenges, we had problems in the region. we were out of the war, that is, the war that prevailed in the levant in iraq and in other places with takfiri terrorism and its support. america, the zionist regime and some other countries . these had created a bed of unrest and instabilities, and naturally you had been able to create an alliance with these countries. try to overcome the war situation in the field , in the field area that you actually managed, now you have to settle this , this is next to the international situation, that is, the situation
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in the challenge zone, exiting the war situation, now you have to deal with another situation. you are also facing sanctions, and in fact, mutual action with the international system. well, the severe sanctions that were imposed against iran, and all of these actually required an engineering management of foreign policy, what was it like during mr. raisi's period? well, look at the definition of foreign policy during the cabinet vote of confidence mr. raisi was presented in the parliament, both mr. raisi in the floor of the parliament and foreign minister shahid amir abdullahian in the national security and foreign policy commission did not present a one-dimensional definition of foreign policy, which means that some may suspect that the foreign policy of the government of mr. of course, it cannot be denied that he was an asian-oriented president. kurd means that this aspect prevailed
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, but aspects of other aspects of foreign policy or elsewhere were actually taken into account and not ignored, i.e. foreign policy that emphasized good neighborliness and development of relations with neighboring countries, as well as in the next layers of countries that actually other layers are placed in order to develop relations . how many of you are members of the national security and foreign policy commission? there was a book or actually a booklet of foreign policy or diplomacy of the 13th government was published in the first months of this was reviewed in the commission and in a two-
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way interaction, the foreign minister shahid amir abdullahan held various meetings with the commission and the consultations that and the understanding of the government was clear the assessment that the parliament and the specialized commission focused on the issue of foreign policy of the 13th government, when the government's understanding of the development of bilateral and multilateral relations was clear, it was clear that the government was correctly elected . thus, on the day of the vote of confidence in mr. raisi's government , i asked mr. president on the floor of the parliament about the field of regional foreign policy and that, anyway, i was an expert in this region for a couple of decades, and he said that in a meeting that
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i had a conversation with the supreme leader, mr. agha, to emphasize the creation of mr. president's personal relations with the regional leaders and his neighbors in his speech and in the remarks that he emphasized. relations with neighboring countries, of course, well, this result was clear, that is , when you came to the area of ​​neighboring countries , we had severed relations with some neighboring countries , with some of them, the level of our relations was lower , or we did not have an ambassador, all of these are true. in fact, relations improved with saudi arabia as an important and influential country in the region. and in the islamic world, how do you evaluate this mr. amir abdullahian as a diplomat they have spent almost three decades of their careers and careers in foreign policy
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. being a graduate of this field, whether at the undergraduate level, the faculty of international relations, which was basically established to train diplomats, or at the master's degree and doctorate , is not a diplomat. as an educated and academic personality , he was a university professor in the same field, which means that on the other hand , he is a person who believes in the field and that there should be an alignment between the field and diplomacy. sardar shahid soleimani was completely clear and the point the intelligence of the foreign minister was gone. i really regret this loss. in fact, the great minister of foreign affairs, who i worked with for many years and was his expert , i was the deputy of one of his departments, i saw his diplomatic art and elegance from up close. how
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do you actually engineer negotiations at the negotiation table? give an example in the form of a memory . see, there are many of our memories at the time when the syrian crisis had started, and anyway we were at the height of the regional crisis and the conditions it was very complicated, in addition to the regional delegations and their counterparts regional officials, international officials also come , a person named de mistura, in fact, a special envoy. he was the secretary general of the united nations or united nations in syria. well, he was a character, in fact, a very career and professional diplomat. in the negotiations with mr. amir abdullahian, discussing syria was the persian equivalent of career. what does professional mean
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, a diplomat? in any case, these phrases are sometimes actually used in the literature. mr. demisura, the special envoy of the united nations , i was surprised by the style of the negotiations, while he emphasized the principles and positions of the islamic republic of iran's foreign policy, and in fact , there was no retreat from the positions, and the emphasis was on the positions of our country in the field of regional issues. especially in syria , they observed diplomatic ethics, and this was the reason that in addition to their strength and awe, in fact, the character of the minister of foreign affairs had a
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special morality in him, which was evident not only among his colleagues and domestic leaders, but also among those who the country is with them. sit and ask interaction having this face to face, even now, most of the conversations emphasize the same thing about the ethics of mr. amirabdollahian, and foreign personalities always talk about his ethics, in the circumstances that he was also the arab and african vice president and was in the islamic council. diplomatic delegations and high-ranking delegations that come and know him insist that they must have a meeting with him . with the management of the diplomatic system by mr. amir abdallahian, we saw that it is really a very big and lasting success in multilateralism. you also
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saw that we got membership in shanghai . a nation that provides our interests, eurasia, and also in the bilateral dimension, in fact, the agreement of a 20-year agreement with russia and so on. the cooperation agreement with china is actually 25 years old. these are all successes in this field. if you are asked , what would be the most important action in the field of foreign policy in your opinion as the most important action of the 13th government? the most important step is to undermine the project of normalizing relations between the zionist regime and major islamic countries. you should have seen one or two countries with the arab countries, well anyway, the zionist regime came, and one means you believe
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that mr. dr. amir abdollahian with the policies that he followed succeeded in embarrassing this issue to a great extent. it was about pakistan, malaysia, indonesia, and it was about algeria, and mr. amir abdullayan's emphasis was that these countries should be consulted and encouraged to comply. for example , we discussed pakistan in a meeting they and their emphasis was that we should definitely send a delegation and the former prime minister of pakistan, who also had anti-zionist positions, and why am i saying this now that the zionist regime had normalized with two countries in the region and one country in the horn of africa. if this were to happen, bring this fact to the table of the big islamic countries. it was defeated and turned back with
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the victories that we witnessed in al-aqsa storm and then the following events happened that actually destroyed the myth of the invincibility of the zionist regime and in fact they were great victories and that's it. in addition to this, these are another characteristic of your region. you are in a region full of turmoil and disputes, and you have saudi arabia, and the kind of relationship you have with saudi arabia , the trip that mr. raisi had and the meeting with muhammad bin salman, having the respect that the saudi authorities give to the president and in fact the position of the president in the countries of the region of the world, in china, in russia , you see, it affects the five foreign ministers of the five brics member countries and the capabilities and capabilities of the islamic republic of iran from different aspects. especially economic, commercial and in the transit and requests
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and iran's membership will be confirmed and everything, in fact , now if we want to look at the matter in this way , the monuments and achievements of mr. raisi's government in the field of foreign policy, mr. dr. amir abdullahian, and the correctness that you had from this era are the most important things that should be prioritized in the future plan. the parliament and the future government should be put in place. in your opinion, what are the issues? look , our country is not living in a normal situation and conditions. good governance in both domestic and foreign arenas requires a ruler well, the definition of a good ruler is also characteristic. one of the definitions that exists is that in fact the president and the person who is managing the government
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must have a comprehensive view . in what sense is the comprehensive personality, in the sense that you do not have a party or criminal view, you actually have a national and revolutionary view , so you use all your capacities and if you have all the capacities, well, you have seen. recently , personalities in different political currents, even in the current political current, came in front of the current government and said that mr the president made calls and asked them how they were doing, or used their opinions and advice, or used the criticism and opinions he had. people have come. to be with everyone, in fact , to have come from different intellectual spectrums means that the majority
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of the country's political opinions had been mobilized for mr. president to come and take the helm of the government. in fact , mr. raisi should strictly forbid it not accepting, which means setting the stage for a political current. not to prepare, but to come and you really know how to solve the problems of today's people, in fact , there is no need for which party you belong to, or whether you belong to a party, morality, revolutionism, compassion, caring, all these can be done, and of course mastery of work, and that you must mobilize your internal capacities, both human and financial resources, in order to serve the people . it was the same in the relationship between mr. raisi and the majlis. the
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axis commission had joint meetings, mr. president personally, it is also assembly-oriented. and the governors of the provincial assemblies , the meetings that we had with mr. president and he heard the problems of the province from the representatives, and the provincial trips that he had with the representatives, they actually consulted expediency and in the form of the work they did, the emphasis was on the project. mr. golro, we cannot talk about the field of foreign policy without talking about the resistance. the resistance front during the 13th government and the presidency of the martyred president and mr. amir abdullahian quaid, no one can hide this.
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do you know the most important achievements of the 13th government in this field? mr. raisi's first trip to syria during this decade, when syria was facing challenges and crises, mr. raisi made this trip, and there were trips that were supposed to happen in the past but did not happen, and mr. raisi in that trip to damascus. and, on behalf of the parliament, i had the honor of accompanying this delegation to damascus. at that point in that the trip happened when it was very effective in encouraging and supporting the axis of resistance and stabilizing the position of the islamic republic of iran. you see, when we talk about the field, diplomacy should come and actually complement the field, stabilize the political and security situation , and then economic benefits, in fact
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, establish a stable situation for the two nations. we are traveling. well, mr. raisi emphasized that the honorable minister of roads and urban affairs was appointed as the head of the joint commission of the two countries, and the movements that took place, the agreements that were revived there, the agreements that were signed seven or eight years ago, but these agreements had not been implemented . reviving them in various fields and commercial relations was a big step forward, and what happened in the field of palestine caused the axis of resistance in a situation where, in any case, a kind of splash in the region, due to the existence of terrorism , the axis of resistance was able to emerge with the warm support of the government of mr. raisi, whose vision was to strengthen the flow of resistance, and the active movements of mr. foreign minister shahid amir
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abdullahian, who is resistant to the supreme leader, who described him as a mujahideen and an activist. he really had an active diplomacy. having very high movements in the region having these movements led to actually very effective decision-making that was formed in a convergence in the region and of course the communication with the world actually continued . the president with the presidents and european counterparts with the president of france or with many others. well, this happened, that is , it was not like you focused on the western neighbors , ignore latin america , use the opportunities that were in the united nations. and countries that are aligned and benefit from this approach the foreign policy of the 13th government was
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the foreign policy of the 13th government. i remember that when the 13th government started the work, it was very important to emphasize on the neighboring countries, and in the framework of this approach, we had relations with saudi arabia. you were effective. first of all, in the political and security aspect , it actually ensured stable security in the region. the region gained a sense of calm. politically, you had trips from the high officials of the countries of the region to iran, which you had not visited. now i am also from central asia. and if i say the caucasus, i should also say the countries of the persian gulf from other places, well, anyway, these neighbors. feeling that this neighborhood policy is as serious as it has been in the statements of many of these people and emphasized, along with this way of taking advantage of these
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friendly relations and good neighborliness in the economic and commercial aspect, i met with many of these embassies of the countries of the region in tehran. in the framework of the work of the commission and the foreign relations committee, most of the reports that were given were that the level of trade exchanges, for example , let me give an example to the ambassador of oman, the meeting i had last year, he said that this was almost at the same time as mr. raisi's trip to oman and his saying that level our relations have increased from 20 million 250 million dollars to almost over 1 billion dollars. well, this actually requires work, that is, it requires planning
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. mr. safari's foreign minister put economic diplomacy on the agenda, and maybe the result of these actions was the shanghai economic union , brics, ecowas, west africa and all of this . well, now we want to exploit these achievements, what actions should be taken? be it in the twelfth parliament and in the future government look at the priorities, one of the obstacles to our cooperation is the issue of sanctions, which we
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were able to talk about in the regional area with new definitions that we created in the creation of common banking systems, especially with syria or iraq, or in the form of financial exchanges. i would like to interrupt these memberships , now that sanctions have no place, they are the cause. i said that one of the obstacles in our work was the issue of sanctions, which in the regional sphere, with the measures taken in the 13th government, we were able to overcome these obstacles, even with the african countries that held joint meetings. there were obstacles that were announced, both in terms of transportation and financial exchanges, and other issues that were raised for all of these. in fact, we as the islamic republic of iran
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have actually thought of a solution to this, that our share of this geopolitical situation we are in, and we are actually in the place of the transit line , so how much is our share of this. with russia , the financial exchange is actually based on the national currency of the two countries, and with china, in any case, these were the knots that existed . let's sell it and that's it the paths that you were able to scorn , the sanctions on these were events that were actually religious and revolutionary and the correct view that
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was formed in the 13th government. foreign, in fact, economy-oriented, this should be intertwined, the national interests of the countries of the region in order to create stability . today, the economy is the first word in the world of politics . we have a very significant table. we can completely ignore the issue of sanctions because the country is so big we have the production capacity for upcoming markets in shanghai, brics, eurasia, etc. it means that this is a remarkable monument of the martyred president and dear mr. amir abdullahian. yes , today the world's first economy, brics, is a
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very valuable collection that can be obtained from this collection and some of these countries. it is also interesting that these countries themselves are sanctioned. they are, that is, it is true, the crisis crisis , thank you very much, thank you very much, mr. dr. abbas golro, member of the parliament's national security and foreign policy commission, thank you for your presence and explanations, and we are especially grateful for your association with khabar network.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, i, as the president , in front of the holy quran and in front of the people of iran, to god almighty. i swear
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i swear to be the guardian of the official religion of the islamic republic and the country's constitution. and to support the freedom and dignity of individuals and the rights recognized by the constitution for the nation , and with god's help, follow the prophet
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of islam and the pure imams, peace be upon them , to protect the power that the nation has entrusted to me as a pious and selfless trustee.
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in the evening, dear compatriots, we have arrived at 17:00 and we present the news of this hour the qassam brigades announced that in response to the killing of palestinian civilians in the gaza strip, the occupied city of tel aviv was the target of a missile attack. according to reports, 15 explosions were heard in tel aviv following these attacks. brizban sources reported that several zionists were wounded in herzliya as a result of these attacks. looking for.


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